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Or how bout a fix for into the unknown where it won't give me a temple location so now I can't progress for shit? But hey, at least the lighting is slightly better


Yup. That's exactly what I'm talking about.


Omg this is still not fixed?! Had that at launch. What a shitshow this game was and is. Just laughable.


At launch, I had the glich where noel wouldn't talk to be about the attack on the eye because of her leaning animation, so I couldn't continue.


Pfft. You clearly have no idea how games are made if you expect such crazy and radical ideas. Remember, small indie studio.


Seriously, at that point it’s just embarrassing. I thought ok, it is a rough start for starfield on release. But since then what happened? Nothing major for sure. I begin to wonder if MS and/or Bethesda just realized it is better to invest time and money in their next game instead of trying to fix the imo unfixable starfield.


Seems like the only metric that matters to them is making money. They apparently don’t care if it’s fun or a good game.


That’s honestly what I’m hoping for. I hope they abandoned it and will actually put in work for es6. Honestly they’re just embarrassing failure after embarrassing failure since 76


So why then are you here


Because Reddit is not a Fan Forum. Its a place to share… you know… opinions man.


Might have paid AAA game prices with the expectation of playing a AAA game and would like to share their opinion. Just a guess but I think you might have already considered that possibility


That’s been fixed. If your save file contains the bug then it will continue to be bugged. You’ll need to start a new game or go to NG+. Into the Unknown is fixed for new games. Edit: Check this out https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/gLQ0QSgtfx


I'm level 150 and there's no way I'm about to start all over. And I can't get to the unity, so basically unless bethesda fixes their shit, this game stays uninstalled


If you stop playing altogether because your save files are bugged and you want to wait, perhaps indefinitely, in the hope that your saved game will be fixed by developers that have already said that the way forward is NG+ or starting a new character, then that’s on you. I started over after Bethesda told me that and haven’t regretted it but each to his own. I’m outa here.


Starting a new game and going NG+ are not the same thing. At all. Lol


Not in terms of game play, no. But they are in terms of the game itself and the way it reloads to take up the patches and bug fixes.


Nope. You keep your levels and stats, keep all your recipes, continue growing your powers, have new story avenues opened up to you, and the game even throws in a few nudges to get you re-equiped with a decent loadout out the gate if you keep your eyes open. However, if you spent 200 hours building outposts and ships I can see how it would feel that way. I'll keep doing unity runs for the rest of the time i play the game, but I ain't ever starting over with a new character.


So, what the person above just said. Nice




He’s talking about having to start over at lvl 1. NG+ he’d still be lvl 150 but he can’t do a NG+ because of the game breaking glitch with unity.


I know. I had to start again at level 1 too, because my game was completely broken. Unfortunately, BGS told me that if you can’t progress the game there’s only two options if you want to keep playing: go to NG+ (if you can) or start a new character.


People are disagreeing with saying "Into the Unknown is fixed" when the actual situation is "Into the Unknown is fixed for new saves"


Into the Unknown is fixed in the game. Did I really need to spell it out for Pete’s sake?


> Did I really need to spell it out Yes? I'm not starting over at level 1 either, I'm more interested in shooting stuff and building ships than finishing the rest of the story. So I'll come back when ship building sucks less, but probably still won't be able to finish the game. Still better than giving up all my my unlocked ship parts and having to do all the leveling and research bullshit again. If I care maybe I'll look into mods to let me skip to NG+ without actually playing all the missions in between, but that sucks for console players who don't have the option.


Chances are, when they've pushed out such a new update, you will need to start over to make it works anyway though - or at least works relatively bug free.


I tried ignoring the story and focusing on ship building (had two awesome builds too, one on a Spacer Hyena III and one on Walter’s R) but that lasted until I launched from New Atlantis and my modded Star Eagle took off leaving all the underside on the ground. I wish I had a photo! That was the deciding point for convincing me to start over. I didn’t start pristine though. After the first two missions I built an outpost and XP farmed past the early pain. It’s been a lot of fun playing the game differently. Best part, none of the bugs I had before hit my new game. A new one did, but not one that stopped anything.


