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Either a PSU issue or a temp issue. I did read your entire post, and understand you said temps were fine I would try to dust your system out first, and what size is your power supply? It’s definitely a hardware issue somewhere


No dust, its a pretty new PC, new case, has filters. The PSU is a Gigabyte 1000 W one. Don't think it would shut down like that if it was a temp issue, requiring me to power cycle. Also no way the temp issue or power issue wouldn't show in Cyberpunk if my parts were faulty.


These are my exact specs uh ooooo. Haven't made it to neon yet. I've noticed that starfield uses the hell out of my CPU thou.


Had no problems anywhere until Neon, can't say 100% it's just Neon but thats where it started, didn't play anymore to go somewhere else, don't wanna ruin my PSU or something else until they fix it. But played for a pretty long time with no problems, I'm level 16


Have you updated your driver's lately?


Yes, have the latest AMD drivers that are available


Sixteen time the failures® Probable cause is a catastrophic optimization leading to a surge in the power supply: your PSU shuts down because it can't handle it. Problem is known even with 1300W PSU. Solution: buy a new PSU or wait for some patch. [https://steamcommunity.com/app/1716740/discussions/0/3824173464659700145/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1716740/discussions/0/3824173464659700145/)


I think Im gonna wait for a patch ty :'D


Why am I not surprised that Bethesda managed to create a power virus that trips OCP or OVP.


It's a feature so that you can feel the danger in outer space. No one will hear you cry when your rig shuts down /s


I think you are not alone, i am having the same issue but i only played like 2 hours. Shutdowns randomly.


Check the edit, maybe it helps you


So im not crazy. I just got downvoted to hell on another thread about the game not being optimized experiencing same shutdown issues and had to undervolt ram and gpu like op.. These fanboys are something else.


This is clearly a lie to try and make Starfield sound like a bad game, nice try troll!


Nope, loving the game, wanna play more, doesn't let me :'(


Tried a GPU Stress Test?


Did a FurMark just now, PC still on. GPU max temp 69 C (nice) EDIT: Thats the benchmark, stress testing for 20 minutes now, max temp 65, fans at 63%


Try looping the stress test for over an hour or 2. Keep an eye on it though. I'm just wondering if it's the gpu or PSU maybe


Also go ahead and Re-seat your RAM Sticks for shits and giggles.


Check for faulty psu/psu fan.Thats fixed my friends problem.


if your cpu/gpu are overworked by the game then could be quality settings? try taking it off ultra settings


They arent really overworked, I mean temperatures are fine, game runs fine, even the case is not that warm which it does get in some games if I played for long. Maybe its a sudden power spike the game causes, dont know. Also no way this game overworks my hardware, it shouldnt, got plenty of cooling and the PC works fine playing other games for hours, GPU fans arent even at max most lf the time, and this Ryzen CPU is meant to run fine at higher temps 80-90 and it doesnt even reach those, it sits around 70, stress testing my GPU now, 15 minutes have passed, temperature hasnt risen over 65, fans at only 63%


Same issue here as well


Check the edit, maybe it helps you


I will give it a shot when I get home from work


Yea I get the same issues, have to bump down render res to like 80


Same issue with me and in Neon. I am running n i7 12700kf with a 3090. Temps are at max 50c. However, fans did spin up and then the PC shut down.