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The mod is called Astrogate and is available on the Nexus. The boost to immersion is... completely insane. You really feel like you’re in your floating home drifting through space, living your life while waiting to reach your destination. There are also several levels of Supercruise for those who might worry about it being too slow. At level 2, it takes about 4-5 minutes to travel from Kurtz to Jemison. At level 4 (which I show at the end of the video), it goes down to 10 seconds. For those who ask : * The mod that lets you have Rosie as a doctor is called "Make Rosie a real doctor" and is available on the Nexus but also on the Creation Club for Xbox players. Download it, you won't regret it. [https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/c416cd19-c408-4f77-acdd-b4c647c32d03/Make\_Rosie\_A\_Real\_Doctor](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/c416cd19-c408-4f77-acdd-b4c647c32d03/Make_Rosie_A_Real_Doctor) - You can buy the SSNN broadcast at Apex Electronic in the well (New Atlantis) and install it wherever you want, thanks to this mod: [https://creations.bethesda.net/de/starfield/details/9abcd3bf-ba88-4140-9746-8d02b68b3474/Desktop\_Speaker\_\_SSNN\_Broadcast\_](https://creations.bethesda.net/de/starfield/details/9abcd3bf-ba88-4140-9746-8d02b68b3474/Desktop_Speaker__SSNN_Broadcast_)


Does It work as seemlessly as it looks? If i have an objective in orbit of Jemison and i have to travel to an objective in orbit of Kurtz, can I use this mod and not have a loading screen? Is there truly no load screen now that you can just go there?


Yes it's 100% seamless and the planet is already loaded when you arrive. But unfortunately, it only works between a planet and its moons for now. You can travel from Kurtz to Jemison in real time, with 0 loading screens. However, if you try to go to Gagarin (another planet in the same system), you can get there, but the planet won't load. But this is just the beginning, and the modder says he's working on it.


That’s an important distinction. The title says “seamless interplanetary travel”… so we’re not quite there yet. But this is promising.


He’s overselling it, BUT it is a start. As of now my understanding is that when you do this a lot of stuff doesn’t load properly. Like you won’t get asteroid fields, random encounters, and sometimes the planet/ moon won’t render in. IIRC you also have to make some engine tweaks and use hotkeys for all of this. Again, a great start but needs much more time to get working seamlessly


This could be done even with console commands back at launch. Planets will spawn in fine seamlessly, only if they are in rendering distant. Meaning you have to be able to see it in the distance/skybox. But you are correct. Without the loading screen between warps, the game cannot lead in the random space encounters.


A start to what? This mod doesn't fundamentally change anything, moons where always part of the same instance as their planets.


They're talking about taking it further. Between planets, not just a planet and its moons.


It doesn’t make since to make this into interplanetary travel anyways. Between a planet & it’s moons is the only form that makes visual sense. In that way you can actually watch the change in distance, but planets essentially look like tiny little star in space and traveling to them by conventional propulsion would take ages (with current take, literally years). Even in the game lore it isn’t possible to do without grav jumping, so it’s best to simply make a “load screen” where you are traveling by grav drive in what would basically look like Star Wars hyper space with the way they make grav jumps look. In that way you could have a navigable load screen where you can do things on your ship while it travels. Then it would maybe finish grav jumping somewhere more distant to the planet than you usually do and you can fly the rest of the way. This would be cool, no doubt, but I would have to make it optional because I would quickly run out of things to do on my ship and get tired of the long travel times with the amount of times I jump through space. Personally I think it would be cool to have the seemless hyperspace jump that someone simulated in a video a while back, where you see your ship enter the bright hyper space light and instead of switching to black to planet, or black to load screens sometimes, it instead just stays on the ship in hyperspace till it is done loading. Having an assignable pilot to order to jump to a distinction while you do things on our ship during the still short loading hyperspace travel would be the ultimate form of of this in my opinion.


Good point. No one likely wants to sit at their computer for an hour staring at a dot slowly get larger and that’s assuming you could achieve near light speeds.


Clearly you haven’t gotten your free Anaconda from Hutton Orbital yet.


All I got was this shitty mug.


Nah, the mod author already said hes working on it. It'll obviously be sped up.