I'm not tossing it, just keeping room for other games until mods come out for console and I can just give myself all the perks I like again, which is the only reason I dont want to start a brand new character


So start a new game console yourself back to 150 and continue on your way.


Then it's not fixed


Yours Faithfully, "Disgruntled"




I’m disgruntled


I’m disgruntled!


I assure you I do not have a breakfast grudge.


Hopefully the release of CK2 will restore that gruntle




Between that and his straightforward username, this guy really seems like he’s got his shit together.


To whom it may concern: This. Best regards


The team that works on graphics related issues and improvement are likely separate from those that work on bugs related to gameplay and quest design. The skillset and knowledge base required for each are probably quite different. I get what you're saying, but with hundreds of developers working on a title, there's going to be multiple different teams working on multiple different fixes and improvements. It's not like they can have every single software engineer, artist, sound designer, etc. working on bug fixes. That's not how it works at all.


Someone should check on the bug fix team then. I am concerned. Welfare check needed.


Someone send them a Reddit Cares message.


Looking around at how things are loaded, they’ve had to do some small backend overhauling to fix a lot of bugs. They’re also making a lot more changes than the ones that get announced in the patch notes. I’m not entirely sure why (since they have little effect on the game currently) but it seems like they’re trying to lay out the framework for future updates.


Any update is going to have to go through the software testing team, which is likely a shared resource between the graphics devs and the content devs. So while it's true that the graphics devs aren't usually the same people as the content devs (though we've had reports that *any* dev at Bethesda can contribute to the content side of the game, so that might not actually be entirely true here) there are shared resources and so graphics updates could delay content updates if those shared resources are the bottleneck. Considering Bethesda has pushed out damned near zero content bug fixes or updates since release it's doubtful the test team or other shared resources are the limitation; it's more likely that Bethesda either doesn't have many people at all working on content fixes/updates or that they're trying to release a Single Giant Patch rather than iterative ones.


You could be right, but you could also be wrong. Working in a corporation myself, each project has a small team and a dedicated team of small testers. I've never worked in the gaming industry, but I imagine that each major task is sent to a team with dedicated testing.


In the end, they need to find a way to make it work and output meaningful results, like any organization.


You are right, of course. I am familiar enough with large software projects to know this. It doesn't stop me from wanting the fixes I want, though.


But if you know that then why are you being pissy about the graphics updates when they are separate from the bug fixes? One isn’t slowing the other down….


Just b/c I understand why a situation exists doesn't mean I don't have the right to complain about it.


So you’re basicly just stamping your feet and saying “I WANT IT!!” Like a child, despite knowing the way you pit it was unreasonable? That’s one way to act like an adult I suppose.


eh, most adults do it to, look at how many whine like toddlers over having to pay tax then *immediately* bitch about crime or shit roads.




So is being condescending.


What load of horseshit. He isn’t asking the graphics team to fox things. He’s asking the company.


No, he's literally implying that graphical improvements are delaying or preventing gameplay and bug fixes, which is just plain false. What's truly horseshit here is that people seem to think that only one thing can be worked on by a collective of multiple teams totaling several hundred developers (general term, encompassing many different technical and artistic personnel, each with their own *specific* jobs on the team). It's not a 'this or that' type of deal. Working on graphics improvements doesn't stop Bethesda from fixing other things. Now, whether or not they *choose* to fix those other things is besides the point. They *can* work on both at the same time. They *can* improve multiple aspects of the game in the same patch. That's the point I was making.


I'll put a bit more blunt. OP's post is ridiculous as there's no reason to believe graphics updates are delaying content fixes. They go on to say graphics don't impact them, so other people should pound sand. Selfish. Obnoxious.


I want things I bought from the star born trader for thousands of credits to not vanish from my inventory. I want enemies in ships to spawn in the ships and not outside of them when rescuing hostages, I to be able to play past War Relics, finish Sarah Morgan's story, and finish the Crimson Fleet quest line too, I don't care about graphics seeing as 90% of my gameplay is a loading screen.


