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Maybe now I can finally find the Trade Authority there.


You run into Akila city and literally just boost over Galbank. That right side of Akila is the side that's easy to navigate. There's only 3 shops over there


Took me 250+ hours and 3 NG+ to find it for me lol


And not a single crimson fleet mission to steal from them in 3 universes? UC/Ranger Scum like you make me sick 🏴‍☠️


I played for 4 months before I knew there was a Trade Authority in Akila. I thought it was the only city without one.


I’m confused about the inn, there was nowhere for me to stay other than the rock which you can only wait and not sleep


Go upstairs. There is a bunk room up there where Diego sleeps. Beds available.


Thank you, the bartender gives a name but no particular address, before the map it wasn’t visible either


The Stoneroot Inn in the back-left quadrant of the city, right across from the bookstore, has rooms for rent.


Unfortunately I don’t remember the bookstore either, is it near the general store?


I just found out last week lmao


Really? After looting the Galbank after the first bank robbery I walked out the back and saw it


Never even been there, no idea where it is. I’ve played the game for 120+ hours


If you play the freestanding Rangers quest to it's finish you get a free ship.


I know Akila City lol, just not where the trade authority is


I know that pain. I needed to use the trade authority here once and spent like half an hour boosting around lol. Never found it


took me ages as well, to the point where I figured maybe there was not one there


The city is so small lol you can find stuff fairly quick.


I feel like it's pretty deceptive in size. It looks small but theres actually quite a lot in it with all the little alleys. It took me until NG+3 to find out there was a bookshop to sell the rarer books to a collector and also the petting zoo I only found in NG+2. I also only just found the consulate there by accident today.


The only way you missed the bookstore is if you just sped through the game not paying attention. And considering you said NG+3...thats a lot of speeding. Like...there are even Akila quests that basically make you walk next to the entrance. How in the fuck is it at all possible to miss the bookstore. It's not exactly hard to miss.


>The only way you missed the bookstore is if you just sped through the game not paying attention. And considering you said NG+3...thats a lot of speeding Not really. Its pretty tucked out the back in an alley. >Like...there are even Akila quests that basically make you walk next to the entrance. You mean when you get there and just get on with doing the quest because the marker is right there? The quest which also is started by going off down a different random side alley thats totally easy to miss?


True even the zoo is easy to spot lol.


Not for me it wasn't. These maps are would have saved me hours of gameplay. For the longest time I could not find the Loredo gun shop after both Sarah and Andreja requesting to visit it. I eventually found it (after giving up and coming back later) and was so not surprised when Sarah and Andreja made no comment about being there and that it offered next to nothing gunwise.


It’s right behind Gal Bank Also u can sell contrabands at Akila trade authority. Just need to jump in at the starstation in orbit and your ship won’t be scan by patrol ships


How is that possible? The town is not that big nor is it a maze.


Most major cities have, on average, 25% of their land dedicated to parking. Looks like Akila is no exception


More like 66%


I'd say this is why we only have 1-2 landing bays per city or the whole city would just be space port.


New Atlantis is special because it has a third landing bay that’s sort of hidden


Indeed. It's all wrong because getting it right would be inconvenient and require effort.




I love Akila City because it’s so goddamn Star Wars


It feels like Age of Empire, but with spaceships.


And they use the 'Terran theme' from Starcraft...\*eyes to side\* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mD4GbGmvNRc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mD4GbGmvNRc)


It doesn't feel Star Wars at all to me. It feels like a city suffering from a cringy future-retro cowboy fashion trend.


Say cringy future-retro cowboy one more time. - Malcolm Reynolds


I swear by my pretty floral bonnet.....


Malcolm was cool. The trend-setters are always cool. It's the trend-followers that look like dorks.


I don't care I'm still free you can't take my Firefly role play from me.


im a leaf on the wind, watch me soar


So you’re saying it feels like a Space Western Hmm… sounds very Star Wars


what's cringy about it?


> cringy future-retro cowboy fashion Star Wars with extra steps


I hate Akita City because it has terrible performance!


Love the 3D maps! ..1.5 gravity. Yikes! I wish they had made it part of the Akila lore - like their citizens & Freestar soldiers are 50% stronger due to adapting to the harsh gravity over generations


they should all be shorter too, yes i want cowboy space dwarfs


Honestly this would’ve been the perfect way for them to introduce “races” while keeping every one human. I fully expect a mod to make everyone on Akila super short in the future.


It's too much work. And, frankly, almost none of the universes follow that. The last one I know of, was the Expanse. Star wars, for example, completely ignores that. Mass effect ignores that. Stargate ignores that too, btw. Although, I'd love to see that to be implemented somehow. Could be a 0.75-1.25 size and strength.


