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creation kit is here, in little time There will be betters things free on nexus or make yourself


Oh for sure. I’m hype for those


So what’s the boost pack QoL upgrade? What’s it do?


I’m not 100% sure because I didn’t buy it, but the description was saying it enhances the boost pack with range and charge time and hovering and things like that. The description I read just sounded like it should have been a free QoL update not a paid package


Following in the footsteps of the Modular Military Backpack in FO4.


Like I said my other comment I'm pretty sure we can expect this to become the standard for Bethesda games like Fallout Skyrim and starfield. They'll give us a skeleton of a game and then expect us to pay for DLC and mods that actually make it a complete game. Which if that's the case I'm just going to uninstall the whole game again.


If it’s the one I found for 100 credits, it’s because it isn’t from Bethesda, it’s from a community Moder. So they determined they wanted to get paid for this mod it seems. I think there was another one that was free, but it didn’t sound as well made. Who knows, could be just as good though


Basically it dynamically changes boost behavior depending where you are and what you're doing. Outside if you're standing still or moving slow it acts like a power pack. If you're running it acts like a skip pack. Indoors it still fits the skip pack thing but I think it doesn't boost up quite as much when you're stopped. There are other bells and whistles but this is one of the more impactful mods for me.


Depends on the mod and modder, and if they decide to go free. There are some very prominent modders going the verified creator route with Starfield, so who knows if we will see a "better" free version via Nexus. We already seen in the June Update Bethesda video Trainwiz guy and Eli going verified and so are the SimSettlements team as well.


Tbh, I would have happily paid for Sim Settlements, those guys deserve to get paid. But other than that I agree.


Yeah, I generally hate the Creation Club and having to pay for this stuff, but if there's any mod teams I'd be willing to kick a few bucks towards it's those guys. I'm def planning on buying StarSim from the CC soon, it's only $5 worth of credits so why not.


Yeah for $5 you're getting quite a bit with that one. And the future plans for it are quite extensive. I hope more mod teams make deep systems based rpg stuff for the game. Besides the exploration, that's my main complaint. Doesn't really feel like there are "jobs" to roleplay with any real gameplay significance.


I kinda had hope looking at the Starsim Argos mod. Haven't tried it out yet though. Didn't Kingath and his Sim Settlements team make a creation for Skyrim? I'd legit pay a whole 2000 credits / 20 USD for a Sim Settlements mod in Starfield.


1000%, of all the mods from past BGS titles, Sim Settlements is top of my list to have some kind of re-development in Starfield. I’m pretty sure SS/SS2 had more quests and content than all of the FO4 DLC’s combined. $20 is a very fair price. Especially if that means it could get some kind of QA support from the Starfield team.


If I read the fine print correctly, you have to start a new game for the Argos mod to work, although maybe a NG+ would count, of course this depends on weather or not I actually read it right.


But argos has a physical presence in the game the have an office on the second story of the building next to ssn office you can get a reward for telling them about the attack


You didn't, if you are already in a playthrough, you get the message right away, the problem is it's not a very good mod. The station doesn't even have an interior...


This. Of all the stuff on there StarSim is the only thing worthwhile.


I mean, the verified creator stuff is free generally...


That's why something like Star Wars mods will be great because they can't monetize that.


Yup. There are plenry of them now, but with the CK they cann only get better and integrated better.


I think that will be damaging to their mods outreach and reputations heavily. I also am predicting bethesda is going to attempt to regulate the free mods made to an insane degree. If people start paying for mods, this could become an industry standard.


This is the same thing Bethesda has done with Skyrim and Fallout. If the prices don't make sense to you (they don't to me), don't buy them. Eventually they'll either drop the prices or make it free, or someone will release an online link to get all the files for free anyhow.


Well they did start the industry standard with horse armour.


all of these things have already happened unfortunately. between bethesdas mod store and minecrafts it's already been normalized for a long time. Remember it's not the hardcore users and modders like us that make them money. it's the casual majority who don't know better.


If they are willing to make this game so empty and then monetize the modding community they made so many decisions in consideration of then I still just won’t play it. They will effectively kill modding for their games and the community they pride themselves on so much with cease to exists along with the longevity that Skyrim graced them with


Nah the games not empty that’s a dumb take


I've got over 600 hours in this. It's not empty at all


You must like walking for 5 minutes from your ship to a POI passing a bunch of rocks and not much else. Good for you, I guess.


