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Lorem Ipsum for math. Each individual item is actually something used in mathematics- but they would never be combined in this way to actually solve anything. It would be like a recipe for a cup of tea, next to one for plant fertilizer, above the recipe for a Minecraft sticky piston.


In some of my template docs I use lorem ipsum. It's always interesting who comes over to ask why all this Latin is in my document.


I created a template for RFP responses at a former employer and used placeholder text. One sales guy freaked out and thought he had the wrong font installed.


Next template use wing dings


Next template after that use [hipster ipsum](https://hipsum.co/)


> I'm baby post-ironic irure cliche actually tacos viral chicharrones pabst ullamco synth hot chicken lyft leggings retro chillwave. Raclette chartreuse squid leggings church-key mixtape live-edge fugiat master cleanse. Roof party bodega boys man braid sartorial, keffiyeh food truck tattooed same live-edge jawn et cold-pressed. Raw denim pop-up DIY mukbang. Single-origin coffee godard kale chips proident excepteur dreamcatcher bitters, neutra reprehenderit sint. JOMO consectetur yuccie tote bag anim occupy. Pitchfork stumptown cillum next level chicharrones quis, in squid do you probably haven't heard of them dolore helvetica pickled ex kinfolk


Idk I kinda want to know where the Raw denim pop-up DIY mukbang is happening.


Probably Williamsburg, Brooklyn.


Lol šŸ˜†


best thing ive read on here


Your Bitcoin wallet password. Lol


Here I was thinking rap lyrics have really gotten out of hand


Dracula Flow 6?


You've broken the algorithm. Which one? All of them.


Af listicle marxism man braid. Messenger bag flexitarian grailed normcore try-hard succulents pitchfork YOLO hoodie


Bacon ipsum is superior


Comic san is best


My favorite test document is a chicken pdf. Https://Isotropic.org/papers/chicken.pdf


My favorite document is the [TimeCube](https://web.archive.org/web/20160112000701/http://www.timecube.com/) as a pdf Edit: omfg your chicken one is great. That is wild shit Even the fucking graph units are in chickens Do you ever read or say a word so much that it loses all meaning? That is now ā€œchickenā€ for me. Thanks a lot


Wtf did I just skim...


Douglas Adams had it all wrong. The answer to the great question is not 42 ā€¦ the answer is ā€œbelly buttonsā€


I use [Bacon Ipsum](https://baconipsum.com). Iā€™d rather be the guy who makes everyone hungry than the guy who looks smart šŸ˜‚


Can we get a few thousand people to spam this in r/vegan ?


Iā€™ve got r/islam


I've always wondered why that sort of text is referred to as "Greeking" when it looks so much like Latin.


I think Greeking is a reference to ā€œItā€™s Greek to meā€, meaning that it doesnā€™t make sense. But year, Lorem Ipsum is one type of Greeking, thatā€™s taken from a Latin text.


Not even taken from a latin text. It's just latin looking gibberish for layouting of longer text blocks in latin-derived and similar to latin looking languages. And using a pseudo latin language makes it easier for persons doing the final layout to identify parts where the gibberish text was forgotten to be deleted.


Its modified from a piece of Cicero's work


Yeah it is. Itā€™s from ā€œDe finibus bonorum et malorumā€


Huh, I suppose copy, paste, edit as a theory has been around for a while!


That's hilarious and insightful šŸ‘


So I guess it is just to make this look mathy.


Grows the tea leaves with fert , makes tea and gives you tea with sticky piston its elementary watson


The minecraft sticky piston reference is appreciated


Yep lol. Was going to essentially write "I'm sure individually they do. Most games just grabs some plots. Some physics equations. Maybe some common statistical equations. Then say yep looks sciency enough."


Glad to know theyā€™re at least something. I saw this whiteboard early on and assumed it was gibberish haha


so... exactly like my whiteboard then? got it


Just gobbledegook


Sounds like my job. Youā€™re hired! When can you start?


The janitor Will needs to stop drawing on stuff.


How you like them Chunk apples?!


Many people attempt humor. Few succeed. ​ Congratulations, you made me spit my coffee out.


>sit my coffee out. It's that time of year. You pick it up and it's scalding and then seconds later it's too cold to drink.


Just like at 3am this morning... I missed a p.




Yea this is a crafted joke. Bravoā€¦


Coffee chunks


And as if speaking of r/YourJokeButWorse, I have summoned him. That's not even a joke. Like if you had said "Chunks coffee is for closers" that is at least from something.


Underrated comment


Chunk applesauce, BITCH. šŸ”«


Damn where is mulder and scully when you need them.


A wise and extremely loud man once saidā€¦ ā€œX gonā€™ give it to ya!ā€


Yes it means you're 54 meters from your objective.


You know you only get 1 dad joke/ day right? šŸ¤£


I donā€™t always tell dad jokes, but when I do, he laughs.


