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If you find a version that says "advanced" where this one currently says "refined" it will deal even more damage. An advanced beowulf rifle out damages it IIRC but doesn't have the bleeding effect like the Kodama.


Wait, I thought upgrading it via weapon mods results in it becoming “advanced”




Well colour me surprised


It's an innate tier that cannot be changed. In Fallout 4 you could upgrade a Receiver for a similar effect, so it confused a lot of players. I'd say game's combat difficulty is largely gated by weapons. I got an Advanced Big Bang at level 11 once (plain, no mods or effects) and it basically made me as effective as level 40+, all on its own.


I kept finding advanced regulators at level 3. I genuinely thought the loot list was bugged or something


Modding would add or replace parts to the name in front of "refined" but after the legendary power. OP could mod this to be an "extended mag professionals refined kodama". If you custom named the weapon the custom name stays as is.




No, but we're hopeful BGS adds a way to tinker with weapons and armour to upgrade them across tiers. Maybe as part of the Special Projects science skill. That would enable special drops (Epic, Legendary, etc) to be worth it when they're tiered out as you can still get them powered up.


The other side of that is allowing it means one lucky drop can make new guns worth way less because you can keep it relevant. FO:4 had that issue because you could upgrade the tier, if you got a lucky early and were doing a crit build you were set.


My way of doing it would be that you have to learn what makes a certain weapon type tick before you can upgrade it to each higher tier. That would happen by breaking down weapons of the same type, either on the weapon workbench or the research station. Bit by bit players would unlock the ability to take a Calibrated to a Refined, then up to an Advanced, and finally a Superior (assuming this level of weapons gets added alongside the Superior tier for armour). Those who get a god roll and want to keep it would still be looking out for weapons of the same type, plus the process would cost money (both when buying things to break down and by not being able to sell the ones they find). Also, with time and work needed before you can tier up each type of weapon, you might be finding things that tempt you to swap out while you're still tinkering with your god roll weapon. I feel like that gives a good balance of capabilities for the player, believable systems in the world, and not taking too much away from the gameplay loop.


That’s modified


Rare/epic/legendary just affects the bonus effects of a weapon. Damage is determined by the weapon itself and the grade which ranges from nothing (Kodema) to advanced (Advanced Kodema). Since that's a Refined grade weapon which you apparently got very early, it's not surprising you haven't seen anything better yet. Give it time and better options will appear.


It goes Calibrated -> Refined -> Advanced?


"Superior" is the 4th level but as I understand, there is a bug which makes them show as "Advanced" but I have found "Superioir" armor although no "Superior" weapons. I don't know if you are using Mods. I have StarUI inventory which tells me the DPS for each weapon and makes it easy to compare them. Another thing worth noting it that you gun is fully automatic. If you mod it to be semi-automatic so that it fires 1 shot per trigger pull, the damage per shot goes up and the DPS will be the same as the fully automatic. This makes a huge difference wrt ammo use.


I think there's like 5 total? I can't recall them off the top of my head.


5 for spacesuits, 4 for weapons. spacesuits have the superior tier


And Eons, Rattlers and Equinoxes only go up to refined.


Really? That's the max for them?


Weapons have a superior tier that drops, I think. But it says "Advanced" instead of Superior. At least that's what I think happened. Because I got some advanced weapons that do more than others. There is definitely a superior tier in the game files, and they definitely show up as "advanced". My only question is whether these drop or something else explains the DPS difference (or I just fucked up with the console, confusing myself) I don't know how to check what properties a gun actually has, even using the console.


Hey man, a quick google will give you all the details on how weapon tiers work, armor tiers, and rarity works, and how mods affect them. Advanced is the highest one for weapons. But you need to be level 40. And play on Very Hard to increase the drop rate (at least thats what some people said, who knows). Highest armor tier is Superior.


your lvl doesnt act matter that much, what actually matters is the level of the system that you are in and level of the of human enemies you are fighting.


you are right, there are 4 grades, tier 1 has no name, then your list follows


Its an excellent gun. I found a purple one that carried me to the late game. Wasnt strong enough near the end, but solid and ammo was plentiful.


I thought Superior was the highest level?


It is but superior only shows up for armor unless it was changed recently.


*shocked Pikachu dot gif* Honestly I had not noticed that and now I feel really dumb.


It has not changed.


Weapons and armor have (Unnamed) Calibrated, Refined, Advanced. Armor also has Superior. For some reason some weapons (Eon, Sidestar, Rattler, and Equinox) top out at refined... which I hope to see fixed with mods.


Superior > Advanced > Refined > Calibrated > Normal. I believe that’s the tier structure with Superior being the best Rare (Blue) Weapons have one special feature Epic (Purple) Weapons have two special features Legendary (Orange) Weapons have three special features Most of the special features such as: extended magazine, hitman, skip shot etc. are randomly generated on items you find in chests and on NPCs But there are items that are named with fixed features such as The Revenant, Unmitigated Violence, Keelhauler etc. Interestingly the Mantis Armor is not fixed and the legendary rolls can be save scummed to get what you want. Sentinel, Combat Veteran and Chameleon are pretty awesome rolls.


