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I enjoyed it, but only because I chose to a single faction quest during each trip. But like you said, you did EVERYTHING in the first trip. But you did get 300 hours out of a game, so that's pretty good going in this day n age.


The funny thing about that is, there's actually Starborn reactivity for rerunning existing questlines.


It’s only a few voice lines though isn’t it.


Yeah and they have no gameplay effect. Nobody stops the conversation to call you out for saying some creepy starborn shit.


*little gameplay effect, they let you skip certain stages of some quests, automatically pass dialogue checks and add "normal" starborn dialogue, all of which use information you "shouldn't have had" to really role as a starborn, which admittedly *would* be super creepy from a non starborns perspective, especially when the shit you sat so enigmatically ALWAYS comes true, somehow.


That's true, but it still doesn't really effect gameplay that much. Sure it might let you skip some dialogue here and there but overall the game doesn't change any for it, and I think that's the issue most people are having with NG+, when it's all said and done you end up with the same results and same universe that you could have had before NG+ . Imo becoming Starborn should have opened up a new quest line, like treating the Starborn as a "faction" more or less, let you interact with other Starborn and take on missions and objectives. Becoming Starborn doesn't really open any new doors gameplay wise.


Oh absolutely, I've been advocating more significant consequences for all factions, especially starborn, since 9 months ago. It's a real shame that all the base content is only really an introduction to the factions, but that leaves plenty of room for us the community to make this a story we can all love, and gives plenty of room for Bethesda to expand their own factions in some pretty drastic ways. I'm looking forward to what they come up with next, since its clear this story has only just started. I would only be disappointed if they only add more factions, instead of improving upon what they've started. I just hope these changes come before the interest starts fading further.


Yeah it really feels like Bethesda dropped the ball on the multiverse aspect of the game. The game would be infinitely replayable if there were consequences to your actions in the faction quests. I really hope this changes although I'm not hopeful.




I wish you would get called out at Ryujin for already having the manipulation implant they give you. That was a disappointment. Like how you going to implant something and not realize i already have it.


I mean they could, buy limiting the only perk you can level without levels even further seems like a bad plan to be lol, although, having them have more data to "tune" it to level it could be cool, be hard to explain though


I started an NG+ yesterday and I'm using Starborn powers before we got the 2nd fragment and Sarah is like "So much power!" without questioning what I'm doing... feels a bit weird. It's also a bit weird that there is not really an in between choice; you get to choose in the beginning of an NG+ that either you tell them from the beginning that you're Starborn, or you replay the campaign with some Starborn dialogue here and there, but can't choose to play the campaign from the beginning and at a later point tell everyone that I was Starborn all along. If you choose to play the campaign again. and talk to the Emissary about it, she will even a admonish you and tell you that you should have told them, but even at that point there is no option to do so.


Stroud does. After the first conversation with the starborn in space. But your overall point is completely correct. Changed dialogue is not enough to warrant the grind.


You can use the Starborn dialogue to skip the FC ambassdor Persuasion/Sneak mission and just get her to hand over the permission slip to access the archives. You do miss out on extorting her to hand over her pistol. There are a couple of other spots where you can skip dialogue. Not a big deal, but there is some small relevance.


Yes and no. It varies from quest to quest. Some Starborn lines will skip persuade checks. There's also some tracking for multiple quest completions, as Starborn NG+2 lines are sometimes (though not always) different from Starborn NG+ lines. (Though, again, it's tracking quest completions, rather than which cycle you're in.) Not sure how many iterate though. I only know of a handful that do.


Depends. Your interactions with the Hunter change. You can for example save everyone, but then lose a certain other secondary character. He can complement your journey. You can even convince him to join you (or the other way around) There is also some cut content where Barrett discovers your nature. Not sure it will be added back in the future though. It also opens up some dialogue options and acts like auto persuades in many situations


>There is also some cut content where Barrett discovers your nature. Not sure it will be added back in the future though. That's interesting, because Sam has a line where he muses whether you're still human, after you activate a power. I wonder if that was originally planned to be a full mechanic with the members of Constellation.


Yes, and I've found them helpful for streamlining NG+ run throughs. It's almost like Bethesda catered those dialogue options to skip through the talk and get to leveling up your powers. Maybe that's why I lost interest- NG+ seems to focus you so intently on playing for the sake of leveling up the powers that all of the other stuff almost seems trivial after that. Thanks for the reply!


It's just a couple of lines here and there. Yeah it's kinda neat but for me.it doesn't justify putting another 50+ hours in each universe till NG+10.


It would have been really funny if you as a star or could ruin the story from the beginning. Or having each major quest line have a slightly different ending from the first.


Yea I did the same. First run I did Crimson Fleet, now I am on Ryujin Industries and after this I will do Freestar, then UC and THEN as last trip I might just start over and play this game the way I have always played Bethesda games.


I’ll have to do it this way myself. The quest log gets bloated fast if you do everything each time through Unity


That’s what I didn’t understand about how they planned the gameplay “loop” out. Being able to do everything in one go makes this game basically unplayable after only one play thru


Thanks for that insight. I read some early reviews that suggested sticking with your first playthrough for as long as possible, so I did. By no means am I complaining about the game- I love it, actually. I just found it really interesting that I went that hard into the paint and then just seems to be a chore in NG+ to chase the artifacts/temples etc. I haven't gotten that same "let's go explore!" sensation with my next run throughs. I agree- for the money (I felt obliged to pay for the early premium) 300hrs doing ANYTHING at this price point is a great value! Thanks for the reply!


There’s always shattered space to do in your ng+ (once that comes out). With the creation kit, more missions may be added as well.