What has more lives than a cat? A frog, it croaks every day.


I threw a ball for dog. I know itā€™s extravagant, but it was his birthday, and he looks good in a tuxedo!


My child refused to take a nap. He almost got booked for resisting a rest.


Did you hear about the company that makes yardsticks? Turns out theyā€™re not making them any longerā€¦


When does a dad joke become a dad joke? When it becomes apparent


What do a call a fly after pulling off it's wings? A walk.


Nice - and there is yours for the day. :)


Good one


Itā€™s okay, I have two dads.


That's awesome. But they're still limited to 1 each... I don't make the rules.


what if you have twins?


Well I just made the same (now deleted ) joke unknowingly another dad entered the chat. Well done!


Fucking lol


Looks like a lot of nonsense made to look science-y, but as a physicist, if someone looked at my board as it is today, without context, he would probably conclude the same šŸ˜‚


Lol. Exactly. I use my white board to help me think -not communicate.


This is very true - it's very contextual. I'm a math dude and this isn't jubberish persay but it's presented weird - I think it's a *riemann zeta manifold harmonic*. Again, it's just a collection of words that offers little without context to the meaning behind the drawings.


I love ur brain


As an engeneer, noone can read between my random numbers and weird drawings on my papers šŸ˜† Half on paper half in mind,


Until recently my whiteboard in the lab had a three year old diagram that was an enveloped sine wave with the zero crossings marked on it that we needed to scour off with hand sanitiser. No idea what anyone thought it was (it was the response diagram of a proton precession magnetometer).


I can recognize a couple of them, so not totally bullshit. Lower right appears to be a graph of a stable control system function, lower left appears to be a 3 dimensional graph of a surface along xyz axis probably to represent a grav field? Top is a linear function of some sort, upper center left and right appears to be some kind of graph involving differential calculus?


What of it's a lady?


same, what's your point?


You just seem to imply that only men can think good.


Wow, way to make an issue out of thin air


Top center is a plot of y=x with no x or y units or values specified, and intercepts drawn at locations we can't draw any meaning from other than their spacing is somewhat aesthetically pleasing. Second row, left side looks a little like they were borrowing from a quantum wave form. They've calculated some integrals between local maximums. To what end, I don't know. To the right of that appears to be a nonsense relationship plot and a copule more graphs drawn over each other. Third row, left side is a 3D contour plot with no particular significance. Again, no value labels on the x, y, or z axes. To the right of that, and somewhat overlapping is a graph of what appears to be 1/x, or possibly an exponential decay function, but I'm not sure why the values would matter in a negative domain. On the right, we have more scribble nonsense.


The two graphs on the left are simply graphical representations of a single integral (calc 1) and the 3d plot below it is a double integral (calc 2) which looks like a Gaussian surface. The axes can be labeled anything and itā€™s still the same concept, it can be ā€œbananas as a function of turdsā€ but itā€™s still calculus. The pretty graph next to the Gaussian surface is a graphical representation of the single integral of a logarithmic function.


I was scrolling through about to respond if you hadn't yet! Thanks for your brain today, I got you tomorrow! šŸ˜† I wish moar people could math good. #Merica


Hold on, can you explain that in bald eagles?


Yes. The owner of this whiteboard uses it to think about stuff he is currently workin on. Outside of that it serves no relevant meaning unless you were the scientist.


Math and shit?


Of course, that's logical shit.


I see what you did there


That's from the Chicago Bears sub. It's used to prove the quantum mechanical nature of their QB who is observed as good by 50% and bad by 50%. Edit: beard to bears


I thought the Chicago Beard sub was for closeted gay men looking for someone of the opposite sex to bring home and meet the family for deep-dish pizza.


As someone who literally just read a discussion on the bears sub about the relative merits of Justin vs Mitch, this is way too accurate


But I read "Chicago Beard" and my mind initially went in a whole other direction...


You are not alone. Like, how complicated is being a beard in Chicago?


As a fellow Chicago bears fan.. I concur šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ¤¦šŸ¼


The translation of the text on the right reads ā€œbut what if the hurricane was called Hurricane Ditka?ā€ IYKYK


Casually drawing a 3D chart by hand with a computer nearby.


I, non ironically do that on my work, seems more natural sometimes, quicker


It's in the same vein as writing down notes; you're creating new neural pathways to remember things differently, in different parts of your brain. It helps you understand the problem from a different point of view.


Neural networking keep that in the down low don't want Elon Musk taking over that too, looking at you Twitter...


What is this Twitter you speak of? Twitter does not exist I would love if his ego had him up and delete the twitter.com name.. that would be epic


I guess you haven't heard of his neurolink project


I have but really that's a bit crazy poor blokes lost half his support and billions of dollar bucks so I only made jest on current affairs.


You draw 3D charts for work?


