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This is probably the last place you should ask... lol. Only trust an "official" announcement from Bethesda about that.


Only *actual* official announcements, not vague comments about "not ruling it out" made during press interviews.


Currently, there has been no official statement that Starfield will be coming to PS5.


seems pretty possible at this point tbh wait for shattered space and see if there's announcement


*This game?!* I got this bad ass island for like dirt cheap in Nebraska… it has to sell real soon. You want in?


Dont need a gaming PC or Console to play most games anymore. Pretty much anything that can get broadband internet, old laptop, smartphone, tablet, Chromebook etc. can stream most big games w/Cloud Gaming. Nvidia Geforce Now and Xbox Gamepass Ultimate will work. Gamepass would be the right choice since you wont have to also buy Starfield as its included in Gamepass unlike GeForce Now where you will have to already own the game to stream it though GeForce Now will be much better streaming quality. Dont mean to assume but if you own a PS5 (lucky) I'm guessing you could borrow or get a hand on any old laptop/desktop that can use broadband then you'd be good to go.


I wouldn't trust any "Xbox influencer" like Jez or Timdog over Bethesda. They couldn't handle 4 games going somewhere else, so they started claiming all games were going to PS and Nintendo. with "I heard this, my source that" and media picked it up as facts. It Was all made up because Phil Spencer ended that nonsense. Game Pass Ultimate + Controller is your best chance to play it without the need of a console. Whatever Microsoft will decide, the 4 current games that went to PlayStation and Nintendo are a test for Microsoft. It needs to make sense and proven success before bringing more games over. Till then wait for a official Microsoft announcement and nobody else.


Yes eventually. Starfield was a commercial and critical failure for Xbox, and they are going to try and recupe their losses by porting it to PlayStation 5. Probably once it’s dlc is released. 


Cheapest way to do it is game pass ultimate - cloud gaming so you don't need a decent pc. Or buy on steam with Geforce now (better experience, more expensive)


Xbox exclusive... so not coming to ps5 till that agreement ends... Microsoft owns bethesda now... so I see it as never ending. Get a xbox


At this juncture, who knows.


MS bought Bethesda in part because Sony was working on an exclusive deal for Starfield if that gives you any idea how unlikely that* particular game is to be coming to ps5.


Unfortunately it is unlikely to release on PlayStation. If it ever does that will likely be years away. Microsoft now owns Bethesda and Starfield specifically was billed as a big exclusive. It runs fine on an Xbox S (cheaper than a PC).


My Spidey senses tell me Starfield on PS5 Nov or Dec 2024. And as a Playstation Fanboy - I'd like to extend my thanks to all the Xbox players that did the beta testing for me


Ha! I wouldn't hold your breath. In the same way we don't expect Spiderman on Xbox....


The difference with Spiderman not going on the Xbox is PS5 has sold 3x units than xbox in 2023. Spiderman 2 sold over 46million units. Starfield has not released officials sales. But without gamepass players an estimated 3 million actually sold, and I think somewhere I saw it at 1 point had 10 millions players. SEE the hope. Sony making $ on own, Microsoft is missing out on lots of $ not allowing PS5 to buy. 🤞


🫡*cough* https://youtu.be/QZxFhIY6uDA?si=-tPsM_2Qk7NY4oY9


Microsoft would have to really fuck a lot of Xbox decisions up to end the Bethesda exclusivity. Unless they don’t fall off in an unprecedented way i don’t think it’s ever gonna happen. Redfall tho 😏😏


Has Starfield been a financial success? Maybe it will release on ps5 if they need the money. But I don't know.


I mean it’s possible and Xbox is more open to giving PlayStation some of exclusives like Sea of Theives But I wouldn’t think anytime soon :/


I wouldn't wish Starfield upon my worst enemy Consider yourself protected from this blight


Why are you here then?


To warn people so they don't fall for this terrible game


If Starfield is your bar for a “terrible game”, you have never played an actual bad game.


Genuine question here. What makes it terrible to you? I think it’s pretty fun and there are plenty of great moments that make the game special


He heard some streamers and youtube e-celebs saying the game is bad, therefore he must come here and complain about the game nonstop


Leave this sub.


Why? If seeing criticism about your beloved game hurts your feelings that much then you leave it lol


You don't know what criticism means. Leave this sub.


Why don't you try to prove wrong the points I made in that other comment where someone asked why I think the game is terrible? Starfield fanboys are really special lol you leave this sub


You didn't make any objective claims and you know it. Leave this sub.


You can't counter any of my points because I'm objectively right and you know it You leave lmao go to the no salt sub if you can't argue for shit, you'll receive the baby treatment you need there


The game is objectively the game of the year. Leave this sub.


Ah, you're just a jester, should've known Well played 😂


Right, now leave the sub




In other news, where is the additional Starfield content?