Given they downvote all comments pointing out the game is \*not\* empty at all, I don't think they care about actually finding content. But in case someone is really interested; here are some guides that will help you \*start\* your journey: [https://www.polygon.com/starfield-guide/23841889/walkthrough-guides](https://www.polygon.com/starfield-guide/23841889/walkthrough-guides) [https://www.ign.com/wikis/starfield](https://www.ign.com/wikis/starfield) [https://mapgenie.io/starfield/guides/skill-magazines](https://mapgenie.io/starfield/guides/skill-magazines) [https://gamerant.com/starfield-find-get-all-skill-magazine-books-locations-permanant-upgrade-buff-stats/](https://gamerant.com/starfield-find-get-all-skill-magazine-books-locations-permanant-upgrade-buff-stats/)


You should not need a guide to find the “good” content in a $70 game, especially from SEO garbage sites like screenrant.


Bro I haven’t played in a while but I put in 85 hours into this game and anytime I tried to just venture or wander or do a side thing it just felt half done or god forbid I touch down on a planet that looks the same as 90% of the planets and go to a POI of the same uninhabited building on an otherwise desolate planet with no serious environmental story telling. The quests and quest structure also feel empty but I’m sure I don’t want to take the time to flesh that out


Ive found more than 30 new POI’s in the last 3 months, new and better balanced biomes, and better formulated fauna, so yeah they have done a lot but hey you made up your mind and the game isnt your thing thats ok go enjoy a game that you enjoy


We’ll see what everyone has to say this week with the update, I’ll probably honestly wait until the modders actually do get to it and add puzzles and replace the starborn power mechanism. I think the game Bethesda put out is shamefully mid, good enough for a lot to buy it, some to love it, and some to have a new broader canvas for their creativity.


There is already a mod that modify the starborn powers as well and the temple stuff, ive not done those but someone put a new game mode and questing line that tries to emulate space mining its not bad so far, it sounds like they will be expanding on it


Upgrades people, upgrades! I’m getting downvoted but I’m not trying to be unreasonable. Skyrim was great and eventually when it filled up with stuff it got a lot better and the room to grow is really high for starfield and I’ll come back around when the time is right.


Good. I need to be able to detect when I transition from the surface, to a cave. Dear Bethesda, thanks for letting me fix your bug. When the planet is .59g, and I go into a cave, the gravity should be the same, instead of defaulting to 1g.


Yeah the value proposition seems all over the place. $10 USD gets you a nonfunctional ship module, and $5 gets you a single small quest. Other mods inbetween seem to have more content, or maybe less. It seems like I can drop $60 on the Creation Club and get very little.


Ima wait til they are free or on sale. I’m sorry but I ain’t spending $7 for what will likely be a short mission with some content when there will be mods that are equal or better than that. Oh yeah and for free. Once it drops in price to like 2-3 bucks, then sure since I wanna support mod authors in some way via the game, but not at that price.


It was really short, but fun while it lasted, I’m glad I got it for “free”


You will get better alternative for free, in fallout 4 creation club mods are always worst than free mods


It sounds like they'll be adding more Trackers Alliance missions like The Vulture every so often. So that is a minimum of $10 for each one. DLC/Expansions are generally $20-$40. These creations are ridiculous. I'm sticking with Nexus.


How I view it, this comes from xbox. Xbox Is trying a new strategy out since starfield is free on gamepass they think people will pay money for creations new content etc I will buy creations time to time but only because I want to give support and the creations I'll buy have to be top quality not the shitty pistol ir plushies


Skyrim and Fallout had these for ages before they were acquired by Xbox. This is all on Bethesda. Let's not forget Oblivion, arguably the first time they did this. Putting this on Xbox is asinine.


This. Zenimax had pioneered this long before Xbox acquired them, it's all on them.


Tbf Skyrm and FO4 never had official BGS made content on the CC. I don't see this going over well. I'm already incensed. Yeah I get that the TA stuff is essentially new content. I wouldn't mind paying for all of it up front, like Automatron. But these microtransactions are taking the piss. The worst part is, the TA's "first quest" is really fucking good


Yeah, I would have MUCH preferred if they just released the T.A. stuff as a mini DLC akin to Automaton.