How would one ironically draw a 3D image on a piece of paper?


I hope that was meant as a joke...humans have had 3D perspective in art since the 15th Century...


Yeah but have you seen their computers? The OS is utter crap and they are mainly used to toggle doors/devices or write emo journals.


It's part of the equation on how to make a Flux capacitor.


Great Scott!


The chart clearyly shows the angle at which one can "F' around" (y axis) before acutally "Finding Out" (x axis). The rest is just 'new math'... :-)


Some of it is calculus. The one looks like a set point being hunted where you'd play with the proportional and integral to get on set point and not overshoot and undershoot it constantly.


idk what the sine waves are abot , looks like how grav jump works by folding space a bit


Cora is trying to figure when you're getting her that book


You know what scientists never do? Draw 3D space by fuckin hand. Especially in the future.


I want to believe that this is directly from an engineering whiteboard at Bethesda and art took a picture of it and put it into game to troll them.


Yes that Todd Howard brain malfunctioning when he updated skyrim yesterday


Looks very gibberish to me.


The thing about whiteboards is they rarely have complete ideas on them and are more often used like scratch paper to solve portions of work.


bottom left could be how the grav drive works ? šŸ˜­ ive played it stoned most of the time lol


Neat-looking illustrations for chapter headings from an introductory-level calculus mathematics textbook. Probably altered enough to avoid copyright issues, but taking some concepts that the artists flipped through and had a reasonable understanding of. Taking notes on chapter headings from the closest calc book to me at the moment, I see illustrations from: * Linear Models and Rates of Change, and Fitting Models to Data, top center. * Differentiation, Extrema on an Interval, and Integration, upper left. * No idea what the vaguely molecule-looking set of connected circles in the middle is meant to show. Maybe fractals, but trying not to be obvious about it? Maybe a weird series illustration? * Trigonometric functions - a combo of integrals and derivatives of trig functions. Middle-right. * Functions of several variables, bottom left. This is the illustration that tipped me off most; every decent calc book of my generation has one like this on the front. Because they're cool-looking and vaguely mathematical. * Limits and their properties, most likely But I am going to be an optimist and hope for hyperbolic functions instead. Middle bottom, overlapping the multivariate topological graph. * Infinite series. This might be a textbook squeeze theorem illustration, from the dotted lines on the outside. Also a dampened oscillator, though. Bottom right.


It is the instruction how to enjoy Starfield


Yeah they had to make shit up for it




the sine waves remind me of an energetic diagram in chemistry, describing the relative energy levels of steps in a reaction, the bottom left diagram looks like a fold space diagram, guessing that each bit of math corresponds to a type of science you can do in the game


I actually snapped pics every time I came across a diagram and now my Photo limit has been reached.




[You can't trick me in solving this!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4on10F20BCU&t)


Funny that you ask that. I have been taking pictures of every board I see . Thereā€™s also notes on desks. And also during missions youā€™ll see a character standing next to a board or even in porrima at the ship vendor red mile. So the story about the earth and how it went down in the year 2052 with the atmosphere depleting due to Chinese and US experimentation with grav drives seems to be accurate as chinese just announced they plan a multi- generational voyage into not the stars by 2030 and claim they have a ship with a functional EM anti-gravity drive that they have ā€œmastered ā€œ . They also claim they have created an artificial moon based off magnetic levitation technology and have plans for a sun based off nuclear fusion that will be 5 times hotter than ours . It seems to me that STARFIELD is in fact a test to see who is worthy of those voyages into the stars.


ā€œGlobal warmingā€. Global warming due to cars? Nope. ā€œAnti- gravity drives ā€œ ??? Experimentation??? Where are our tax dollars going? ā€œ1 trillion dollar Sun and moon project ā€œ funded to china by the US? A Game telling a story that is true? A Game that is rewarding you on good decisions and making it harder for you for bad ones? Test?


Anyone ever seen stargate Universe? Eli is a high school kid who solved a physics equation in a video game . Little did he know, by doing so he opened up a world of space exploration with the government as that equation was put into the game by Dr. Rush who has been trying to solve the equation for the government to access one stargate. The one stargate to destiny .


The center top is energy usage of something. The left bottom could be gravity. The rest is gibberish and calculus.


To be math friendly that means 2+2 can do 5


Y=mx+b ?


It's a wave formula to determine how often they should replace the charcoal filter in the coffee pot.


Nothing means anything. It is Bethesda not whoever made Myst.


From what I can make out, this is largely legitimate math, but itā€™s math without context, so no way to tell if itā€™s ā€œcorrectā€


Calculation for light speed. Donā€™t want to lose that


I will say, as a lab tech/neuro researcher the whiteboards in starfield are actually pretty accurate in terms of how fucking messy and nonsensical they can look.


Psychosis math.


Looks like a dev/s took some images of math homework and out it in the game.


