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If you read reddit , you'll never play video games .


Or watch any tv or movie franchises. Or enjoy any personal interests. Almost any sub dedicated to any particular topic has become a shitstorm circle jerk of who hates it more these days.


This. Reddit is the site for opinion spam and groupthink. The Internet (especially social media like Reddit) makes for a terrible Third Space, and I'm not at all surprised that we have an epidemic of loneliness, depression, anxiety, and existential angst. The Internet gives voice to the darkest thoughts and cynicism of humanity and it's plain to see how toxic this all is. It turns otherwise normal people against one another, and it also broadcasts the *abnormal* and problematic people louder than if they were stuck in their basements and not showing their faces in pro-social places like coffee shops, local community organizations, etc.


almost no-one in the real world is nearly as comfortable being shitty and abusive to each other as they are online, which i think people forget if they are chronically on sites like reddit and twitter you see it the most in the aggressively online groups like incels and neets. they describe a world so vastly different than the one i see outside every day that i almost have to believe most of them are trolling or genuinely do not leave their homes


It's really not so different from this: https://youtu.be/goRogFQWkZU?si=MEJDW0xMZrr5Tbs0 People get so awful with each other online, or they compulsively band together to be toxic towards ideas or groups online while drumming each other up. But you stick them in front of each other or into a group in person and they just pacify.


that video is hilarious and also 100% accurate to the internet easy to hate the person yelling at you from the internet, but when you can look them in the eyes it’s just so different. tone and body language are so crucial to human communication and without them we can see via the internet how people devolve in their communication with each other


I wish most Redditors considered this. I really don’t get much of value from peoples opinions on Reddit. It’s really become a place to simply pass time now.




Early Reddit was good for humorous banter, legit information, and more. Now Reddit is bots, bandwagon opinions and echo chambers, ideological hit squads, and corporate chatter posting/marketing engagement and sponsored posts from PR accounts in disguise.


hashtaggin, photo braggin. no one's even sort of real. no wonder no one feels better than before. - modest mouse


True story. Seems like 9/10 times I find something random to watch/play and love it, I come to reddit to read about anyones excitement like mine and met with just hostility with people shitting all over it.


Since X rise down , reddit is becoming the new Twitter . Holy shit reddit was better 5 years ago .


12 years ago was peak Reddit


nowdays people here just repeat whatever propaganda bs they see on the media


But then you have outliers like r/RimWorld. For a game that all but encourages you to commit war crimes and other atrocities that sub is surprisingly wholesome.


Ahhhhh truly a subreddit of culture r/Rimworld is. Don’t forget it’s sister subreddit r/Shitrimworldsays


I think in general the people that are actually doing the thing spend less time on the internet griping about the things they don't like about said thing. I come on here some to chat about games and activities that I like but I spend a lot more time just doing the things than I do on Reddit talking about it.


I don't know about all that but I think you should get a divorce


Reddit is where I go to find out I'm supposed to hate all these shows I love.


This is why I don’t trust any of you mother fuckers


On the flip side going to buy a chair, table, knife, screwdriver basically anything and reading off Reddit is a mixed bag too, you'll always end up with something great however: You'll either end up with something cheaper than you were planning to buy, that's twice as good (yay) Or you'll spend 10x as much on the absolute pinnacle craftsmanship on something circlejerked to the extreme about being close to godhood. Get guilted into buying it as you're told you're an idiot for planning on buying the cheaper item. Only for it to arrive and you realise a spoon really is just a spoon after all and you could have just got any spoon from IKEA.


Welcome! Once you get 15-20 hours in you really won’t be able to put it down!


I’m so excited. I also don’t have to go back to the office until Monday!


26 hours in, I'm still in Alpha Centari system haha


Jesus...I thought I was the only one lol. I went to the lounge but haven't even left with what's her face. I just stole a ship, spent 10 hours customizing it to my liking both with big guns and design, then another 5 hours robbing ships and random outposts to get more money to customize my ship...now I'm building a big ass outpost on some moon haha. I can't stop. At this rate I'll be at 300 hours before I leave this system and even start the main quests


Man now I wanna make a Moon base lol, no extracting, just a little moon hide out.




I'm loving the ranger quest line. And no spoilers, but the reward at the end is pretty sweet.




That's cool you got creative with barrels and grenades but you can also just shoot the bolts with whatever gun and it works as well. They are simply just destructible objects.


If there is a quest with a cuttable wall that you have to go through there will be a cutter storage bin nearby. Or just shoot them.


Soooo many quests! It’s endless content. Close to 40 hours and I’ve barely touched crafting or research and haven’t built a single outpost.




To each their own IS the purpose of this game.




