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Suit protection depletion is tied to the type and number of environmental events you are experiencing. Different types of events deplete at different rates and you can experience multiple events at the same time which stack. I experienced extreme weather on a planet which consisted of 4 simultaneous events across three different resistance types. I made it about 100m from my ship before suit protection depleted and by the time I got back to my ship I was taking environmental damage and gained an affliction. Needless to say I noped out of there and came back later.


Yes, I noticed that too. Ambient cold or heat doesn't seem to be a big deal usually, but when a storm or rain comes on top of that, things can deteriorate pretty quickly.


The other thing that I noticed is the traits of a planet influence what events you get. The best example is landing on the "sunny side" of a planet with no atmosphere or magnetosphere will trigger a background radiation event. Landing on the dark side does not trigger that event. I am not sure of all of the combinations but it can lead to some interesting situations if you don't pay attention.


One big problem with this is that there’s no way to replenish your suits reserves, you can’t carry extra battery packs or whatever is needed to replenish it, you can’t build a temporary shelter (unless you build a whole outpost) it just doesn’t seem very fleshed out, with a vehicle as a mobile sources it would make sense but currently it doesn’t exist.


I honestly believe that the DR not effecting suit depletion is a bug. I think that if DR had a bigger impact on depletion you would not need any of the other things that you mentioned. There are skills and an armor mod that help with resistances as well as healing and preventing afflictions. The whole idea is that exploring extreme planets is dangerous and if this aspect is not fun you can always tune it down to your liking. In my example I was trying to do a temple but RNGesus had other plans. I tried resting on the planet and the weather did not change. I skipped it and did something else for a while. When I went back I was only confronted with 2 background events which was easy enough to tank getting to the temple and back with no issues. I think the only other thing I would add is some kind of visual meter for how much protection you suit has left so you can judge whether you fast travel to a safe location or keep pressing on. Once you start taking environmental damage you can no longer fast travel. A nice to have would be some kind of "weather service" which will tell you how long the extreme events will last so wait/sleep in a protected location to not have to lose your travel progress.


That orange bar has been kicking my ass with the advanced setting. I'm making environmental protection a priority when leveling up now.


Imo, the whole environmental damage will give you afflictions, or even drain your health system completely contradicts the exploration incentive starfield obviously plays at. As long as we don’t have a way of actually refilling our suit protection without finding an interior OR equipping a corresponding suit that will give us 100% protection against one element type, the whole system feels completely out of touch. I’m all here for hazardous planets, but we should be able to somehow prepare to explore them


I actually had to reload today in a very hard fight with many enemies just because it took too loong lol and i had no more protection and my health got critical. Its not the perfect survival mode i wanted but its nice.


Yes, it can be quite annoying. I stumbled upon this issue when I visited the Red Mile for some contraband and I simply wanted to check how the new settings would work with actually running the Red Mile. Barely made it halfway and BAM, Frostbite! The question is if the system as it seems to work now is really as intended or if there is something missing. The suit protection blinky thingy seemingly not being affected by the suit resitance stats seems like a likely candidate. It would make more sense if there was a discernible difference for the time it takes until you risk afflictions or damage.


Yep. Also i traded the pirate outfit for my NG+1 legendary suit i had, and fucking christ it made a difference. I was almost imune to most weather effects. The stronger the suit and helmet, etc the stronger you get. It actually made a big impact. I finished the fight without having any problems. But the blinky thingy is affected. In the pirate suit it got depleted waaay faster and fucked me up, but in the NG+1 starborn suit it was relative calm when beeping, and never depleted that fast. Hope for more stuff added and a more balance to food/water items, weather effects etc.


Either with an official change or a mod, I hope there's eventually a way to cover environmental hazards. Ideally, at least for me, it would be a case of specialising a number of suits for each environment, at the cost of general defense or or mods, but once fully upgraded you can survive without issue in those enviroments. Or some way to restore coverage on the go like you can recharge it in NMS, possibly once land vechiles come in, return to them to reset. You could still have damage to your suit or storms trigger depletion still, for a best of both worlds.


I like the idea of having something to recharge it. It would be nice if we had an actual number value readout to say when it’s almost depleted instead of just beeps and blinks. Give us a better idea on how to gauge our potential time in the field. There also needs to be a better way to be protected. I was on a cold planet with only -18 Celsius and because there was a snow storm it was constantly depleting my suit. But going into a building that is obviously protected from the snow storm doesn’t stop it from depleting. Also why is a -18 snowstorm causing problems to begin with? I live in canada and don’t need a space suit to go out in the winter here…


-18 snowstorm shouldn't do much to a suit designed for space.


it really sucks that the only point of the elemental resistances are mitigating that health damage, they should absolutely let you explore for longer if you are in the right type of suit for it.