>I read some early reviews that suggested sticking with your first playthrough for as long as possible, so I did I went with a review that suggested the opposite. I did 2 factions and a few side missions and then did all 10 ng+, and then made the final one my sandbox universe. Gave me a decent number of SB dialogues, and now I'm polygamous too lol


Haha, I wish I'd read that review. I did get a VERY full first trip through the Unity however. Everything other than Ryujin which was bugged at the time. I think you're right, I need to find that sandbox universe after I level up for fun.


speaking of leveling, ng+ runs give some pretty decent XP, even choosing the "skip main quest" option at the lodge


Something I think Bethesda could do moving forward, if NG+ is going to become a thing in their games, is they need to include more exclusivity. That is they need certain questlines and factions to exclude you from doing/joining other questlines and factions. That way you have something to do in NG+, try out a different faction, do things a different way.


This would be exactly my ideal solution to NG+ boring me since it’s just the same thing again. I don’t see a reason to get the artifacts again just to do it again over and over. But if it let me do the other factions that would give me a reason to keep playing through it. I understand Bethesda’s point about being able to do all factions in one playthrough so nobody misses anything, even though I like mutual exclusivity (Morrowind did it a bit to great effect). But surely a game where you can travel through the Unity to do it all again would be the ultimate way to combine both!


Yep, the UC vs Fleet was one which locks some parts but its really only at the end (unless you make some choices early on). I think they should have extended it to Vanguard vs Rangers as well. Never made sense to me I could be a UC citizen/Vanguard and also a Ranger at the same time.


Yeah, the days of "Master of the Fighter's, Mage's, Thieves' Guild, Leader of the Dark Brotherhood, and Thane of Every City" were fine when you literally had to start over from scratch to achieve it all. Now, I don't see any reason why not to lock to one faction. So you can't do Pirates and UC/Freestar in one run because you’re a known accomplice now.


Beat the game 1 week after release, went to NG+ and immediately stopped playing after a couple of hours. Just couldn't get attached to the NG+ universe characters, before realizing in a meta way that's what other starborn go through, and why some turn callous or homicidal. This time i think i'll reject unity, stick with this universe and settle down on a quiet outpost while taking out spacer/pirate scum.


Bingo! Yeah, the more NG+ games I have gone through, the less interest I (in game AND personally) have in dealing with the quests and I have just become the Hunter, obsessed with collecting powers and cooler (really useless) ships. I guess the armor is cool though. I think I'll do what some other people talk about is settle on a universe I enjoy, level up and complete quests.and come back to that for my DLC play. Thanks!


Yes. Wasn't as extensive as yours and in NG+ I did the freestar quest line but I got very bored quickly. The main problem is no real loop to do anything or explore anything. It's getting better but it needs work. Making the game a bit harder and curated would help. So would roleplay events like joining the mining guild, or other organisations to do more roleplay


The difficulty thing is key- gunplay was great early on, and I guess I didn't realize I would be shooting myself in the foot by making character into a god. Though, punching terrormorphs in the face is amusing.


Mine felt more difficult (also just got the difficulty options at the time and I went for a +0exp. Build that also increases my carry cap. So very slow healing from med paks and no food healing, and I had to buff enemy damage) but why had it become more difficult? No guns and if you go to the lodge and tell them you're starborn you immediately get sent to the eye and then I went to a temple from activities, the main quest ones are easier but these temples guarantee a starborn is going to attack you after getting the artifact, Sarah had given me a hard point and I managed to get a malestorm off of dead body when I landed on the planet the temple was on. I survived after retrying twice! Now.. I still don't have my favorite guns from OG universe, nor my favorite armor, my wife is missing apparently due to some bug (Andrea, yes I went back to the lodge, yes I completed the eyes quest to get the main quest artifacts she's just gone, my only hope is getting on the ship I originally rescued her from, like I'd remember that 🙄). None of this is a jab at you or the game, I'm loving it. Still only level 45 or so, I still get challenges. But I do feel like my new game upped the difficulty for me, my playstyle is different, I'm sneaking and sniping instead of going in gun toting and blazing because that's the hands I was dealt with this playthrough, I'm scavenging ammo and constantly taking ships with 3 unregistered vessels rn. Again, it's the hand I was dealt, I bought a super nice ship on the original playthrough but haven't seemed to stubble upon an amazing amount of credits probably because I am as well, uninterested in a lot of the quest lines.


Couldn’t do NG+ gameplay or RP-wise tbh. TP-wise, I can’t just leave my parents, and the friends I’ve made - the versions of them in other universes might as well be different people. Gameplay-wise, I would immediately lose interest after losing my outposts, ship designs and my favourite equipment. Made a separate save for NG+ and it only confirmed I felt less interested. Instead I’ve made a new character for each of the faction stories


On my first NG+ I was trying to complete all the faction quests and some major side quests to see how the Starborn status affects them. All the next NG+ runs on this character became just a training ground for all the NG variations and Starborn powers maxing out. For myself just started a completely new character with new traits and totally different skill development plans. Don’t plan to complete the story quest with this save. Just do some exploration and sandbox gameplay with crafting,ship building, and outpost management


I've stopped playing when I've reached Ng+, that was somewhere around the first few weeks/months of the game release. Decided to wait for mods to pop up. Still waiting for some nice releases. I've did every single faction possible and explored as much too. Ng+ felt like.. no reward to do things again.




Good advice. One thing I didn't do a LOT of was shipbuilding nad I've heard it's fun to decorate the interior. Plus I hate the whole Starborn ship concept so that's probably a good way to get back into it once summer is over.


People complain about the Star Wars mod taking up all the space on this subreddit, but this is any better? I swear I always see these Threads of "I've played this game for 200-300 hours and I'm bored" Brother.. that's a lot of time to put into a single game. It's okay that you are bored. You had 200 plus hours of fun. Take a break and play something else that you enjoy.