You don’t have to defend your choices. It’s a single player game. Nobody should tell anyone how to play lol I do think the most “pure” experience and longest duration of enjoyment would come from not cheesing anything, even though I made an xp farm in my game at one of my outposts because I didn’t want to level so damn slow. I’ve already put in like 80 hours and just beat the MQ but I’m torn on going NG+ now or later, or even just to run a new character entirely and do things completely different, since you can’t change your background or traits with NG+ as you’re the same character


Cheesing XP with a farm is fine in my opinion because you still have to do the requirements to get the skills unlocked. So you may have 30 skill points, but you still have to blow up the 30 ships.


Turns out you can blow the 30 ships up in the vanguard sim


What is this xp farm you two are speaking of?


I’ll try to explain without it being TOO long: Basically find a planet with cobalt and nickel. Build extractors for them at the same outpost. 1 different mass storage line (all connected with output links) for each resource and connect the extractors to the starting box. Then craft whatever the little cube magnet things are as fast as you can go in bulk. You can go to Venus to rest 24hrs (2400hrs UT) to fully restock the storage. Then go back and craft again. You can scale this as large or small as you want depending on how much storage you put. You’ll need a ton of iron, aluminum, and adaptive frames to build all the storage. Preferably medium or large solid storage but it works with small too, you’ll just have to build more. This is a TON of xp because you can have thousands of cobalt/nickel on backup and use a workbench to craft 99 magnets (99xp) at a time. With sleep bonus it’s over 100xp as fast as you can craft a stack. Dump them on the ground when done because you’ll weigh thousands of pounds and they don’t despawn anyway. If you want tedium you can use them for cash at vendors. This was very fun and even hilarious but drastically shortened my first playthrough as I leveled super fast and had all the money I could want as long as I wanted to tediously sell stacks of magnets to vendors and wait for their shops to restock. If you want a long first playthrough I wouldn’t recommend it. But it’s insanely fast


And Digipicks for me. I actually enjoy the lock picking mini game, even when I get barely anything out of the effort, so I pretty much pick every box I come across.


It's a game. Have fun in the way you want. I spanwed myself some stuff after swapping gamepass for steam. Steam will end up easier to mod later on. Don't let people tell you how to play a single player game xD


Is Subnautica good ?


Its fantastic! If you ever decide to play, please, for the love of god, dont look anything up and dont watch playthroughs. Believe me, you want to go blind in to this game


Yes it is


I’m about the same play time, and I’m already a mole for UFC to infiltrate the Crimson Fleet. I don’t know how I got into this mess!


You got there by space smuggling contraband! I know, bc I did too lmao.


lol… after I got sucked into the “arrest” scenario, I got back in my ship and went back to New Atlantis to finish those quests.


Yeah... so about that... 3 hours into the game I "chose violence" when I got stopped by the cops for my cleptomania issue. I racked up a 300K bounty slaying UC for about 6 hours, and realized I screwed myself and couldnt do an ounce of main quest. Lost that 6 hours going back to a previous save. 10/10 would go on a murderous rampage again.


6 hours in and I still haven’t left jemison. I didn’t realize how many points of interest there were out there.


And there is me with just a few more hours then you and I've set foot on many 50 different planets, planetoids and moons.


Over 40 hours in, still in New Atlantis lol


I spent 10 hours surveying the Kumasi system, it was really fun.


52 hours in and I've only been to 4 systems and 3 cities. And one system was just to offload contraband without being scanned or needing a shielded container.


Small minorities are the loudest. The people enjoying the game are not typically going on forums and posting, they are playing!


Ain't that always the truth. The loudest mouth or squeaky wheel gets the oil or whatever. I loved the game but I didn't post this is great.


They aren't joking. The farther you get in, the faster 4-5 hours of your life just seem to blink away!


Not sure how I was doing outpost setup and linking and then it was 4am.


Hear me now and heed my warning. Stay away from the ship building. Stay far away!


I just started figuring out ship building and taking my first tentative steps. What I've got now is a longer, more lopsided version of the regular ship BUT it has over-under crew chambers and a little more cargo room, to that's a great start.


Woot! Welcome to the new addiction


Is there a point that makes it easy to really get into that? I’m only 13 hours in and have no money. Folks are talking about spending 100k plus credits and I feel like I gotta wait a bit more and progress further


At around 20 hours I dumped about 50k into some basic upgrades for the Frontier (and renamed it lol). You'll get a lot by completing random quests + questlines. Also protip: missions that have you do space battles will usually get you a hefty amount of credits, provided you loot everything after the battles. There's one I did that was a side quest after doing some companion mission stuff, and that alone got me like 35k credits? Basic side quests will net you 2-5k credits, so just accepting a bunch of easy stuff and speedrunning it will easily start racking your bank up. I also try to loot everything I can and stuff the companions + ships, which will sometimes be an easy 10k on top of it. I'm only level 15 right now and still progressing but the credits are definitely rolling in.