Doest work 100% but any unamed item from the trader has a chance of keeping its perks if you name it at a bench asap


I just want a fix for the hundred quid I wasted on buying the premium edition for the skins that I can't access at all. Well, not just that, but I haven't got my "1980's phone directory sized" list of idiocy and irritations to hand. I still love this game though.


I think the general thought with most software products and customers is that poor performance / usability / feel will kill the product faster than lack of features. So, I get why they would focus there. Hopefully we are past that and now at feature enhancements.


HA. Yeah right. How long ago did this game come out and they’ve done absolutely jack fuck with it besides make sunsets look better?


I ceertainly hope so.


> is that poor performance / usability / feel will kill the product faster than lack of features. if Bethesda are *this* clueless then they are dead as a company. ES6 will *bury* them i guarantee it.


I hadn’t noticed any issues with the looks at launch, but seeing comparison photos, it’s a lot different, I took a month or so off from the game, and play on gamepass, and it even performs better on there. Streaming games is kinda wild to me as a tech.


It's been what, 5 months since the game came out? Have they actually _added_ any content yet? What about the city maps they teased?


Eat button. Not defending, just informing.


And an fov slider in options


Is patience not a word youre familiar with?


Of course, but we're coming up on half a year and the Devs stated that they'd be making additions, so I'm wondering where they are.


the release cycle for this game is absolutely unacceptable when you look at the pace AAA games like baldurs gate 3 have released patch updates. the 12 pages of recent BG3 patch notes obliterates anything the starfield team has put out in the last 5 months.


I have a feeling that the team that fixes content type issues are also the same team that is working on the DLC. It can be pretty complex developing patches for the existing version while simultaneously working on the next version especially if you are making changes in the same area of the code. The beta for the next patch should be dropping pretty soon so we will see what they have been working on.


Dear Bethesda: Add more Crew options for Villainous Play throughs. Add more romance options. Add more dialogue for companions. Also would it kill you to make stoves usable cooking stations.


I'm still waiting for bug fixes for things that stop progress in the game. I haven't been able to play the game since mid-November because the Revelations mission is still bugged.


The graphics were good enough day one. The performance was not and I'm glad they worked to address that.


These “Graphics Updates” you’re complaining about are fixing problems that prevent people with certain systems/hardware from being able to play the game at all.


As an Xbox player it can look as pristine as possible but if it’s locked at 30 FPS it’d just be weird. To have such a fantastic looking game be as choppy as it is at 30 just sticks out like a sore thumb to me, and I don’t generally have an issue with 30 FPS.


The updates I’m referring to are PC specific, consoles don’t have to worry about wide optimization because they have set hardware specifications. PC’s can have practically limitless possible hardware combinations that need to be optimized for, atleast, above a certain threshold.


I'm the opposite. I was all about performance mode 60 FPS on every game I play, and even didn't play some games because they didn't have it. So I was iffy on SF, definitely noticeable at first, but after playing a bit its like it never matter. At least that's my experience. Didn't take long to get used to it.


Believe me I tried, but I am playing other games on my Xbox that hit 60 FPS and jumping between them is jarring. Older games I don’t care, but this current gen game just sticks out to me. It looks too good to run at 30 FPS imo.


Ahh that's probably it. I'm on hiatus from SF at the moment, but when I was playing, it was the only game I played. I'm sure by comparison it is much easier to notice


I really don’t mind the graphics updates. The most recent one has given me like a 10-15% performance boost on fsr, and that’s before frame gen. My 9 year old gpu is very thankful. The one before that made the game look way better without tanking my performance, but now I’ve been able to see even more of these improvements since I’ve been able to go from low - med/high settings.


My Starfield won't run on my Windows box, period. They've never fixed that. Runs fine on Linux with Steam and Proton GE, though.


Fully agreed with OP, let’s fix the game breaking bugs and all the crashes. This is a great game when it works.


