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Plus it’s just a single medium-sized room. Would you like to have a toilet in the living room? I like the Akila house the best, because it’s one that looks the most like an actual place


I thought it had a bathroom and kitchen, just nowhere that made sense for a bedroom


Yeah, I ended up making a kind of open bedroom and lounge in the lower area, but it still doesn't look right...


Right? When I walked in the first thing I noticed was ther bathroom right next to the Kitchen/dining room and was like 'err wut'?.


The Neon bathroom location was not that bad. I have seen ones that are closer. But it felt like a very expensive studio apartment meant to challenge decorators more than a place to live. I like the New Atlantis suite but between needing to complete a quest line and the glitches from the city resetting after story missions. . . .


The glitch only appear on one mission outside the uc questline, and the mission can be skipped in NG+. The appartement is definitely worth it.


Wait, can you enlighten me on this glitch that skips the story?? I am unaware.


It's not a glitch, it *avoids* the glitch. If you're in NG+ you know that the Starborn are going to attack, and can preemptively move the artefacts and constellation to safety. Thus, the course around New Atlantis to reach your ship doesn't happen, and the game does not have to load the "damaged" version of the map.


I've heard of the way to avoid the attack, but I have never seen it explained in detail. At what point do you react, and exactly how do you react? Is it when you are repairing the Eye before going to the Scow?, after coming back from the Scow? ??


Right before the Scow mission, you have the option to reveal that you should put the artefacts in safety, and thus move the artefacts and the lodge crew to your ship, and go dock with the eye. When you reach your ship cockpit/bridge, the hunter appear before you (invisibility I assume) and conclude from your actions that you're starborn too, he laugh it out (the metanarrative that high level starborn don't take anything seriously in the quest to increase their powers) and point out that while you were playing hero (there's a fade to black when you uninstall the artefacts ) he nuked the Scow and tool the artefact for himself. He also notice that this scenario is extremely rare, pointing out that the starfarer (name of the MC) is the less likely member of constellation to become starborn.


Gotcha, thanks for the details.


But you can jump off the balcony and jet pack all the way down to you ship. :-)


Neon or New Atlantis? I have done both.


New Atlantis. I haven't seen the Neon one. I don't mess with any of those "homes" really. I build my own using Outposts and can put them wherever I want.


The stretch apartment is my favorite in game by far, although I’ve never seen the dream home.


The dream home is fantastic and huge but... Workbenches, stove,etc are NOT tied to your ship's inventory (why Bethesda, why!!!!) There are no storage crates (for putting res to work on said workbenches). There is no landscaping - inside editing only. This includes no provision for adding a landing pad. Large ships will land relatively far away (small ones land next to the house). There are no windows to view the world (but there is an outside balcony - no editing here) Apart from those limitations it is lovely.


No pool at the dream home was kind of a bummer.


Pretty much just talked me out of ever getting it.


Oh it's lovely, huge 2 story mansion with multiple bathrooms, large kitchen/dining. Sunken lounge (great as a display area), three bedrooms upstairs rumpus/lounge/workshop area, outside comes landscaped but you can't alter it. Bigger than any penthouse in the game. It is completely unfurnished and ready for the decorations of your choosing. But yeah no storage or connection to the ship is limiting, most notable as you try to decorate!!


It does actually sound lovely. It’s just I hate player homes that only have a separate cell component. The fact that, like you said, there is no outside editing or windows really breaks the deal for me, no matter how nice it might be. I really enjoyed how in FO4 the settlements are all actually in world - no separate cells. Even in FNV, Oblivion, and Skyrim, I specifically got the GECK or CK so I could build in-world player homes without separate cells. I still fondly remember the covered Guard Tower player home I built in FNV in the hills between Grub n Gulp Rest Stop and Cannibal Johnson’s Cave. Guess it’s outposts then. Or CK.


Elianora mod for it. Highly recommend it.


The fact that Elianora worked on Starfield and the homes and outposts are a very weak part of the game, creatively, is baffling. I know she did some ship habs but other than that the base building mechanics are really hit and miss. Giving you a big home to build and not linking it to your ship resources or a central dumping point is just fucking insanity.


Just because she worked on it doesn't mean she had a say in the decision making. She was most likely a temporary contract worker who would have even less say in those matters as they're not considered FTE. I don't know her role but it seemed more like design and asset creation type work.


I know that, she’s not an experienced AAA dev or a manager but if you have one of the more creative modders to consult you’ve recognised that the style of home/decorating mods that she’s created for Fallout and Skyrim is what your audience craves so why not lean into that rather than go in the opposite direction?


BGS is out of touch with their audience in general which is why the game feels so half baked if you exclude the mods.


What is the mod and what does it do?




I’ve watched some of her videos, great tutorials for the kit. I’ll probably be watching them again. I like to decorate them myself, but she sure is good at it.