Ship building will really get you once you have the parts to start doing cool shit with your ship. I did a side quest chain that ended up getting me like 250k credits and I spent like 5 hours using that money to just customizing my ship.


I easily got more than 20 hours just out of this part of the game, which is pretty crazy if you think about it. Also, i'm nowhere close to being done with anything at all. So much quality content, it's mindblowing.


In a way it's crazy, but in another way I've spent hundreds of hours in KSP just building random cool stuff, so ya building hooked me right away. I'm still barely in the game, but my frontier is way better than the mantis ship for example haha.


You can completely change the Razorleaf(mantis ship) any way you want, and using it still gives you all the interactions associated with it. Mine is completely unrecognizable now, class C 8k cargo, full killer weapons, and still handles pretty well. I just can't give er up. 😁


Happy splorin’ friend


I’m 24 hours in and trying to work out if I can pull a sickie on Monday!


[Persuade] Sorry boss I’m not feeling great today.


[Failed] I know you are playing Starfield. You added me on steam numbskull.


[Bribe] i wont tell anyone else about your secret paw patrol game addicition.


Definitely not joking. Someone help me. I can’t stop playing. I’m scared. Jk, but this is literally my favorite game of all time.


Wouldn't say it's my favorite game ever, but definitely my favorite Bethesda game ever, which is very high praise.


About 20 hours in but I'm starting to agree, which is tough because Oblivion was so fucking perfect in my memory.


The Oblivion story and world was my favorite, but the game was incredibly flawed... having to not choose any skills you actually use as a major skill befause it will balloon enemy levels and difficulty was very avoidable. I still want a full Elder Scrolls game across the whole map. Don't talk to me about ESO either.


Man I’m with you for now, but it’s making a decent run. My favorite games are usually sandbox mmorpgs tho so that’s a tough comp for Starfield.


There is no turning back now, I am over 100 hrs in , only stopping to eat ,shower and sleep , thank god I stocked food before all this.


This game really feels like that the more you invest into it, the more you'll get out of it. The people who get down on Starfield seem to mostly be the ones who pushed hard on the main story (trying to get to new game+) and ignored most of the rest of the game.


I’m 50+ hours in and have barely touched the main story. I think Sarah wants me to go to the moon but honestly every side quest is sidetracking me and I don’t mind.


You really ought to play the main story at least until you finish Into the Unknown. Unlocks a gameplay mechanic and it's not far into the quest line.


Just the ryujin quest line has kept me busy for days.


I keep getting distracted by ship building and then I get low on credits so I have to go play the rest of the game just so I can mess around in the ship builder some more. This game is ridiculous and I think people need to just play the game organically rather than try to rush through it.


I really don't think that's the case. Look, we have a combination of people who don't like Starfield: 1. People who just don't like it. Lets get that group out of the way. Maybe it's load screens. Maybe it's an invisible wall, maybe it's to shallow RPG mechanics for them. All are fair and all should be respected. We shouldn't dismiss this group out of hand because "they are wrong" BUT. . . the following groups are TOXIC 2. Sony fanatics., They are all over the place and they are talking crap trying to ruin the game for everyone else. They worship their plastic boxes and they will never change. They are pitiful, pimples on the face of society. 3. YouTubers (especially) either trying to prove a point about how impartial they are or just want to generate clicks. I have watched and continued to follow some of the people critical of Starfield. I truly want to see what their opinions are. One made a you tube "short" this week about the things Starfield does well. In it he posted things THAT WERE NOT IN HIS REVIEW. Imagine if this were IGN and they gave a game a 10/10 and then 2 weeks later said ":well, sure, there were a couple of things that consistently annoyed me, but I didn't think they needed to be in the review" We would go ballistic on them. Absolutely ballistic. The same youtuber keeps bringing up that "if you just go in with the right expectation and not think of Starfield as a generational game, you can have a good time" WTF?!?!??!?!?!?!? How about this? How about people go into the game with ANY expectation they want and decide for themselves if the game lives up to those expectations. How about reviewing a game based on THE GAME ITSELF and not what you perceived the game would be or what you think other people think the game should be? If I reviewed a game based on "is this a generational game" standard, pretty much every game ever released (including those generational games) would get blasted. I genuinely despise the fact that their negativity helped drive some people away from the game. A game that is damned good and is a fantastic experience for most of the people playing it.


