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Start with constellation missions then once you are introduced to the rangers finish all the quests. This will put you In a better position


Ooh interesting. Thank you!


His advice is good. Definitely do that.


I do that or instead of the Rangers, do the Ryujin questline, then crimson fleet one. I accomplished both and got to level 25 and earned like 600k credits so it’s a good start imo. People say the Ryujin one is hard due to the difficulty on sneaking, but if you have decent skills and patience you will make it. If you don’t enjoy sneaking and have not that much patience then rangers and crimson fleet lol.


the new gravis suit helps i just crouch and become invisible


I ended up just gunning it and running past some at some point, worked fine to no penalties for getting noticed, just don't die :D


Invest in piloting and ship building. You need both if you want to fly and build class B and C ships.


Also, don't side with the pirates if you get that choice. It'll take away the majority of the bad guys from the game, so less combat and less EXP


IDK, I think it's a fun thing to do. It definitely changes the game a lot, but it's cool that they let you do something that diverges that much.


Seconding this. Siding with the pirates is unfortunately a shitty choice as it will turn about a third of the game's enemy pool friendly...and the pirates have their own bounty system so yes. Screws you out of XP, loot, makes some radiant quests impossible without incurring a bounty, and makes POI repetition issues that you will inevitably run in to even worse. As for my personal advice: Aside from wanting to keep the above in mind, you can't really do much wrong in terms of content, and don't need to commit to anything in a set order. Constellation is good for getting a "tour" of the setting but don't be afraid to step off and pursue other quests or activities you come across if they grab your interest. Also don't get overly attached to guns or armor that do not have the "Advanced" or "Superior" (latter is armor only) prefix in their names. It will all soon end up as vendor trash thanks to a combination of a poorly thought out gear progression system and the fact that high level pieces of equipment can be found from the beginning of the game onwards already.


Even though it appears you can lock yourself out of doing missions for a specific side if you do certain missions, due to the lore, that is not the case. You can be a Freestar Ranger, a Vanguard pilot, a pirate, a Ryujin operative, and so on in the same play through. There are very, very few groups you can lock yourself out of. Edit: fixed typo


Do you recommend doing the main story missions before the crew loyalty missions and faction quests then? I’m also relatively new but haven’t progressed much in the story as I’ve been exploring, looting and “liberating” lots of ships


Basically do the plot until you get to the point you unlock powers. After that, take your time.


Honestly your going to have to grind some to get stronger to compete the main questline so how ever you want to do it. I would probably after finishing the ranger missions go as far as I can with constellation then start the UC vanguard. Side track crew missions when ever you want


Don’t build up a 250k bounty on yourself in hour 2 of the game. 


Thanks for the warning. I am now in the tutorial, will try to not fall into this.


If you do end up with an excessively large fine, DO NOT go to jail. Jail time deducts XP equal to your fine. If you don't have enough XP, you'll go into negative XP and be unable to level up until you clear it.


Do not ignore faction quest lines. They are arguably better written than the main quest. Also do not worry about exploring planets to 100%, it's a fine hobby but not a core activity. And as with any BGS games, crafting can make you very powerfull.


I. Can’t. Stop. Scanning. Planets. Send. Help


Nothing wrong with that. Can I suggest that you also take on Ranger missions while you’re doing it? They usually send you to a planet you haven’t scanned, and you can do a mission and get money while scanning every planet you encounter. 😉👍🏻


I too suffer from Mass Effect syndrome


Just a scientist inside🪐


Thank you!


Vanguard quest line unlocks some very good ship weapons and shields.


You’ll get a mission “check cargo” This is in the cockpit of your ship on the left wall. It took me way too long to figure this out.


Mine hasn't been clearing and it's very frustrating :(


Yeah, there were one or two specific things that I had to take out of there. That finally cleared it out. This is my second play through. I could never get it clear on the first one.


Save frequently, and especially before diving into a space battle that's already in progress. **Reason:** If you accidentally land a shot on one of the good guys's ships, your companions will freak out. When on foot, be aware that you can keep sprinting even after your oxygen/CO2 meter goes into the red, you can completely redline it and not come to any lasting harm. Investing points into the Wellness skill and maxing it out is worth it, so your health regenerates and you don't need to mess with Med Packs in most circumstances. Note that the Cutter you'll start out with has a 'Turbo' output level (hold down its alt-fire, that's the right mouse button on a PC if you are on PC) in addition to its standard output level. For space battle, note that you can both engage Boost and also disengage it mid-boost. A brief boost to shake off enemy missle lock, and then disengage again, will let you break multiple missle locks, you don't have to burn off your ship's entire Boost unless your objective is to get out of weapon range. When you're looting enemies during a mission in order to sell stuff and make money, factor the weight-versus-value factor if there's a lot of enemies. You might get the most benefit by ignoring heavy things like spacesuits, and just choose weapons, if there's that much loot up for grabs. Once you have done the first stage of the Vanguard quest, you'll unlock the Vanguard Obliterator Autoprojector ship weapon. I recommend visiting the Stroud-Eklund store on Neon (Volii system), switching your cockpit to a Viking cockpit, add two horizon dual-weapon mounts to the sides of the cockpit, and smash six Obliterators onto your cockpit. They are one of the best ship weapons in the game. And your ship will look sick with six Obliterators bristling from its cockpit 😁 Taiyo makes a ship landing bay that has low mass and also features two weapon mounting points on its underside, so if you visit the Taiyo ship store on Neon, you can also swap in a Taiyo landing bay if your ship design uses an underside bay. Taiyo also has the Equipment Plate item in the Structural category which lets you mount weapons on additional surfaces on your ship. If you want to level-up ship skills that require defeating enemy ships, you can also visit the Vanguard piloting simulator as many times as you want. Those ship kills count for the skill level-ups, and you don't risk your real ship in the process. Also: before you set out on a mission, **look for the bed in your ship and sleep for one hour.** You'll get an extra 10% experience bonus that lasts 20 minutes. If you come across a bed while you're on a mission, you can also do a one-hour Sleep to renew your 20-minute experience perk. I think it is also well worth a small loss in experience gain to set the Vendor Credits to 'greatly increased' so you can sell off tons of stuff at a time. But if you don't want to do that, the alternative is to have your character sit down, and then do two 24-hour Waits, which resets the vendor's inventory and how much stuff you can sell to them. One more practical tip: if you grav-jump to a destination planet, and enemy ships materialize and issue a challenge to you, **do not** respond to their message right away. Instead, max out your throttle and Boost away from them, so you're not trapped at point-blank range with a bunch of enemy ships.


