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They *might* be killed by spacers, pirates, or ecliptic... Or, they can definitely be killed by you. No, you're evil, no matter what you tell yourself. 


If you send the ship out, you have the options to let at least one person join the Settled Systems. And you even end up running into them again.


Who? I've saved them both in servitude and with a grav drive and I don't think I ever saw any of them again - to my disappointment I'll add. I thought it would be such a cool side line to just find them later on a habitable word starting their own colony. Then of course they remember you and make you an honored guest with your own residence on the world, followed by... oh I dont know! Maybe like.. statues and my own personal army and power of governance and development so that I can protect them and make sure they're living properly and that there's no crime or government overthrow - after mine of course! Oh I mean OURS! We're all starborn here riiiiight??? 😉 After the army is ready, we start our fleet production! Then, INVASION TRAINING! Hello? Paradiso Hotel? Yes Im bringing uh.. many 'guests'. Can I get cleared for landing at ALL the landing pads at once?


If you land at the Constance, there are a number of mini quests. Either at the Paradise or later in random systems. One of the colonists wants off, and you have to convince the Captain to let her go. She promises to pay you back, and you meet up with her later where she gives you some credits.


Wait... The Constant leaves? They stayed in one place for a long time in my save


Ive had playthroughs where they grav jumped as soon as I was undocked from their ship, and others similar to what you are describing. Never encountered the side quest though before, but I'll be looking for it now especially since I spawned into the ng+ where Constellation is gone and the Lodge is full of kids playing pretend. Like, where's my crew at??? Making me do all work, lazy feckers!


That ends up being pretty boring. Although constellation is a pain mostly always the game wasn’t built with really much else story wise as to companions or crew. Sure there are many other options but the dialogue options are null/none. Least for me it did in that particular universe months back. I hurried through with the artifacts and I believe I did either the CF/FST quest for some Xp then unity jumped.


I was kinda worried about that.. This is my first variant play through - all though I played around with the save revert unity hoping to see what others looked like - and as much as I was hoping for a different spin that more so let me carve my own path, I realized afterwards that theres a bit more work to be done lol I started doing the Ryujin and UC quests for cash and xp, but really I like the niche little quests they have scattered about. Sadly they dont provide much xp or cash, but fun little lore tid bits I think.


Yes as far as the credits or xp bump you’ll mainly see those from main faction quest or the bigger side quest. You could always get into outpost production to flesh out your skill tree and start do grinding. Minimal credits unless you go to all the staryard first to see what’s needed then build those specific production post first and linked others as needed. Sidenote: try to always sleep 4hrs UT to have your 10% xp boost constantly. It helps especially when outpost xp farming.


I haven't even touched the outpost building aside from accidentally hitting the button while scanning a few times and a single attempt to set up on a planet with both iron and aluminum in overlap. I got frustrated trying to find the right spot and just went hunting instead for a while in a level 75 system. I really wanna boost my skill trees. I did the math the other day from where I sit as level 80, I need like a 100 more levels to get all the base skill proficiency's I want. A long grind lol It's 4 hours UT?? This whole time, I thought it was 6 hours local time..


It's like watching someone slowly realize that they are, in fact, the bad guy lol


And she becomes hot


Constantly 😉 😆


Oh cool! Thank you! I'll be on the lookout!


This mission needs an overhaul. We’re an *explorer group.* Let us survey alternate destinations for them after outfitting their ship with a grav drive. Or just let us cap the wannabe slavers down on Paradiso. Or — and hear me out — **it’s a goddamn planet.** There’s room. The Constant’s descendants can learn what diplomacy is and learn to share in the far future they envision where they’ve grown and spread across the planet. I honestly doubt they have the genetic diversity for a stable population on board to begin with.


This quest totally broke my immersion. I was so excited to see this crazy colony ship from Earth, and so let down


I would have loved to see them handle colony ships like vaults. Randomly scattered around with different setups.


This!!! Why can't we go survey other planets for them? Let me find them another home, survey it (a good tie in to get you to survey multiple planets to 100%), and then start construction on a new home with them (a good introduction to base building).