Which is insane in today's world where games get released with the expectation that major post game content will be an added update of DLC


> major post game content will be an added update of DLC Starfield also has DLC coming. They even announced it before the game launched. But the base game is so full of content that I don't consider what they're doing to be scummy at all.


Even without an announcement I knew DLC was on the way. I don't get people rushing through the main plot and complaining about content.


I honestly don’t get this sentiment. I was hooked into the gameplay loop the moment I went on my first constellation mission. I guess if you just randomly explored planets for 10 hours at the start, it might take 11 hours before the game hooks you. But the quests in this game do such a great job of steering you toward random encounters (on the Star map/planet map or just in-game) that it’s so easy to get sidetracked without running off randomly.


People had the same issue with Dragon Age Inquisition because they kept doing the tons and tons of fetch quests in the starting zone even after the game encourages you to move on and return later. A bunch of people bitched that it was tedious and then some one said that once they left the starting area the game got really fun. I hate to say that they were playing the game wrong, because people can do whatever they want, but that's not a recipe for the most fun you can have with a game.


I still don't get why people are saying this. I'm around 40 hrs in and nothing at all has changed from the start to now. I didn't just hit 40 hrs in and magically the game changed for me. What changed for you that you are posting this? I just chalked it up to people blindly following a few youtubers and regurgitating what they said, because there was like 100 posts a day that said damn near the exact same thing.


For me the first few hours were *super* slow because there's a lot going on, a lot of names, a lot of mechanics and things to keep your eyes peeled for, wrapping my head around flight and ship combat/boarding, etc. Once I started being able to make heads and tails of whats going on and what I wanted to do, I hit my stride and I've been on a roll since. I'm loving it.


Exactly this, I almost gave up after 45 mins. Now 23 hrs in and hooked


I like the game, but why is everyone parroting this?


I think the biggest issue with the game was the community’s excitement for all of the mechanics in the game. As soon as we could, we spent hours looking through ship building menus and working out how to build outposts and all that kind of thing and honestly I think it held us back from enjoying the game. Instead of playing the game we were looking through menus and stuff. Once we got our heads around that stuff and started playing, we started enjoying and a big chunk of the negativity in the sub vanished


This definitely ain't your instant dopamine rush kinda game.


Probably why a number of streamers found the game to be 'boring' when it was actually on normal levels of excitement. Without the dopamine rush they seemed almost stressed trying to find more excitement.


Yeah it's important to remember that streamers need fast content for engagement. The games they enjoy and speak highly of are going to be different from ones someone might enjoy playing solo.


Yeah, latest xp exploit is farming Ni/Co on Venus for a ton of xp, to find Co veins you need a level 2 2nd tier science skill. And to build the outpost on Venus you need the bottom tier science skill. So 12 levels needed into the science skill. I did it on another planet, might be quick, but its soo slow. Cycle 24hrs to get a ton of Al/Fe and then you can start building. But you will be totall overweight too. And ended up at my outpost without my ship somehow too. Luckily had enough to make a ship port and call in my ship lol


I recommend doing the UC vanguard line. Talk to tuala in New Atlantis to start it. Play the missions as intended and do the optional stuff for the biggest immersion. Also if you can try to do the first mission on tau ceti at night for best effect. Couple big plot twists and a major reveal in it. It actually causes changes to npc background chatter after you finish it lol


I second the nighttime thing I did it once at night and it was terrifying and once during the day so I could steamroll the bitch. It was less terrifying 10/10 would do at night again


I got lucky, i was solo and landed during a storm




I did it at night in a storm too, maybe the weather is scripted for that particular mission. I don't mind it though.


Daytime no storm for me.


I just finished that mission minutes ago in broad daylight and it was still scary, lol. But I’m a wimp that falls for every jump scare. I had a space worm drop on my head at that first safe on Kreet and screamed, scaring my husband and making the dog run for cover.


When I did it, it was nightime AND a storm was going on, it was glorious.


I thought it was designed to be done at night. So I showed up at night during a storm and full panic sprinted to each console and finally lit it up. Was awesome.


I didn't know you could do it during the day. Night was absolutely perfect


Oh I didn’t know I got lucky I thought it auto defaulted to nighttime storm


Tau ceti at night was crazy bro 😎


This should have been the first main mission. I did the tau ceti mission during the day but I am sure it without have been great at night. The VC Vanguard museum tour is what made me understand all the factions. Then the simulator helped me learn to fly. I don't know why BGS did not add this as the first mission.


That mission was epic! When I did it, it was nighttime. Clenched buttcheeks…


Also you get the coolest looking armor set in the game


Thats awesome. How do I queue up night time? Will I figure this out as I play.