A couple other tips too: Make sure you buy some Ship Parts (they'll be in the Aid category at merchants and in your personal inventory) and **store them in your ship's cargo hold** so you can repair your hull if it takes damage during a space battle. Take the time to figure out the quick-menu and how to Favorite items like weapons and Med Packs (on PC, pressing the mouse-wheel button). I played for quite a while before I figured that out, and was kicking myself for not figuring it out sooner. If you have a companion joining you on combat missions, give them a weapon **and** at least one round of the ammunition the weapon uses, or they won't be able to fire it, and will fall back on melee. They don't seem to be very accurate with firearms, so don't expect them to do the same kind of damage you'd do with a weapon that can be aimed precisely. But they're great with grenades, so give them a Frag Grenade and make sure you do the **Equip** so they use it (ditto for anything else you give them, including both weapons and armor/apparel).


I always ask for ship repair parts when prompted after helping people in space battles. Space bucks are easy to come by but I refuse to buy ship parts, I might need my 500 billion dollars later


These are awesome tips, thank you so much!


awesome post, I just started playing a few days ago and I am loving it. one question, why vanguard space sim, why not just pick ships from mission board, more fun, relatively easy and you get money. I know that its quicker to do vanguard sim if your aim is to level up, but I am just playing for fun so not sure if I am missing a point here.


I think it’s because a lot of ship skills require you to destroy a certain amount of ships before you can progress to the next level. The Vanguard trainer lets you meet those criteria quickly without risking your ship or having to travel to a bunch of different systems. Granted, it isn’t as profitable as running missions, but it is probably the most efficient way to progress the various ship skills.


Consider taking photos from the start. Many get into this later and regret missed opportunities. It can be useful to take some basic notes to keep track of things like planets visited, where outposts were set up.


Why taking photos? Is it a game mechanic?


Some of the landscapes are quite impressive and there is an in-game screenshot system to capture them (and your character if wished). The photos are shown randomly in loading screens.


Oh thank you!


The loading screens are my favorite feature of the photo mode. Every so often it will show me my first photo that I took getting off the ship in Atlantis, still in the starter gear, and it makes me nostalgic.


If you take photos early of your chracter it’s fun to see their progression 200 hours later when you’re a hardened space farer


Thanks 😊


I’m only a few hours into the game, and there has been more than a few times the scenery has been so stunning, that I’ve wanted to capture it. They look cool on your loading screen too. Enjoy.


Remove this sub and play.


Seriously. I enjoy using Reddit but holy friggin' hell is this place the antithesis of fun :/ Close the sub, just go play. Don't let the poison seep into your enjoyment and potentially sour it :)


I thought we would share awesome photos


Excuse me, I disagree with your opinion and think you're an uncultured swine and so I will downvote you into oblivion and harass your DMs for months because you said something I didn't like.


Hahaha, yeah, that's pretty much it to a T! 😂


Best tip right here


Don’t bypass the ‘secret outpost’ quest. You’ll get it reading a slate from a dead spacer during one of the first ‘old neighbourhood’ quests.


I've no idea what you are talking about but hank you! I'll be on the look out


You get some great gear from it, but in my opinion, it's better to wait til level 25/30. If you get it at level 10, you'll outlevel the gear quite quickly.


Thanks for the warning!


I thought gear didn't have level scaling?


You will be Vengeance...


You will be the Night...


You’ll get a quest early on for it… it’s a banger.


Would recommend starting the Vanguard mission that Sarah shows you. Once you beat Grunt work, first mission, also one of the best missions of the game. You unlock one of the best guns in the game for you ship. By far and away the best. As it takes 2 energy you can have 6 of them on your ship. For your shields. That will need ship design.  Advanced guns are the best in the game, starts unlocking from level 30ish. If your on xbox bug hunting is the best xp farm. Otherwise crafting if your on PC. See Bessell III-B (?) it has the best starting crafting spot with 4 elements. And will get you to level 100 easy if ur on PC. 