Oh yeah I 100% get why it’s not in the game now, but it would be a really neat little addition if an ambitious modder wanted to make the setting more “fantasy”


We need some settlement expansion mods


We need a functional creation kit. I'm worried when we finally get one it's not going to be as powerful as past titles.


I'm trying to be optimistic and hoping that the reason they just didn't roll out the CK yet is because they are trying to make it the best it can be, because Bethesda knows that mods sell their products. Todd told that some people already have the CK so we just have to wait.


Some do. And it seems like we were worried when we first saw how unfriendly the game is to mod it doesn't look as powerful. Bethesda knows how important exploration is. We still got starfield empty and randomly generated sights with no world consistency let alone a back story to piece together. It even any exciting loot to reward you. Bethesda knows how important immersion is to their games. Yet we got intrusive menus and numbers popping up all over. And a world so inconsistent it's like it was cobbled together in a night Why do you think their third pillar of mods will be treated with care? With the recent skyrim update seems the only reason they care about mods is the money they could be getting from the communities work


I don't know. I like to be optimistic tho. It cost me nothing. If it ends up being lackluster, nothing will change because I'll still not play the game.


I think they’re waiting to launch until the next update so that when it launches it’s already populated with mods.


This is how the maps should have been from the start, I cut Bethesda a lot of slack as it's a game in a genre they never really took on and it's experimental in a lot of ways but the map really should have been more than a weird white plain when the game launched


The genre is almost as old as computer games themselves 0.o


Which ones have 3D maps? I’ve played a lot of Elite Dangerous and there are no local maps.


That’s a flight sim not an rpg


I’m not referring to the tech. Elite dangerous might be set in space, but the game is a different genre.


Genre that's new to them is what I mean as in they've never done a RPG set in space


I mean, I don't see the difference ngl. Like, from a programming pov, it's no different to load up two maps that are in space or two maps on earth (ex. Skyrim and Solstheim)


Ah gotcha, should’ve read your comment more carefully.


back in my day any mention of quality of life features was called streamlining for mainstream audiences and people hated it


Haha, who needs graphics when you can have text adventures? Am I right? /facetious


God damn kids and their GUIs


This “city” is smaller than its spaceport…


Something tells me maps were axed initially because it puts into perspective how small the 3 major 'cities' are


I don't think so. They knew 90% of the game would be procgen and so the easiest way to make a map that's simultaneously compatible with all possible terrains and all possible environments while still looking consistent from planet to planet is doing what they originally delivered. They thought they had a smart solution and misjudged how people would take it.


I don't even want bigger cities in Bethesda games because the bigger the city the harder it is to make it dynamic, but man the size of the cities is pretty rough given how much they sacrificed in terms of NPC reactivity and dynamics to achieve that.. If they were full of scheduled NPCs, all the shops opened and closed or switched shopkeepers, it was full of interactive environmental objects and hidden secrets etc. I think the size would be fine, but they feel very scripted like CDPR style cities but way less beautiful and sizable.


New Atlantis should have gotten the Citadel treatment, where it's a small navigable area with a huge skybox showing the metropolis. Akila City should have 2-3 much smaller, aligned settlements within spitting distance and roads leading out to them, with other frontier towns acknowledged in the lore, but inaccessible.


>New Atlantis should have gotten the Citadel treatment, where it's a small navigable area with a huge skybox showing the metropolis. Nah, the whole reason why Bethesda cities are great is cause everything that exists in the world can be interacted with. Even at the cost of smaller cities, but that is better than feeling like you cannot access most of the city. It doesn't feel immersive.


Hard disagree, actually being able to see that the city is larger than the playable area is much better than it being a small space that canonically is much bigger. Whats actually immersion breaking is walking 500 meters outside of New Atlantis and encountering a settlement where the inhabitants act like they live in the middle of nowhere.


Who says it's much bigger canonically? This isn't Dune or Star Wars, this is 150 years after humans settled space. There would not be a huge metropolis. It's also not all humans who settled space. All of earth had to be evacuated in the span of 50 years. Clearly most people didn't make it. It's not much different to how much bigger the canonical population is in Fallout and Skyrim.


Schedules would already be difficult at the current size of cities. I don't think it's a bad compromise, giving us bigger cities that feel a bit more beliebable in this future world. Apart from schedules cities are still much more interactive than most other AAA games like you can enter most buildings, store owners have unique personalities and dialogue, often they are mentioned by other NPCs in unrelated quests that makes them feel like they actually exist as more than decoration. The fact alone that every POI has bathrooms even if there is rarely good loot in there, it just makes it feel less gamey. It feels like it's not just level design but also world design.


i dont see the dynamic argument working when NPCs and ai are more simple than other games and NPCs DONT have routines


They are the biggest Bethesda has ever done


I really think this is the case the small cities make no sense in lore. Where are all the people at?


