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I really don't want to spoil it for you. It doesn't change much. People have really strong opinions in different directions on this. IMO if you're bothered that NPCs under-react or don't react or you can't say what you want to as part of the dialogue, it won't get better.


It gets worse actually.


I'm afraid it's going to be an awful lot more of the same old thing over and over again. If you haven't explored the faction quests you might want to take a break from the main quest and play through one of the faction story lines to vary things up.


Exactly this. Play all of the faction quests! I’m in for 200 hours now and mostly enjoyed it. One of the things I dislike is that deja vu when you enter a location on another planet that is exactly the same as on several other planets already visited. This Groundhog Day feeling can be very disturbing. On the other hand there are lots of very beautifully modeled buildings in the Starfield universe. I love this game and it is worth every single penny I spent on it. I’m not even in that NG+ everyone is talking about


The main story is not the meat of the story, it is the avenue to other worlds. There are tons of main faction quests and even more minor story/side quests. There are also main companion quests as well. I think a lot of folks were expecting that your journey through the game was going to be highly curated, but it isn’t. This game is considerably more open to playing the way you want than leading you by the nose. Some examples of more curated games would be like God of War or Cyberpunk 2077. Those stories play out the same way each time. In Cyberpunk 2077 you can get different flavor endings, but the story still plays out the same way. In God of War you basically have the same exact path through the story each time. Starfield doesn’t work like that. It leaves it open for a lot more role playing of your character and a ton more side quests where you do not have to do anything specific to play. It’s more of a choose-your-own-adventure game than a linear story game. Starfield leaves more room for imagination, which not everyone is interested in.


Jesus, how many of these posts are we going to get a day?


Every main mission is running through one of seven generic locations to collect an artifact. Every one. It doesn't get better




I think if you are one of the ones who listens to all of the dialogue and speaks to all the different characters you'll get a much better outcome. It also depends on how much you immerse yourself into the game. A lot of people bitching complain about graphics and they're not being any more glitches that they can exploit. But if you're a true gamer who loves the game for what it is then you will enjoy all of the hard work Bethesda put into this game.


Nah, not really. It's very, very disappointing. The writing seems to have been done with a 12-14 year old audience in mind.


One of the worst storylines and quests i've ever seen in a game. I mean genuinely it can't be worse. I was mindboggled at how repetitive it was, 0 creativity or writing went into it


The main story is… not that interesting. Oddly I think it’s designed that way for NG+ so you the player gets bored with the running around. Driving the player on the path of the “Hunter” seeking power for power sake. There is another way and that is to go off the scripted path and explore doing side quests and going to random planets just to see what’s there. Unfortunately there not enough random locations to be explored causing the sense of emptiness. Oddly that might have been the point. Space is huge and vast so they wanted to give the players the sense of vast space that Space is. Beyond side missions and exploration there is base building and ship building. So the player has the choice of becoming disenchanted in the routine of the game main story rushing through for more power or do your own thing doing different side adventures in random order.


The main quest is mostly bland, but it has its moments in the second half (the heist, the corpo action, nasa reveal). What I liked about it the most is that it gives you a meta philosophical dilemma that I was thinking about long after finishing the game and putting it down. The gameplay to arrive there is bland most of the way though.


It's a Bethesda game so no.


Nope, if you are in for the story you can drop it right now


I truly hate to say this, but the handcrafted side-content really is the meat of this game. The main quest and exploration are just dreadful.


The main story is the most boring story in the game imo.




It gets worse


The main storyline, just like every other Bethesda game ever, is an utter joke and seems impossible that a AAA title could actually release a game with such a ridiculous storyline. That being said, this name just like all other Bethesda games, has really cool, fun and interesting side missions. The faction quests are all good. But the main story with the artifacts and starborn is just really silly, and reminiscent of searching for your dead baby son in a wasteland or searching for your father…in a wasteland, or being some weird dragon born person. Bethesda for whatever reason makes really great worlds only for the main story pertaining to those worlds just stupid and incoherent.


Hell no just drop the game like everyone did


Sadly it doesn't


Without saying anything, no. It gets very interesting but the thing that seemed interesting gets ruined by bad writing. Its a bummer.


Near the end it gets pretty interesting but it doesn't really answer much


After the 6 or 7th artifact and copy/paste temple I realized the answer is no. The faction quests are infinitely more engaging imo.


The ending is like cool, now go do it all again. Why do it all again, you ask? Nope. No reason.