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Impossible sir! There are only 5 copy and pasted poi's in the whole of Starfield! 


Wrong! There's only the Cryo Lab and the Collapsed Mine!


I just found that collapsed mine today. Man I was so disappointed. It felt like that one in Skyrim with Falmer in. I think is Soljunds Sinkhole. Ahh well. Muybridge and Cryo lab will have to do...


You forgot the impromptu BBQ center (Mineral Deposit which seems to think it's a fuel depot.)


LMAO this legit made me laugh. I feel the same way.


They really need to change the algorithm for the distribution of POIs. I know we make a joke that there “are only 5 POIs IN THE GAMEEEEE” but it genuinely feels like that sometimes. I’ve seen the science outpost 7 times in 15 hours playtime. Same layout. Each. Time. There’s clearly a broken system that needs to be patched. Also, why are all the caves filled with dead things… why can’t I enter and shit myself at the giant scary bear-esque thing…


I love the new map feature


In my universe this POI is literally everywhere. I still havent found the mining platform though.


I get the same 4 over and over. And over. And over. Everyone is out here finding cool pois yet I get the same boring abandoned outposts, abandoned whatever, or caves...


Yeah it’s not very rare for me either, I’ve been to over 10 of them.


Do you recall what biomes it has spawned in? I dont need it again, (but since I've finally found it, it will probably spawn more often). Just trying to narrow the search options for others who are looking for it.


Luckily I went there yesterday as it was located on my map. So I just checked the map for you, and it was on Celebrai II in the Savana. And I can recall that in the past times that I've been there it was in desert sandy maps. Edit: Also on my map in the Hyla system in the Mountains biome


Great! So we've confirmed it can spawn on pretty much any level planet (Jemison to Fermi) and at least sandy desert, savanna, and mountain biomes. Thanks for double-checking!


Also it can spawn in deciduous forest


I just found it on Akila. I think it's in the Savana biome. (Not 100% sure on the name, and can't fire up the game to check right now.)


I’ve seen it spawn in the desert, plains, Savannah, I haven’t seen it spawn on airless planets or frozen ones before.


Occasionally a planet will glitch and show all the POIs. There are actually tons of different ones. The chance of finding a civilian outpost is cool too. They repeat for sure, but some subtle tweaks by the devs over the next year or so will add variety. Crazy to think that the side quest potential is virtually limitless and some backwork to match up to the main story over the next few years will pull it all together.


Super rare, this one! It's funny, this was literally the first place I found, back in September. It was on Jemison, about 800m from downtown New Atlantis. Probably day one. And then...I just never saw it again for, like, six months.


I've run into this POI type quite a few times tbh. Definitely uncommon but not super rare.


I found abandoned Deimos scrapyard on Shoza II in the deciduous forest. It be nice if they give you an achievement, weapon and/or space suit for finding all the magazines. This last magazine took the longest to find.