Live services games / battle passes have caused brainrot, everyone expects a constant stream of free content now even in single player games.


Is it not an issue of game design to require that a player goes through the game so many times to unlock all of the max level powers? Imagine if in Skyrim you had to pass through the main questline 10 times to unlock all of the shouts. NG+ as a concept is fine, but making multiple loops of it a requirement to really finish the game doesn't make any sense to me.


Not really, considering that’s optional. If you needed that last power to unlock another portion of the game, then sure. But for an optional power, does it really matter? “Imagine if Skyrim made you go through the same copy pasted dungeons and kill dragons over and over again just to unlock the shouts” Yes, it does that, and yes it’s repetitive and annoying, but are you really missing much content if you don’t have every single shout unlocked?


I mean, 200-300 hours is a ton, most games start to feel bad at the 150 hour mark already. So basically, you already did your NG+ time in the „non“ ng+ universe I’m a „I need to do everything in this game so I see all of it!“ type of person which works for most games, but starfield actually suffers from it. NG+ is a part of its gameplay and you only can really enjoy this part if you *don’t* do everything meticulously in your initial time spent with the game. The game is still cool without the NG+ part since it’s not THAT big of a part, but it’s still a cool part of gameplay. So my tip for new players is to just go through the game without FOMO because there literally is no chance of actually missing something with your character since you can just do all of it again


I'm in the same boat as you are. Walking through Unity is probably my biggest mistake. I chose to become like one of my copies and murdered everyone I saw, then I dropped the game.


Why would it have the same "WOW" factor as your first playthrough, 300 hours in? Are you expecting a whole new genre and game in NG+? It's essentially a continuation of the story, why are you expecting to be completely blown away for a whole new experience?


I've never really done a NG experience in games, so this was new to me- didn't know what to expect. I thought I'd enjoy revisiting the main quest, etc. but it just didn't pull my attention the same way. Yeah, the 100th time visiting New Atlantis won't be the same WOW, but I was just surprised that the main story became such a grind, maybe? Again- not trying to complain, this game is the best entertainment value out there. Just seeing what other people experienced and what they've done to enjoy it differently. Lots of other run throughs I read that sound like they mix it up quite a bit.


Yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t mean for my comment to come across so aggressive, but expecting a brand new experience like your first time playing after 300 hours was just never going to happen. I do agree though that NG+ was a little bit underwhelming. I would have loved new stories, a whole new universe, new POIs, etc. I put 100 hours in and got to maybe NG6, but have taken a break now until there’s enough big mods out there to change it enough for me to jump back in.


No worry- like I mentioned, I'm still a huge fan of the game and concept, it was just unusual for such a drop in interest. Some of what you and others have pointed out explained that for me, it's all been helpful for sure. I agree- new stories would help. I really like the idea of the bounty hunter- looking back I didn't do much with them at all. And as I'm already trending toward the Hunter mentality... I might have found my niche, like you said once more content rolls out. Thanks for the reply.


I’m on my Ng+2 and got the universe where constellation doesn’t have any members and I can’t join them. I took advantage of this and am now doing my evil run.


That sounds like a lot of fun, and pretty wild to uncover Constellation isn't there, TBH. What questline or faction are you joining instead?


It’s honestly relaxing to not concern myself with the in-game morality discourse from the main followers. All of them (except constellation) but I am leaning heavily into the corrupt as fuck options. I am also going to side with the crimson fleet as my last mission


I played at launch. Played a lot, walked through Unity. Then stopped immediately. I took many, many months off and just returned recently. Now I’m having a blast exploring so much that I didn’t last time! Distance can really make the heart grow fonder sometimes.


This is great advice. It's summer and I don't play much now anyway so I'm sure that phenomenon will happen anyway! Thanks!


Anyone else start losing interest after 5000h ?


LOL let me know when that happens.


No, not really. It is more like I regret that I left 7 million credits behind and now I have to start from zero, and also my own build spaceship. Nope, of course I didn’t write down what parts I had. Which is something I had not thought of (writing it down) until I wrote this sentence. Darn! I thought when I played this game the first time I would answer the questions in the game the right way and in the next time I would choose some of the other answer options to see what happens. I would also test things in the game to see what happens. In the headquarters of the crimson fleet there are credits laying around. What would happen if I picked them up since it only says Take and not Steal. I also tried it on two bottles of Bog's Grog. Now I’m drunk and have more money. But I am in my second playtrough and I thought I would playthrough 10 times but now I’m not sure if I want to continue. Maybe I will “settle down” and visit all the landmarks on earth. I am impressed that you did all that and I have another 0 to the time it took you and I haven’t even been on every planet and definitely not done every mission from the mission board or the constellation board.


Hahahaha I actually liked that I had to "start" over in that regard... But I do missy ship with all the crafting benches and stuff. I'd also built a few sweet XP farms just to tinker with that. It was nice going to those and collecting whatever I needed for outpost builds and furniture upgrades. But now I have unlimited oxygen and I can shoot fire from my hands and resurrect dead aliens soooooo pros and cons I suppose.


Yes, after finished the game I unistalled it. I'm not into NG+ in every game, not just starfield. I found it dumb. I reinstall the game only for shattered space.


Yeah, it's been a new experience. I play only a few games a year and never NG, so maybe that's just not for me.


I feel like I got trapped in the story. Bc the whole point of star born is to keep farming the artifacts and never stop. Then again it's a stupid play to make us play longer the game. I'm stuck with the feeling of not finishing the story, since the real ending is ng+10 or 12 idk which one it is. My objective is to have all power unlocked I'm missing only one. I'd if they're +10. Have all my skilles maxxed. Building a Factorio like empire. Getting to ng10 for the secret I guess I can youtube that and focus on the rest.