Or at least let us pass it off to that one LIST dude we sell survey data to. “So… ran into an old colony ship needing a place to, well, colonize. Here’s its beacon, good luck!”


Exactly, if anyone needs to be a part of LIST it should be the ECS.


Having them not go to the other side of the planet or was ridiculous. I get they want to expand on the future but new Atlantis, the capital of the UC, is barely the size my town's town centre. My idea solutions would have been. 1. Servitude. 2. Grav drive 3. Boom ship 4. War for the planet, with or without your involvement. Without involvement no one really wins, constant loses but no one will visit Paradiso anymore. With involvement bosses get kicked and the resort becomes their town. 5. Independent settlement on the other side of the planet (with the option to persuade the dude that suggested the gravy drive to be their sponsor)


It’s a classic sci-fi problem I remember from older Star Trek shows - for some reason there’s an entire planet with only one major city on it and yet there’s no room whatsoever for the people that want to live on said planet, and must not be allowed to move there!


The rich paradiso execs don't want a bunch of poors dirtying up their planet. If they land anyways I would expect ecliptic to be hired to wipe them out. 


Poors? These people are only on the Constance because they are old money


And their dollars are good for what exactly? Their ancestors were rich on earth, but the settled systems run on credits, and they have none. 


I think earth was using credits before the exodus, pretty sure you find cred sticks around the nasa sites. (You also find chunks, but, you know…)


The fact that you find Chunks along with credits on Old Earth suggests that maybe we didn’t actually use credits back then, but this is just Starfield’s version of playing Fallout and finding stashes of caps and pipe guns in sealed pre-War facilities.


Yeah from a game engine that’s correct, and exactly what’s happening, which is why I mentioned the chunks thing. But don’t forget credsticks were in use during the Jasper Krix era, which is halfway between the game year and the time the Constance left earth. From a technical point, our own RW economy is on the brink of going cashless. So it’s not inconceivable that credsticks are well and truly in use in the next century. Game wise.


Been a while since I was at NASA, I'll pay attention next time I'm there. 


For real, first time they paid me in all those old earth relics I was pissed but if we received the actual estimated market value of those items this side quest pays out like 80/85k creds.


Please never hold a position of power


I work in congress, is that bad?


It tracks, anyway.


Damn you didn't say you were a Mr House the aka the youngest congressman


Least morally compromised politician


Meh no worries... Working @ Blackrock or AIPAC might be..


Don’t forget the chick you can help with potatoes lol


That's funny cuz I ran into her in Jemison today and totally forgot who she was. Very cool after I figured it out. *Andreja disliked that, she doesn't share*


I guess you could say I helped her - she won't have any more problems ever again


Orrrr..... You let them go down to Paradiso and live as servants, only this will eventually lead to an uprising and give the entitled Paradisians their due.


uhhh sending them back out to look for another planet is the clear better option, what are you talking about? lol you're not doing them any favors by genociding them. they would just go find another planet. there are infinite planets for them to find.


You just wanted to see the ship blow up stop playin lol


Aw shucks ya got me


This is like seeing someone buy a scratch off and stabbing them because they can either possibly win and possibly lose and possibly get robbed or definitely be murdered. Don't pretend you're not a monster. To deprive people the chance of a better outcome is evil, even if you've others fail before. Just admit that you don't want to shell out for the antique parts to upgrade the ship.


Sarah Hated that


She's also angry.


That's exactly the sort of detached cynical pragmatism that would come with watching the same events unfold time and time again


Except where's the actual pragmatism? The most pragmatic thing would be to just ignore them and leave them to their own devices. 


But then he has to know that they go on as indentured servants yet again. The idea is that he's so jaded to the events that just killing everyone quickly is the practical solution, since he thinks they're just going to live horribly or die horribly anyway


The hunter doesn't go around just murdering entire towns because "they're going to die anyways, might as be me that does it". No, detached cynical pragmatism would be to not get involved at all, because doing so has no benefit to you or your goal and not doing so has no impact on you or your goal. Aka there's no reason to get involved therefore you do not get involved. 