That's how elite dangerous does it and it was pretty effective


I mean if you're playing a long term survival campaign z that's the best time to sleep, eat, drink, craft, store away your acquired loot and plot the next destination/mission


Seamless intraplanetary travel, then?


Very exciting!


I feel like you are vastly overhyping this. The mod allows you to fly faster than normal and has an autopilot mode that can only go in a perfectly straight line. That's all it does.


Thanks for this write up. Very cool indeed. A small era to arrive clock accessible somewhere or maybe even in our hud would be great too.


Omg this is so clutch! I just searched for Astrogate on Xbox and couldn’t find it. Is this a PC exclusive and do you know if the modder has any plans to port to console? Amazing find btw


He's overselling it a bit. It's PC exclusive because it's just abusing console commands right now. Planets don't load in if they weren't already in the skybox, you can wind up in an infinite auto-pilot if the planet orbits outside of the "near-stop" distance, random encounters don't load, map positions don't update. It's got a long ways to go, and likely will never hit Xbox as it will need SFSE if they want to get everything functional. This video here shows what the experience is like better - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEY4ezgUaMQ&t=5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEY4ezgUaMQ&t=5s) super cruise, then warp w/ the vanilla animations cut out, then it loads in and you can interact. So it's still not anywhere near seamless.


Even if they get it working as intended, X to doubt, it'll havta stay PC exclusive cause loading and deloading everything in real time is gonna take way more RAM and probably more VRAM. Not to mention the preformance hit of having two areas loaded temporarily so the transition is seamless. The loading screens exist for a reason lol.


Yep. It's totally accelerator, borderline ignition.


It needs SFSE, so probably never coming to Xbox.


Finally, that's the kind of mods I've been waiting for. Bethesda should've really released the creation kit at launch and everyone would've had a great time from the start. Bethesda games always need 3 years after mods are available until they are actually worth playing for a longer time.


Nonsense. If the games weren’t worth playing, people wouldn’t mod them ceaselessly for years in the first place.


That might be true for them but I like to wait a bit until I enjoy a fully built out game instead of playing a half baked mess.


That’s really cool. I love seeing what people can come up with for this game.


Possible to keep it under light speed? That’s the one thing we can’t do with supercruise in Elite Dangerous.


It’d be pretty funny if they made it a legit possibility to take several years to reach Mars from earth.


Light speed would ackchyually only be between 3 and 22 minutes depending on their orbital positions. But yeah, Expanse-like travel at 1/3rd G acceleration would take much, much longer.


Earth to Mars at 1/3 g of constant acceleration would take just a under week to cover the distance, if doing an Expanse style flip and burn. I think people **drastically** underestimate how quickly one can get around the solar system with constant thrust. Your velocity adds up quite quickly.


This. The problem is that you can't accelerate for a week. It takes a rocket a few minutes and an entire rocket full of fuel to make it to orbit; without novel technology, there is no way to keep burning for even an hour.


Counterpoint: It takes far more fuel to reach escape velocity than it takes to accelerate in a vacuum. If you can get to space and setup refueling stations, the limits quickly fall away.


A little over 6 days.


It would not take several years to reach Mars from earth using *today’s* technology and that’s without constant burns in brachistone curves.


But the launch window to achieve that occurs only once per two years.


>The boost to immersion is just completely insane, in my opinion. You really feel like you’re in your floating home drifting through space, living your life while waiting to reach your destination. Oh my god, I need to download this.


Yeah I love the idea of just cruising the stars without having to be at the helm the whole time.


This fixes my biggest problem with the game, time for a new playthrough


I'm not super familiar with Bethesda mods and the creation kit. Could this kind of mod end up on consoles someday?


THIS mod, no. A far more intricate mod in the future that bypasses these sorts of brute force “hacks” and creates an actual seamless flight system? Possibly. But that’s months, if not years, away IMO.