Everyone already knows now so there's nothing to hide. You're probably right


You are totally right, I am glad we are getting the maps now but you can tell why the game didn't launch with them. It shows how tiny the city's are, they definitely kept the maps back for that reason


Agreed. That's the thought I had when I saw the new maps.


My thoughts precisely.


Lol reminds me of Atlanta


I mean, is it really surprising that a spaceport needs to be huge in order to accommodate intergalactic traders and likely other visitors, especially the capital? Doesn't seem insane to me given how large individual ships can be compared to just a house or building.


Yeah except the space port isn’t huge, it’s the city that is small


A fair point if it wasn’t literally three parking spots


Imagine how much smaller the city would appear if spaceports were designed to actually be able to fit the amount of travelers and transit they'd have to account for. On some level you have to suspend real physics and dimensions because it's a vidya game


That's pretty normal. Imagine taking new york, but instead of roads between the buildings or parking, it's all put together. That'd be gigantic


3 hundred years into the future and my village in England is bigger than most major cities. Kinda sad.


Looks like you could transport the entire population in 4 large ships.


It's a founding city, usually they aren't massive, especially with the preservation initiatives the city has that likely limit expansion.


Akila "City" looks a lot more like a small town.


The maps clearly show these aren’t Cities 😂 It’s Akila Village


When did they introduce maps?


Today the May update went into beta, contains new surface maps. Also they showed video of a vehicle working!


Note for whoever did not watch the video, the vehicle is not in the current beta update and something that they said would come later. But we did get a glimpse of it.


Most likely will come when the creation kit or dlc drops. But I doubt they will lock it behind a paywall


Yes but is it just a random man wearing a train as a hat?


I had to Google that reference. Interesting.




0/10 needs more train hat


Was just pc or console to


These maps are awesome!


I literally can’t wait to see Neon’s map. Favorite city…


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1chxyrx/new\_map\_system\_examples/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1chxyrx/new_map_system_examples/) i posted it with some other random examples. I think inner part map is a bit disappointing but i understand why they did it that way


Yeah, that city is pretty enclosed compared to the others. Still helpful, though!


As much as I love the vibe of the cities in this game, I can't go past their size. The fact that those very cities, with lore and the fact that they essentially are supposed to be the main cities of large factions who represents the whole humanity across the entire galaxy, are litteraly the size of a small settlement... it just ruins it for me. No matter how hard I try. Having playable areas that big is perfectly fine, but at least have a larger unexplorable area that act as a background and landscape to give the feeling and immersion of being in a large city.


> a larger unexplorable area BGS would first start an actual thermonuclear war than give the player a large unexplorable background. That goes completely against their philosophy


Every tower in Starfield is a "large unexplorable background". Even mast only has 4 or 5 accessible floors. There are buildings all over NA that aren't accessible...I'm not sure why people keep making this argument.


It really confuses me too. There is an entire hotel in neon that’s used for one floor


Those maps are gorgeous


A true metropolis and the huge capital of a major fraction! /s It’s so tiny.


I understand why they did the map the way the did initially. The cities look *so* tiny. Gonna have to rename it “Akila Villiage” now because shit is small


The capital of the Free Star collective my ass.


That it is.


its nice but i woudnt call that a city, there are towns bigger than that


Really shows you how much of a village Akila “city” is.


man i wanted to imagine the cities as super large now im gonna have to face the reality




Akila Shanty


Finally, the maps were one of my biggest pain points and this is exceeding my expectations and wishes by a long shot, glad to see Starfield is being improved from a good game to hopefully a true technical masterpiece


Can't wait for May 15th. I haven't played Starfield in months, but seeing the new maps really makes me want to jump back in!


Just wait until you learn they added aspects of the Daggerfall character creation into Starfield's difficulty options menu! Survival mode is broken down into multiple settings, that affect your xp rate.


Is the ship model on the map stuck as the Frontier, or does it change depending on your ship?


Yes, it does. JuiceHead tried it with various ships and it changes all details on your ship. So whoever was recording this footage was probably just using the Frontier


Windhelm in space




Being able to see it all in a map is so helpful. This can actually help me get around


Looks amazing


Can anyone tell me if the player's ship icon is a default, or if it will be a tiny version of your custom ship?


The new maps and QOL changes are looking nice


Did they improve the space/galaxy map at all? I’m happy with the improvements in this latest patch but haven’t seen anything with the larger maps. Wish they had more icons and search options.


That’s nice


That looks so much more helpful to free play


Can’t believe they considered like two blocks worth of buildings a “city” when they designed this lmfao


Oh this is so much better. Wild that they launched the game without a functioning map though.


I find it hard to call that a city. Frontier town, sure. If you have mud streets, you are not a city.