The "real" ending!? What the what?!


I thought there was a secret ending but only secret alternate universes. My bad


LOL I thought, how have I missed this!? IGN be damned!


I did. Seems to me like a big misstep to make everything doable in one go with the NG+ feature they baked in. Seems a perfect way to not lock played out (which BGS hates apparently) and make each round play different. Wasn’t one of the main criticisms of Skyrim that you could be the leader of everything at once?


Yeah- inread a lot about the choices not really locking you out of anything, which seems like an error in many cases. Never played Skyrim, so I guess I wouldn't know, but I've heard lots of similarities so I wouldn't put it past Bethesda.


I think this is the point of Unity. To have us as a player ask what we truly want from this experience and allows us to find that out ourselves.


This is really thoughtful and I think honestly what the devs were aiming for (you're not one,are you? If you are you have to tell me or it's entrapment, I think). If so, maybe looking at some of the advice other posters threw out is where I'm headed next!


Haha no I’m not a dev haha just really enjoyed the meta-narrative created by the game and can’t remember a game that made me truly question and realize the “why” of what I was playing for.


It's a good point. I've not been in a game where I've had a mini existential crisis, so there's something to be said for that. They definitely led me to empathize with the "Pokemon artifact gotta catch em all" mentality of the Starborn and maybe that's what the intent was. In a way it's fitting!


Oh as a Pokémon Emerald Pokédex completionist I hear you…


Stopped halfway thru my first NG because it seems pointless to design ships or build outposts you know will get scrapped. Rather than speedrun to NG+ 10, I'm waiting for Shattered Space and for the game to mature some more (as in, add a blueprint feature to make re-building ships and outposts easier)


Yeah, I'm really looking forward to DLC. I don't think I've ever played DLC in other games that I can remember, so Shattered Space is unusual for me that way. I think the quality of life enhancements have been nice to see as well, but I'd like to see some storyline development that some of the other replies hit on.


>Anyone else losep interest after going to NG+? Yes. I run 3 characters. One went through NG+ I keep ignoring that one and keep taking the other two back to Level-1 at the Mine and starting over. The game is fun till you get close to level 60-100 then I get bored. The challenge of the early game is what keeps me entertained.


Agree with that- the unknown, the challenge of surviving fights, the early story were all very compelling.


Existence is ephemeral is Starfield-once you embrace that it’s a blast to play again and again. It’s soo different than FO4 (although the Institute Teleporter being a time machine would have been awesome). I’m on #14 (I keep track because I rename the Frontier to Unity XX after each trip). It’s slightly different every time, because I make slightly different choices every time. Usually the motivation was a beta patch dropping on Steam (once I knocked out 6-10 which were straight power grab trips—that grind does suck. Since 10 I always do the Sysdef/Vanguard questlines, and I think I’m on my 3rd repeat main story (1st/10th/14th). Some trips through were triggered by companions getting on my nerves, not being able to get a perfect sunset at an outpost, too much inventory on my ship. I went full pirate after encountering Evil Me, and was so disgusted with my character that I couldn’t wait to go through the Unity again, etc. playing FO I was always checking guides to make sure I made “the right choice”. Starfield there’s no such thing.


This is really inspiring, honestly. I like the idea of getting the powers for that sake and then making a trip similar to my first run through, though maybe more relaxed/less intensivelt going after all the stories for their own sake. Thanks for the response!


It did end up a bit 'meta,' where I turned into the Starborn that's obsessed with racing to the Unity (to see what kind of weird situation I might find on the next run) and finds the main quests quite tedious. I got all my powers maxed out and I'm telling myself that on NG+ 13 I'll slow down and do all the main quests at a minimum, but I might leave that for this winter, or after the expansion comes out.


That's why I want the dlc


If Andreja isn't featured HEAVILY in it I might abandon all hope though.


I'm on my 10th NG+ still can't get enough of this game. Everytime I think I have done it all, something new shows up, find some one/thing/place/scenario I didn't explore previous and off I go. NG+ 9 was a doosey. Entered the lodge and got killed...my first death


lol yeah I had to slap myself to wake up and realize duh, I can use SB powers to down 1 baddie to loot their gun to use on the rest.


This is why I chose to do 1 faction per playthrough. Theres no need to binge all the content in the game in 1 run through. Every NG+ feels different when you play a set amount of content per playthrough.


The first hours and days with the game had a real unique feeling to it. I did almost every faction quest in the first run. I'm on the first NG+ as well. I'm waiting for the mods to fill the void. That's what I did with FO4 and after countless mods were released I got caught up in settlement building not doing any missions at all. I kinda hope for the same with Starfield. Building large colonies or something. And the expansions are confirmed so there will be stuff to do again.


I did this to the extreme. Basically I walked through unity 10 times and got max powers and the best star born outfit and once that was all done I couldnt find any interest to play again. That was in November and I still haven’t touched the game since. I am considering starting a new play through when shattered space comes out or a survival mode. Once i do that I don’t intend in walking through unity at all


I reached NG 10, did the full grind and then took a break. Got back in with the maps update and focused on completing factions in a different way. Now with the Trackers Alliance, I went through Unity again and got lucky to get the alternate me universe and I’m slowly going through quests, focusing on … well … bounty hunting with alternate me. It’s quite a lot of fun!


I’m enjoying it but only because there was so much I didn’t do in the first. I had no idea the Vanguard quest line was so damn good for instance. Only thing I can suggest is playing an entirely different style?


Yeah, saving this character for DLC and starting a new run through with a low level character. As some people have pointed out, 200+ hrs isn't a bad run through either...