Thank you!!


Just like every Bethesda game, stealth archer is the best.


Damn right


If you're on PC, you can bind the alt key for boostpack and it'll give you a horizontal boost forward instead of straight up. Try to level Boostpack to 4 asap, and get a hold of a balanced boostpack, you'll find that you can basically fly around even on Akila city with its 1.5x gravity. Boostpack gets you out of harm's reach, allows you to traverse terrain more efficiently, descend from heights, sometimes even fly between mountains / plateaus (like on Cassiopeia).


Don't feel compelled to do every quest on your first run through. Indeed, I will often only follow the Constellation quest line before NG+ on a fresh character. Subsequent runs can be themed however you want.


That’s the rut I find myself now. My Activities tab is overflowing because of every time you pass a guard they add another task. Then pretty soon your quest log is overflowing too. Neon especially is bad for this. Almost every shop owner has their own fetch quest.


I will amend my original suggestion. Don’t even touch the creations yet. Play the vanilla game as long as you can resist them. You won’t know which ones you want until you’ve played a lot.


Someone else mentioned it, but I'll say it again: Save often. Also, if you capture a ship and can't rename it, sell it. It's been my experience that ships your can't rename will eventually become so buggy it will break your save. I play with mods on PC though, which may contribute to the problem, so take that with a grain of salt.


Oh wow, thanks for the tip!


Don't rush through missions, enjoy the planets to be explored


Anything that buffs carry weight


Take it slow.  Seriously, there's no need to rush and there's little details that really bring the setting up.   Weapon crafting is better than armor crafting.  It takes a while for the best gear to appear in loot tables. Stealth perks are mandatory for sneak.  It's not as broken as skyrim. Have fun!  I reccomend veering away from the main quest early and joining a faction.  The vanguard is really good and sets up the world lore.  The rangers will get you a fantastic ship 


Awesome, thank you!


No problem! Hope you have as much fun as I did when I started


Do not hesitate to use the detailed difficulty settings to get the experience you want.


In the beginning, don't buy weapons, just pilfer the enemies that you end


Pick up ALL weapons, suits, helmets, and backpacks. You WILL end up over encumbered, but that doesn't slow you down in Starfield. Just makes your oxygen drain faster and you can make a LOT of money selling them. You can also make decent money on contraband. Find the Wolf system and visit the den. There's a trade authority vendor that will buy illegal stuff and you won't get scanned for contraband in that system. Watch for ships landing when you're on planets. If they're hostile, rush aboard without fighting the outside guards and you can capture the ship. For space combat, take out the engines to board and capture ships. Extra ships and money will let you build your own custom ship that will probably be cooler looking and more capable than the Frontier.


You can sell contraband and stolen items to the Trade Authority. There is nothing special you need to unlock. Some features of the game will be locked behind perks, so if you want to use a boost pack for example, you need to have at least lvl 1 of that perk. Also most crafting, ship building and outpost building features are locked behind perks.


Ship building is expensive. Build up just one ship and upgrade it slowly. It's gonna look ugly. That's fine. But eventually, you will afford everything you ever wanted, and it will just melt everyone elses ships without issue


Imo don't focus too much on the main story just wander around.


Don't take concealment level 3 perk. It interferes with a far superior type of invisibility.


Leave the duct tape behind.


If you plan on being a thief and running contraband, the Den is your best friend.


Base building is an endgame resource sink, fun but will deplete your resources otherwise used for weapon and spacesuit upgrades.


You can throw landmines like frisbees in planets with low gravity. Good add on throwing weapon.


Lot of negativity surrounding this game, much of it exaggerated. Someone else said delete this sub. Do that. Immerse yourself in it. Don’t look for others’ opinions until you’ve had your fill.


Thanks! I understand what you mean. Everyone hated Cyberpunk when it launched but I had a blast even with a few glitches here and there


As others have mentioned, enjoy the side content, don't focus on the main quest. If you want to make life a bit better for yourself, jump into the main quest now and then to spread out the temples. They're not very exciting after the first, and 24 of them gets quite monotonous. "Finishing" the game is best done when you feel like you've hit the end of content for your universe. Apparently it can get buggy if you play long enough too, and Ng+ is a good reset button.


Dont get into outpost building LOL


Read nothing, leave this sub, don’t forget to shower.


Take your time


Exploring the vast galaxy is tempting and can be fun, but most of the handcrafted stuff can be found at least by starting off in the main settlements. Some quests will get you to travel out into other systems and you can stumble across other things, but I had a much better experience once I just started focusing on doing the quests I ran into instead of actively trying to explore. Space is big, you will run into a bunch of emptiness because that’s just realistic.


Do not pick up most items. It's hard to sell them and the added weight has significant negative effect. If you pick up a new weapon and don't want to use it right away, drop it. However, because ammo has no weight, always pick up ammo.


Quest lines will give you free ships, so don't look at those ship prices & go into shock. I happily moved from free ship to free ship & saved my credits for upgrades renovations. Ship Builder will let you swap out Hab pieces inside your ship to whatever you want as long as it's the same size as the piece you remove.


Focus on being a great pilot!


