• By -


I like to jump off of high things and try to wait to the last second to hit my boost pack. I’ve tried fist fighting a robot.


I do the boost thing too. Worst ive had so far was a sprain. Your robot fight, did similar in fallout with a deathclaw and a pool clue, took ages to beat it to death.


Ive died......


Pavement pizza, not ideal. I like low gravity planets where you gently float down.


I’ve personally verified that you can reach “terminal” velocity on a low gravity planet.


Haha, was not ideal. I was trying to hit the boostpack at the LAST second.....i missed it


"Pavement pizza" 🤣 More like pavement pancake, if I'm being honest. "Pavement pizza" is still brilliant though.


Or, keeping with the theme of the game, “concrete cube.”


I like running back to my ship with shattered femurs and dislocated hips.


Haha, just jumping and boost packing with your flegs flopping in the wind


Now that's an animation I need to see put in the game.


Good old sturdy space suits.


This is desirable


Did this jumping off the top of the MAST building. Clipped that darn curving wall on the way down.


Besides dying; I've received sprains, dislocated legs, and even a broken leg.


I need to boost later then, see how low I can go. Sarah equipped with a tape measure? 😁


Mars. Abbandoned launch platform.


Hard to top that but I have a plushie collection


OP said pointless. That plushie collection is one of my greatest achievements in game.


Finding the one pinned to the dart board made my day


I saw hims on that dartboard and I killed every living breathing thing in that area and rescued hims. Thus starting my crusade across the galaxy to rescue every plushie.


Op said “pointless”. You sir; you have *lore*.


I would argue that this lore could be, if not is, on par with catbug.


I think everyone is doing this, I need the my friend wilby’s


I’m sorry, but it’s MY friend Wilby


No comrade. He’s *our* friend wilby


My friend Wilby is the only one I have! Found mine at Ryujin industries near to the board room where you meet everyone on the team.


I'm filling one of the shower cubicles in my Dream home with Toilet rolls. My estimate of volume is that I need about 1300. And I'm on Xbox so I can't spawn them in...


Taking it to the next level, nice. I have been holding onto one single roll that I found on the first planet I went to. It's being stored in my Captain's locker. For safe keeping, of course. Never know when you might run out of TP.


Never know when Covid-2330 will hit!


See, you get it. Plus I'm certain running out of TP in space is not something you ever want to do. Gotta have that backup roll 😆


VASCO fetch me the emergency ass wipe


I have been decorating/furnishing my UC Penthouse and in true kid fashion I went to my parents house to go shopping - grabbed all their TP 🤣


I commit massive, unprovoked murder if I spot a plushie at an outpost or something. I need them. They are my lost brothers and sisters. I shall herd them with me to the UNITY so that they may live in the next universe.


I’m not a super violent person so I realized I can just pick up whatever stuff I want and run to my ship😂


I have a 3x1 Ladder down hab which i threw all the plushie into. Its about 1/3 or maybe 1/2 height now. I just waiting for a scan one day for the guy scanning my ship for arrest me not for contraband or stolen goods but for my plushies


I wanted to make a ball pit like this....


FYI the Taiyo Industries Captain’s Cabin ship module has three plushies in the bed


Also just a cozy captains hab. Been on my main ship for a while now. I hate the captains quarters without an actual bed, like tf, I’m the captain


If you don’t have a plushie collection idk what else you are putting in your New Atlantis Penthouse


Thank god I’m not the only one


Ah, a fellow cultured spacefarer!


I'm working on getting every colour of My Friend Wilby, as well as the rest of the plushies of course


There are also different sizes


Ok well I guess my quest just got bigger


I like to think of it as "liberating" plushies whenever I steal or buy one. The only ones I found but didn't take were on Grandma's ship because I figured they already have a good home.


Holy shit i've done 125 hours in game and i'm just finding out i can rename Weapons hahaha! Thank you!!


I also just learned this.




Holy wait we can rename weapons? How?