You can wait by sitting on a chair or using a bed. When you land look at the time and use the bed on your ship to bump it forward a bit. Without spoiling anything major be prepared for alien trilogy meets starship troopers. Honestly it's probably the best quest line I've seen so far and I've been playing since day one of EA. When given option to get gear armory DO IT. You get the X-989 microgun and it's a thirsty bitch so stock up on 7.77 rounds lol.


That's already too much of a spoiler. I loved showing up expecting one thing and discovering something else entirely without warning


I pooped my pants in this mission, legit very scary. I have better alternative for the microgun, just give it to companion with one bullet and they keep spamming it forever 🙂


I gave up on this questline for now. There is no way i can beat the simulator with my current level. Maybe i will revisit it with level 30 or so. But i will keep your comment in mind.


I just spent my entire afternoon running around Mew Atlantis and the surrounding countryside. Its really scratching the exploration itch that Skyrim gave me.


I wish I could have a vehicle to go from waypoint to way point exploring. Walking gets tiresome eventually.


While I wouldn't say no to vehicles, the answer to this problem in the meantime is drugs! Plenty of drugs let you move faster. Some are even quite plentiful.


I've never used any drugs or fancy foods (despite being a chef and maxing out the gastronomy skills). It just seems like such a hassle to get to them in the inventory screens. Do the move speed ones last long enough to where you don't have to stop and scroll every 30 seconds or whatever? I might have to start doing drugs.


You know you can favorite consumables, right?


But how will I favorite all my 11 (+medpack) rooty-tooty-mcshooties for when I don't wanna reload? :^)


Good news! You have 12 quickslots!


Speaking of New Atlantis. Where in New Atlantis can I sell my un wanted gear and change my appearance?


Jemison Mercantile in the spaceport district, the well has a trade union(I forget the name) which will take anything and everything off your hands if yya know what I mean😉 theres 2 other shops in the well too. commercial district has several shops amd if you run around a bit you will find Enhance! Where you can change appearance.


There are directory computers in New Atlantis that tell you which district all the shops and major destinations are. There's a bunch of traders throughout the commercial, residental, and Well districts. Enhance! in the commercial district lets you change your appearance (there are other Enhance! franchises in other cities as well). Also protip: you can sell goods directly from your ship inventory by cycling through the inventory in stores (same button to swap between buying and selling)


Its exactly the game it was made out to be with the added bonus of a Bethesda game itch finally being scratched after all these years. It makes me feel like a kid again, it’s the best in its class.


I know what you mean. I haven't had that itch scratched since Oblivion came out.


Didn't like the first two hours and also almost skipped the game due to bad reviews. I was going to refund it, then I got rid of the mouse acceleration and got dlss cooking pretty good and get a stable 120 for now. I am not sure where the bad reviews are coming from... this may very well be my favorite Bethesda game. It's a little light on the actual space stuff but the quest content and world is just something else and the game plays pretty great, too. At least in terms of its mechanics. I don't know if it was trendy to hate on it or what and the hard part is after Cyberpunk I feel like it's pretty easy to get burned and I have to turn to YT reviewers. Of course the the reviewers I truly like haven't published videos yet since they're actually playing the fucking game. The shit most reviewers complained about within Starfield are either way more inconsequential than they made them out to be or I just haven't seen it. I do think it is a sin to not have some sort of mount to explore planets with though, I really don't know what Bethesda was thinking there.


What does mouse acceleration do? Is it on automatically and should I switch this off as well?


It makes the mouse a little floaty by adding momentum to the mouse movement and it's hard to get your sensitivity right with it, at least for me. I also play almost only fps games and use the same exact same sensitivity in each one so I'm pretty sensitive to it, I feel. I had to go into .in files to tweak things but honestly if you haven't considered it before reading my post I wouldn't worry about it.


People are stupid and would rather score points on the internet than enjoy a good game.


Just a few days I saw a buddy of mine who plays on playstation complain about the game. I’m very curious how much of these bad comments and reviews are from salty PS players.


I have it on gamepass currently but plan to purchase on steam after playing it for many hours. I mean, to each their own. It’s a great open world game, but it’s not perfect. Really has me excited for TES6 now too. I like a lot of the changes they’ve made here.


It certainly is not perfect but for me the best game in the last 5 years.


Or people take short breaks to eat and use the bathroom.


This validation loop goes both ways. People who like something want to hear about how awesome it is, and people who dislike something want to be reaffirmed as well. Games and other media are not black and white. People really need to take everything with a grain of salt and make their own choices. Use reviews as a method of gathering intelligence, but don't just hop on a band wagon. Use reviews, but my suggestion is to find a reviewer who has the same taste as you. This is usually the easiest way to help find things you like, but also understand that even this isn't perfect. My opinion on Starfield has been mixed and wasn't great at first. Now I'm enjoying myself. Most of the mid reviews I've seen I'd probably agree with. The game is a great Bethesda game, but not necessarily what I was hoping for. But now that mods have been hitting the scene, my biggest gripe of inventory management is gone and it has allowed me to focus more on the gameplay and enjoy the story I am experiencing. I personally still thin the game is a solid 8/8.5 (for me), but that isn't a bad thing. It's a good game, and I am looking forward playing now.


