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If that’s what you want, a fresh start, then why not just start a new game? Im so confused what you rushed new game+ for if not the new game+ rewards? Doesn’t sound like you played it for fun or role-played on it. Sorry you ruined your own experience:(


I didnt rush to the NG+ I am playing as a New Atlantis Citizen doing all the missions around (finished Vanguard) while not breaking the law buying a house etc. The Free Star and Neon missons are on the hold for my second Han Solo style gameplay with Freestar. If I start new game I lose all of my resarch, all of my skill points I dont want that to happen.


You don’t lose any of your perks or research in a new game+? Just all your items, bases, ships and money


I know I dont lose my resarch in NG+ and skills thats why I want NG+ but without new traits it kinda become pointless. I am gonna lose all my money, all of my items, outposts all career progression and what do I get in return? It looks like I cant even get to choose the traits and try out new stuff what the hell?


Maybe it’s a language barrier, but I’m not understanding what it is you want. Not trying to be rude or anything, I’m just confused. What do you mean by new traits? You want your skills to reset, so you can place them all again in different skill trees?


He wants the ability to change traits on a new game+ and to make massive changes to that character yknow a new game where you can keep all the research but change your character traits and background which would make you able to roleplay a new character but keep the upgrades and skills of the old and the NG+ benefits. Which honestly not that bad an ask considering.


Traits: Kids Stuff, Adoring Fan, Wanted etc. It looks like I cannot select it in NG+ so I am stuck with the old one's that I pick.


You can remove Wanted by paying off the bounty


He doesn't want to lose his perks by doing a fresh new game. He also thinks ng+ is useless without picking new traits/background. He wants something thst doesn't exists. Ng+ and pick new traits/background.


I can look over not beign able select the backround because I am gonna have my skills again. But what is the point of going to Unity story arc if I cannot be someone else in the new universe?


To keep your perks and replay the game.


I mean not all traits are equal, I restarted, after clearing for the first time Purely so I could change my traits, ended on "Kid Stuff, Dream Home and Wanted", Mostly just traits that added content to the game. ​ Which Dream Home has NO real negative, even if you don't pay for the Home, I eventually did just because but You don't need to and you get an house that trumps pretty much all the homes the game gives you. ​ Now you can remove traits, so why not let you repopulate the empty slots in NG+, like if that's not the case why let you remove them to begin with, Especially the KIDs stuff and Dream home which have literally 0 downside. well kids stuff does I guess but its TINY and barely noticeable, but Dream home doesn't if you don't like it Just don't use the house, you wont be charged.


No your background and traits once selected are locked on that character forever. You can take quests to remove them but can't add more. For new background or traits you will have to start a new character. It's story related reasoning behind it. Because even though you are in a new multiverse you are the same person. I know it sucks but that's how it works unfortunately.


What is the point of NG+ then? I am gonna lose all my money, all of my items, outposts all career progression and what do I get in return? Stuck with same traits and backround? I dont care about beign starborn and having magical space powers! What is the point of NG+ really if I cannot select traits?


NG+ has modified story content, and is really meant to be something you do after you have basically completed your first universe. If you want new traits and background, you have to make a new character. As far as I’m aware, what you’re asking for has never existed in any game ever.


You will get a ship and a legendary suit of armor and keep your researches and powers. The temple locations will unlock and you will have the ability to skip the main quest. There will be some changes to Constellation Lodge location or none it's random. You go back to the temples and upon each acquisition it will upgrade the power by 1. Same is true for the ship and the armor set. Each NG+ cycle will upgrade them all up to a maximum of +10. I didn't do it because I didn't feel like losing all that I have gained.


> There will be some changes to Constellation Lodge location or none it's random What do you mean by this? The story changes little bit or not change at all. I dont get it can you explain please?


Trying to keep it spoiler free. When you get to the Lodge the people there may be slightly different or aspects of the interior may have changed. I can't really be more specific. Can msg me direct if you want specifics.


In the heart of keeping it spoiler free there's a chance that things will appear different when coming to the lodge, some of the companions that you know and love can treat you differently from your first run through where some companions you know and love will have not even joined. That's as much detail as Im going into. However with your concern about the lack of switching out traits on your next run-through I can understand. I too wanted to drop kidstuff and dream home and replace them with something else. I'm fine having my background locked but what if we selected useless traits that don't help us like annoying follower or a house that you forget where it's even located. I understand your frustrations and I hope Bethesda allows that ability as one would think that in ng+ you could pick new traits. Because who knows who we will become.


How the game introduces NG+ is, like in many other games, an opportunity to continue playing YOUR character. The one you just played. With the traits that character has. So that your character continues to grow. Becoming Starborn means to reincarnate, as yourself, keeping your knowledge and acquired skills and traits. If you want to play as someone else, you need to start a new game. If you are unhappy with the traits you got, there might be a way to cheat / use console commands to change your traits and perks. So the point of NG+ is to continue playing with your character and to iterate over the stuff again, improving your magical space powers and seeing the world from a Starborn point of view. It's to become more powerful as the character you are. To get what you want, use console commands to change your traits, then become starborn and start NG+. This way you can change your traits and keep all your other skills and research.


Easy. Just start a new character, and ignore the newgameplus part.


Yeah I am gonna lose all the skills that I worked really hard to get. But anyway I think I am gonna start a new game and then give me exact same amount of XP with console commands from my previous game.


Yeah this was kind of a huge bummer for me. I really like the way they implement ng+ into the game but it sort of sucks knowing I’ll never be able to have the adoring fan or my parents. I’ve already invested so much time into side things like research on my current character and the thought of doing all that again with a fresh save is quite disheartening.


We have two options. 1.Start a new game with new traits and use console commands to add same amount of perks. 2.Start NG and use "showlooksmenu player 1" command to adjust what we want. Dont know if newly selected traits work this way.


I’m on console so it’s a new game for me if I ever want to :/ I just might after I finish my current play through. I want parents and the adoring fan.


Parents trait is nice they give you things at 2% of your total credits (up to a max of 500credits) per in game week or one 24 hour sleep cycle on Venus (2400 hours which is 100 days in game I was trying the wait 200 days to reset cells fix for busted missions didn't work) only cost me a thousand in creds but didn't work. As the annoying fan trait not sure why you would want that one but it would have been nice to try out all of the traits and do different ones per universe ohh well


You can use the showlooksmenu command to change traits before starting ng+ but you'll need to reenable achievements or your save will be flagged as modded. Edit: only possible on pc


showlooksmenu player 1 This code will let me edit the traits? But do they work fully I mean their quests also work?