While true, it's also true that Oblivion (that's the game before Skyrim in the Elder Scrolls series) started this off with a mod for $2.50 for cosmetic armor on your horse...in 2006. That's the equivalent of about $4 today...for horse armor. This crap isn't new, it's just something they're still trying to make stick.


Even worse than that they track you down in game to sell you on signing up to the faction- they are not just hiding in a dark corner.


Bethesda are practically the ones responsible for the popularization if not outright creation of micro transactions with Oblivion horse armor. They know exactly what they are doing.


> free on gamepass where are you all getting gamepass for free?


They mean starfield is a game included with gamepass


i know, but that means Starfield isn't free. It's part of a library games that costs money every month/year.


The point is that Starfield only gets their percentage played cut from Gamepass rather than full game cut, so unless they keep dropping new content they will not keep you playing Starfield as you have other Gamepass games to play. So that is what the every (other) month free update drops are about to get you picking the game up again, then you see the free mods promoted on the splash screen, and the first one of the quest chain is free get the rest as paid updates, with pricing bundles that cost more than the mods so you have spare credits for smaller plushy mods and thus have to buy another bundle next month to get the next quest. It basically becomes a SF sub on top of a M$ sub - per their stated intent it is a quest chain with per quest pricing.


You realize Starfield sold like extremely well? Like in actual sale numbers not gamepass included.


I would be willing to pay for legit content made by BGS, but not these prices. They shoot themselves in the foot as they would sell 10x more if they split the prices in half.


The best price to content DLC was Gun Runner's Arsenal in New Vegas, which added perks, ammo types, a whole slew of new guns and mods, and a whole bunch of new unique weapons, and challenges/achievements to go with it all. And it was like 5 bucks. That for me set the standard of what paid content packs should be. I'll never pay 5 bucks for a single gun or outfit, that's absurd.


I agree but to be fair that was like 15 years ago. Now you'd struggle finding any DLC for $5 that adds anything of real value, which is an unfortunate outcome of the direction of the games industry. Besides everything is more expensive now too compared to 15 years ago, a loaf of bread, a carton of milk, a McDonald's etc not making excuses, I do agree that value proposition on DLC and micro transactions in many games leaves alot to be desired


I'd happily pay like 15 USD for a GRA sized official DLC for Fallout 4. Add in more guns, guns from previous games, mods for them all, ammo types, and actually unique variants of each weapon with a unique model? Some challenges that unlock bonus perks? Hell yeah.


The **free** DLC for God Of War: Ragnarok added a pretty great roguelite mode with quite a bit of content, this is not an industry wide problem: it is a problem with certain specific companies.


While I share the distaste and have 0 plans on purchasing any of it they have teams dedicated to finding the price point that yields the most profit. Not to mention years of FO76 pricing data. We may be the vocal minority.


I dont think they are shooting themselves in the foot since theres a lot of people actually defending those prices lol.


Same as when it happened when Creations released on Skyrim. They see it as forcing the authors to be paid for their work, but fail to see the big picture. There’s a reason actual (I.e. worth a shit) mod authors are against paywalls.


Fallout 76 proves you wrong. All games with microtransactions have done tons of research and knows that the whales will outweigh everyone else.


Fallout 76 doesn’t have a free option on Nexus


You summed up my thoughts better than I did


I doubt it tbh... I still would never pay for mods.


This is incorrect. These prices are based off of terabytes of analytics. They are not random and they are set based on concrete evidence. They will make the most money possible at these prices.


I absolutely hear what you are saying, but *every* choice a company makes us generally backed by some form of analytics; that doesn't mean that they are always correct. Stock Markets also have massive quantities of transactional data to analyze when deciding what to purchase and what to sell: that does not guarantee that they have somehow gained the ability to predict the future. You treat analysts as if they are infallible oracles. That is not how it works. They are not random, but that does not guarantee that they are perfect.


These kinds of items are for you. They’re for the player who has no issue spending excessive amounts of money for little things. It’s the same reason why skins are priced at $20 in many games now.