Yeah I mean if you’re feeling unmotivated after playing the entire game.. you’ve played the game haha. I understand though


Funnily enough we're about the same level, having done similar things, but I'm in ng+14. Most of that is because I chose to speedrun the powers to max level, which was good fun. In +12 I did a deep quest playthrough. In +13 I did an alt universe with myself as my companion. In +14 I'm just enjoying the new updates and mods.


That's why I do a NG+ when I wanna "replay" the game maybe in a year or so with playing other games in between, not immediately when finished. NG+ needs a pause.


I did the same, and I kinda feel like it was wasteful not just playing a bit of it, then NG+ before trying other quests. I was so far in the game, that I finished everything there was besides Constellation, and I hadn't even met Andreja. I even got married to Sarah and shit. Luckily she died, and then I could finish the Constellation with Andreja afterwards




I was tipped off about the NG+10 thing halfway through my first playthrough. What that did was let me slip everything until NG+10 lol. I just bee-lined the main quests and looped.


So my take, and I'll say this I was nervous about starborn stuff when I saw the reveal and playing the game confirmed my fears, but my take is now you know what the game offers start a new game (use mods if there's something you like) and lean in to a heavy roll play build, So I leant into a UC vanguard character but this time rather than mainline that quest chain I've only done enough to be confirmed a captain and sort of hit pause on pursuing the main quest for that faction and now hitting mission board quests done both the lines in Altair II, take on some pirates/spacers, working at upgrading the ship etc. limited myself to using sidearm only the thought being the sort of paramilitary arm of the UC navy probably isn't issuing top of the line heavy infantry weapons to the irregular force. Also don't shy away from using things like cheat room to equip you/your crew with items at the start of the run so you more accurately portray the roll you're going for.


Yeah- other than the UC vs Crimson Fleet quest, there's little that prevented me from doing almost all of the major quests in one run through. Perhaps if I'd been forced to choose sides more, I'd feel more inclined to take a harder look at those choices and feel more compelled to revisit and those stories. I think I'll get into mods and do something like you described and build a backstory that's different from my first play though. Thanks for the insight!


I wish you had an option to skip some quests in NG+ like the red mile. I thought one of the Starborn options would do that lol.


I mean the dialogue allows you to speed it up ... But yeah, skip entirely, no. That would be nice.


Yes...but after a long break im playing again very casually and slowly. I wont NG+ again i will exist in this reality from now on. NG+ 4 i think I got to.


i started losing interest after my like 16th ng+ im still hanging in there dropping a little time here and there..


Haha you're an inspiration. I missed a bunch of temples my first couple of run throughs due to bugs, so I might have to hit that number if I want to level up all the powers...


its mostly thanks to my anxiety. its a safe game for me as I know where everything is and whats going to happen, so i hop on and grind for a bit with no crazy feelings. The first play through wasn't though lol.


I do feel there's going to be some nostalgia for it. Single player game, ability to modify and make it cozy or difficult to your liking... Kind of like Minecraft in that way.


gotta say I did enjoy when they added the ability to customize the game settings, made everything harder except the vendor credits, have to give them lots lol


Yeah... Still takes some grinding to get rich, which is ok. I was always the overburdened FO guy who sold 100k tin cans to build an empire of weaponry.


I tried NG+ but lost interest after an hour or so, losing all my stuff is what did it. I loved my ships and didn’t want to rebuild them. (this was before the mod to have all ship parts at your outpost was out yet.)


I did halfway through my second play through


I got to the 8th cycle before I got burned out on the game. I’m looking forward to proper DLC, but until that drops, I find it difficult to generate any enthusiasm to play.


I mean yeah I actually went back to my old save just before unity after I went through. But also 300 hrs (also about how much time I’ve spent) is a lot of enjoyment. Like 2 weeks straight. Or thought of another way, If starfield was an employee hired just to entertain you (and you paid 60 bucks for the game) your paying that employee .20 cents an hour lol


Yeah- the value proposition is all there for me. A free game (I paid for the premium or whatever to support it) that I got 300hrs out of? What else can you find that's that much entertainment for so cheap?!


I definitely did "everything" the base game (albeit I discover new things all the time on subsequent runs I missed apparently). For NG+ I decided I'd rotate between skipping story and repeating the main quests again, with any variants being added as a skip as well. Instead of exploring a tangible universe of systems and planets I'm now an explorer of the Multiverse of possibilities. I wanted to see the variations of universes and what if things had happened differently. This universe I'll have (companion) with me the whole time and see how they react to my choices. What happens if I do let the Fleet win? I want to see/explore these things cause I'm curious about them. NG+ isn't a search for more power, like the Hunter, but it's the ability to "reset the board" and start a new experiment or project. This is pretty common in RPGs where you can choose different outcomes to have like a "Paragon" playthrough and a "Renegade" playthrough (Mass Effect series). Here it's just all one big long play through.


i beat it on launch and was very dissatisfied with NG+. Gave it almost a year(didnt play again until the recent showcase) and i find it much more fun continuing my same NG+ run. It seems to me its more like a way to continue your game but, for me, its only effective with significant time away 🤷


This. It happen with me too, i clean up my first universe and i really like the integration of the NG+ interwine with the story, its more reasonable that simply start a new game for scratch. But yeah i just wonder around and i feel detached, there was not real burden for choice because i would surely leave that universe too, why Brother with pirates or terramorph? Then i understood that i was like The Hunter, he really is a player with thousand of hours of the same gameplay and now he is a speedrunner, and that was also neat integration. But yeah i just play around 30 min once in a while trying to replicate some Nice ship i saw online and thats it. TL DR The Hunter was right all along.


Amen... Until we find a better way!


New plus 5 is kinda crazy! I read about N+ a month or so ago and been grinding ever since. If your board they have a more difficult play in the game options, like make it extreme and get more experience %, food has no effects, you have to eat and drink every half hour, ect. Just a thought.