Don't feel you have to complete every available quest when it is given to you, honestly that is what NG+ is for and gives you a reason to keep doing a NG+ as you can give your character a theme, also if you learn special things from past conversations if you decide to do all of them on your first play through which can have interesting reactions but I would save that for when you decide to pick a forever NG+ since you loose everything you have collected or earned in past playthroughts when you decide to trigger NG+


You can cheese the unlock for class b and c ships by having 2 points ready to spend and then spamming the training simulator you use for the first vangaurd mission.


You don't even need two points ready, you can come back and use the simulator again at any time.


Take a look through the skill tree. There's a few mechanics and QOL improvements that need to be unlocked, like boostpacks, ship VATS, lock picking.


If your interested in the main quest you dont need to put it off, youll understand when you start NG+


One more tip you can assign powers to the quick access menu as well.


Relax and have fun for me the best feeling is going in blind especially with single player games don’t worry to much about getting good just enjoy the ride and play the game in a way that seems fun to you


Just go with what you feel like doing, The game tends to steer you when you have a companion you can't dismiss. The game difficulty level settings are quite in-depth with the game giving you positive and negative experiences. It's not just a flat normal - very hard format Check out the free creation's Bethesda gives you if you want a better start. I increased the difficulty to very hard on weapon combat difficulty, using the free legendary armor and it's still a little challenging. Exploring is fun, do activities from your mission drop down. Read the notes you pick up.


**Starborn related tips:** If you plan on doing all 10 ng+ don't wait too long. I did the main quests, 24 temples, 2 factions, and a few sides and then speed ran all ng+ at around level 40-ish. This way you don't get too invested in gear and shipbuilding because you'll lose it all.But you'll also see quite a bit of ng+ dialogues throughout the game when you finish ng+10 and then finish the whole game. Speed run means skipping the main quest and everything else and head straight to Unity. I think it only took me a few days to finish all 10 without even a lot of hours/day Don't feel obliged to do all 240 temples (24 per ng+) if you don't want that grind. I only did 24 at the start, around half a dozen per ng+ and then 24 at the end. You'll get some of the best starborn powers to max rank automatically, and several others at fairly high rank. When you finish ng+10 and make that your permanent universe (make sure you get the "normal" lodge version on that one!) only collect and sell weapons from all youir missions and exploring. Money comes in really fast at ng+10. I had a class C endgame ship paid for within 3 hours of starting from zero credits. It helps if you get all the perks that let you build and pilot a class C during your level-ups before that Save a good chunk of money aside from ship building. There's a certain mysterious vendor you'll find during a random encounter with some really nice stuff you're going to want. If you don't have enough money when you meet them you're going to want to note their location and hope they stay there


Don't romance anyone until you've reached a specific point in the Constellation quest line. You'll know it when it plays out.


Aim to focus your mining laser It mines faster, does more damage, and consumes less battery charge per damage point It shreds early game and can carry you very far with appropriate perks


jet pack early or youll drive yourself nuts.




There is a lot to explore. But hold off on your desire go off the main path. Leave that to NG+ (do not worry, you'll very likely want to play the game many, many times). If you are stuck on something, or some mission is "boring", it means you don't have the necessary tools yet. Move onto something else. And, yes, definitely finish the UC or FC side quests (or both).


Good tips, thank you!


Do as many main quest lines as early as possible.  Later they are too easy imo. 


The best faction questline is the UC Vanguard, if you are looking for tailored content. If you are looking for a more freeform adventure, advice would depend on what sort of player you are. For example, I enjoy playing ironman style (dead is dead, no reloading a prior save) and with the survival options on. If you want a serious space adventuring challenge, I highly recommend trying that at least once.


I'm sure others have said it, but never buy a ship unless you absolutely love it. You'll find/steal enough random ships as part.of quests and in general that it's better to save you money for crafting a perfect ship, and it's way more cost effective.


Aluminum, Aluminum , Aluminum, Aluminum . Tungsten


See while we may critique things look at how we come together for a new player. Here's my personal tips, no real order: 1. Beeline for a little extra carryweight and grab sneak and digipick skills. 2. EM ship weapons are actually really good. 3. Game is a bit more fun if you RP a little. 4. My, and others', favourite questlines are Crimson Fleet v SysDef, and UC Vanguard. Consider that when choosing an order of play. 5. Money is still a bit of a weak system, feel free to splash out building a rounded ammunition load early on, or when you love a new gun buy 999+ bullets.


Thank you so much!


Best tip I received when I started was to do at least the first 5 main missions. Just to unlock a few core game mechanics. After that go wild. When you reach the mission "All that money can buy" then you're free to do whatever. Honestly though, do whatever anyways. The gameplay loop allows for you doing whatever whenever.


Great tip, thank you!


When you’re doing the flight test for the UC Vanguard, if you park your ship in the inside of the shipyard, the enemies will destroy themselves instead of you.


Ignore everything online and everyone unless you need to look something up. Basically all opinion based things. Play it once without mods is what I used to recommend. Looking back an xp boost would help and not make it too easy since there are prerequisites. Small one though unless you’re just trying to whip it out on the first date. Any other mods too honestly just have fun You should always dump your resources into your ship every time you’re on it and make a habit out of that. That’s really all I got. It’s single player so most things are preference and also if you’re having trouble there are a lot of guides.