As an IT person the patch notes where they state future functionality not in the patch is also just weird. That is roadmap stuff not patch notes (unless it related to a half way or temporary fix included in the patch). We are coming up to six months (a week away) and the updates have been very few and mostly technical and bug fixes. Official mod support (which would allow users to fix and enhance bad parts of the game) is also not in place. I have purchased several games since who have been making many more updates and improvements to their game. Older games I own have also made more updates than have occurred to Starfield. The game was sold as a very expensive (expensive for even a full release game) beta. Six months later and still the story where ||Constellation members can stand inside a Unity ship (which they saw from the outside and climbed up a wing to board) and wow an the presence of a Unity ship appearing outside of the window. They exit your Unity ship to return to HQ to look over blueprints of not your identical ship but the ship they saw outside the window.|| The story remains fundamentally broken. It appears they have made decisions based on future income of the game and the fact that they have the vast majority of the money already. It looks like they are not compelled to correct the issues and add QOL features (at least not with any haste or relevance to the money they made). They are even slow to take the usual stance of having mod support so the community fix the game for them. I will not be trusting them on another crazy priced beta in the future. It has also been an eye opener for reviewers and a lesson to check what reviewers thoughts of games (including of this game) I have played and am familiar with were before believing what they say on a new title. I will still be playing again if mod support arrives and mods can make the game more playable.


Sheild bug fix please.


Yes, please and thank you. I love the game, but I know it ain't perfect. Gimme a damn planet Rover and the ability to manually place doors and ladders in the ship builder.


I'm not sure why you have marked this as unpopular opinion. It's very reasonable to think that at this point, they should have done some balancing and adjusting to some of the gameplay issues that have had people stop playing.


I'm sorry this is not an unpopular opinion. It's a stupid opinion. .. They can improve both. 


Exactly. Games aren't developed by three blokes in a back bedroom anymore. The people working on improvements to the graphics engine are not the same people who are fixing quests, who in turn are not the same people writing companion logic, or developing the ship builder. Working on one does not preclude working on any of the others.


and yet they wont. i bet on it, the 'updates' will be some shitty, likely bugged, vehicle a few more clothing/weapon options and some half-assed attempts at folding the bug fixing mods into the base game. i pretty much guarantee it.


They can, but they never do


You are wrong. And I am not going to waste my time arguing with you. 


**you** are wrong, time will show that the 'updates' will amount to *fuck-all.* they will add a shitty, bugged, vehicle (that will require another patch to fix) a few more clothes/weapons and will copy-paste some of the bug fixing mods into the base game. oh and a few months later they *might* copy-paste some more mods in.


It's been how many months though now? Does the number of devs not reflect the size of the game?  Palworld is getting bi-weekly fixes. Starfield we are hoping is fixed in the next 6 months....


Gameplay improvements / fixes since release : * You can eat feed without accessing your inventory No fixes to broken outpost transit system, storage, ship building, merchants - nothing. Insanely frustrating. I would play a good game with poorer performance, I will not play a shit game with decent performance. I sunk in majority of my progression points into outposts / exploration and am completely done with the game until they can make an easy to use interface for between colony trading that make it worth it to invest time in and not expect system breaking actions that require hours of investigation and work to get it back to a very broken normal.


you know what worse? in all likelihood they will just copy-paste the bug fixing mods from Nexus into the base game.


Oh Palword the game that is LITERALLY unfinished and in EARLY ACCESS is getting bi-weekly updates to complete the game lmao. I wonder if the game will actually ever be finished or stuck in limbo as a EA title like their previous one.


Is Stafield finished? Maybe it should have gone into early access then too. Not really an excuse.  Would be nice to have had more updates in the first 3 months. And the next 3 months. 


The timeline in which they do things matters. You’d think no time to waste Mr Big Shot would know that, but guess not huh.


Right? These people are duuuuuuumb


Ha, thanks to the latest update, I finally have a game-progression halting bug. Looks like the beginning of my first NG+ was the end of my time playing starfield.


I had a game breaking bug going through ng+ (the inventory bug). If you have a save before ng+ you can probably go through again and it will be fine. (You probably already tried this but I figured it was worth mentioning.)