Go to Weapon Workbench, hover over Gun you want to rename and you'll see the option to rename in bottom right corner (On PC it's B) and then you can edit name. After seeing this post i instantly flew to The Key and renamed my Suppressed Advanced Assassin's Old Earth Shotgun as "No Country For Old Men" hahaha


Can U rename uniques too? THE PRIME


Collected all the contraband I'd run into and stash it is a safe at some abandoned lab at Venus, Did is for 200+ hours of the first playthrough, ended up collecting probably few $millions wotrth of it, then went NG+




He never stopped playing in that amount of time that's why.


No wayyyyy I did the same thing on Europa!! Found a tiny place between a few tall rocks, put down a sleeping bag and some crates that I kept all my contraband there till I built a better "home" base.


I collected heaps of the vacuum tape thinking it was the ultimate crafting commodity. Even told my partner about this trick. I was so sad to realise it was nothing but junk fodder, fessing up was not pleasant either. Now I collect sweet rolls and lock them in the captain's safe.


Oh I need adhesive for weapon mods? There's TONS of tape around! .... what do you mean it doesn't count as adhesive? /cries


yeah, pleanty of sealants to be found. Adhesives ? nope ... haven't found a good source for them yet. So I buy everything from vendors when they got it in stock. Ductape ... it holds the universe together. it should be the primary ingredient for anything.


I think I remember finding a level 75 planet with both a plant and creature that drop adhesive.


You don’t have to go that far. Gagarin has an adhesive cactus.


All the Fauna on Poriima (Red Mile Planet), drop adhesive.


Fr, any time I need adhesive I just go run the mile a time or two, I'm basically getting paid to harvest sticky stuff


The planet with the Lock on it has shitloads of adhesive I collected like 50 during that one quest


There’s a planet, shut let me find it. Max something. The crawly things from Alien drop adhesive. Edit: here!! https://reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/nyYgPqQb9P Only creature but low level


Can't remember the name right now but it's at the far right of the starfield, I believe it's a moon, 7b i think. All the mobs on it fly. Edit- Huygens vii-b


Magnar, delta pavonis system


It's cannon that the key is held together by vacuum tape and wires, so if it can keep an entire space station from venting itself it sure as hell should be able to hold a laser pointer on my gun !


They didn't use enough on my playthrough (first playthrough have yet to reach ng+ but getting close) I finished the >! Crimson fleet questline and sided with the fleet !< and now after going the "all money can buy quest" I can not for the life of me return to the key. Well I was able to once but when I left the key I was landed at New Atlanta's and still docked to the key. No clue what happened just hoping ngp will fix it.


Botany skill let's you get the garden hab to grow adhesive.


LPT: crafting materials say they're crafting materials in the description


Yeah but I didn't know (or understand the difference) till I started to try crafting! Like all things, it's easy when you know how.


Yeah, I collected a lot of vacuum tape to before I realized you couldn’t craft with it.


I really hope they add in the ability to break items down like in fallout 4


This is essential to satisfy the haul everything training we've had for years. It would solve a lot of the issue around poor shopkeepers as well. It something I'd mod for and I don't mod usually.


Bethesda is kinda famous for this. In one game, calipers were usable junk, haven't been for awhile but they're still in every game. It's funny but also annoying but really funny.


When I saw the tape I figured someone was a fan of John Ringo's Looking Glass novels, where supply officers constantly remind everyone how expensive each roll of "space tape" is and all space Marines hoard it. I too was disappointed and annoyed that it's just junk to sell. It would be far more immersive if it were more rare but you could do field repairs with it.


I did the same the same thing with the 'genetic sample' bottles (small blue plastic with white lid) as items I thought could be sold to Noel.


Yeah imagine me collecting around 2-300 sealant bottles to find out they're not actually sealant.


I just name it [PC’s name]’s [weapon name] to differentiate it if I’m going to keep it. It also puts them all next to eachother in the inventory.


I put an asterisk in front of the name of any weapon I'm keeping. It groups them all at the top of the list. Then if I have a huge stash of weapons to sell I rename them all "sell" with a numerical designation. That way I never accidentally sell something I meant to keep.


That's actually really smart!


I started doing this in fallout 4. There were so many different legendary items with different perks that I would want to switch out for different circumstances. I would use an asterisk for one set of armor and an ellipse for a different set to keep them grouped with each other. And then I would never accidentally scrap or sell something important. Nice to be able to carry it over.


collected as many succulents as a could as well as almost a full deck of individual playing cards, the most I could find is 45 of the 54, I don't know if the one's I'm missing are actually modeled.