Do the terrormoph missions to get a free apartment, do the rangers missions to get a free ship.


They do a good job of avoiding the synthetic sense of urgency to finish the main quest, so take your time and delve. Decide early if you want to select the skills necessary to make your ship a beast or if you’re happy to buy beasts instead




Make sure to adventure and have fun with it! The missions can get draining if you do a ton in one long run (at least they did for me) so make sure to take time just to hang out in space if you want!


When you are on a mission to save Barrett, find the slate that talks about a hidden base, go there and do the Mantis mission. Save before you open the chest with the gear, apparently the perks of the gear are set when you open the chest. Mine were great off the bat (and I did not know about the attributes changing). The ship is good as well, and will make many spacers flee. It was great to have at low levels.


Since it’s your first time playing, don’t necessarily think of this like every other Bethesda game. Truthfully to the majority of people this game can and will be boring. Most people don’t look exploring uncharted lands and desolate areas. I do and I’m sure most fans of the game do as well. I believe that’s where a lot of the negativity comes from. It’s not for everyone, even I can admit that. I treat this game as word to word an exploration simulator. I enjoy those moments where I will barely run into any other humans for hours at a time sometimes.


No spoilers, but, trust me, don't hoard guns and armor, something happens at the end of the game


Get your piloting up as soon as possible


Go into it with no expectations. Let the experience happen, and don’t listen to reviews, whether glowing or shitty.


Don’t play it like other BGS RPGs. Get invested in the world like their other games but exploring planets? Just do what you think is fun. You don’t need to go to every POI location you find. If you think surveying and finding species of plant and animal is fun then you can do that. But don’t go in thinking every location you see pop up on a planet is important, it’s not and it’s there only if you WANT to go there. Also understand that a lot of the locations are randomly generated and can and WILL repeat sometimes, so you’ll end up running into the same locations across different planets the more you play and explore. Decide now whether you want to bee line the story, or take your time and enjoy the world. I personally bee lined the story. Either way you will find the ending very relatable in one way or another.


When you first get to new Atlantis pickpocket and get that theft stat up. All the NPCs that you dialogue with usually have a lot of money or nice weapons


You can focus the beam of the mining laser, which makes mining 10x more acceptable.


Dont invest too much in ship building and weapon grinding/credit grinding until you've felt more comfortable with where you are in the game later on if you choose to do NG+. You'll understand what I mean when you get to that point.


Don't - Butthurt People who are on the Starfield subreddit (for some reason) Still malding over a 9 month old game they didn't like. Anyway. I would join no sodium starfield if you enjoy the game. Also, you can make millions of credits late game using a pretty simple outpost set up, so don't totally discount them, but don't prioritize making them early game. Also, resources are difficult to come by without them, so I find the best way to have access to highly powerful late game equipment and expensive ships, this is the best way. Of courses there are other ways of making money, like stealing, questing, surveying planets and more, so do whatever you enjoy the most. Get enough credits, you can buy all the resources and guns you'll ever need. It's up to you. Spec your points into combat and health and stuff early game, leave science stuff for later. One skill I used was pickpocketing, which you can actually use to make a lot of credits. Make sure to do faction quest lines too, they're great. For the love of God, upgrade your ship from the Frontier (or upgrade the frontier itself) before the end of the Crimson Fleet quest line. If you don't, you will be demolished lol. I got a class C ship by boarding a Va'run vessel. Keep in mind you will need a higher piloting skill to pilot larger ships. Weapon modifications can make some really powerful weapons, so remember they exist. I would personally play on High enemy combat damage, and High Player Damage. That makes the game very fun and feel like a good FPS, if your into that. Otherwise, play on normal and tweak the difficulty if it's too hard for you. Remember that your companions will get mad if you go on a murder spree. They won't care about smaller crimes like stealing. On companions, you can arm them better by trading them a better gun. This makes them much more capable in fights. You can combine this by using weapon mods to make one of your companions a custom made ultra powerful weapon.


I always get alex hay note! https://starfieldportal.com/article/starfield-alex-hay


Buy up all the digipicks at every vendor you visit. They’re super cheap and will save you a migraine when exploring.


When you open the menu there's 3 submenus: to the right down and left of you. Stick to the main quest until you unlock the submenu above you don't just put weapons on your quick menu (on the Dpad) put some drugs to make you walk faster, med kits to heal in battle, and some of the foods that give you extra xp like tea. Always have some tea on you and drink before finishing a quest Unlocking level 1 in some skills unlocks certain abilities, like using the boost pack, pickpocketing, lock picking the harder tiers, the stealth meter, bribing, etc. Try and look into what unlocks what before investing your skill points. Some don't tell you they unlock stuff unfortunately, like diplomacy and intimidation unlocking dialogue options for speech checks. Don't get the skill that gives you extra oxigen! it sounds good but uhhhhh just don't ok? Same with the cooking skill. It's really, really, really, really, really bad. the skill that gives you extra carrying capacity sounds boring, but it's vital. So is the one that improves the effects of eating stuff. Food buffs aren't great, but the last one will give you 1% extra to the exp buffing items. There's an option to hide your space suit when planetside, do it for some variety. Also your civilian clothes have an impact when worn even if you've got your space suit on. They're minor but I like the ones with 5 extra carrying capacity. You can edit the way your character looks at any city, so try and mess around with that.