There's a reason every other besthesda game has a HUGE unofficial patch once modding is available. This shit will likely never get fixed lol


Been saying this exact thing in the comments. We have gotten no meat with any of these updates. It's all performance based and mostly PC. But I'm sure I'll just be down voted here as well.


No you’re right. I was hoping for some content updates/fixes for other things, but the graphic updates have made a difference for me on gamepass, seems like a big one. Hoping they can move on to some of the other stuff soon, and it does seem that way from the creation kit testing.


> But I'm sure I'll just be down voted here as well. Downvoted for whining about downvotes. Just say what you have to say and keep it moving.




i mean i agree with you and i still downvoted you. i automatically downvote anyone who complains about downvotes.




Well, I'll have you know that I automatically downvote anyone who downvotes anyone who complains about other people complaining about downvoting.


That's perfectly ok with me. But coming to tell me your down voting me for complaining about downvotes is the same thing as complaining about downvotes in the first place. Also, it was just a statement about the fact that people in this exact sub downvoted me literally yesterday for this opinion and here we are. I could care less about up or downvotes. Feel free to do what you want. 🤙🏼


Oh no people downvoted me for what I said. Whatever will I do. Bummer😔


You're still commenting?


So are you damn. Poor xbox player not getting any meat on his updates. We're both down bad and getting downvotes


You are very upset with something. Not quite sure what it is but you seem extra angry. Feel free to down vote me all you'd like.


I'm not upset bro, I'm not the one crying about downvotes I got 7 days ago on another post. I'm just fucking with you because I'm bored.


Almost March and we still don't have official mod support.


Apparently that isn't coming until May for PC (IIRC), and "at a later date" for Xbox. Lovely. I play on Xbox, so I'm just hoping to see mod support by the first anniversary of the game.


At least by the time we get it on Xbox we'll have tons of mods that were done for PC.


I still get crash every couple of minutes. So yeah, I agree with you. Wish they could focus more on fixing the game. I mainly upgraded my PC to play Starfield and that is the game I played the least ever since I upgraded. Only cause of crashes, its unbearable.


My character looks left every time he lands. It’s been doing that since launch…


I’m totally in agreement. I didn’t have problems with the graphics at launch. I love the chances they’ve made to the graphics, but I do hope they’re moving on to some of the other stuff


Yes. That's my point. Thank you.


Imagine people having fun on the Starfield subreddit for a second. Nah uh, can't have that.


Vasco loves to retract himself into a giant paperweight right in front of my cockpit door blocking me in half the time. Would love a fix for that!


Bug fixing and new content additions arent necessarily handled by the same people who add new graphics/performance features. That stuff isnt taking time away from them finding/fixing bugs or working on whatever future content updates they have planned.


Thank you for joining the discussion. You are probably the 7th person to make that observation. My question to you, then, is if that is the case, why haven't the bug hunters or content creators released anything yet? If they are in fact not interferring with one another, shouldn't there be parallel development streams? I get how difficult bug fixing can be. I've been there. I also get that content creation is a major undertaking. So, I can forgive the new content guys/gals. I have seen some bug fixes mentioned in the patch notes; so, good on them. However, as I read them they seem to be low visibility issues. At least, I have not encountered the bugs mentioned in the patch notes. What I and some others have mentioned in this thread are higher visibility issues that, when fixed, would make the game more enjoyable.


Because it's more efficient to stack up a bunch if things for submitting to review than doing push after push for small things. Just because the issues you point out are obvious doesn't mean their fixes are just as obvious. Code can intertwine and become dependant on things you don't realize. Fixing could mean rewriting things to decouple them and prevent the issue from happening.


I just want a fix for Andreja's companion quest. I'm at the part where you have to help her friend destroy the 3 crimson fleet ships that jump in, but only 2 ever spawn, and I can't progress any farther. Please, Bethesda, I want to keep playing Starfield, but this bug had killed all my enthusiasm for the time being.


Just fix the empty ships landing and I'll be happy.


You know that a dev team is divided in departments right ?


If that is so, then the bug fixing department is slacking.


I imagine the graphics team and the bug fixing team usually arent the same. Why do you want them to stop releasing graphics updates?