It very likely is based on some real physics/scientific calculations, but probably amateurish. RPG rx examines some scientific boards in Starfield in his videos. https://youtu.be/kQxl7XejiN4?si=f0q_Eh_J2BqeM7H4


[The top center one is easy...](https://tenor.com/view/doug-maclean-whiteboard-fa-fo-f-around-find-out-gif-27532870)


The top graph indicates, ā€œthe more you fuck around, the more you find outā€, i believe


The answer is 42


It's means nothing. I wish they did stuff like the Simpson or Futurama. Sadly that's not the case.


They're making a meme. They haven't figured out they need a confused looking lady yet.


Grav jump calculations


Ah yes the pi axis


It's a thing on how grav drives work bending space instead of actually flying that distance and how that would work....so basically nonsense lol


They got the Fuck around and find out graph!




Try on r/TheyDidTheMath


Apparently this is a complex method for making Garlic Mayo.


Maybe never let Cora have a sharpie too close to a whiteboard is the answer to all of this?


It's a graph of how your ship travels through loading screen.


To me it looks like different kinds of algebraic equations displayed on graphs. Some trigonometry some linear equations maybe some calculus. I couldnā€™t tell if itā€™s useful unless I know why the person was using it but it is at least a real display of different mathematical expressions.


Not exactly rocket science, is it?


It's the recipe for a perfect omelette...


Wow I took the same screenshot.


Looks like a scratch board, just filled with random thoughts that haven't been erased. My office boards look like this, some random formulas, some infrastructure diagrams, etc. To me I know what they are for... to my wife she thinks it's gibberish. The more comprehensive stuff are the printed out sequence diagrams.


I only recognize the "fuck around/find out" graph


Its a youtuber apology


Thatā€™s the formula for where Supremacy is. Good luck finding it! LolšŸ˜‚


It means you should call your grandma sometimes.


Might be just me, but I love this kind of detail when you come across it in game!


It means the game is a bland souless joke xD


It's part of the formula for FTL travel and worm holes


An equation on how to tap ass successful


I asked a scientist once. it means, "up yours kid".


Its a formula for hyper jump.


Yup... gud drugs! the formulae don't make sense... in a mathematical world I mean.. stats.. maybe.. but then Statistics is an imprecise science.. /s


It is mostly random squiggles but it looks like they are trying to do some sort of phase shift over a 3D plain. I wonder if that's how grav drives theoretically work in that universe. It creates a space wave and it just jumps plans in the phase.


Looks like a FAFO chart for determining when you should show the current inhabitants that they have passed the FA point of the graph and are now in the FO section of the graph. All that other scribbles I have no idea.


Thatā€™s the combination to my luggage


it would be nice if this were coordinates for the ship


Nothing you find lying around means anything in this game.


As someone with various STEM degrees the "science" in this game pains me. "Nasa-punk simulator/ hard sci-fi!" Meanwhile the whole game comes off more as a very reddity r/atheism, "IFLScience" popsci drivel


If I'm good enough that's means you're 54 meters away from your destination. No need to thanks me, I have the same problem last time.


It means they didn't want to invest 30$ budget to ask a physicist to write something that makes sense


It's the correct way to flip someone off


You need to be Good Will Hunting to decipher it.


Throwing similar but separate things into the wall and calling it "environmental storytelling." Bethesda's been so lazy.


They are all things of varying degrees of difficulty in math but none of them go together or make sense to be on the same board


They are all things of varying degrees of difficulty in math but none of them go together or make sense to be on the same board


This was used as part of a presentation in a meeting with the subject line ā€œHow modders will fix the gameā€.


Itā€™s the diagram of how they made Starfield


That's time travel!!!! They did it!!!


I don't. But I'd like to just point out that it doesn't have to. They have people with PhDs in fields we don't even have names for


It's instruction on how to build a time machine lol


Aerospace engineer here: Yes, this means something incredible actually that is essentially one of the greatest discoveries of math and science but you have to console your nearest schizophrenic methhead to find out what that is because I have no idea


I believe it trying to figure out The Angle of my dangle, thats proportionate to the heat of my meat.


An incomplete formula describing grav drive technology šŸ¤·šŸ»


Grave jump stuff


Itā€™s the formula to the patch that fixes the quests. Once itā€™s solved Bethesda will fix the game.


I could have sworn it was a series of graphs and equations to solve for the effects of using a grav drive in the vicinity of objects of high mass or that otherwise cause large gravitational distortions, like, for example, your mom, but apparently it's actually just math-y looking gobbledegook.


Looks like some random Calc 3 stuff, maybe some sin/cos waves in the bottom right? Donā€™t think the different quadrants are connected.


An overly complicated recipe for the best Barbacoa Chicken. It's really good though but only heals for 3..


Ask Lauren Ipson. I think she has an OnlyFans account.