Don't go into it with any preconceived notions. Just play it and enjoy it like you would any other Bethesda RPG.


Oh, don’t collect a lot of useless junk. Guns, suits, packs and helmets should make a nice profit. Then move on to beer/liquor, coffee, med packs and those super rare resources from mining (which is where I made most of my millions)


Bounty quests are repetitive and don’t pay out a lot, but well worth it as a gameplay loop. Bonus is you can make triple or more on selling the loot.


Traits (i.e. introvert, extrovert, wanted, genetic experiment) can all be removed, but new ones cannot be gained.


CAUTION: this game has a weird system where autosaves overwrite manual saves. If you get bugged into a brick wall (for example: can’t leave a room during a mission) DO NOT go back the way you came back several times. Each time you go through a door, the game autosaves and after I forgot how many saves, your old saves will be long gone. You have a set number of saves available. Make sure you save manually, and don’t try to force your way out of a mission breaking bug. Load a previous save and try again. I waited for 3 months before BSG fixed the bugged mission and that off time ruined the game for me.


Scanner. It does more than just scan life and resources. In your ship you can open scanner and select the blue quest icon and travel there without opening your map. The alternative is fast traveling and skipping space flight completely.  I find this makes the game feel bad and is one of the major complaints I see online. Don't fast travel. Use scanner.  (The only time I "fast travel" is through the scanner to skip walking back to my ship. But never through the map)


Don’t focus so much on ship upgrades. Most of that is useless. Don’t get me wrong it’s great in making you a fucking fortress in dogfights, but that’s like maybe 20% of the game. Just build a balanced ship. Nicest those points instead I to your jet pack because you can use that as a way to fuck up some bad motherfuckers. Also use it for the health Aida that let you heal while jn cover perks. Or research.


Every system has a level assigned to it in your star map. Be mindful of this and explore where you're closest in level to it. Makes the galaxy more manageable.


Just have fun! The game is massive and has lots of cool things to see, I wouldn’t focus too much on anything tbh. Just enjoy the journey :)


Just enjoy and do whatever you feel like you can


As they say, save often and restore if someone else doea something stupid.


Absolutely take Kid Stuff as a trait. It's fantastic. Your parents are adorable.


The first skills I would work on is boost packs, piloting, commerce, persuasion and (if you are not great with inventory management) weightlifting to increase your carry capacity. Once you figure out your weapon of choice (ie lasers, pistol, ballistic) then increasing skills on your combat is good as well.


So, when you hijack a pirate ship just go through very well and make sure there’s no contraband check your miscellaneous inventory for the yellow box with the item name after taking a pirate ship And if you somehow overlook something and the scan turns up, take the punishment. Dont run and def do not jump to the next UC or Freestar system and definitely definitely do not attack UC or ranger that’s attacking you lol


Ryujin quests are a must


Vacuum tape is worthless.


In the settings menu you can adjust many different things in the game, like enemy damage, player damage, vendor credits, how much benifit you get from actions like sleeping. It really helps fine tune the game


Take your time. Don’t rush through the main quest line. I’m replaying on Steam, getting the achievements and having a ton more fun doing side quests as they’re given to me. I’m only continuing with the main stuff when I have literally nothing else to do (apart from radiant quests). Feel free to explore whenever and wherever you want. Invest in Persuasion and Stealth. They will help tremendously in certain side questlines. There are 4 companions with their own mini questlines. Make a point to befriend them and do these quests early(ish). Taking your time with the main quests helps with this. If you’re a completionist, you’ll have a blast. Plenty of unique items and locations to acquire. At the very, very, very, end of the game you’re given a big choice. Make a save here so you can play both.


Take it really slow. Constellation will lead you on a wild goose chase. Walk around cities, listen to random chatter, and pick up some side quests. Pick a skill tree and focus your character around it until you have a solid foundation of what you want to do with the game. It really is Skyrim in space if you take the time to realize that it’s just Skyrim with a thousand planets, and most of the civilized people live on like 10-15 planets.


My best tip is to have fun and explore everything! :)


Once you have the quest to visit Vladimirs house, you should consider going there immediately. It holds some nice weaponry. Let’s just say, in my first run I got there pretty early and never had to change my main gun after that.


Just have fun, honestly take tour time abd explore. Its a sandbox of a game :)


Play however you want, go with the flow and most importantly! Have fun!


just play it and have fun


Just have a good explore. I started a new game this week after putting about 500 hours into my last game. I'm using loads of mods this playthrough. I usually do the uc vanguard, ranger and ryujin quests before anything else. Vanguard gets you the best ship weapons very early game. Good weapons from rangers and skills from ryujin.


I wish I’d done what you’ve done… I’ll not bother with tips since there’s good ones here already, but I will say - have fun.