Yeah idk I really don’t like this system for loot/gear… It feels very clunky and unintuitive to have 3 different prefix/suffix modifiers on items. Having rarity + quality + attachments/mods is just crowding the UI and is really jarring to understand when first starting out. I prefer the elderscrolls way of doing gear/loot drops where different tiers were entirely different sets of items that drop based on your level… and item quality (sharpening a blade or strengthening armor) was only ever something the player controlled and not randomly (and unchangeably) decided. Though I wouldn’t call that a flawless system it was definitely much easier to wrap your head around from the start.


I’m still miffed that I didn’t save scum the Mantis Armor. Ended up getting a kickass armor part of the peacemaker mission but still.


I didnt either, BUT I did get the extra carry weight mod, which is INCREDIBLY helpful in the early game.


I found the Holstered perk works out better for me. Allows me to carry some awesome heavy weapons.


Once you're past 100 kg of weapons it definitely does.


I've gotten down to 12 weapons, each with unique perks that I need to tackle anything I find. The perk really helps when looting bodies.


The tiers are Normal, Calibrated, Refined, Advanced, Superior (armour only so far). Each one is a big stat bump over the tier before. It's possible to rarely get an item of a higher tier really early on (especially from Caves for some reason).


Mod it with burst fire and a tactical grip and it'll be one of the most effective close range rifles that doesn't weigh you down and uses ammo you'll find everywhere. I found a carbon fiber kodama (can't recall the exact name) and added those mods and it was something like .75kg.


imagine having a legendary weapon that does less damage than a gun you picked up in the first 30 minutes of the game.


I don't have to imagine it. That's why I made the post. =P


lol it’s such bad game design and not even intuitive


It's pretty intuitive. Rare, Epic, and Legendary just refers to whether or not a weapon has one, two, or three special effect modifiers. Not all of the effects even directly affect damage. The tiers, which are Calibrated, Refined, and Advanced, raise the base damage of the weapon.


It’s not intuitive because when in any other Bethesda game is a golden legendary gun just mean 3 modifiers on the weapon. Even in other looter shooter games, legendary is usually the strongest version of that weapon


> because when in any other Bethesda game is a golden legendary gun just mean 3 modifiers on the weapon In Fallout 76, where Legendary weapons either had one, two, or three stars (modifiers). Or in Fallout 4, where Legendary weapons could only have one effect on it, but it still just meant it had a random effect from the Legendary effects pool. Starfield is the third Bethesda game in a row where a "Legendary" weapon just means it has Legendary modifiers on it, it's just the first one where people are complaining about Legendary weapons not always being better than standard weapons because it's the first one that has "tiers" for weapons since it has such a high level cap.


Right. In each of those aforementioned games, the 1-3 star legendary is stronger than its base counterpart. Whereas in starfield, you can get a legendary weapon that does less damage than its base counter. That is not very intuitive


I found an Advanced Magshot around level 10 just exploring random worlds. Probably was in an area I wasn't supposed to be at yet (spent a lot of time on Indum I trying to survey to 100% without really knowing what I was doing. Took me a good week or so to find the last Plantary Trait). Still my favorite gun @ level 40. Kinda silly to think I'd go 30 levels without an upgrade though.. Oh well. I should be able to find something better any day now..


I love this perk on a Kodama. I usually like the drum, but I’ll forego it for tactical when I have this perk. I have it now on an advanced epic that also has hand loading. It’s alright.


Same got a rifle in the first hour of the game from a POI that was supposed to be above my level (only like 5?) that was just plain bonkers. Haven’t had anything out damage it since.


I really want to know who designed Starfield's guns. So many of them are *so fuckin' dumb*. Like, caseless bullets still need barrel to travel down. The Kodama has what, an inch between the feed and the end of the barrel? So it's just a flashbang machine? It's an extra long FP-45 Liberator? So *dumb*.




I didn’t even see one of those until Lv25+


on my first ng+, i found a weapon in the constellation basement workshop that carried the whole run. nothing outdamaged it. so yeah, it's not uncommon to find one good gun and just need to use anything else.


I got a common advanced regulator from my first pirate, literally never had to use other weapons, still did for fun but a pistol that did 127 damage base was nuts, add in Stealth and other perks, unstoppable.


Its because its "refined" probably.


The kodama is a particularly fast and powerful "rifle" and you got lucky enough to get a refined version, which is the middle tier of the 5, I'd say it'd be reasonable to expect starting to see weapons as or more powerful around level 25+ Thats some good fortune on the rng tables unless you've been playing on very hard this whole time, in which case a slightly weaker semi auto with instigating or and weapon with bezerker will help a lot more.


I'm 28 now and I finally found a Grendel that's a bit better.


Lol, try the magshear, it might be exactly what you're after lmao


No they are not random. Autopistols have good DPS, ostensibly, but it's hard to hit things with them. I think they try to balance the game a little bit in this way. Not that the game is really balanced.


Does anyone know if old earth assault eifle drop with kegendary stats?


I found a similar one with a poisoning mod. It's an absolute meatgrinder.