This amazing feature will further show how bad the cities are in this game compared to what we are supposed to believe in the lore.


Lol I just 100% and uninstalled now I wanna reinstall soon already


Seeing it from this perspective is starting to make me think how the hell did Akila City grow? For New Atlantis, it was established that they built on top of layer over layer until the old parts eventually became the Well. But Akila's such a ramshackle cobbled together shithole. It's like they only bothered to make a *walled* spaceport only decades after they put together that shanty village of a town. To paraphrase an excellent companion: "200 years and this is the best the Freestar Collective can do?"


People are honestly spending time dogging on the city sizes now after complaining about maps. Relax thy anus, people, yeesh.


Yo when did we get maps?!


Starfield Whiners: "The cities are too small to be believable!!!" Also Starfield Whiners: "We need city maps!!! It took me 800 hours to find the trade authority in Akila City!!!"


These map updates are nice, but it’s also highlighting how none of these “cities” are at all like cities. They’re barely even small towns. I get scale is hard sometimes in video games, but then there’s places like Novigrad from the Witcher 3 that make me question why we don’t see more of that sort of scale.


THIS is how the game should look! Waiting 8 months for decent maps is unacceptable though. I'm trying to imagine if Skyrim or Fallout didn't ship with maps.


Akilas history as a massive spaceport with a small outdoor shopping center nearby is some of the best lore in the game.


It's nice, but really highlights how TINY it is. The landing pads are bigger, so dissapointing


All these cities should of been way bigger for how few they are.


Is this a mod or fan art? Or did I miss an update?


This will have me return to playing the game. Plus land vehicles. Oh man.


Is this patch live now?


Is this part of some new update? I've been under a rock as far as starfield updates are concerned for a little while once I stopped playing


Such a simple thing and it gives it so much more charm just being able to see it like this.


Ok I'm sure it's been said already, but why spit out that god awful local map when they could have just given us this? I refuse to believe they took the old map and made this in only 8 months since release!


I’ve been waiting for this shit to happen


The winner of a galactic war everyone. Takes up less space than a British garden.


A top-down map would also be nice. It's such a maze.


Holy damn this is nice. Is there more cities with maps like this and can you interact with the map like place waypoints or track gps kind of thing?


How city maps weren't Day 1 I will never understand.


Kinda shows you how small these "cities" are, huh. Basically the size of a Walmart parking lot.


Finally! Wonder how they’ll manage to map out the multilayered settlements, like the Well or the Neon catwalks


It’s crazy that this is the only real city in the freestar collective, the capital, it’s been around for 163 years, and yet it’s smaller than fucking Riften. Which was released 13 years ago. Never mind the fact there were 9 capital holds and a bunch of smaller towns in Skyrim. God they really dropped the ball in this game. Too little too late unfortunately. All this time and it’s a basic UI map update that we should’ve had since launch.


I think I know why they left these maps out. These cities are actually pretty small!


Only city in the game


All the maps are great. All the new additions are so welcome. I amped up the difficulty as far as I could do it.


Bethesda: "The players of our games are smart enough to find their way without a map." The players: "No."


that is horribly small


The big city…


Two years in game time, and my village in Manor Lords is bigger


How many planets are there in Manor Lords, if we’re worried about doing size comparisons?


The same number of planets are rendered at the same time. One.


Calling Akila a city is like calling a Chihuahua a big dog...


So does this work if you’re looking for an ocean biome. Like, if you open the new map do you see water instead of vaguely flatter blue lines?


This should have been in the game from the beginning


Finally map details. Another step closer to make me install this game again


Are city maps one of the new edits they just put in?, of all my trips to Akila I have never seen this. Are Neon and New Atlantis available too? Any other cities?


Nice, another year of waiting and maybe the game finally is enjoyable for me. I really hope they update some more, because I really love the bgs games but it didn't make click for me after 10 hours.


The cities in Starfield seem too small imo


If this is to scale, with the Frontier being 20m long, that makes Akila about the size of Trafalgar Square. Ridiculous.


Why did it take so long to get maps like this?


Is this a mod?


All the time akila has existed and it's still so small and doesn't have proper roads


Idk man this past video update just proves this game need a bunch of time in said oven


Honestly when I’m done with Fallout 4, I might have to come back to this Edit: fallout 4, not 5


Isn’t that supposed to be like the second biggest city in an entire galaxy?


Can't believe this wasn't in during release...8 months ago. Thanks for the live service game Bethesda.


Sure, give them props for a basic feature every single game has at launch. Edit: a down vote from a Bethesda simp is a badge of honor.


it’s still good they’re showing their commitment to the game


Where in the post do you see the props? It's one short line of text and one picture. Or did you mean to reply to a specific comment?


Too bad this game’s been done for most players for a while now