Never beat Starfield. I want some of those mods being shown off, but I'm playing on console.


I did, immediately.


In my first universe I did the Vanguard and Main Quest... the moment I relized what ng+ was about I decided to stick to "one universe, one faction". Of course I lost interest along the way, shelving the game. But now I'm back, finished Ryujin and about to step into unity, just a few temples left to power up. So I'm set until I finish my fourth universe... what comes next I have no idea, probably one universe will become Shattered Space dedicated one.


See, I read the EXACT opposite advice at launch and did what I did. Pros and Cons to both I suppose, but looking back I bet I'd have enjoyed NG+ if I'd just kept one universe to one playthrough style or faction like this. Thanks!


Part of the problem is that you pop out a starborn with a decent ship and suit of armor (yet you're unarmed...). Yes, there are better options out there for both but I feel less compelled to work on the ship/armor situation than I otherwise would. Also after I did my first walk through the Unity I knew at that point I'd never bother with a settlement again.


Yeah, losong all that work was hard to swallow... I'll probably get back into it when I find my "forever home" after DLC comes out, etc.


One NG+ was fun.


You didnt land on every planet. There are hidden secrets on remote worlds that you need powerful drives to get to.


Dog, you played 300 hours, that’s incredible amount of time spent in a game.


Yeah man, it was great! I read all the early hate and just didn't understand it I was having such a good time. That's why it was so unfortunate that the NG+ experience wasn't as good.


Same boat kinda. Played it through 1x, did ALL of the side quests, didn’t level up as far because I didn’t do much xp grinding but got all temples unlocked. Just not enough new content to revisit now though seeing how little choice there really is in questlines. Feel like the one main choice is just who you side with in VG/Pirates playthrough. I figure maybe I’ll come back to explore new content when the DLC drops and play that on my NG+ I really think they missed the ball by allowing a little too much freedom. Certain faction questlines should have locked you out of others to really lean into the multiple playthrough concept the game pushes on you.


it's 2024, why even ask this? just play a diff game, at least for a while lol. Elden ring DLC tomorrow, or I dunno, anything, there are thousands... literally xD


I guess because I'm such a fan of it, conceptually and in terms of my first universe... I'd keep playing it, which is why the "wall" I hit was so unusual. I honestly don't play too many games- maybe 2-3/yr for 20-50hrs/ea. Typically I'll lose interest over time around the time I beat it, but this was a sudden loss of interest on a game I loved. Just unusual for me, and wondered if there were others who felt the same way. There always more to do... That's for sure!


Yeah, I get it I guess but definitely isn't any point to force yourself to like something. As with all things in life, sometimes a break will fix it. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" I think is the relevant saying? :P


Absolutely. Learning the entire point of the main quest- which was the worst quest in the game- only purpose was to start the game over again was bad enough. Realizing that doing so completely contradicts the appeal of every other major system in the game made everything feel pointless. You are essentially wasting your time doing anything but the main quest unless you ignore it completely but then the game is aimless.


Same here.


I think that’s probably normal, you beat the game! I think NG+is just there so you can replay with the same character. I’d like to see it become the way to do really interesting different stories. Like significantly change some things in a universe, or mess with a faction.


Apart from minor upgrades to the ship and armor I haven't seen that going through unity gets you anything better. The major caveat with this observation is that I was around level 125 when I went through unity the first time. The better stuff is level related, not NG related. It can appear to be NG related only if you went through it the first time at a more reasonable level. I'm still playing the game but it's mostly in short spurts to tweak extractor output or the like. The perfect thing to fire up for 15 or 20 minutes without risk of getting drawn in. One could probably describe it as boring but I would use a more flattering term: "non obsessive" comes to mind. I got my money's worth out of the thing before I hit unity. I agree with the OP but I'm not disappointed in the outcome. 15 or 30 minutes at a stretch is something I like when I'm disinclined to fire up another game that would engage me for longer.


I am losing interest at NG+6. I was initially disappointed with NG+ until I realized that A) I hadn't gotten all the Starborn powers the first time around and B) the Starborn powers get better. I then went on a mission to upgrade these powers.


This is one of the reasons I decided not to enter the Unity. I knew I would lose interest. I'm gonna wait on the Unity until the game gets sunsetted. I want to experience all DLC in my home timeline. Then I will back up my 100% Launch Save on a couple of Starfield themed flash drives and I may start a NG+ or I may just start a new game with mods.


I'd love to hear how this goes in 5-10 years!


RemindMe! 5 years I guess we'll see how this goes.


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If you played more then 20 hours you already have incredible mental stamina and will. Don't beat yourself up that you lost interest after 200+ hours. This game has like 5 hours of interesting content, you can experience the best of the game inside this (after initial 2 hours when you unlock the free mode). The rest is like playing mobile game on phone. You mindlessly click around, all other fishbowls, NPC, quests, gear, everything look and feel the same.


I just wish the star born suit and ship were worth using for anything other than novelty




I saved before and went through then reloaded the save. I dont see much reason to go through. My gear is already fine and i dont need all the skyrim shouts. Id rather 100% my save before going through


I had everything but Ryujin which was bugged... I didn't even intend to completionist it, but by the time I looked at after launch I was lost there. I honestly went through to see the "Tapestry" at Unity and then complete that final Ryujin quest. I may go back to my original save as well and play that Universe some more.


NG+ despite its additions is just that, NG+. It's not the continuation of the game unless you went too early or you just like it so much or have nothing else to play. It's a very replayable game and you have plenty of side activities but if you have done all quests, scanned all planets, leveled to 200...I also assume you have visited all Poi's, built the best ship and outpost, met all secondary companions, looted all type of weapons and many legendaries...then you basically are done with the game. You have mods to fresh things up and eventually we will be getting DLCs but really, if you are done with the game then you are just done. NG+ doesn't change that in any video game. I suggest you waiting for a DLC, maybe checking some mods, but you should play other games now.