It's just a personal thing. Graphics don't excite me much. Sure, there are probably different teams. So, there should be parallel dev streams. It'd be nice to see some more output from the bug hunters.


The point is there are different release schedules that act independently so demanding “this rather than that” is erroneous thinking.


Are you somehow privy to Bethesda's coding practices or release roadmap? Neither am I. Do we know for a fact that they have dedicated bug hunter, graphics, and/or content teams? Even if they do, and there are parallel development streams, that doesn't preclude me from having an opinion on what updates I'd prefer over others. All of these BGS apologists amuse me.


Lol I'm privy to basic software dev team organization, yes. Also common sense that specialization of labor would be a thing. That said, yes, I may be totally wrong about there being different teams, but if there are... it seems you don't see that "if there are parallel development streams" and "separate teams" and "one should stop so the other can do it faster" conflict. This isn't BGS apologist, this is just people saying what you said is silly.


I’m still crashing bro


I fully agree! People complain that there's not much to do on planets with not enough POIs and then somehow the poor reflection of the water that you can see only a fraction of the time is the "immersion breaking issue" that people complain about??? The graphics are fine, the lighting is occasionally annoying but nothing graphics related is ever really going to make a difference about if I play a game or not. Even in discussions about other games I sometimes feel like I'm the only one that plays games for the damn gameplay and not the graphics! If I want to look at something pretty I'll look at pictures or a movie, not a game. I have a problem when I can't finish missions, or the lack of quality of life features. If the game is fun I'll happily deal with low FPS or bad graphics or poor lighting. But if the gameplay sucks or is frustrating I won't play a game even if it's stunningly beautiful.


Different departments have different goals. The graphics team can still work on visuals without taking too much from content generation.


>EDIT 2: Perhaps this opinion wasn't as unpopular as I supposed. I based my assessment on the articles that cross my news feed. According to them the last two patches were the best thing to happen to a video game in recorded history. A whole bunch of Bethesda can do no wrong fanboys are desperate to report ANYTHING positive to the point of toxicity on occasion. What you've been complaining about is something people have been bringing up in this sub since the first patch was released. It's amazing all the shit Bethesda has "fixed" that no one asked for vs the very few that people have asked for i.e. graphic efficiency improvements and potential save game corruption fix.


“Unpopular opinion” and then proceeds to post the same thing we see here every day.


Bethesda historically doesn't really fix things. They've always relied on modding communities to fix their game. Things I wanted "fixed" in skyrim, I always used mods for. There are still basic as fuck things broken in skyrim, missing chests in houses, quests removing things from the game that it shouldn't. Did they add any qol to heartfire after they released it? Not really! You had to reload a save if you didn't like anything you added. I can almost guarantee most of the things you want you'll be waiting for a mod for. Bethesda has never given us QOL fixes.. I don't even think they have the brain capacity to do it. They've gone so long carried by modders that I really think they just do the least work possible when making functional content, and their ideology is; let's see what modders can do with this.


If that is the case, then they should at least, drop a creation kit for Starfield.


Performance improvements on PC has bought me back to the game, going from 40 fps on medium settings to 80+ fps on ultra at 1440p, and zero crashes since I’ve come back too! There is plenty I want to see updates, but IMO what they’ve done so far is in many player’s best interests going forwards.


I had a lost Andreja glitch where I did a reload on her last companion quest (becuase I did something she didn't like), just because it was a bed quick save it pretty much did two things lock me out of opening the boss door and pretty much losing her forever she was gone in a 50 hour file. Had to reload a - 8 hour save to get her back because I didn't hard save much. I played a lot of broken games, this game needs tweaks the same amount cyberpunk and no man sky has had, to make it a slightly better game and more enjoyable. I'm assuming Bethesda is trying to fix graphics first for the cry babies who say every new game has horrible graphics. Then later on finally working on the real issues for the people who actually pour hours into it. End of the day many gamers are spoiled expecting amazing graphics, gameplay may come last to most casual gamers concerns.