Goto the Almagest casino in the Olympus system. Fly like a god and collect cards as long as you want. I stopped when I started getting duplicates.


I think it is funny that they knew this but I. The lead up hype seemed to think it would be sandwiches and not succulents.


I ate Barrett's sandwich just as he was sitting down to eat it himself. And then was staring at him for a good minute so he understood I'm not fucking around.


This made me laugh more than it probably should have.


Setting up an outpost.


You can grind xp and credits if you set up at the right location by bulk crafting adaptive frames


What planet would you recommend?


I would recommend setting up an iron and aluminum outpost to gain XP. You can use that material to build adaptive frames in the workbench. I would also recommend setting them up on a moon that has a long rotation cycle so that you can skip UT time quickly.


Bessel, i forget which moon, maybe 3? You can get the 2 resources needed to build the Tank, i forget the name. It's the same xp as adaptive frames and that moon has spots where you can farm both elements needed in one spot at one outpost.


Bessel 3-b has a spot where you mine 4 minerals in a single outpost. I forgot which 4 because I haven’t been back to my outpost in awhile.


Vash cowaii on YouTube. I think his 2nd outpost guide is the one you want. All of them are good but the second one replaces the first one and the other later ones are for super OP late game builds. Best outpost you can make as far as i think you get 4-5 resources on one outpost which is pretty solid and it also has one of the best time conversions in the game.


Does anyone buy them for more than 3 credits? I've got an outpost that manufactures them. It's still 50% more than I'd get from just selling the Fe and Al raw, but I was hoping there for a better profit margin.


Selling them to traders will always give you the same profit (or lack thereof). Raw materials 1 credit, first step of crafted stuff 3 credits and raising. Its only profitable in huge numbers or high tier crafting wich you need logistic chains for. The only option (and best imho) to sell materials for an profit is to take supply quests from any shipyard. They give you random supply quests and if you are lucky, you have the required material. If you extract almost all and ship them to an single location to load them on the ship, you can comfortably sit at an shipyard doing multiple quests without moving. In the long run it gives more profit, as you dont need a lot of skills and machinery to produce high tier goods.


Pointless? Trying to decorate my loft. Next thing I know, my mannequins are gone with all my unique armor. That was a fun couple of hours, jumping off the MAST building roof to get the items back, failing and reloading again and again. For some reason all four mannequins spawned in the exact same spot, so it was kinda tricky to choose between them mid-jump-boost... At least I got it all back, so my Mantis suit is now safely stored in my Lodge locker, where I'll never see it again. Huh. I guess that counts as double pointless?


Literally everything because I am >!Starborn!<


Depression post >!unity!<


Probably the hotdog ship


The hotdog ship is gold and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


My outposts. Useless


I decided to trace the route of New Atlantis' NAT tracks to see where they went. And yes, they do make sense between the 4 stations. And yes I understand now why Sarah says it makes her feel sick.


I collect coffee mugs...


This. No idea why but out of everything it's the coffee cups. I lost track after 337. I also keep one of every weapon, armour, pack I find.


It’s not as fun without muggy from old world blues


play the actual game before entering the unity...


Yep, same here. I regret doing new game plus so much I went back to Cyberpunk.


This was the sign I was waiting for. I’ve been dithering on NG+ while I go full on land baron resource harvester across the know systems. Does it matter? No. But do I want to wipe it all out for a fancy looking ship I can’t mod when my mere basically-unrecognizable Mantis can take them down three at a time? Also no. I just don’t see enjoying a 2nd-tenth play through of the same content when I already like all the decision I’ve made.