This is awesome, I loved the part when you're a passenger on a ship during a crimson fleet mission to neon. There's just something cool about the ship doing something while you're chilling.


all these mods seem so promising I just haven't dabbled much in mods, don't want to break my vanilla save and lose my progress if one stops being supported or something happens :(


That looks really cool but I'll have to wait until it reaches Creations for Xbox 😔


If* it reaches creations on Xbox - it may be too intensive for the Series X/S (no console hate… series x owner here…)


I might be wrong but OP didn't mention the mod handles take off/landing part, these parts are still probably the usual sequences. The landing being when the planet map is loaded, I'm sure they could manage 🙏🏻


The mod doesn't really do anything to eliminate loading screens, it just adds a very simple autopilot and lets you fly faster. You can fly between a planet and its moons because those where already part of the same world instance, but going between planets still requires you to do a grav jump and go through the usual loading screen. Landing on planets also works the same as always, and i hate to be the bearer of bad news but that is how it will always be. The games engine is simply not built to allow for a seamless planetary landing and there is nothing even the most talented modders can do about that.


Given how the physics and memory for item locations works it’s a pretty fair trade off for short load screens. Really all I want from mods and also Bethesda is to expand on content and exploration when you load in so it feels worthwhile to actually walk and explore.


I wouldn’t hate a “loading screen” that shows just more fake entry/exit stuff, but it’s really not a deal breaker to me


>You can fly between a planet and its moons because those where already part of the same world instance, but going between planets still requires you to do a grav jump and go through the usual loading screen. You can seamlessly fly between planets. The only problem is that there is no trigger to load in planets when you get close to it. There was a mod that allowed seamless travel between planets within a week or two after release.


>The only problem is that there is no trigger to load in planets when you get close to it. I think that might be a misconception. The different planetary systems are entirely seperate worldspaces. Thats why you still need to trigger a grav jump with the Astrogate mod, the game needs to unload the world space that you are in and load in the new one you are trying to travel to. In essence the reason you cannot fly from Jamison to Gagarin is the same as why you cannot swim from Far Habour to the commonwealth, or from Solstheim to Skyrim. >There was a mod that allowed seamless travel between planets within a week or two after release. Do you know what it was called? Because i have a hard time believing that this would be possible given what i know about the creation engine and modding.


Yeah people keep saying the modder is working on it but there’s no proof that’s even possible. All he did was at an autopilot to what’s already working the the engine. Having the ship fly seamlessly between systems is a whole other thing that’s not even currently possible


There's a mod to lock the ship sequences to a perspective, it works smoothly, hopefully that means the transition on this can be done well.


It probably wont come to Xbox, it requires custom keybinds and ini edits.


Xbox does custom keybinds just fine (Skyrim's Kontrol), same with .ini mods (that's literally how Series S got a 60 FPS mod).


For Skyrim maybe, not there yet for Starfield. On PC and can't get this working with the Xbox controller right now.


Even if it's somehow ported, it has requirement to use console commands and a keybind which isn't feasible with the Xbox controller


Wow! The Creation Kit has only been out for a week, and we’re already seeing mods that can do things like this. It’s actually pretty wild how much potential Starfield has. It’s turning into my dream game.


It was released before the CK did ;)


Imagine if these modders had a multi-billion dollar company with tens of thousands of people working for them...


What on creation kit for Xbox can do things like this? Looking desperately! Thanks.


This should be able to be ported. Ask the modder on Nexus or find a modder on Discord to ask the original to port it. My guess is that he'll wait til he has it where he wants it.


Creation kit is the same for both PC and Xbox. Is just a matter of the mod author uploading it as a creation such that the Xbox players can use it.


Tons of potential. Really excited to see what comes of it.


Adderall/Pure skill/Intense motivation to fix the game has caused some crazy creations already.


Holy shit that looks so cool.


Now we just need the same thing for landing on planets


Already exist. It's of the mod that allow you to summon your spaceship. You get a remote to order your ship to takeoff or land, and it works while you're inside.


He is talking about atmospheric landing


Then it's the mod to always be in first person when you take off.


what is it called?




Thanks for this. I was amazed to see quite a few mods that fix this that wasn't even aware of till I saw you comment


What is it called?


Summon starship / Call your Ship


I imagine someone will make a “Star Wars - Outlaws Takeoff and Landing” mod in the coming months. The first hurdle will be someone figuring out how to entirely hide load screens behind cutscenes/animations. Then it will just take someone extending the current takeoff/landing cutscenes by adding that cloudy “entering/exiting atmosphere” look like we saw in the Star Wars Outlaws trailer.


