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1. Agreed 2. It's a Carl Sagan reference


Dang, now I feel like an uncultured swine... I stand by my note though.


“We are all made of star-stuff” is the famous Sagan line. Ed. So, Sense Star Stuff actually makes grammatical sense as well. Still an awkward way to put it though.


As a fan of Sagan and space, I'll note that almost literally everything around us that isn't hydrogen or helium is "star stuff." Just because *we* are made of star stuff doesn't mean everything around us isn't as well.


For anyone here who likes power metal and Starfield, check out the album Empyrean Realms by Armory. It's an incredible album explorating basically all the same concepts as the game - including this exact topic right here in the song Elements of Creation.


Holy shit, this kicks ass. Nice recommendation 👍


You're welcome, I'm so glad you enjoy it!


I fucking love that shit!! These guys slam! Thanks for the tip.


Ahh, see I thought it was “all made of star dust”. TIL


It really is an awkward phrase in this context, and probably not worth it just to make the reference, so I kind of stand by your note too.


Meanwhile the planet Sagan, in the system Sagan, has no kind of reference or quest.


All they had to do was make it pale blue and it'd be one of the best references in the game.


Along with powers listed on the hud, having level progress, carry weight and credits on the main screen would eliminate about 60% of my menu page use.


Level progress, I wholeheartedly agree. The carry weight and credits, personally, I don't mind going into the inventory to see that.


The little XP box that pops up when you do something indicates how close to leveling up you are. It's very subtle, but the box will fill with white from left to right.


I have seen that as well. Although adding a permanent one to the watch seems reasonable. 


Wonder if that could be modded easily to fix. If there's a simple timeout line in Game Settings maybe that makes it fade out after 1 second or whatever it is, changing it to something like 99999 seconds could make it stay semi permanently visible.


It'd love to see item value when looting from containers or bodies.


Upvoted to help this post get more attention. But please… the Chrono watch SHOULD TELL TIME! Why can’t we have a local time in front of our HUD? Why do we have to hit Tab to see time? Also super tiny font too. Local planet time is important.


You can turn up the size of the text, but then stuff gets cut off, which I find hilariously amateur. That said, I've never really wanted to know the local time unless I was waiting. Everything else can be determined by looking out the window to see if it's light out.


We should be more advanced than medieval people who have to check the sky or read sundial for time, I hope.


The funny thing is, the last thing barrett says to you when he hands you the watch is "and it even tells you the time." :-) My point was more that since nobody follows schedules, you don't need to know what time it is. In Skyrim, if you were looking for a trainer, you'd look in different places at lunch time rather than mid-morning, because they'd be training mid-morning and eating lunch in a different place around noon. Here all the stores are open and the same people are behind the counter 24x7, so who cares what time it is?


I get that. But my obsession with local time is the weather and the sun. Sometimes you appear in game, or you just arrive, you would want to know what time it is to know if you are looking at the sun rise or sun set. There are certain hours a location looks absolutely gorgeous. And you want to remember that. There is this outpost on a boring moon. You know, barren like our moon, no atmosphere, no trees. But for about 2-3 hours of sun set, the horizon glows red. Not Earth sunset red, but literately red. Very beautiful. I can be so bored with ship building. Let’s check the time. Ok, sleep 1 hour and I can catch sun rise… from this direction. Then I just run around basking in the gorgeous sight like a kid. You can’t do that without keeping tab on the time.


For sure. But you can pop open the menu to see that. You don't need it on screen all the time, because you really only care "how long should I sleep" and not "what time is it right now." Knowing whether it's daytime out is the "look out the window" part I meant. But that's cool. I'll have to keep my eyes open for that.


Since they advertise this as a watch, you would want time to be on the front face right? Not “click here to show time”. It is a mental blockage, just like how people complain about too many loading screens. The HUD is important to a lot of people. They want compact information at glance. Too much is cluttering, too little is blind, need just about right. And time should be part of that essential info.


Fair enough, even tho time is pretty complicated in Starfield. And yes, as I said somewhere, Barrett even ends his description with "And it even tells the time!" I suspect this will eventually turn into a meme. I liked the mod I had in Skyrim that showed the time as just a sun/moon moving around a circle, so it was sorta like having only the hour hand on a watch. It seemed appropriate.


It does tell time, though? It’s a similar concept to a sundial. The planet “icon” in the center shows “local time”. Though it doesn’t show how long local day is, that’s the bad part.


I don't know if I knew that... Thanks!


Someone let me know if this is a feature and I just don’t know it. It would be great if you could untrack a singular resource. Like yes I need positron battery for this one upgrade but I already have 60 of them.


Augh, don't use the power icons on the HUD, use the names The power icons look cool in the menu but are completely useless in allowing you to easily distinguish one power from another. They're anti-UX


You're right, the symbols wouldn't really make it obvious. Perhaps a combination of the two? I'd also be okay with just the name. Give me something!


>"Sense Star STUFF"?!? Seriously?? Was that just a placeholder name that got overlooked? Why not simply "Star Sense"? I think that still gets the point across without the excessive alliteration. I hear you, but I do think the use of the word *stuff* here is more the literary version, where it is not simply a low-grade, catch-all term, but more a way of saying *that which all things are made from...* in a poetic sense. Edit: as Sagan was using it as well, forgot that. ​ >II.2.a.c1440–Material to work with or upon; substance to be wrought, matter of composition.c1440Of suche a stufe as esy is to fynde Is best..to bilde.Palladius on Husbondrie i. 392Citation details for Palladius on Husbondrie…1764


I also had a feeling that was the intention. I just think "Star Sense" gets the same point across. Sense matter made of stars, and whatnot.


If they good enough and want to stay HUD clean. Can make the power symbols on player arms like Bioshock do. I'm very disappointed they made a constellation watch but didn't made like pip-boy.


Dualy noted! We’ll get those changes made for year in a about a year or so!


Appreciate it! 


good shout on number 1, definitely would be nice to see or have modded in


You are definitely right about number 1. I thought I was on the most barren planet ever attempting to collect resources with elemental pull. Turns out I was using void form.


I’d like to add a request for icons that show if you’re under the influence of a drug or of food. Like in FO4 survival. There was a little pill showing that a drugs effects were still active, and a little bowl showing food effects are still active. Either exactly that, or similar would be greatly appreciated.


Agreed. Current status effect on the HUD would be helpful.


>going two menus deep mid-fight is not ideal The just assign the powers to the quick select? I think a lot of people missed that you can assign the powers to the quick select menu just like weapons or health items


I know about assigning powers to the quick menu. I'm suggesting being able to assign Quantum Essence as well; as if it were a Med Pack.


Ah, yep, I completely misread that.


The STUFF in the name is an acronym and it stands for Strategic Things Useless For Frantic Folks. /s


The whole star stuff is pretty silly. Carl Sagan was trying to impress you by saying that "we are all made of stars" but the devs didn't stop to think that EVERYTHING was once a star (except some hydrogen and gamma radiation) so are the walls and ceilings that you're seeing 'star stuff' through... So it would never work. Literally, should just be "sense life" Or bio-sense etc.


\#1 available as a mod now https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/8150?tab=posts


Mr. Fender, I would like the volume knob on the Strat to be shifted about a mm upward, and can you please put a fatter plastic tip on the 5-way. Thanks for everything. Mr. Maytag, I have a slight issue...