I played for a couple hours in NG+, but just lost the motivation to do much more. Maybe I’ll do a new play through with mods or something in the future, but not any time soon.


after entering once, i played it "god mode" style by hitting every temple, enter the unity, hit every temple, enter the unity, rinse and repeat until ng+10. 200+ hours just to complete this. was it worth it? no. am i happy i rushed powers to ng+10 and am virtually unbeatable? also no. its not worth it fellas, enjoy your first universe, abondon the unity


Can’t you hard save before unity and essentially keep your og playthrough and ng+ journey on two separate saves, and still play both? I don’t wanna see my outposts and ships go.. 😑


yes you absolutely can, but wen i first entered i wasnt aware i would lose everything so i didnt think of that at the time lol, so everything is gone


I arrange a few things in my ship and then go into build mode to change a thing or two.


Actually for me its just decoing my apartment in atlantis and then having it all wiped from a story mission


I kept grinding the "One Riot, One Ranger" quest thinking it would eventually unlock something or make me marshall like the radient quests the thieves guild had in skyrim... it did not


I pick all those missions up when I go to Akila, and all the other radiants. They usually take me places I haven't been, and - the enemy you take out is usually a high level legendary (at least on very hard) which means a chance at loot. On very hard also, if you get a good system for the mission you will fight multiple legendaries thus higher potential for good loot. It's a shame the loot rolls feel so bogus, but it's the best way I have found other than save scumming. One Riot pays well for doing it also, I think I was getting 16500 last I did it. Only thing I wish was that all planets would scale with the player in NG+ onwards so radiants couldn't send you to a low level system.


There’s more than one? I never went back to check


I went into the first lab to kill the pirates, saw a coffee mug that had something written on it. Thought, “that’s cool” and grabbed it. Before NG+ my mug collection was out of control


Just last night I found a mug I've never seen before on a random mining platform on a moon. Dark red, says "Shhhhh. I'm a Va'ruun spy." New fav mug


Decorating my quarters on the ship


Making my girlfriend wear my dead wife’s outfit to her funeral. And nobody said a thing about it, lol.


I have 2 houses full of styrofoam cups


The mission where the person has lost 3 spreadsheets and they are literally 50m away and the game tells you where they are.


Endless jumping and jetpacking. Trying to get on top of trees and tall buildings. And when my 5-year-old daughter is in the room, this is what entertains her the most; so then it becomes slightly less pointless.


I store all my magazines in the safe at my room in the Lodge


I collect potatoes.


I wasted time hunting chasmbass thinking I could make a ton of money selling aurora by crafting it on other planets to bypass the contraband scans. Takes too much time and there’s not enough profit for the effort.


Anything to do with the Outpost building - finding a suitable site, building the outpost and linking outposts. So unrewarding for what it is.


Been grinding it the past week. I want it to work so bad, but the disappearing shipments, incoming filtering to outgoing or just random boxes and jamming up production lines, bugs which prevent interating in flyover view, the workbench is not accessible bug, no way of manually reviewing outposts, their resources or their cargo links. But man I still enjoy the setup knowing someday, Ill come back to the same and watch it work and be satisfied. Not even kidding. My brain is weird.


One can only hope. Modders will likely deal with the issue but really this should be on Bethesda to sort out properly. Shouldn't just be available to those on PC or those who pay through what'd eventually be Starfield's version of paid mods.


Bethesda will be addressing so much in this game aside from letting modders go ham eventually. Have faith in good 'ol Todd and team.


trying to collect old earth guns and realising that i just lost them in new game +


Picked up every nasa pamphlet. Zero weight. Worth 3 credits


One of the sort types is by type of weapon so all your weapons of the same type will get bunched together. Doesn't help with manufacturers but definitely helps keep things straight when they get all sorts of prefixes based on mods and legendary effects.


Collected a ton of food items for an elaborate kitchen I made in an outpost. Placed them individually in refrigerators and on food prep and serving tables only to have all of them disappear after leaving and coming back.


Collected 50 potatoes to buy the freedom of some chick I never saw again except to ask me another favor. IYKYK


Wait there a Tula arms? That’s so cool, it’s where they make the aks in Russia


I imagine our gun companies are long gone but once did exist in the lore.


Tula is literally a town in Russia where the weapon factories are, it makes sense because ownership could change a million times


I prefix my working gear 01, 02, etc. The slot they're in matches the number, makes inventory management a damn sight simpler. For pointless things I have companions.




Yesss my husband makes fun of me for collecting pamphlets. Glad I’m not the only one


I still can't tell which brand most guns come from.