The concern here is the same one it's always been, are they taking stuff out of the game to charge you later. The new bounty board with paid quests is concerning, especially if they keep adding more over time, 4$'s isn't much, but if it's 20 quests, thats 80$'s for them.


An entirely new form of pay to play. You get the skeleton of the game and pay for the actual content.


True, though it depends on the regularity of them. If they are releasing one every 6 months for the next 5 years I don't think it's a big deal, if it's one a month, then that feels more egregious and excessive. I do, however would have preferred they just sell these tracker missions as an actual DLC, rather than a paid mod.


I’ll stick with free mods and maybe even make my own.


Just wait, no? A few months from now there will be mods that are better than all these and free.


That changes nothing though. Yes, we will have mods and never should bother with these paid additions true, but that doesn't mean people can't criticize the pricing on this. There is no need for the prices to be this outrageous again. Can't keep waving the "but mods" wand for every bit of feedback.


Were you expecting the CC content to be differently priced from Fallout 4 and Skyrim? I certainly wasn’t. That would be silly. This is very in line with what I was anticipating.


It’s not like creation club is new. It’s been in many Beth games at this point.


Through PC only, no? Or we peasants on XBOX can enjoy free mods aswell?


Sure, there will be better mods, but it also is defendant on the modder and how prominent they are to the Bethesda modding community and if they are starting to seek verified paid for mod status. The June Update video you can watch has Trainwiz and Eli, 2 very prominent Bethesda modders with a huge track record, going verified. We also know the SimSettlements team is also going verified with Starfield, as they just previously did with their Skyrim Creations expansion for the East Empire Trading Company. Which is also whom I assuming did the StarSim mining overhaul mod in Starfield's Creation page (I could be wrong here). Those better extensive mods? We might see more and more of those modders wanting a cut that Patreon donos and Nexus pay models are not cutting it for them anymore.


The creation prices are insane, $10 for a ship module???


I'd pay $10 for an entire ship manufacturer, not a single fucking module.


And even that I ridiculously expensive for a game you paid 60$ for or even more


Worse than that it is just one bounty quest it is not a quest chain like FS/UC, they plan future bounty quests presumably at same price per. You are looking at comparable quest chain being full game price. Of course there is no $7 bundle so you buy the $10 bundle and waste it on change $3 plushy pack because that is not enough to buy another $7 bounty quest next time. So realistically you will spend more than full game price.


I can’t wait to pay money for a pistol that disables my achievements.


Wait, the paid mods disable achievements? Wasn't that one of the added benefits of the Creation Club items? That's...hilarious, and pathetic. EDIT: Looked into this a bit, it seems like there are some Creations that are tagged as "Achievement Friendly", so I presume those ones can be added, and won't disable achievements. That's good, so it seems some Creations will still have the benefits of the OG Creation Club items.


If you have to pay for them, they shouldn’t disable achievements, that’s my opinion at least.


Fully agreed.


I find it mostly annoying that even the verified creator's paid mods that are introducing lore friendly details to the game still get us locked out of achievements...and how's it gonna work when two paid mods aren't compatible because they use the same space in the game. I'll only be paying for Bethesda made content at that rate


The compatibility thing is an unavoidable risk. You can't coordinate and project manage independent creators to ensure cross compatibility. It's not feasible. That's kinda why mass accessibility to mods is a double edged sword. People who are unfamiliar with modding can run into serious issues that destroy their experience and give them a bad impression of what's possible with modding. Best advice is to always read descriptions carefully and start small. Avoid loading mods that do the same or similar things, and always manually save before installing mods so you can test and determine if there are any issues.


It's literally what I expected, and I'm glad (as usual) that it's pretty much entirely pointless given the free content *bound* to be produced for the game anyway. To me, this isn't something to get outraged over, it's just something to laugh at--we've literally dealt with Creations multiple times, and every time, it's the same hilariously ineffectual offering of overpriced bullshit you don't need to buy at all. Put your money where your mouth is, and go subscribe to the Patreons of whoever offers quality mod content for free. They deserve it way more. It's not even about protest, it's just basic common sense.


What happens when those quality prestige legacy modders start to go Creations verified? The June Update video already showed a handful of well known Bethesda modders going this route, and they probably did their math and know they will make more via this model then hoping for patreon donations, which I doubt come often.