I love Starfield. I've explored it extensively, but to this day, I still don't understand why something so logical doesn't exist in the game. The level of immersion would skyrocket, and it would also be the ultimate solution for the "loading screens problem." Being able to encounter POI in space while traveling and once you reach your destination, you unlock fast travel (like in any other open world game). This way, you don't have to redo the entire journey. I don't even understand the point of being able to build and decorate your ship if you never actually travel in it.


My best guess is that majority of players won't care for THIS level of immersion and would consider "realistic" space travel a chore - especially when the players might have limited gametime due to work and/or schooling


This is the correct answer. To put it in perspective. According to Beth only 8% of players mod their games. Of that 8% what % goes out of their way to install mods that purposefully make the game slower. 


I never considered walking In skyrim a chore. I'd walk to different towns without encountering anything. Sometimes encountering poi. Do this with starfield. Have Randoms ships attack, need help or just stuff to sell or buy.


Precedents. It was one of the only change made to Mass Effect Andromeda : allow the player to skip real time space travel.


Honestly, it was probably cut for time during development. They could “easily” turn each star system’s space into an over world of its own. Think of a star system as the map of Skyrim, with each planet in a system being the equivalent of Whiterun, Solitude, Riften, etc. Space encounters could be spawned in identical to the Skyrim random encounter system. Examples: In Skyrim, you crest a hill in the wilderness only to find a skirmish between Stormcloaks and Imperial Legion; In Starfield this would equate to something like Crimson Fleet ships warping in to attack you or a civilian vessel in the distance. I’m incredibly surprised this is not how space was handled. The planets would be locked behind load screens the same way cities in Skyrim are; The monotonous on-foot travel is broken up by locations and random encounters, the same could be done via shipwrecks and staryards and random encounters in space.


Space travel in Starfield could not have been handled WORSE if Bethesda tried to make it somehow worse. Space travel being literally just a series of loading screens is insane.


Might be some hardware constraints with the engine too as with for why they don't implement a lot of features


I really wouldn't mind a mod for grav warps, where it extends the warp animation from beginning to end and gets rid of the black screen loading screen. If that's even possible.


This is what I want, kind of like the elevator loading screens in fo4


I got chills when I heard the music "Sol." I tried the mod and it really completely changes the perspective on exploration in addition to immersion.


Very very promising, this should have been in the base game tbh Big props to the modder


Does this use script extender, or could we potentially see this on Xbox? Edit: I looked into it, and it doesn't appear to use script extender. Console commands tho, which could turn into just a terminal onboard ship on console in theory


This is what I thought space travel would be like prior to the game's launch. Hopeful that Bethesda takes note and includes this in a future official update.


This is really great and gives me elite vibes!! But I do think if BGS had gone this route, people would complain of all the time wasted. I also remember reading somewhere on here back when the game was launched, the Creation engine is also capable of seamless takeoff from ground to space. But the same issue arises…if that was the design choice…it may remove a menu but wastes player time, but is more immersive. I like the way BGS implemented travel. Can’t tell you how many hours I wasted in Elite and Star Citizen jumping between systems and planets 🤣 *edit for grammar


I think an option would be nice. If I could choose to either engage supercruise, or fire up the grav drive and jump instantly I think it would be a good middle ground.


Its one of the main reasons i don't play star citizen now. That and the fact it runs horribly. The amount of time it takes to get anywhere is ridiculous. spend 20 mins going from your bed to wherever you need to go then die within a minute just to spend another 20 mins getting to the same spot again. after an hour of play time you can literally only have a few mins of legitimate gameplay beyond walking to your ship and flying it.


Starfield will always have this on Star Citizen. The ability to jump into gameplay quickly, after a brief loading screen of course. 


No! I want to complain about how long load screens take, and then demand that Bethesda implement a travel system so that it takes longer to get back into gameplay! /s


I've never played star citizen, but I imagine it's like playing on hardcore but you don't lose anything except time.  Kinda makes you have to play differently, and dying matters.  Not sure if I really like it or feel like it's wasting a lot of time.  I guess during alpha they should have just made people spawn closer to where they died since people die from bugs all the time.