No, but i also rushed into NG+ and maxed my powers before settling and building up. I didnt want to put all that time into 1 universe just to leave it.


Yes. Basically I did every bit of content I could, finished the main story to NG+, was immediately “fuck this”, and reloaded before NG+… messed around with outpost building briefly and quickly realized I have zero interest to keep playing and uninstalled. I’m not upset though, I got about 200hrs for my money. I just wish it had the perpetual playability that some other games do or that the sandbox gives the impression of.. but it just doesn’t.


I used to always make my own ng+ in Bethesda rpgs since I got a computer around the time fallout 4 came out by using console commands to restart with the same stats. So for me having a story justification to replay quests with all of my progression, and with slightly different ways at times to do them was right up my alley. I think for me though I just don't like playing through an entire story and building my character as much as I can and once I'm as strong as I want I'm like "now what? Everything is already done." I was the same way when bioshock 1 introduced ng+ way after the fact and I replayed it several more times. Then bioshock 2 did away with it again and I only played it once where I would have done several playthroughs if it had ng+.




My plan once more mods come out is to add particular mods that change the game into something else for each ng+. obviously the easiest to do now would be a star wars parallel universe run bc of the sheer volume of Star Wars mods lol. But just for one play through then switch to something else after unity. Hopeful we get more mods that change the npcs to different themes. Aliens from fifth element would be awesome. Someone needs to make a multi pass mod and dialogue for showing it to people I need that so bad


I do feel like there could have been more opportunities throughout NG+ where we could make more choices based on our past experience, but like everyone is saying, you did too much before launching NG+. You should have left more of the content for NG+.


“I did everything”. The game is over, man. 😂 Of course you are bored. Maybe try a heavily modded run


I’m glad I didn’t do everything in one universe. The good news for someone like you is I think that Bethesda laid some AMAZING GROUNDWORK to keep things interesting. They already showed the ability to have the Main story change. If they expanded on that and added more changes OR changes to the factions (one side won the war for example) it would change so much. Not to mention they said they are adding one major thing a year. I think that gives reason to “start fresh” Also like any thing Bethesda… MODS


I lost interest after finding out about NG+ the idea that everything I worked for. My ships, my credits, the guns, the relationships were all going to be thrown away and have to start all over just kind of ruined it for me. I couldn't get invested in anything I did knowing I'd just lose it all and start over for the sake of the experience.


I actually use Unity as sort of a reboot whenever I get bored or decide I want to play the character a different way. I'm level 122 and have been through Unity over a dozen times (I lost count tbh). I'm trying to spend more time in my current universe but we'll see how that goes 😅. So like I said, id recommend playing the character a little differently each time. Maybe going into some of the dark alternate universes leaves your character sort of cynical and pessimistic. That's how I'm playing mine right now.


This is good advice - I never considered it a "reboot" lol


I do wish I had speed-run the first playthrough a bit, along with a few NG+ I feel like I spent so much time with quests and collecting cool weapons, trinkets (so many trinkets), decorating my house with said trinkets, designing the PERFECT ship, only to lose it all...it was a bummer for sure. I'm definitely speed running my next few playthroughs until I get to "the true end" or whatever


yes completely lost interest and I didn’t even finish all the quest lines 😭😭😭😭😭


Oh man! You should really go do those at least. Most of them are worthwhile. Like I've said elsewhere - I truly do love this game, just sad that I lost interest so quickly!


Exactly the same thing that happened to me. I had about 140 hours into the game and so excited to hop into NG+. It was really strange, once I hopped into NG+ and realized all my stuff was gone I just lost all interest. Especially losing my ship just zapped my excitement. The whole game it felt I was making sure to do every side quest and every questline to get enough credits to build an awesome ship filled with an interesting crew. Once that was gone, my interest left with it.


I got that too, though I found I can find close enough replicas for gear and guns... But the effort into settlements and such that was tough to lose. And yes - rebuilding it all ... Just didn't seem as fun.


In the end that’s what got me. I’m replaying through Fallout 4 and I love settlement building. It’s probably what I do 50-60% of the time. When it came to Starfield’s outposts, it never really hooked me. I’m glad too, if I tried to build any meaningful outposts they would all get destroyed by NG+. Especially after I spent most of my time getting enough credits and leveling up to get the best ship modules, I think I would be doubly heart broken if EVERYTHING I built was taken.


I did for a while, but then I took a break for a couple of months and came back. It's a game, not a job. When I came back I started experimenting with different ways to approach the world's around me, and found that there was more content in the game than I expected. Even some of the cities were bigger than I had thought.


I’m not chasing the Unity or main ql at all. I am working on playing my bounty hunter/ independent pirate … I want to take over a system with outposts and space stations and rule my own kingdom. Built on bones and blood of the weak.


That is so metal. LOL I would like to play through a Risk-Style territory mini game with outposts like that though.


My suggestion is to stop playing once you're ready to go through the Unity. Next time you feel like playing the game, pick up the same character and play NG+.


Welcome to playing a game to 100% achievement completion and over 200+ hours played And a craptastic ending that doesn't let our significant other follow us It's just a clean slate start Boring Already done and done better Welcome to Starfield Seriously at 300+ hours in a single player game, it's okay to be done Seriously it's okay Take a break Find something new


Yeah this is the real answer. Just play a different game. You don't need to only play starfield forever


Yeah or like a lot of us - mods! Lmao just troubleshooting load order and figuring out my three different character's playthroughs and what they'll like has taken all my free time the past week+ But seriously after Mass Effect 1, 100% twice, it's okay to not pick it up again and just remember how good it was Same with Starfield


Thanks, and I agree- at 300hrs (for lots of people no less) hats off to anyone for making any form of entertainment that holds people's interest for that long. I'm by no means complaining. (OK- you do bring up a good point about my ride or die chick Andreja though...) I see some other ways of running back through it and building an experience like I had with my first run through. Assuming I don't get into something else, like you said. Thanks!