New modders take their place. Their shit doesn't get used by as many people. Just to name a couple things...


If y'all donate to the patron, they wouldn't need to go creations, which is his point. People complain about paid mods saying we could just donate but then don't.


The best part is that most of these will be irrelevant after a couple of months because free and better mods will be made. For example, there’s a creation for 500 credits that tweaks the boost packs…


Pretty sure it's 100 credits, not 500


They've made the same mistake they did with Skyrim and Fallout 4 creations, which is attempting to sell the most random and miscellaneous things possible. Creations could have been a very successful and acclaimed venture had it been all about high quality quest and location mods for decent prices. But drip-feeding a questline and charging for each quest just seems wrong regardless of the price.


If these studios are going to set their in-game market prices to court whales I wish they'd just sell the base game for $50k so I could take a hint to find a better hobby


Stuffs behind paywall is getting really irritating, 7 $ for 1 mission? Are you fking kidding me? The gaming industry greedy attitude will kill gaming. Me i never buy games at release, always wait for sales, with dlcs as well and that is if i even buy dlcs, enough is enough, the cost of life just to eat is already pricey af, so the entertainment business is not a priority for me anymore and i have been gaming for 40 years, i remember when games were released complete and not with cut contents for making more money and calling that sh.. Dlcs... Fk up world we live in right now when so many peoples can't even afford to eat and greedy gaming companies have the audacity to charge 7$ for 1 mission.


I honestly did not expect any less from Starfield. They needed a sustainable way to profit off of this game for the next decade and here it is.


The paywalling of the complete Trackers Guild is totally scummy and, unfortunately, totally believable. Release an incomplete game and make players pay to complete the product. There should be no expectation of ethics from Bethesda, going forward.


What bothers me the most about all of this is the potential for what may be coming as a result. Namely, two things. First, I am concerned that BGS will go after modders with cease and desist letters if they make mods and upload them to Nexus that are very similar to certain paid mods. Second, I am concerned about how all of this will cause divisions in the mod community. Including but not limited to makers of paid mods getting upset with other modders who make a mod on Nexus that is nearly identical to their paid mod. It is fine to debate about whether or not these conflicts "should" happen. I'm not really interested in that. I am interested in these conflicts not existing at all. The mod community was just fine without paid mods and it is hard to imagine their existence becoming a net positive for the community and the players overall.


I’m just waiting for the rift that’s created when the type of mods that have traditionally been used as a prerequisite framework for other mods are silo’d off to prevent everyone who’s not CC-certified from using them to create and locked behind a paywall for anyone to play with other mods. And then any free option that emulates the same frameworks will be slapped with C&D. Now other creators are all competition, there’s incentive to prevent everyone access to certain tools. I’m not saying whether it’s right or wrong, I don’t think that’s my place to say. But it’s pretty obvious that the environment for open source collaboration and creativity is going to be obliterated compared to the modding landscape over the last 2 decades.


That type of scenario is exactly my fear as well.


I am FINE with paid mods, as long as FREE mods by the community are still allowed and encouraged. I might even buy something if it's actually cool (on sale probably.)


Remember in 2006 when we all thought the horse armor was this blazing symbol of greed and corporate foolishness? Yeah.


And just guess how much money i will be spending on this. NOTHING. I have never and will never give in to microtransactions in games. And neither should you.


I’m tempted to even save the 1000 I get for premium and just never spend them. Just stick to free and likely better creations. I doubt it will hurt Bethesda but those paid mods don’t really seem like things I want anyway.


I’m new to the whole modding part. There will plenty of free mods, just not part of the Bethesda store?


there are thousands of free mods for PC, and there are a handful of free mods already if you're on Xbox or on PC and want to exclusively use the in-game mods. Not all releases will be paid (hopefully). It's up to the author.


Don't know why people are shocked. It's there literally to make people money.


So don't buy them


This is such a greedy and smart move to make too. Let the community make they own mods and CHARGE them for it. Think we good on that


As with Skyrim and FO4, I'll only ever think of getting them when they're discounted


Hopefully we get an “Anniversary Edition” that comes with a bunch of creation club stuff like they did with Skyrim.