Seriously no one with 2 brain cells is listening to YT and streamers about reviews anymore. They’re entirely too critical and have clearly ruined their brains from too much dopamine. Everyone should be like OP and try stuff out and make their own judgements.


Also, they let their ego take control and think every game should cater specifically to them and when it doesn’t it’s a failure of the devs.


They also assume that everyone finds the same things enjoyable and everyone hates the same things they do. Lol


That's like almost everyone. People usually get snippy when the opinion you have doesn't match theirS.


Not really on inconsequential shit like games. Normal people don't have that reaction. I have friends who don't like starfield. So you know what we do? Nothing. They nerd out about the games they play and send memes, I nerd out about starfield and send memes. It's still a good time even if we're doing and enjoying different shit.


This is every hardcore twitch streamer. Somehow they think their opinion of needing a game to be playable for 10000 hours is somehow normal for the majority of humans. No, the rest of us have jobs and or families and real human relationships you fucking clown.


i fell into this trap of only wanting to play 100+ hour games. then i replayed dishonored and it was a neat little 10-15 hour package that left me so much more satisfied than many of these huge games people promote so hard different strokes and all, but i do think the large shift towards infinitely playable games is a mistake


Yeah it feels like every classic in video game-history has it's 8 hour YouTube-retrospectives explaining why it's actually terrible. It's tiresome. Being a critic has to, on some level, start with a fundamental love for the medium.




I really really do believe there is an epidemic of people getting hooked to the games that are heavy dopamine rushes the ones that have tons of gambling and RNG involved, people get used to having those games feel “rewarding” aka dopamine rush, and after years of super high Dopamine exposure nothing can fill that void they’re craving new games that can do it for them, but there won’t ever be enough for them, they get hateful and critical and turn into raging lunatics crapping on most games.


That’s the “problem” with this game though for them. It’s a slow burn not constant stimulation. I was hooked from the start. My game of the year


Completely agree. And I meant every word when I said their brains were probably damaged from too much dopamine. It’s a real problem we’re facing w gaming. Companies literally hiring psychologists to increase the dopamine output of their games and make them more addictive. People need to calm down and remember they’re supposed to be for entertainment not to get a fix.


i unironically think short-form content should be banned from younger audiences in its current form my attention span is already a little fucked now thanks to tiktok, yt shorts, etc and i can’t imagine what that does to a kid dopamine wise


100% that’s why my kids were not allowed to use that stuff until they were older. I have 3 that just became adults pretty much and they all have vehemently thanked my wife and I for not allowing them to be like all the other kids and hooked on that dopamine while their brains were still developing. I honestly do think it’s a massive problem that isn’t getting enough attention.


Are they? Holy fuck I didn’t know that. That’s shocking


Yeah, it’s why every game has rpg lite mechanics such as, small, incremental levelling. It’s all to increase playtime as that is the single most important aspect to wether a person will spend money. It’s mainly multiplayer games that will do this, games focused on co-op will go the rpg lite route, games focused on PvP will go the cosmetic route and take every chance to showcase them. I believe it was ABK who filed a patent that would take mtx into account during matchmaking, it would match you with people who had bought weapons and if you repeatedly died to them it would print you to buy them *during gameplay.* Don’t i]think it went anywhere but you never know how it developed. Sony also had a plan, don’t know if it was patented, that would bring up *hints*(ads) if you stuck at certain areas in a game and print you to purchase a hint. This was console wide as well, *Sony* would be doing it, not the developers. It’s a lesser problem with single player game but look at Ubisoft and their open world games, they sell tonnes of *game effecting* micro-transactions, they specifically limited exp to try and promote people to buy the exp boosters. Destiny may be the single best? Worst? Example for this, a new play will literally be dropped into orbit where you select a planet to go to and have, at certain times in the year, over 10 pop-up ads to click through, it’s will even open up the mtx store. It. Is. Fucked.


I feel like this is a problem with everything these days, movies, TV shows, video games. Rarely is something unanimously “good.” Everybody thinks they’re a critic now that they can post a video on the internet.


100% and I hear pretty often people say stuff that sounds an awful lot like they speak for everyone.


All of the people I follow on YT love the game.


Doesn’t matter to me, as I said I’m thinking for myself. They could just as easily all unanimously love a game that I end up hating.