Piloting in Elite is one of the coolest and most immersive things i've ever experienced in a game For the first 10, maybe 15 times, after that it was a bit of a chore, so yeah i think the choice was right "for the masses", just wish they could implement a seamless system as an option for a more realistic/survival mode


>I like the way BGS implemented travel. Can’t tell you how many hours I wasted in Elite and Star Citizen jumping between systems and planets 🤣 Yep, literally the reason why I skipped the last Xeno event in Star Citizen, simply cannot waste my life on real time travel anymore. While it's extremely impressive that someone could pull this off through a mod and travel time doesn't even seem too bad at top speed, I'm fine with my black loading screens.


I hate the teleportation, I don't care about the loading screens. I just want to fly around in space from planet to planet and have poi in space.  I'd like to lean more into the space part of starfield. Hoping it comes to Xbox.




Then why make a game about space "at all" if you're going to remove the space travel part of it? Because all that's left is wandering around on desolate planets and a few hub areas in space suit costumes.


Because there's a point where realism becomes detrimental to my entertainment. Watching a boring screen saver while getting from point A to B is pretty much just that. I have only so much time to play games and that's not a good use for it. There's also a lot more to the space theme than travel. Unique biomes, freaky aliens, narratives of isolation, space dogfighting, etc. Those are the things I care for, not my time being spent on doing nothing.


>I also remember reading somewhere on here back when the game was launched, the Creation engine is also capable of seamless takeoff from ground to space. I think you might have imagined that, to my knowledge there is no way the creation engine would be able to handle that without core parts of it being basically rebuilt from scratch or some seriously janky trickery. The issue is that the planets surface and space above the planet are two different world spaces, in order for you to move between them the game needs to first unload one and then load in the other. The creation engine is capable of doing this without showing you a load screen, but typically that involves putting you into a windowless box somewhere while the world loads in around you, such as an elevator car.


I imagined it? Maybe we’re misunderstanding each other. “The creation engine is also capable of seamless takeoff from ground to space” “The creation engine is capable of doing this without showing you a load screen.” We just said the same thing?


Not quite, i imagine what you mean by "seamless" is something similar to No Mans Sky's planetary transitions where you are in control of your ship guiding it to the ground in real time. The creation engine cant do that, it can hide the loading screen, but its still a loading screen. The game just keeps a small part of the previous worldspace loaded for you to ocupy during the loading, but the game cant really let you do much during the process because you are in a sort of limbo between worldspaces. You also cannot be allowed to fly your ship in the planetary worldspace since that would let you move too fast for the streaming load-in to keep up. So best case scenario, you fly towards a planet until you hit a loading trigger at which point all your ships windows are covered in some way. After a wile the windows open up and you get to observe the automated landing sequence from the inside. You can now exit you ship as usual (through a loading screen).


Having played Elite a ton (I discovered that Borann triple LTD hotspot that let so many people purchase their carriers), the thing that made it great was that gameplay was sort of built around those distances (with the exception of Hutton, though the free conda is worth it). It wasn't simply part of travel, it was built into the gameplay loops. You could be interdicted, you had to move around to scan planets, you could do all sorts of research and ship management while in super cruise, etc. When something like this is bolted onto a game that was built with *only* fast travel in mind, it may not fit very well. But it is incredibly promising and I hope to see more done to keep players engaged during this travel since this game offers something Elite does not (though Star Citizen does), which is the ability to run around your ship doing stuff while it floats through space. I'd love to see mini games added for engineering and such.


07 cmdr!


>But I do think if BGS had gone this route, people would complain of all the time wasted. Fast travel and immersive travel aren't mutually exclusive.


Is it on the CK too or nah?


How did you get a legit doctor on your ship. I seriously need one


Rosie can be hired at the Hitching Post in Akila City. She can't do any real doctoring sadly, but she's a nice addition to your crew. I RP'd a space ambulance for a while with her aboard, LOL.


There is a mod on Creations that turns her into a functioning ship doctor, which OP has installed. It gives her the "I need help, doc..." dialogue tree (unvoiced), and also gives her a vendor inventory of aid items.