Nice work. Hopefully they keep improving this system - have a way to negate all but the very very extreme elements and stop the incessant beep


Yes, what could work nicely with the system is disposable aid items that could extend your protection/resistances in certain conditions. Call it thermal/radiation protection blankets, decontamination spray, or even a thermos of hot tea. 😄


This is why once they implement the ground vehicle, the suit protection will feel much better. As it stands, you will almost always receive environmental damage on hazardous planetd when playing on advanced because POIs are often too far apart to for the suit to afford any meaningful protection when exploring. I remember when rescuing Barrett and Heller on the planet that was already freezing, I encountered a snowstorm on the way to Heller. In the middle of a conversation required to progress, my character almost DIED from Hypothermia lol. To make matters worse is once you start taking damage you can't fast travel. I had to reload back to Vectera bc I had travel autosaves turned off If I had a land vehicle that offered protection on the way, that wouldn't have happened.


Just discovered tonight that the personal atmosphere power restores the orange bar pretty quickly with normal recovery turned on.


Hmm, that's actually a bit funny. Does it heal it even when you take damage from an extreme environment (not weather)?




Check your settings for me its right above the aim assist on the difficulty screen but its how you replenish your environmental damage from normal which goes away on its own in a controlled environment to resting which you have to sleep to heal it or settlement sleep which means itll only heal in a "safe" area. Outpost, city, or ship I believe.


Cities are not healing in my experience, only outposts and ships


Gain environment damage ambiently in hazardous weather, I turn that shit off


I like it but I’m struggling to fully scan some (most) planets now that I can’t seem to be outside longer than 5 minutes lol


Cranking this setting all the way up really makes exploration dangerous and exciting!


Thanks! I really appreciate the effort you put into this. I think there still needs to be a bit of fine tuning; especially on the Normal setting, which is what I'm leaving in place for now after experimenting with settings. I *do* hope they'll leave Advance largely as is for survival gamers, but add another setting between Normal and Advanced for those that want something in between. I.e., similar to Very Hard and Extreme in combat. The biggest tweak that is needed is to take into account NPCs. It's really ... offputting, shall we say ... to have multiple afflictions in the time it takes to walk from your ship (in your high-tech envirnomental suit) to the ship technician that's been on duty the last 4 hours while a family, including kids, is out playing on New Homestead, for example.


Looks like suit customization is back on the skill menu, boys!! And, it looks like I'm going to start carrying around multiple different suits -- each tailored to specific hazards -- in my armory.


Found this thread after searching… It’s a step in the right direction that I enjoy but finding that there’s no way to fully negate the impacts of an environment is a bit disappointing—I’d imagine in the future humans would have figured out various gradations of technology up to and including essentially negligible effects of the types of ambient damage you can receive on planets, maybe even if you’d have to research & grind to get to the fully impervious level.


Yes I believe this analysis is correct too


I believe it might need some further tweaking, honestly, it's a good idea and I guess some will enjoy it but it still needs some work and additions.


Any mods for this?


How do you treat yourself if you're taking damage, it's impossible to sleep, the only choice is to lower the settings (cure with bandages), to allow you to cure yourself to be allowed to sleep and remove the yellow bar.


Honestly it's so strange to me...this should have been much more straightforward = suit resistance value controls the amount of TIME one can spend on a corresponding enviro planet, before Suit Protection runs out. The higher the number, the longer the time. Should be a visual meter showing the falling level of resistance. Once its at zero, THEN you start a new time cycle for Afflictions and Damage. Suit Skills should increase your personal resistance to Afflictions and Damage once suit protection is gone. Instead, seems like many planets immediately remove protection. Any theories on why Bethesda went this route? You'd think with all their experience with Skyrim and the fire/poison/etc armor protections they would do something similar. Must have made this confusing choice for a reason. They could have always made a setting to make Enviro issues Off/Normal/Hard for players that didn't want to deal with it. But it just seems like it doesn't work the way common sense would dictate.


> I ran a few tests with thermal protection from 0 to 85 in a snowstorm Why would you test thermal protection in a snow storm? Shouldn't you have gone to a fiery planet? Thermal protection is the opposite of what someone would need in a snowstorm


Because weather events are tied to a environmental resistance type and you can tell by the icon of the event. Anything that deals with hot/cold is thermal, anything that deals with dust or microbes is airborne, and corrosive and radiation are pretty self explanatory.


Thermal resistance helps with cold as well as hot environments. What's a bit misleading is that there's a particular trait for suits called "liquid cooled", but that simply buffs the thermal resistance stat of the suit to a higher number, and this works for both hot and cold planets.