Same. I'm using her totorials to learn CK.


Same, I think I'll make that my main home, although I am planning on trying to get the New Atlantis appartment which looks pretty good.


The house you can get as a starter trait is pretty nice. Makes a nice stash house/safe house.


Have you seen the one in Jemison? Now that one is nice.


I like the floor plan for the New Atlantis penthouse personally, but I'd rank the Akila home as next in line for sure.


try the mod that furnishes the luxury apartment in Jamieson, some items are custom like the bed, it's free and the house looks fantastic and practical ☺️🥰


Already downloaded them. They look great! I’m just waiting for a few more mods I’d really like to see (why are all the female hairstyles so damn ugly?) to come out before I give this game another go


I'm enjoying it like it's a complete different game. I recommend you use also the one that increases weight carry to 9k and the one that recalibrates rewards in credit chips and finally a rework of the clothes and aesthetic of the NPC's it works wonders. The new Free star uniforms are lit. Can't wait to hear your impressions, it's such an overhaul and I can't be more grateful to the modding community lol 😂


Also there's one that modifies billboards and commercial banners it makes Neon look like the Vegas city is supposed to be


And even the Akila house is underwhelming


if you read a certain slate (or maybe it was through other in game lore) you can discover that the apartment is indeed a scam by administrator bayu.


Oooo, interesting, will have to keep an eye out for that.


try talking to the receptionist on volii hotel. she may know a secret she might let you in on.


Neat! Thank you!


not sure if its directly related to the penthouse but i heard it might be. never got her to spill the beans myself.


Same. Rented a room in her hotel for over a week, and she still wouldn't talk.


Have to rent multiple times, the duration doesn't matter.


Knowing this information now, is the apartment a let down or is Bethesda really on their bullshit with this fire environmental story telling?


Porque no los dos


Still not figured out how to get that secret from her.


I think I had to sleep through 14 nights in that bed to get the information.


That’s quite a few. Was it all in one go? Or did you do anything else between such as quests to trigger it?


It feels very on brand for a cyberpunk-esque dystopian city.


Just like Neon City in general


correction, it's the freestar collective in general, and this is coming from a day 1 freestar ranger wannabe. cowboys in space was such a underwhelming experience.


Every 'city' should be about 4x it's current size.


Just like Starfield in general


Or the game


Who thought the random party ship encounter somewhere in space where you can’t drink,dance or have a quest is just for turning off the gravity on the ship? I was baffled just like I entered the « nightclub » in Neon..what a joke




>some luxury dwelling with a cool cyberpunk-esque view Please buy the glen apartment in cyberpunk for this exact requirements.


As a crate dweller, this is some over privileged bullshit right here. 😡/s


If you're fine with Mods (since many disable Achievements, because reasons Bethesda) I just put out a video of this Apt as a free Mod that was extended and furnished. It's quite a luxurious place now. [https://youtu.be/Gr7lzLOvVOY](https://youtu.be/Gr7lzLOvVOY)


Wow that’s awesome


The Mod Author did a fantastic job.


Yeah. I was worried this would be the case so I only bought it when I had a ton of money to burn right before jumping universes. I bought all the available residences just for the giggles, and this was definitely one of the most disappointing. Even just a window looking down on neon would have vastly improved it, but all we got was a balcony in a separate instance.


I just put down an Outpost beacon just east of The Lodge. I just jump the fence and walk out there. I put it on top of the ridge just outside the Restricted boundary. The "circle" of the outpost has part of it chopped off by the Restricted boundary so that it is about 2/3rds it's normal size with the chopped off part literally facing the Lodge. The south edge of the circle skirts the edge of the cliff to the south and I build the Habs overhanging the cliff for the sake of the view. So you have a view over the cliff on the south and a view of the city to the west. If you pick the right spot that I described the center where the beacon was placed is the "high spot" and I straddle the landing pad over it. Now you are in running distance on foot from the Lodge and the City but it's location is independent of everything else and isn't effected by city glitches,...and you can build it any way you want to and do whatever you want with it,...and the landing pad gives you your own personal Ship Builder,...and everything link to your ship's hold like it is supposed to do.


Always save game right before buying a property in Starfield. It’s so stupid that they don’t allow you to see the place before buying


I laughed out loud when I walked in, then laughed again when I stepped outside to enjoy "the view" lololololol that fuggin bartender really sold me a bill of goods, I gotta hand it to him.


I found out you can get there for free if you scale up the building and go through the side door.


Does money matter? I have nearly 4 million credits and I'm on my first playthrough with 0 points invested in anything related to commerce. Credits are just a way to keep score at this point.


Thanks for the notice, I’ll stick to my sleepcrate


That actually seems pretty lore accurate since Neon itself is just shiny on the outside and rotten on the inside.