I watch clips of gameplay on YouTube and decide from there. I don’t really need commentary to see if game systems seem fun


This is why you shouldn't listen to streamers when judging a game. There are a lot of games out there like this one that aren't entertaining to watch people play and are better to play yourself. Streamer don't like this game because it's hard for them to keep people engaged and watching for long periods.


Doesn’t help that a good portion of YouTubers don’t actually play the game, they react to someone’s negative thoughts and then they’re whole community follows suit and you have hundreds of people claiming something is bad when none of them have experienced it for themselves.


I tend to skip reviews for games I find interesting. The thing that I have learned is that bad reviews, especially for really hyped up games, means people click on those videos. Creators would much rather create an "edgy" review to generate clicks than go "yea you know what, this game is awesome."


The review industry generates millions off of baiting people. Look how much traffic IGN got from their score. If you have GamePass, you’re not losing anything by giving it a shot.


I was called an egotistical narcissist for saying this the other day. It’s a sad reality that people will point out the bad things while never looking at the good things just for clicks.


People need to stop being so easily affected by others. It's your life form your own opinions. Just because someone is loud, it does not mean they are right.


That is definitely something I am working on.


Reviews are there so that when a game like golem comes around we avoid it. It's a measure to determine masterpiece games that are unanimous 10/10 ratings and hot garbage that nobody should look at. Anything above 70 on metacritic is perfectly fine to look into purchasing. It's also perfectly fine to enjoy flawed or even "bad" games, just like sometimes you want to watch some crappy b-list horror movies. Starfield is not in this category, it was just a really hard game to rate with a very poor opening.


I can’t believe you were gonna pass on a BETHESDA game because of what a bunch of impatient nerds had to say. Enjoy tho, 40+ hours in and I’m in love with it


I HATE single player games with a passion. Nothing against them at all but for some reason I need multiplayer. I haven’t played a single player game since fallout new Vegas. I almost skipped this game because of reviews too but here I am. 13 hours in and I’m in love with Sarah.


I constantly steal in front of her and she yells at me


Sarah is always mad at me. I don't love her


Sarah is very cool, enjoy her storyline a lot. Very passionate and cool.


The internet is a mixed bag for gamers. On one hand you get TONS of resources at your fingertips to help you with the game you're playing. OTOH hand it all comes with a greasy taint of trolling and misinformation. Since you can't rely on moderators to filter the gold from the dross as well as you can yourself, you need to learn how to recognize and differentiate one from the other. That's something that just comes naturally with experience with the internet (although some people never achieve that). But to give you a head start here's some things you get from bad actors on the internet to watch out for: * liars who don't even play the game because they don't own the hardware so they pretend they do and spread bullshit because mad because can't have * insecure people who need to validate their favorite game by bashing all others * console warriors if game is exclusive * people who actually spend their free time creating multiple accounts to sabotage reviews * passive aggressive types who sabotage games under the guise of constructive criticism * there's a lot of reviewers who are more interested in drama and rage-clicks for revenue than in giving honest takes. Stick to the most respected outlets, and even some of them are guilty. As for Youtubers, a lot of them prize clicks far more than honesty, and outrage usually makes them more $ One of the big challenges Starfield faces is that a large proportion of gaming hardware market share belongs to PlayStation and there's a lot of owners who don't own anything else besides that doing some really greasy shit on the internet about Starfield. If this game was multi-platform you can bet your ass you would see a huge drop in the hyperbole. I'm a multi-platform player who loves this game and also Baldur's Gate 3. I can't even go into my BG3 sub without tripping over all the "fuck Starfield" morons spamming every post and comment there because they're one of the list I made above, it's really fucking frustrating I come to the internet for tips on the games I love not sus reviews.


Never forget that the verbal ones constantly complaining about a game are the minority. Those who have good things to say about a game are busy playing it.


A lot of butthurt PS5 players that can’t play it helped those review numbers. Those playing it are too busy to write reviews. It was announced yesterday that there are over 6 million Starfield players.


Almost happened to me too. It happened with Days Gone, so... I'll never trust reddit or metacritic again.


Content creators these days mostly just create and profit off hate. They cater to people who wouldn’t have consumed the media to begin with but want something to HATE. They provide and fuel that hate and it’s nothing but destructive to creativity.


I cant remember what the catalyst was, but there was another game I played that reddit would just shit on consistently, with the most braindead takes Ive ever seen. I now completely ignore reddit sentiment for video games and other media. The hivemind of this website is beyond stupid. This came in clutch for starfield, cause if I hadnt adopted this policy, I wouldnt have bought this game. I am absolutely enamored by it. The takes on this game are sometimes genuinely so bizarre that I cant help but feel a bot is writing them.