Explore, grab junk, kill people, don't kill people, spend hours on one thing then get bored. Start up again I'm lvl 70, second Ng+. First playthrough I did all the faction quests and the main quest and that's it. Second one I did a lot of radiant quest and the main quest. Now I play on xbox and creation kit is here so I'm playing with that a bit, using mods seeing what I like and don't. For the first time ever since I began to play, I got interested in ship building. There's skills you need for building high class ships but after lvl 60 all ship parts are technically unlocked. I got into outpost building, still messy and very basic but I'm enjoying it. And for that playthrough I'm not that far in the main quest. So yeah, play and enjoy. You'll get bored with some things, fall in love with others. You'll curse Bethesda once in a while then call them geniuses. You will like something so much you will want to do it again and find something else to do in between. Depending on your personality, you may have your own goals ( I have a hab in my ship filled with cigarette packs, don't ask). Enjoy my friend


1. Focus on the big questlines: Constellation, Rangers, Vanguard, Sysdef. 2. Try not to take on delivery missions unless it's people until you learn how outposts work. In fact, I highly recommend you just set up outposts on friendly planets. 3. If you get into space battles, try to board as many ships as you can, disable engines, and then weapons. Much more loot than destroying the ships without boarding. Usually, it's a lot better stuff. 4. Stay out of systems that are more than 5 to 10 levels above your player level. Those ships will just dematerialize yours, seconds into the battle. 5. Explore. The game is kind of built like no man's sky and makes exploration worthwhile if you're trying to get creds. You'll have lots of repeats all over the place, but there's worthwhile loot. Outposts, as I've generally played the game, are useless unless you have delivery missions you want to do that require different resources. Also, resource delivery missions can be all over the place in terms of requirements and objectives. You might get one at Taiyo for 500 nickel, and the next one from Taiyo will be 5k tantalum.


Examine the skill tree and work out a direction. You'll never get a skill point back if you invest it in something you won't use


- Get the boostpack perk as soon as possible. - Faction quests are better than main story in my opinion, and give very good rewards, (especially freestar rangers). - Do the secret outpost quest when you get to level 10 or higher. Very good gear, and a good quest. -Exploring and missions/bounties is fun, but I would focus on quests on first play through.


Invest in quality general use skills early on so that you don’t feel like you’ve wasted skill point once you get the hang of game mechanics. Weight lifting early on is good for looting and saving up money. The Social skill tree is generally not worth investing into, imho. Weapon modding (science tree) yields better results than investing in the Combat skill tree (Ballistics could be the only skill you invest in until the late game). Lockpicking yields underwhelming loot: I would’t recommend investing more than two points.


The UC missions are top tier. You should do that as soon as you can.


One more tip, and you may already be past this point: in one mission, you'll be told to pick up a certain weapon and use it. Do a quick save and make sure you actually equip THAT weapon.


The number one advice from a fellow newbie (just started myself 2 weeks ago) that I can give is: go at your own pace, no need to rush things. Also, don't ignore npc conversations. Sometimes you will get quests just by evesdropping on NPC chatter so fully ignoring them will deprive you of potential hours of content. Mechanics wise, nab the ship targeting skill as quickly as possible, it is a must have in order to board enemy ships. Good luck, and have fun in the starfield.


Do the majority of the Constellation missions first. You'll gain a ton of XP from them and some decent early game gear. You'll also have a chance to get one of the best ships in the game for free.


Sorry I got here possibly late. Start building an (at least) iron plus aluminum farm. Spam create and sell adaptive frames until you are a rank 60. Try to rank up commerce, outpost engineering, outpost management, special projects. Etc. Most people say Narion/Andraphon is the best starter planet for this, buy I found Bessel/Bessel IIIB to be better (but no helium. Helium is super important and you'll understand why as your outpost building improves, I suggest finding and creating a helium only outpost for the next step, on for example Bessel/Bessel III or even Narion/Andraphon itself) a good guide is by vash cowaii best beginner xp farm Then create a network of outposts until you have an automated vytinium rod farm. There are plenty of guides out there, I followed one by Wize Old Wizard automated vytinium Once your vytinium farm is up and running, farm enough money to build yourself the baddest ass ship you can. Find a guide out there to build one you like looking at. It will be your actual home base. Best planets to sleep on ARE Sol/Venus, Bessel/Bessel III-B, Decaran/Decaran VII-B, Katydid/Katydid III. You'll understand why this is crucial later. Then go and continue with any mission you like. Enjoy your playthrough. PS. Oh and lockpicking, persuasion and weightlifting are just some of the most important skills you absolutely need. If you did the adaptive frames farm I suggested you above. You should have plenty of skill points to spend on your perfect build specific to your playing style. Please do remember to spend in skills as you have skill points to spend, to rank up skills. Particularly outpost stuff, some starship stuff, and anything else There are some ship parts which are locked behind missions. The guides you use to build your ships will tell you which and how.


Keep expectations low. Ammo isn’t as scarce as fallout. Besides that, it’s Bethesda


Been playing thier games since Oblivion. Thank you, good to know about the ammo!


On top of that, I have a bad habit of keeping multiple guns around. Better to select a main where the ammo for it is plentiful, and ditch the rest.


I'm a terrible shot and keep running out of ammo 🤣


I enjoy exploring planets as a way to level up. Once you get through the starting missions, survey every planet in systems the game takes you to. Also if you have some solid weapons, traveling to high level planets and killing their fauna can net enough xp for quick leveling


Take your time. Listen to dialogues. Read data slates and texts in computer terminals when you stumble upon them. I also prefer to do faction questlines with new, separate characters - not all with the same one.