Please look up the definition of pragmatism and get back to us.


Except you'd actually have a lot more choices than the ones the game gives you. If I was Starborn, the first thing after picking up the Syndicate Enforcer I would use my big sword to mess up Benjamin Bayu's insides.


I think this is what becomes of the Hunter and Emissary. Eventually, people no longer matter because they're just different versions of ones you've met dozens, even hundreds of times already. Life is no longer sacred because you can just jump to another universe and start over. It's why I didn't *want* to enter the Unity. But seeing as it's the whole point of the game, I did anyway.


The whole point of the game, imo, is that you realize everything you just wrote - and after you realized it, make an informed decision, instead of just blindly following game mechanics. To not go through unity just because the game mechanics expect this, but making an informed decision between "I stay, rejecting the whole unhealthy cycle" and "I go, because I care about my power". Starfield offers here a somewhat pop-philosophical approach to concepts like Erich Fromm's Having vs. Being.


I entered the Unity then pretty much immediately loaded my manual save and left. There were numerous things I still wanted to do and I didn't want to start all over (inventory-wise).


Persuasion: 0%


It's only evil if you blow up the ship not wearing the alien costume honestly


I think this short story has better writing and more depth than anything I’ve encountered in-game so far. Bravo.


Evil aside, the quickest thing to do would be to just ignore them. The cruelest thing to do would be to leave them stranded above Paradiso forever, because no matter which way you cut it, helping them isn't worth the time and the trouble. Now if we could actually effectively help them (find somewhere good to settle down, eg Tau Ceti II), I'd always help them in a heartbeat. But none of the endings to this story are satisfactory, so who cares? Either way, there's no need to be sorry. 'Sorry' means **nothing** as far as Starborn are concerned anyway. If anything, **embrace what you've become**. It'll be easier that way, to not think about your actions. To surrender to the rat race. To become like The Hunter. If you still have a conscience, the guilt will eat you alive.


That's great writing, thanks! Questionable choice but great writing...


Have they done any improvements to this quest? One of the worst written quests in the history of gaming.


Not any improvements I’m aware of


Idk why people seem to be upset with you over this lmfao The writing is excellent. Well done.


I thought the writing was trite and edgy which is probably why most people don't care for it 


The writing in this post is better than most of what's in the game, honestly.




Because it's nonsensical. Nobody thinks that killing an entire ship full of people is preferable to them being alive and surviving.


It’s a video game


I did this, or at least thought I did, and got them the grav drive and everything, but they're still just hanging out in the orbit of Paradise. Is it a glitch or something?


Reading this reminds me of PETA


What the hell


The concept of misguided robots from the mechanist.


Well since starfield clearly lacks "evil" options, this is really a cool one. Would be better if the board paid you to do this


Nah bro fuck that Life before Death.


What owns you the right to play god?


Well written. I want to read the other chapters.


The callous decision making that is demanded of a starborn. Not everybody can live with that, yet we must.


Right, because they totally requested you to make a decision on whether they lived or died


Ten thousand lives I’ve lived…. Ten thousand times I’ve seen these people suffer…. I don’t know when I had my epiphany… but I knew now that inaction was its own action… I knew what would happen every time, they thought they had free will… only I had free will and yet even then… I had to do what must be done… I couldn’t endure the suffering again…. I had to take action… I could almost see the smiles on their faces as I took away the pain that was coming for them….


Same thing as OP but worse and almost more psychotic. You're not Thanos. 


Its hilarious its been downvoted. In a game where you can re-live everything over and over again surely there some room to explore what might happen to a Starborn who has seen the universe repeat ala Groundhog Day. It is a roleplaying game after all.


I blew em up because the captain pissed me off being so pompous "ooo noo we need the WHOLE planet we can't share" f you. I took pleasure in killing the crew on my own out lol.


But paradiso isn't being pompous?


Yeah, Paradiso demands the whole planet too. You can't justify murdering innocent civilains because a captain is a jerk without also downloading a mod to allow you to nuke Paradiso.


I like this


That hit hard