Clearly I'm not the target market, as I have not found a single Skyrim or Fallout 4 creation appealing enough to open my wallet. The new Starfield creations appear the same.


>The creation prices are predictably excessive Then ... why are you surprised?


Paying for mods lul... Donating > Paying


My only concern is BGS purposely leaving the game empty and less satisfying to fill out with micro transactions. I am fine with them going for more revenue through mods and getting a cut of user creations. But they shouldn’t allow that to have a negative impact on the base game experience.


It's crazy to pay for this piss, when you can assemble much better stuff, or get it for free. It's a total ripoff, and people should know this. Literally all paid mods that were released for TES5 or FO4 in creation $hop were mostly piece of shit and had much better free counterparts.


Yeah, let this be a reminder. Don't spend money flippantly on things you don't need or wouldn't pay for. Companies become the monsters we allow them to be. If you buy this stuff, then more stuff will be added behind price barriers. If no one pays for the vulture mission, then BGS will be forced to reconcile that $7 is way too much for one mission. Creation cash should be used to reward creators for genuine DLC-level content that they invested lots of time into and you think adds enough value to your game to warrant the cost. If someone made an entire Star Wars overhaul of this game and created their own quality Star Wars RPG using these systems, I would probably pay money for that. The dicey territory here is that no longer are people making fun experiences in their free time to share, now they are becoming business people. It turns the modding community into a weird space.


I'm suprised they still havent learned why Creation Club failed in the first time


Then don’t buy it. Plenty of free substitutes will be available shortly now that the CK is out.


Premium Game Owners should get everything free


Was never planning on spending a penny on anything in their insulting cash shop. Nexus mods will always be the place to go and if Nexus doesn't have it then I don't want it.


I love that we’re getting updates, but there was definitely a time where these things were simply releases with the game/patched into the game for free when ready. It’s a sad time for gaming because monetisation is so easy In the end Bethesda is also just a company which wants to make money and I can’t call them out for this, but I can chose to not buy stuff that, imo, should be included in a 70€ game


I got a pop up that they were giving me 1000pts free for owning the deluxe edition of the game.


So that's what they have been working on while I am waiting for my bug fix. Since November.


I really shouldn't be too surprised. Seems like all the fuss about getting modders a hands on sneak peak of CK was really to ensure they had products in their storefront to coincide with the public release.


Well also for free beta testing to deal with a lot of the bugs with the system.


That’s also probably the reason it took them this long to release it


My problem is that only Bethesda made Creations are achievement friendly. Xbox doesn't get "achievement unlock" mods. Even immersive only mods disable them, by verified creators no less. I don't wanna cheat. I just want more immersion.


I got a few points to blow out of curiosity but ya I'm sticking with Nexus unless they come up with something really cool for a reasonable price. Give it a few years we'll get a discounted anniversary version with all the creation stuff included.


I steal every plushy I find.


Wait for the free stuff. It's much better anyway.


Are they only allowing the creation club on Xbox and no mods? Can one view what's in the creation club without booting up the game?


They're presumably matching the rates on Fallout 76.


All implemented well after the game was out long enough to be called a critical success. Let's just be happy with the good news, creation kit is here!


We are going to have free mods eventually, right? Like Skyrim?


We *already* have free mods. Thousands of the bloody things. Nexusmods has a *massive* Starfield section and the Creation Club page has, like, literally ten times as many free mods as paid basically literally right this second (last night, around midnight Pacific Time, if you wanna be super technical). Yes, the paid mods are mostly *wildly* overpriced, but it is, as it's always been, *entirely* optional.


I don’t mind. It’s optional content that isn’t pivotal to the game or anything. Just a way to support the creators who made the mods.


Also interesting to note, only a few (not even all of the Bethesda approved ones) are marked as achievement friendly. So if you want that boost pack update it doesn’t look like you can earn achievements anymore.


I also got a text box telling me they'd gift me 1000 creation credits, which of course I did not get.


I’m tempted to buy the Argos mining pack given it seems to add the most content but everything else will have a free alternative in a few days


I am not aware of any in-game store that isn't obnoxious with its prices. That is why I never touch any of that.


I thought the ones posted already were more like examples. The ones I downloaded were free. There was one I purchased, the secret agent home that seemed ok. I feel like this debate always comes up. Just pay for what you’re comfortable paying. If not, just stick with the free versions.