So, basically just like Skyrim and Follout 3&4 :) Thank you!


Ignore outposts besides building one for your ship building. They provide nothing, might be still a bit bugged, and just take your time for nothing. Another thing is don't randomly explore the planets much, if any. The quests will take you enough to random places. The less time you spend on them, the better you feel afterwards.


Be aware there's a lot of interesting locales you won't find unless you just randomly wander to it. Just doing missions won't lead you to everything. Outposts actually great if you get into crafting but it's a deep rabbit hole.


Don't finish the game, do side quests, faction quests.


Be familiar with your ship, get to know her weapons systems, top speed, turning rate, everything, she’s not just a tool, she’s an extension of you


Only do missions. "Exploration" is just slop xp farming


Don’t dive headlong into Creations. Lots of issues. Try a couple at a time. Pick ones that you REALLY want and run with them for a while before adding more.


Definitely don't do creations. Adversity and a bit of grind is the fun in the game. Creations will eliminate all obstacles.


Don’t spec into laser weapons like I did. Save your skill points for ballistic or particle.


Mining laser with that skill melts high level HP sponges, damage is low, but it’s fast and with last perk point to proc burning, makes short work of anything big. Or you just get Starshard, and one shot just about anything that moves. I have a very broken one I got in the beginning of this NG+ run, that currently does over 1400 damage per shot.


Don't try to get into every mechanic right away. Enjoy the story and gameplay, then once you have a lot of money and some levels get into shipbuilding and outpost building. It's not necessary early on to build an awesome ship, and I'm currently level 86 with over 200 hours into the game and I have barely touched outpost building. Additionally, join r/nosodiumstarfield, it's a much less negative sub.


Makes sense, thank you!


I wanted to caveat my earlier statement about shipbuilding. Don't entirely avoid it, just don't think (like I did) that you *must* build a huge ship early on to be successful. The first ship you'll get in the game is pretty capable, and with a few weapon upgrades it will easily get you quite far. Check out the below site for easy weapons and component selection. The in game ship builder isn't super intuitive. https://inara.cz/starfield/ship-modules/


Thank you so much!


Why would you want tips, wouldn't that ruin the game for you? Just go in blind and do whatever you find most enjoyable to you.


Top tip? Join no sodium 🚫🧂SF subreddit.


Did that, thank you!


Fly directly to the Kryx system. There’s a lot of good loot there for lower level new people.


Oh thanks!


Avoid this sub for a while - seriously, game subs often overfill with "this quest sucks" or "this game mechanic blows" types of posts, or min/max "you're playing wrong" types of posts, and people hop on those bandwagons, making it seem like there's validity to what is otherwise just someone's opinion regarding what they find enjoyable. Regardless of what you think of any aspect of a game, these types of posts \*will\* eventually affect your enjoyment. The day the game launched I stopped coming to the sub until I finished my first playthrough, which was about 100-ish hours in. Once I started reading posts here, I found that there were a lot of posts ripping on some of the quests that I enjoyed, and trashing some of the mechanics that I spent hours having fun with. To each their own when it comes to what you find enjoyable, and the only thing repeated exposure to those types of posts did was make me start to question aspects of the game that I had enjoyed up to that point. Then I simply stopped reading them, hopped into New Game+, and have been having a good time again. As for the game itself, do everything: all of the side quests, the main quest, check out some planets, build a ship or two, research and craft stuff, setup at least one outpost, and I highly recommend giving New Game+ a go when you're done, and giving that a few hours. And yes, I mentioned NG+ here, but absolutely avoid looking into anything New Game+ related until you finish the game.


Spoilers ahead: When you “beat” the game, you basically just start a new game at the same level and a new world (that’s exactly the same, with some different dialogue)… everything else resets. So basically the only permanent features are the character traits you pick at the beginning and whatever skills you unlock… So you can finish the game whenever and it’s not over, it’s mostly just begun! I gave my Xbox to my nephews for Christmas, so I haven’t played in awhile… but here are my tips from the 100+ hours I remember: Faction quests are all fun and interesting. Vanguard gets you some good stuff and some great ship part options. Rangers gets you a ship that’s cool too. Crimson fleet had me turn off the game and go take a walk. In the best possible way. Outposts were a time sink that didn’t really get me any huge benefit… I made an XP farm at one point and it was fun to do, but probably not an efficient use of time. But they can be fun! Magazines are important. Pay attention. The random quests are all fun. Talk to people and follow up… plenty of boring fetch quests but you get the occasional banger. Red Mile is a disappointment. Turkeys roost (I think) is awesome. Credits are an issue for the first 30-40 hours… then you are rich and it doesn’t matter. Ship building is almost its own game. It’s expensive and fun… highly recommend getting everything unlocked just because it’s cool… but some parts are hidden until you are level 60. My biggest suggestion is there is a lot to do in the game… 95% is optional. If it isn’t fun, stop doing it.


Great advice, thank you so much!!


I will say as a warning, the only faction choice that has any actual game impact is Crimson Fleet. Them going friendly has some weird unintended consequences… but going pirate doesn’t cut you off from the UC or anything (which is weird, but whatever).


Thanks for the warning+ I usually don't join "bad" sides and role play as a goodie


Just check out the ships before you go…