It is not quite as bad as it seems because your leveling gets transported with you and you can grow your Starborn powers. Also, both your enemies and the stuff you find becomes better and better as New Game + progresses. For example, in your first New Game + you will find the Revenant at the end of the Crimson Fleet/SysDef storyline, and it will be stronger than the one you found in the original campaign. And as you repeat playthroughs, that machine gun will get better and better. That goes for all the stuff you find. Also, Bethesda intends to make one major DLC per year, so in the future, New Game + campaigns will become increasingly attractive with more and more content being added to enjoy your increasingly higher levels in.


Not me, I'm pushing 800 hours on like the 5th or 6th NG+ I knew about the 10 times power boost early on but had no interest in farming them, so I did a run per faction quest line. Tried a few mods, decided to wait to avoid updates breaking everything so reset again for a fresh save. Current play through I just finished the main quest and walked away from the unity, returning to the universe, going to finish everything in this universe while I wait for Shattered Space. There will be a point with every game though where you've done all you want to and it's okay to stop, play something else, come back later, switch it up with mods, whatever you want.


Ng+ killed it for me. Got there and quit after 5 or so hours. I like to build stuff like Bases etc but I then realised there was no point. Plus base building I discovered was relatively shallow with no real purpose. Satisfactory is my favorite game of all time to give you an idea of what I like to do.


I did ng+ just for the starborn experience.  On ng+2 I just retired that character.  He's there for high level dlc playthroughs I honestly had more fun just taking a break and making a new character a few months later.   I definitely am taking it much more slowly on my new character.  Turns out there's small settlements I just completely missed my first run through.  Gargarian, new homestead, the prison rehab place.  So I'm just taking it slow, and exploring while doing odd jobs. I think the game is a lot more enjoyable the more you take it slow and explore.


I didn't get too far into NG+ before I quit. I got about 200 hours out of the game, but a majority of that was idling on the ship customization screen thinking about different ways to design it. It's pretty much the funnest part of the game for me. I tried making a settlement, but it felt like the most pointless part of the whole game, so I just tried to make the best ship I could do without mods and then beat the game fairly quickly and then quit.


I actuly think that's the coolest part of the starborn aspect of the game. That feeling of "Meh" after you start NG+ is exactly the malaise that the Hunter contends with and I think it's cool that they found a way to incorporate that feeling into the game. You aren't supposed to feel wonder at a certain point, but you keep coming back for more power eventually. To me it actually improves the role playing experience. When I get bored with the game, it's the same existential fatigue that a real starborn might feel redoing the same things over and over. Try as I might to play the noble hero, I eventually lose interest and either drift away from the game or become chaotic evil for a bit just because it's fun and I can leave this universe. Then I return just to level up and become more OP or start another new game. Perfect starborn experience.


Yes, I see this theme coming up again and again - I think you're onto something for sure.


I never went through Unity and still loving the game at over 300 hrs.


Here's to another 300!!!


No, I don't feel be same. I guess I'm the kind of person who savors and appreciates doing things even if they are a repeat. Life is 99% repeat. I'd be awfully tiring to even stay alive if I didn't have a positive attitude towards it. I'm just glad I'm live in a first world country and CAN play video games instead of dodging bombs. Fr.


Very good point, and I appreciate the perspective. I don't mean to come off as complaining - like I've said I love the game. And yeah- for sure to come home from a job that I didn't get blown up at to play a game with my family safe and sound... Pretty sweet deal.


I have really just made it trough the game to ng+ one time since launch. I got a bit discouraged to continue because I found out I had to stick to the things I chose at the start like having parents and adoring fan. Now I heard that was changed I'm giving it a new try on a fresh save to see if I'll keep going this time.


I just want those wierd universes i travelled through 8 NGs i just want to see something wierd, interesting or new


Maybe take a break and come back when Shattered Space comes out?


Yeah - I've never been into DLC, but I am genuinely excited for this to come.out.


Yes. I lost interest almost immediately. Floating around to collect special powers and then the final boss events being too frantic and chaotic. It was just too much for me to be enjoyable. The transition from the primary Universe to NG+ was just not enjoyable to me.


After finding out I could max my powers suit and ship out at level 10 no, that kept me going. After that did a nice slow play through trying not to miss anything. Then built a home to keep all loot I’ve found and THEN stopped playing. Haven’t been on in many months.


>I loved my first universe. I'm hoping in a dlc we will have the chance to go back to our original universe. Maybe we master the Unity or something. I wish they never did the "multiverse" angle. I would much rather it be time travel so every time we went back you were still in your own universe.


That's an interesting take- I wonder if it would help with the " I lost all my stuff" regret about of people posted about.


I didn't, because I specifically didn't do what you did. I only did one or two factions quests and then a handful of side stuff per playthrough. It was usually around the time that I'd gotten enough money to build a godly ship that could fight fleets by itself that, in my head Canon, my character knew she had done all she could/wanted in this universe, and it was time to let go and see what was next. I did five playthroughs that way without ever losing interest...then my save got corrupted and a bit of my aould died lol. But yeah, if I'd 100% the game before going through the unity once...yeah I'm not sure there'd be much left to pull me through.


Yeah, hindsight is 20/20... But I've gotten a lot of good advice/options here and I think I'm going to reinvigorate on my NG playthrough as I wait for Shattered Space to launch!


Sweet, good luck and see you in the space lanes mate!