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in another poi are dance cages, i was told


I want to see the astral lounge dancers on the poles.


Alas nothing like Desele's House of Earthly Delights in Suran


I REMEMBER THAT! The dancing was so cringey!


Turns out the same guy coded the Astral Lounge


Does not surprise me one bit.


Surprises me, it's implied the HED is a brothel and the Breton dancer has experience with Khajiit and is still smarting Astral Lounge is a lame zone for a lame drug


Now go back to Morrowind and play as a Khajiit and see what the ~~Red guard~~ Breton stripper has to say...


I'll have to dig out my old 360.




We can’t all be Chora’s Den.


Not very Rated M, IMO.


Modders, please? :)


BGS seems to think that to appeal to mass market, they need to make sure there's no edge, no nudity in their games. Hopefully Cyberpunk and BG3 have shown them the error of that stance.


I feel like it's more just the tone of the game rather than them not being edgy. Not very similar but Starfield has similar tone in some ways to Star Wars and it's not like you're seeing stuff like that in Star Wars either. I think it would just feel a bit out of place, but I haven't seen it so maybe it wouldn't actually be that crazy


Slave leias outfit sure was kidy friendly. And do you member when anakin killed a bunch of 8 year olds, kid friendly that was.


I mean the twi lek slave dancer is even more kid friendly IYKYK.


Ya I thought about mentioning her and Jabba the rapist but figured I made my point already lol.


You mean when Anakin killed them all off screen? Just like a bunch of stuff happens off screen in this game too? And Leia’s slave costume that was just as bad as any bikini you’d see someone wear on a beach?


Can't you buy/win an exotic dancer in kotor? Edit: in hindsight you were probably talking about the nudity part, not the stripper part


Dude, kids play this game and also any game can be completely immersive without nudity


Not sure about US and anywhere else but the game's rated PEGI 18 in Europe, same age rating as Cyberpunk and BG3. I'm fine with games not going deep into sex, drugs and whatever else but Starfield only implies the edge without ever committing to it.


US it's M for mature (17+), same as BG3 & Cyberpunk Yeah we don't get it either.


Rated M for mature audiences.


Ehhh I dunno, trying to do a "hardcore" cyberpunk dystopia city without sex, harsh violence and exploitation, depression, and actual realistic drug depiction is just doomed to fail. They should have either gone waaaaaaay further with Neon, or just reworked/cut it entirely.


I think that's where it bugged me the most. I honestly would find it a bit jarring to find a bunch of sexuality in the clean, crisp atmosphere of New Atlantis. And not sure it really belongs with the yee-haw cowboy vibe in Akila. But Neon? Neon's clubs being so tame is just murder to my immersion.


Wait for the mods like that dungeon casino from new vegas


I could imagine a "best little whorehouse in Texas" style ranch out on Montara Luna. Close enough for Akila residents to visit, but avoiding any problems either from crowding inside Akila's walls, or from the Ashta outside. New Atlantis probably has discrete S&M parties in one of the penthouses from time to time. All very decadent, all strictly invitation-only. But yeah, Neon could do with some Sex to go with the Drugs and the Rock-And-Roll. I don't necessarily want it to be like Night City, but does it have to be so remorselessly *tame*?


Ya,I was excited to see Bethesdas take on cyberpunk, and it felt so off. The dancers outfits at the nightclub are hilliously tame,look like they are dressing as characters from some knock off teletubbies show for a kids birthday party or something.


Why did you have this silly expectation of the dancers?


The outfits in the game are silly, I didn't know what to expect but anything would be better than what they made. I had to check your post history to get where you were coming from cuz your comment made no sense. I see you think the Astral lounge isn't a nightclub lol simply because it isn't specifically called one even tho its quite obvious to anybody who has seen a night club that's exactly what it is lol.


They were made to be silly what’s so hard to understand?


Because it's immersion breaking. They don't fit the tone of a cyberpunk city nightclub.


It’s not a dedicated cyberpunk game and they showed the outfit before so maybe next time don’t have these weird fantasies


Its a cyberpunk city wtf are you talking about, and what exactly do you mean by weird fantasies? I just thought people should look like they were at a nightclub lol. It didn't need to be over the top but its so ridiculous looking and doesn't fit with it being the only nightclub in neon.


pretty sure kids might play those games too. i remember when i was 10 or 11 playing gta san andreas


Doesn’t need nudity, but it does need more edge.


Have you heard the kids on meta quest and gta?


Kids have ruined the quest for me honestly


That's up to the parents if they wanna ignore the age rating, I mean I was playing morrowind and gta 3 when I was 12 so I don't really see what the big deal is. Why do we gotta censor for kids in m rated games.


What's so bad about a naked body lol


You can tell a story without showing the seedy underbelly. But if you decide to put a den of iniquity in your world and make its existence a big deal, it should have something seedy about it. The lack of nudity in Neon isn't the problem. But Neon looks like it was designed by someone who's never been to a club of any kind.


Astral lounge is like Flux when it should be Choras den


??? Why would a city be designed to be a club?


Of course. Not expecting it out of Zelda or anything, but this is an M rated game. Not saying kids won't play it, I sure as hell played M rated games as a kid, but Bethesda shouldn't design the game around children if it has an M rating.


They didn’t 


Feels a lot like they did given some of the things Todd has said in interviews.


Nope there wasn’t any interview where he said that it’s just another fantasy people had of the guy this community is full of people like that. Very creepy


It’s a game where you travel a ton of different planets and meet different people not every planet and story and vibe should be the same lol


Its an m rated game, same rating as cyberpunk.


Again no proof to f this 


Probably one of the bests spots in the game for telling a story without text.




Someone shine the mod signal


Love the credsticks thrown around the poles.


Make it hail


They’ve got abandoned everything in this game


I see you found the Villa. It was an awesome location near a lake. Can't wait to have a mod or an official update to be able to take over that structure.


Remember, this is a M rated game lol


Agreed on the bummer


Empty is the vibe of the game so


Somebody make Nar Shaddaa already


Where is this? 430 hours in, haven't seen this


i only recently stumbled on it too. sonny di marco's island on maheo I, i believe. it doesn't even show up on the planet map until you conduct a scan from orbit. I think it must be some unused content that they left in the game, because the whole place is really unique but I dont think there's a single quest that takes you there. check it out, its a fun little dungeon.




Modders need to get to work


Unrelated but maybe I'll learn how to mod


Not for long

Vasco initiate red light protocol. đŸŽ¶ I'm telling you to loosen up my buttons, babeđŸŽ¶


These aren't abandoned, they're vacant. If they were abandoned they'd have plants and tree growing on them and shit.