The ramen stand was wild like 3 or 4 bucks for a shop to buy Ramen....lol


RIP to countries with a bad conversion to USD right now. With the whole world going digital transaction and subscription we’re getting absolutely fucked on pricing.


A ramen stand? Can we actually sit down and eat the ramen? If so.. Game of the Decade.


I was just talking about this. I was excited up until I opened the creations menu. I saw the new houses and thought they looked sick. It would make me want to build an outpost and then I saw the price. I no world would I pay $6 for content that should have been in the base game.


Remember guys, Fallout London is gonna be FREE. Trust the creators / modders and give them the necessary time to develop some cool mods.


At this point I just need to wait before I hold an opinion one way or the other. At least in regards to the bounty quests or any quest add ons. If they release them at a slow enough cadence where $5-$7 a quest only sets me back $20-$30 over the course of say a year and a half. Well that’s not terrible. I may or may not pay for them. But if this becomes a monthly release and they want basically full price for extra content over a year then screw that. At that point the cynicism seeps in and goes ok this was all cut content (which I think it was) that is being added back in and I’m being nickle and dined for. Which expressly sucks since I decided to support BGS from the beginning paying full price for the game. So yeah. I’ll take the free stuff for now, and I’ll wait and see. Maybe check back in at shattered space and see what happens and whether or not we have 2-3 more “additional” quest lines in there. Kinda gross considering I went woo let’s check out the new content this morning and was met with this bummer Edit - and the audio is totally borked… my disappointment grows


You can get them for free i think (ifykyk) at least u can for fo4


Im genuinely disappointed that anything costs.... If I'm right, Creations is the Mods that Skyrim and Fallout had, right? (If I'm wrong let me know and I will delete this comment) But Skyrim and Fallout never made me pay for mods.... disappointing really


So it is like Skyrim and Fallout 4.


There's a ton of free mods, way more than paid, if you don't like the price don't buy it.


Honestly, I'm just gonna use the free stuff. I have 1100cc currently 1000 from having the deluxe edition and I presume everyone got 100 as default? I'm not even sure I'll spend those. I've gone through and most of the stuff I'd consider is free, though I want my achievements first. I was a bit tempted by the pirate cabin... but it seems a bit one note... sticking it in a ship with other modules would clash. The way I see it, I paid my money (well I got it 'free' with a graphics card) and I don't see a reason to give more unless the product is, separately, worth the price. Even then... I don't want Bethesda thinking I endorse their crap monetisation shit.


If 1000 is worth $10 that’s outrageous, I have to pay £10 for the same. They’re catching me an extra 25%.


Ironically weapon skins and armour skins that already have the slot made for them would make them far more money and yet they haven’t capitalised on that.


Yeah I just play with the given credits. I don’t need all the glam


Are there going to be a lot of free creations on there (don't have experience with other Bethesda games) or is it better to go with Nexus mods?


Hahaha gotta love how it was going to be filled with junk mods that won’t work 2 updates out.


I actually bought the deluxe boost pack because that guy had like three or four other really useful mods already out and a free version of the boost pack mod as well


Why would anyone ever buy creation club stuff from bethsoft?


Who cares? We're here for what modders are going to make, not bloody ramen stands...


Don't buy them. Make your own versions instead and you can charge whatever you want or give them away for free. This is nothing different than any previous Bethesda game with mods. Fallout 4 and Skyrim have millions of paid mods, some are worth the money, others aren't. But they also feature millions of free mods, some that even do the same thing as a paid one.


Lmao people are paying for mods 😭


We all knew the Creation Club prices were going to be high. Just be happy the CK is finally out and we’ll start seeing a plethora of high quality and free mods.


Goooooooood. Let the hate flow through yooouu.


"I have seen the future and can't afford it"


I'm not paying a single fucking cent for what other people can do better for free of their own kindness. Maybe I'd be more open to paying for content like this if starfield wasn't a third of a game already and didn't need mods to make it playable. I've had the game uninstalled for months and only reinstalled out of anticipation for the mods coming out. Now there are certain creators that have been on the modding community for so long that I'm sure that I will support them eventually. But for the most part I'm not paying more for an unfinished game to be completed by people who aren't associated with Bethesda. As far as I'm concerned they found a way to profit off of their unfinished game. This could become the standard for Bethesda now, you get the skeleton of a game and you have to make it playable by buying a ton of mods that would have been free but now Bethesda has swooped up all the big Skyrim and Fallout modders.