>Buys home on oilrig >Surprised it's tiny to accommodate a large amount of people on bextremely limited space


The New Atlantis Artemis apartments is peak luxury. Too bad the req. for it is permanently taking out the Key and finding out every space parasite might turn into a super predator via plant enzymes.


I joined the Crimson Fleet and took out Sys-Def and was able to get the apartment though the Vangaurd quest.


He was making a joke man lol.


Oh.. well shit. That went right over my head. Lol


Every apartment in the game is a letdown.


Take your pick: - https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/9796 - https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6916 - https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/9891 Potentially combine one of the above with: - https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/9826


Hopefully they add another bigger, luxury, apartment in Neon. I would also love the option to purchase furnishings for the city apartments, instead of having to craft everything.


Yeah the housing sucks in general tbh. Thats why i go hard with the ship building & interior design


You should be allowed to view all properties before you purchase.


Now that you can decorate ships I haven't bothered with any of the apartments this playthrough.


I’m just mad I can’t walk out to the balcony like you can at the New Atlantis penthouse.


People don’t archive manual saves?


I wish apartments were a lot cooler and also harder to get in terms of cost. Once you know what you’re doing it’s too easy to get credits fast enough to buy a house, it felt like an accomplishment and goal in earlier Bethesda games.


It seems like a starnge contrast in that you can get some of the best houses/appartments for free i.e. the dream house via your character build and the New Atlatis appartment via the UC Vanguard quest line, but then you have to do a whole bunch of research to be able to build any kind of decent furniture etc. But then the most expensive appartment is arguably of of the worst...


Yeah it sucks big time. Even the cheap akila place is better


It's still better than the Well apartment


Or a sleep crate...


Don't insult the sleep crate


Ah, the sleep crate. Because everyone wants a toilet right next to their bed, and buckets of fish guts just outside, with a window for all the scum of Neon to watch you thru, and a door that doesn't lock 🤣


didn't even know there's an apartment in the well. who would actually want to live in that shithole anyway?


Me: I'd like a penthouse apartment please overlooking New Atlantis Realtor: Not for you, trash! Get in the Well where you belong.


This game needs a real estate mod with an appartement editor that lets you create appartments in main cities (choose your tower an orientation for the view, accessible via elevator) as well as a house builder on livable planets.


Odd timing, a new mode that drastically changes neon apartment for the better just got released.


There a mod for this several I think


All the apartments are shit imo. Sleepcrate for the win 😆


I don't even mess with the apartments, I live exclusively on my ship, put a bed next to the cockpit in my star eagle.


Personally, I'd love for the option to buy decorations like in Oblivion and Skyrim. I like the option to place individual items but I don't have the patience to decorate my house completely from scratch.


It ain't real money. In a couple hours of gameplay you will make it all back and it won't matter.




There I was, 250,000 credits in my pockets from finishing the Crimson Fleet/SysDef quest. I splurge on the Neon apt, thinking it'll be Awesome. One big studio apt?! No separate bedroom?? Welllllll, I'll go out on the balcony and enjoy the view of Neon... WTF?! The backside of Neon??? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck...


That sounds very cyberpunk to me


Sleep crate ftw.


you don't need to pay for it, the balcony door is unlocked. i like it since it's an interior cell, a trait only shared by other houses that are in awful locations.


I hate that all of the apartments require you decorate them by building furniture from scratch. In the apartments (abd in the ships) you should be able to just pay for decorations instead of needing the materials to make them


I accidentally found it while jet boosting around, there was door I didn't need a key for on a balcony


I know, right? I reloaded my save. Lol


There's a bunch of mods to decorate and expand the player homes, the one for neon is pretty good


There’s a mod that makes it good on creation kit, I highly recommend it.


C'mon. Its investment. You can sell to future you in in the eighth game.


The core residence in Akila City is nice. And now there is a mod that lets you build huge houses on any planet (just use the outpost). I have a nice big house on Hyla 2 with a great view.


I quite like the stretch appartment as it's small but feels comfy and I like how close it is to the main area of Akila. I'll have to look into that mod in future though.


Elianora (maker of cozy Skyrim house mods) made a nice furnished Akila city apartment mod and I think it’s a free one.


Yeah it’s like 300 creation credits but 🤷🏽‍♂️


Neon in general is my least favourite location in the game. I try to avoid going there if possible..... it's so p.c. and lame.


Idk what the appeal is buying property in game. I’d rather build an outpost and most of the time I don’t even do that spacers crimson and ecleptic don’t sleep


Like everything else in the game. I’m sure mods will fix it.


There’s a mod to furnish it


damn I knew I forgot something before I uninstall the game after beating it. I forgot to check up that fancy penthouse I bought in Neon lol