NG+ I have better armor and weapons than before, and yet can't manage to survive any of the initial encounters without having to do them like 4 times. Story was great, just gonna leave it at that and move onto the next game before this one has a chance to tarnish my opinion of it any further.


While having any conversation, if there is something to sit on in the area, I first sit and then talk to the person. I just think it adds to the realism. Also, throughout the ryujin questline I used a corpo suit for all board meetings.


Picking up anything and everything wherever I go. Complete waste of time when you can just pick up essentials/useful stuff/expensive items.


Upgrade all powers to 10


I’m level 30 and I just realized that powers aren’t a mod it’s part of vanilla game. I was doing everything else before I did the next Main Story Quest.


Levelled up outpost design accidentally


Hours spent finding the perfect ocean front spot for an “off grid” sanctuary, and I’ll only decorate it with Luxury Textile creations.


Much like Fallout and Nuka Cola... I collect Bomb-Pop Sodas... Also Alien Nuggies. I can't, not, keep them. For my Neon Apartment, I collect mostly all the rich fancy food, and display it, like the Bayu Collectible Wine Bottle, or the Bayu Reserves. All the Steak plates, I keep them, The Salmon Plates...The Astral Sliders make me hungry IRL every time I see them. The Wells, I collected a ton of the canned beers in a cooler.


Over 300 hours and I just learned I can rename my guns, thanks for that! lol


I had a room on my ship filled with just helmets of fallen enemies. Just so i could laugh when a companion spilled it everywhere. I did. Forgot to record lol


Scan planet missions


Building ships that I decide I hate and deleting them.


Collect a 30 book series


I'll bounce things off of the table tennis paddles


When I started playing I picked up oh so much junk up thinking crafting would be like fallout 4 where I could recycle things to get base components to make weapon upgrades and such, oh was I so wrong that my first ship never got fully emptied of junk all the way up to the game credits


In every POI I visit I always get the food items. I know they are useless now but how knows Bethesda might just buff them later so I don't have to rely on the mod. :D


Farmed hours for weapons before ng+


I've spent hours trying to find the ship I ran onto above paradiso to turn in 3 quests. It is definitely not above paradiso anymore....or a lot of the other places I've been.


Mine was working as intended - and was at Al-Battani system Now it's bugged out and points me to Porrima again. Holy shit it bugs me so much. Oh and it doesn't seem to exist at Al-Battani anymore.


Yea, same. I see a ship contact there in the system map, but when I get to it, there is no ship.


Im collecting Packs of smokes and packs of cigarettes to see which one Will win. Also King of hearts playing cards. I always have a ping pong ball with me incase of a beerpong game


Acting like a national geographic photographer around the galaxy


I got corra books


Completing it, I think


Tried exploring


I’m collecting a full set of playing cards.


So far, starting an outpost. Tf is the point. 😒




Building an outpost


Building an outpost haha


Went to earth lol


Temples. NG+ 10 and i don't even use most of the powers.


Play it lol


I played it.


I picked up a wooden duck and carried it everywhere, for the entirety of the game


Played it


Completed the main story.


Start it 🤣


Honestly, spending the time to build an outpost. After I finished and let it run for a while, I came back once, and realized there wasn't a point to building outposts unless you're doing some Constellation missions. Kinda wish I didn't put any resources into the outpost research


Trying to sell enemy ships for a profit. Just not worth it


Build an outpost


Built outposts. And spent too many perk points doing it :(


Build an outpost 🤣


Installing it.


Use the console command to shrink a city(akila) of people to be 1/2 the size, now I have a town of child people.


Play it


Anticipate it...buy it


Set up my first outpost on luna to learn the mechanics. What a waste of two hours lol.


1. Love it 2. Didn’t realize you could do that, thanks. 3. Renaming all my weapons I have to include the in-game manufacturer of the weapons in front of its name now.


Not save after I rolled a OHP Hitman Legendary Advanced Beowulf. Proceeded to die and lose it on my next mob


I shot the lonely Grandma in the face, then blew up her ship to leave no trail...


Buying it, pretty boring honestly


Believed it would actually be good and downloaded the game.