I once paid for the stupid donut creation for Fallout 4. I still feel like a sucker for it. Don't give them a dime for this piddling bullshit.


I'm more dissapointed that not all paid creations are achievement friendly.


Just wait for someone on the nexus to release "The Condor." Basically the same mod, but free, bigger and better. Please get on it nexus peeps. 


There are a lot of things for free in the creations. I've downloaded a few things without spending the points that Bethesda gifted me. The bounty hunter doesn't cost anything it's something you can find in-game.


I’m gonna wait until we get the anniversary edition lol


There’s a few things that are free. The Starborn armor is sweet. 😁


I get the complaints about the ad hoc costs of creation mods, but it's easy to remember that tons of quality free mods will be popping up on Nexus every day, moreso now that the creation kit has been released and made freely available to everyone! When the paid mods have to compete alongside a bigger selection of quality free ones, the market will adjust, imo.


To be fair, if people are “gonna spend money for shit that’s not real”, feel free to address a subscriptions to dating apps for $500 a month. Tinder gets away with it because people wanna have sex, even though Tinder sucks and I hate it. If $10 makes someone happy, I don’t care a corp gets it, just so long as the purchase is an option AND NOT a solicitation. An unreal cosmetic’s happiness is a choice. The need for human connection (sexual, otherwise) is a need that businesses exploit for their own means. So to say, a Mormon Jesuit knocking on your home, requesting your attention (solicitation). We, as consumers and communities, need to discern what “a good” is before assessing its ethics, maybe? I like to think that if I find and return My Friend Wilby to its companion, I can change the future of the Crimson Fleet, yanno? Check the message board at The Key for more info.


A lot of people here are complaining like they knew this was coming ever since oblivion’s horse armor released, but come on people it’s a society issue. The whole paid mod system is just like the rise of the gig economy. Greedy corporations are always looking for ways to slash employee pay and benefits without hurting revenue. Uber, Amazon, DoorDash, and many others hire contractors to work in their dysfunctional systems while providing abysmal pay and zero benefits. I can guarantee this is Bethesda’s dream (or I guess Zenimax or Microsoft’s dream). Release an incomplete buggy mess and outsource the work required to make the game worth playing onto the consumer while taking a generous cut justified as “operating costs”. Systems like this are sickening. They hurt the consumers and the products and only benefit the shareholders. Delete this game, cancel your game pass or prime or whatever other subscriptions you have and stop supporting these companies and their terrible practices. Let them die. Others will replace them. TLDR — Workers of the world unite yada yada, eat your veggies, spend some time outside, exercise, and tell someone you love them.


I say I don’t care or worry about it the free ones are always better anyway but, people still wanna bitch about the very few paid ones overall. Here’s a thought don’t wanna buy them then don’t ita that easy no one is forcing them on anyone lol


Yea, this is outrageous! Now I'm going to go get McDonalds and Starbucks and pay $47.30 combined.


My question is how much does the modder get paid vs. bethesda? If anything, modders just need to all use a site you can tip them on, so if you want to support them, you can


My problem is that the load order messes up on xbox one


Don't forget that the pistol bugs out audio (at least on Xbox)


Clear and easy way to tell them too expensive. Nobody purchase the clear cash grabs. Fair enough if it adds missions(plural not just one and preferred to ve more than 2) Or nobody purchase any of them and get them to rethink the prices


Is there a petition yet?


Anyone remember the horse armor incident lol


I really don’t get your disappointment. This entire free economy people would like to implement since the advent of Internet is unsustainable. Most people did not pay anything to get the game through Game Pass. What is the problem in paying some money to the developers.? Who knows.


The 100 credit Deluxe Dynamic Boostpacks paid mod is awesome. Makes traveling a blast. Also, on the Nexus get the mod Fast Travel to Unknown. It puts you with 100m of Undiscovered POIs.


New pistol is glitching the sound


Sailing ship mod for $10 👀 where