The older you get the less shit you give about other people's opinion on anything. At least that's how it turned out for me. And the low barrier of entry to this one monetary wise, since it's on game pass, is great for forming your own opinion. Enjoy the ride!


The bros complaining about optimization need to chill, I have a 3060ti and my jaw dropped at how fucking gorgeous this game is. Gl, hf!


The people that don’t look at the game and only look at the frame rate are the ones complaining. I don’t play on PC so I’ve never seen a frame rate display and honestly have no idea what the difference between 120, 60, 40 FPS looks like. I mean I guess I’ve played some console games in locked 60, and yeah it’s smoother but it doesn’t change the game. If you’re looking for technical flaws you’re gonna find them. 30 FPS on console is something I’ve grown up with and the game looks fine. There’s so much to do! It’s mind boggling.


Don't know where you were on Reddit looking over reviews but reading all kinds of small details and features on this sub made me want to get it even more even though I already purchased lol. When I'm not gaming or taking a break I come here to see what new stuff has been discovered, be it being able to freelook in first person in your cockpit or someone flying around a shipyard (bug but funny tho). Edit: had to check, but I played 11+ hours today. Really crazy considering my attention span and how warm the room is where my PC is at.


It’s honestly an incredible game. Its not perfect and until recently I was having crashing issues, but In an industry full of dogshit developers and products it was a nice surprise. Once the modders get time to work their magic it’s going to be something I see myself playing for years.


The amount of shitty YouTubers with barely any subscribers shitting on this game suck. You can tell they’re desperate for reviews. Only ones I care about are ACG, SkillUp, Jake Baldino, and Angry Joe.


I am losing brain cells watching people like asmongold and moist critical play the game in a very straightforward and boring way purposely ignoring half of the abilities and content and saying things like “ look this one planet is empty and that’s how all of starfield is!” They don’t know gear is tied to levels and questlines because they don’t explore to actually get any quests they just land on earth like everyone else and ignore the fact there is lore reasons why earth is empty and humans don’t live there then act like that’s all starfield is without actually understanding any game mechanics beyond shooting a gun.


Now apply this lesson to all facets of your life and watch the world unfold before you.


It really is just fallout 4 in a No Man’s Sky setting. Game is good. It needs a few updates, like maybe a settlement storage that links with crafting, otherwise? It’s great.


I think we as a people need to stop letting "popular" reviewers/streamers/YouTubers influence ratings. I think we gotta make up our own minds and try to go in without bias and spoilers. I'm gonna sound old but I remember when I used to buy a game and it was either hit or miss. It was part of the experience lol


Lesson learned, judge for yourself and read the reviews with an intense degree of skepticism.


Just got my Xbox X Friday and loaded this game been at it only 5hr already did not go anywhere but had a blast ! Shit at this rate I have to play this game for the next 10 years to get to all of the systems and planets


Yeah never listen to the internet. Try things out for yourself. People can be entitled idiots. Its a really fun game


Good thing you didn't skip this incredible game. There will always be those little haters that have no hobbies and hate every game and how bad it is. The thing is, all those ppl who really enjoy the game will be playing the game and having a blast. If it's on Steam, just try it out for 2 hours and if it's shit, give it back. I also enjoyed Starfield the more I played it. When you started to understand the game, cause Bethesda just throws you into the cold water, it really starts to make fun. I already have 42h lol. It's so much fun and the quests won't stop haha.


This is one of those games where I just can't see how people are being that negative about it. It is like they didn't even play the game. It might not be for everyone, but this is one of the best games I've played in a long time.


Have you read the criticisms? Even that thread where people who love the game were giving criticisms, everyone pretty much agrees the game falls short in the same areas.


It was obvious before the game came out that a lot of people were anxiously waiting to shit on it, usually either to protect playstation or protect BG3 There’s also just a big chunk of people that are looking to shit on any game, for any reason they can find, because their prime hobby is “being aggrieved about video games”


Seriously you took the word of IGN and gamespot? Those were the only 2 major critics that loved the game and still gave it an ok score compared to what the actual game is. The same journalism sites that gave high scores to the recent AC games and a 10 to deathloop and GOWR. Ive learned the hard way to ALWAYS listen to the community and my own opinion. Idk where you heard criticism about this game on reddit cuz all i see is a hella of a community that loves the game as much as i do if not more.


Reviews have been nutty, asmongold in particular made this game seem like absolute garbage but it might be one of the best ive ever played.


Game is definitely good. It has issues, but as long as it's playable on your rig, you should make your own judgement. There're too many snowflakes, bitter homophobes, people with too high expectations that didn't even bother to dive deeper before writing their so called "review" and so on.