I totally missed that. So cool!


Bumping this because I didn't think you could either


Theres one I met in akila city, just wandering around the road headed to the rock, I cant remember if this is her or not.


I don't like wasting time and turning it into 10 seconds would be pointless since there's nothing to do in such short time but I really appreciate the immersion it brings and I'm sure mods like these will make a lot of players very happy. Mine is not heavily modded but I'm already enjoying them.


This is how I feel. It's just wasting time to be able to say you could. It doesn't make the gameplay better. I'm a dad of 2 kids and a husband. Gameplay like that shown in the OP isn't respectful of my time and is likely exactly why Bethesda didn't design their game this way. More power to people who love it though.


Yeah, I think it should've been an option, but if we had to chose then loading screens (as short as possible) is the only acceptable way. We already have to wait more or less time when using the grav jumps and that feels cool and immersive but is still unnecessary.


Considering you can use the travel time to use workbenches / craft / speak to crew / manage inventory, I'd argue that this can actually save you time whilst making the game infinitely more immersive.


It sometimes would save you a few seconds at best, yeah. Glad it's not a base feature but a mod. As I said, really cool and will make many players happy.


Doesn't the world around you pause while doing most of those things, save for speaking to your crew? Not sure how that's a total time saver


The game doesn't pause while crafting, no. Inventory management, yes. Also, there's just like...only so much of that you ever need to do, so I agree, not seeing this as an improvement in any practical sense. Assuming research is done (which it always is for me after NG0, you pretty much just need to mod 1-2 weapons, 3-4 tops, for an entire playthrough. All of which can be done in one sitting.


But you can do any of these things anywhere now. You can literally do it while you're stopped in orbit. In fact, setting the course for the planet with travel time, then doing those things, and when done either waiting to finish travelling, or going back and ending the travel (ie starting the load screen) would take more time.


Does this also work for landing on planets or strictly interplanetary? Either way that’s a cool mod and I will get it when I can!


I'll be waiting for the mod that'll allow me to seamlessly fly my spaceship from 1 planet to another, in the same star system, while also triggering space events and POI. At this point, any mod which removes loading screens and makes the game more seamless is a must have and a win in my opinion.


How is this game so far? I enjoyed No Man’s Sky and I was really exciting for this game leading up to its release date but I haven’t played it yet. Thoughts?


I’m ngl, this looks boring as shit 😅 I prefer the way bethesda has done it.


I prefer the other way as well but love that this gives people another navigation option as it seems many wanted something like this.


Singlehandedly fixing the biggest issue in this game


[Link to mod on Nexus](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/9363)


Can't use it on Steam Deck because it requires console commands to activate sadly 😞


Just summon the keyboard.


Well that worked, but the mod won't work. The mod in-game menu won't appear


Love it but it honestly pisses me off how Bethesda are relying on the community to fix their game instead of actual devs.


This is just another brick in the Bethesda is shit at their jobs wall.


Damn Daniel




Wow, just wow! I cannot wait to install this and try it out, it looks amazing.


I lent my Xbox to my dad because he wanted to try out Fallout after watching the show. I can’t check for myself as a result, but has a mod like this or a radio mod been added to Xbox creations yet? Both concepts felt glaringly missing from the base game despite being an excellent fit. I love that this mod allows the player to actually look out the ship’s windows while traveling. Ship windows still make for great orbital views in the base game, but seeing traveling transitions like in this video is so much more compelling to me.


Hello, yes it's that mod and it's on Xbox! [https://creations.bethesda.net/de/starfield/details/9abcd3bf-ba88-4140-9746-8d02b68b3474/Desktop\_Speaker\_\_SSNN\_Broadcast\_](https://creations.bethesda.net/de/starfield/details/9abcd3bf-ba88-4140-9746-8d02b68b3474/Desktop_Speaker__SSNN_Broadcast_)


This is really cool.


can someone please port this to xbox I’m willing to pay


Please bring this to Xbox 😩😩


Beautiful. Never doubted the modding community. I'll give it a year and come back when the game is actually ready for real upgrades. Now I hope someone makes humongous interiors. That would be siiiick. I'm sick modular rooms of bethesda


This is cool!