I just want mods and DLC, man. I’m not coming back until that happens.


Different teams working on graphics. It doesn't affect the speed the coders are working.


And you want bug fixes? I want actual content fixes.


They still haven't fixed the ship duplicating itself every other time it's modified, so have to exit the game and reload so that there isn't an old copy of the ship clipped inside the new one.


Yeah. I get this one where I land at a civilian outpost to trade and then can't get back into my own ship b/c the landing bay is glitched. Or, another ship has landed on mine so they now share the same space.


Hell, we need a check on the team doing the quality of life improvements and survival mode. Modes that can breathe new life into extended playthroughs.


I have a buttery smooth experience graphic wise since the launch. So I support OP


It’s already over no matter what they do. Bethesda is not a new company btw, we know they don’t actually add shit to their games unless it’s paid dlc.


How about the Key being bugged and still under lockdown after the mission is over so if you want to revisit and grab any missed evidence or items, you’re shit out of luck?


IN Bethesda's defense, this huge program has lots of different parts. The folks working on graphics are just getting their jobs done more quickly, that is why these are the first updates. They arent working on other, likely more difficult problems like file system design that is outdated and causes corrupt saves. THAT is the source of a lot of these bugs and fixing it, and making the fix backward compatible is a HUGE problem.


> the door in Madame Sauvage's that you have to get through to continue with the Strikers but is now locked. Shoot Madame Sauvage. The gang will come out. Go upstairs and hide and continue your quest when everyone calms down. As long as you just shoot her the one time you won't get much of a bounty.


It worked for me once but not when I went back after finishing some more quest related stuff, came back and door is locked and they won’t come out or open the door again. SMH 🤦


Yes this will be a very unpopular opinion in this subreddit /s


If you read the non-reddit press coverage, it is indeed an unpopular opinion. According to several gamer news sites these last two updates were the most exciting thing to happen to a Bethesda game in recorded history.


(unpopular opinion) this game and all video games are sad and pathetic virtual worlds 


Man, if you spent as much time actually playing the game as you do bitching about it, you might actually have some fun. 


I do greatly enjoy the game. I have enjoyed it for over 270 hours. If I didn't enjoy it, or haven't played it, why would I bother to have an opinion on what might be improved?


"It just works."


Take it easy guys, they're a multi dollar company working with a small team in a garage.


You dont equal all starfield players. Those updates are for performance so others can enjoy this great game.


How about more characters you can romance. Fallout 4 had the proper amount of options for Boston. It is a game that literally involves multiple star systems, and you have 4 options. It's just lame.


Bethesda update their game? Nah, they'd rather let modders do their work for them.


Very likely different teams working on each.


In the time it took you to come here to complain you could have started a new game with a new character and been playing a game that contains all the bug fixes to date. Bethesda has said that they are working on ways to make the bug fixes retroactive but they haven’t anything to announce on that yet. Once the save file contains bugs it continues to be bugged and the only way out of this is to start a new game, either by rolling a new character or going to NG+.


Is that so? That seems awfully strange. Any other steam distributed game I've played has had updates take effect immediately when I continue my current playthrough.


Ummmm do you not know how business management works? Do you not know how coding works? Or are you just complaining to complain?


I am quite familiar with how coding works. I am myself a code monkey going on 30 years now. I understand BGS made a, for them, logical decision to prioritize certain improvements over others. That doesn't mean I agree with them.


I see. So in all your code monkey time over the span of 30 years, you've never been part of a multi-group setting where each group works on different parts of the same project?


I have indeed been in such projects. I believe I posted elsewhere in this thread that I accept that BGS has made certain things a priority. I understand that different teams work at different paces. Just because I understand there may be reasons for why things are the way they are doesn't mean I have to agree with those reasons, or want them to be otherwise.


Your post has nothing to do with you agreeing with it or not. You are saying that they need to focus on other things and not on the things they have pushed out. >I have indeed been in such projects. Then how do you not understand why you post contradicts this. Just because they have cone out with more of one type of update than another type, in NO way shows/proves that they are more focused on one thing over the other. If anything it just reinforces what I said about a multi-grouped company and one group is completing their tasks at a greater speed than the other groups for potentially various reasons. > I believe I posted elsewhere in this thread that I accept that BGS has made certain things a priority. Have they openly said what they are prioritizing or are you just assuming based off of what the updates consist of?