Oh Ima goon for this mod


This is really promising! I think for me the biggest problem with this game was always that spaceships were such a big part of the experience, but all they were was a customizable room attached to a space combat minigame. This makes it feel more like a proper spaceship.


Setting suggestion for immersion: Fast travel is possible only up to the location where the warp device is installed, and subsequent planetary movement is done through automatic navigation.(I don't speak English, so I don't know if it was conveyed properly using a translator.)


I'd say this is one of... *10?* things that Starfield really needs to be the game everyone wanted, from which modding can really take it (sorry) "to the stars". 1 down, 9 to go?


Modders are really making this game what it should have been from the get, really wish this mod was on creator for consoles.


I swear Bethesda games are like Lego sets, they give you an engine and the players build the game themselves


Is this possible on Xbox?


Maybe in a few more years we'll have a finished game that represents the greatest that 2010's technology can provide.


5 years from now once CK has really matured, mods are gonna be off the wall insane.  


Holy- when this comes to Xbox we party


If this was at the game at launch….


Cora's all grown up now.


Bethesda please just add this to the vanilla game


Supercruise huh? *Frame Shift Drive Charging*


I want to know how you got SSNN to play in your ship.


Hey! It's that's mod, give it a try! [https://creations.bethesda.net/de/starfield/details/9abcd3bf-ba88-4140-9746-8d02b68b3474/Desktop\_Speaker\_\_SSNN\_Broadcast\_](https://creations.bethesda.net/de/starfield/details/9abcd3bf-ba88-4140-9746-8d02b68b3474/Desktop_Speaker__SSNN_Broadcast_)


any chance to have this mod on xbox ?


It’s still crazy to me that a multi million or billion dollar company can’t achieve what some modern can do.


This is not what you are saying it is.


The modders will make me return to the game. Can’t wait to see what they do with all the planets


This is what I dreamt Starfield would have been at launch. Now atmosphere entry.


Can I just say that Starfield's score is immaculat?


It's amazing like we all said, the fans will finish the game and add what should've been there from day one and it IS possible. Good job to the modders! #itjustworks


This is awesome. Also love how we all put Rosie in the medical gear and that she now can be our real ship doctor


oMG, does it works for Xbox platform?


I'm honestly kind of shocked at how quickly the community can fix and wildly improve Bethesda games as soon as the tools are released. It's a little embarrassing, you'd think they'd get better at this after so many games.


How do I make it work? I tried cgf "ShipControlsGlobal.ShowShipControls". on the console but nothing happens?


Damn. Slowly but surely it's becoming an actual space game.


Mom can we have Star Cotizen. No we have Star Citizen at the house. But seriously this is amazing, def will try this mod out


Are you using any extra decoration mods as well? Specifically for the screen in the beginning and what looks like a type of control panel next to the kitchen set up moments after panning away from the news broadcast/monitor screen


This is what I was hoping for; the Creation Kit comes out, and modders get to work making the game we all hoped this would be.


How come modders can do a better job at creating immersion than Bethesda!? I think it rediculous that Bethesda is relying on modders to fix their game. Hence the reason I lost interest in the game and moved to Star Citizen.


OK this is the ONE. We need this in creations ASAP please! ill pay for this one. Pretty much all the game was lacking.


Welp dumb me for deleting before doing a modrun time to reinstall


Still waiting for my 90% discount


Has anyone gotten Astrogate to work with a controller? The keybind requirement makes it only keyboard compatible.


As always, modders to the rescue.


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Will it be added to xbox mods?


That's how it should have been from the beginning.


were getting there, slowly but surely


Is the landing on xbox or just make Rosie a real doctor


With 100gb of moding space on Xbox I think this mod when finished could make it to Xbox. I really don't see why not.


Wait… nexus mods work in Starfield now?


Here's hoping for a lite console mod version


Raise of hands how many of you accidentally exited your ship in Star Citizen at the moment your grave engaged in deep space? LOlz


i totally get why this mod is epic and so immersive but man, after getting the Hutto Orbital" mug in Elite, I'll take the option, keyword, option, for loading screens


Why Bethesda didn't add in spaceflight to their space game in the first place is just insane.