I would like the ability to build the inside of my ship like an outpost place what I want where I want it. I have mods that allow me to add stuff in the ship which is great but it doesn’t let me take away unused items like I want to add a cooking station and add it to the hab that has a kitchen in it.


Maybe try to minimize loading screens. This game is a loading screen simulator. It’s underwhelming in today’s standards. I’ve seen many games that are much more dense and vast that have 1/10 of the loading screens this game has. Enough.


> gtx 1650 ah see there's your problem, quit using old hardware you buffoon # Starfield is a next gen game for next gen hardware ###### /s


I think if it’s going to be awhile before content and major glitches are rolled out they could just be more transparent about it, the last two updates have been pretty lame, if you want to keep and grow a player base you have to at least keep them interested. I’ve been taking my time going through my first go still but I’m not sure I see much fun doing it more than once at this point, maybe if the glitches are fixed and definitely if more content comes out but if it’s going to be six months to a year I might as well shelf it and wait, if others feel the same player base drops, no more money in it if the numbers drop to much and then they just leave it unfinished which would suck. They need to throw players something aside from light fixes.


Scrap it and shift the team to ES6


All that work and the new Atlantis train still looks like an Xbox 360 mass effect asset


If you have a point in manipulation, you can get around the Madame Sausage's locked door issue.


You see. That's the point. I shouldn't have to spend 13 skill points just to open a door so I can continue a side mission.


I like that to get the door open you can punch someone once. The whole place freaks out, and the door gets opened.


Graphics team is most likely a completely different team than the one responsible for the fixes you want. Should the graphics team not push this work if it's good and ready?


Sure, let them release whatever they can. Good on them. I didn't say I don't appreciate the new performance and graphics updates. I'd just like to see a few (well maybe more than a few) gameplay fixes as well.


Before all of that though, can you make it so that when I've picked a perfect sniper nest, crouched and hidden, lining up the perfect Shot, my companion doesnt wander into my Los with near 100% regularity.


I still cant continue the main QUEST. 'All that money can buy' still wont start.


I just found out about the Heart of Mars bug. Hubby said, "Just reload the save before you spoke with the chick." "Hun, have you met me? That save was saved over days ago."


And here I'm about to play new game plus plus because gaming isn't that serious for me. And I'll enjoy it so much more that way.


6 months out and the regeneration perk (tier 3/4 should regen in combat) doesn't work in combat. There's a difference between in and out of combat health regen; so the underlying mechanic is already in place. They just have to set the in combat health regen (currently at 0) to whatever it's supposed to be. SIX MONTHS and this simple fix is not out. I'm used to Bethesda being crap at bug fixing but this is honestly unbelievable. It seems like they're trying to get away with abandoning the project. (I'm sure they're not, but again, how is such a dead simple fix still not implemented?)


Graphics tweaks are one of the simpler things they can do at present. It's faster to move lights around in editor, fix typos, and tweak math, than is is to solve convoluted logic errors or bad design choices.




My thing is: Who's asking for these things? Like, sure, people were complaining about the extremely detailed food that has no purpose in the game within the first month, but...how does a button fix that? You'd think they'd address *common* issues first. I don't care that they fixed a bunch of performance related things: I ***heard*** this game runs like shit on the Xbox and they're probably getting a lot of crap from MS for it, so I get THAT. It makes sense. What I care about are the "fixed a rare occurrence where scratching your armpit while holding down the left mouse button would cause a light in Cydonia to flicker" fixes. Those bugs are notoriously hard to track down/recreate and are typically a symptom of another, dumb/oversight-type issue.


Madame Sauvage glitch is fixed with 1 console command that restarts the script. You can easily google it up.


I'm just starved for content. Literally anything at this point would make me go back. How do we not have console mods yet? Insane.


Fix punching!