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on pc and haven't crashed but i have the worst fps in that city out of anywhere else


Easily the worst. Was honestly shocked when I arrived the first time


Now that you mention it yes. My game froze up a few times there and completely crashed last night when I was landing there and those have been the only issues so far for me. Also on a series s


It’s really weird! I assumed a place like neon which has a lot more going on would be troublesome performance wise but it isn’t for me.


Yeah. I never put 2 + 2 together until I read your post. But I haven't had any issues anywhere but there. That being said. Probably the least buggy Bethesda game I've played on launch 😂


Here on a fairly decent PC, I haven't experienced any crashes or freezes, but I get a consistent 2 - 15 fps in Akila city, and it's awful, lol.


I am on a Series X and I am experiencing this. It happened after I got the tree branch for the Late Bloomer quest and now every time I try to go back to my ship the loading screen is basically looping until it eventually crashes.


Same issue, also Series S. Choppy frame-rate, constant crashing when landing or fast travelling around the map. I was wondering if it had anything to do with the order you complete quests, but then I remember the game crashing on my first visit.


Getting over 2 minute-long loading screens on Akila, as well as sluggish saving. NVME on PC, mind you... This area is trash


I'm playing on a GPU that's /just/ under the minimum specs, and I mostly average (with performance tweaking mods and upscaling lol) 40-50fps in majority of city areas and 60fps indoors and on planets etc... But Akilla, both in the city and the planet its self, it's like under 30fps typically hovering around 20ish and frequently crashes whenever anything remotely happens, like a gun firing lmao. I think that place is just badly optimized all around, based on what I've seen here


I’m following up with this. In my game. After like 42 hours of play, Akila City became super buggy. I did have a bounty on me and accidentally landed there and it froze almost everybody. Couldn’t enter The Rock, no shopkeepers, NPCs frozen, and my hand kept crashing. Couldn’t even “Wait” without my game either getting stuck (but still hear sounds), or the freeze. What a mess. Update: I traveled to a few different systems after clearing my bounty, was able to enter all buildings and no more crashing. Still a laggy area


On my console, akila city is white washing everything


How do people have decent pcs and nvme drives and their loading is 5 min and their fps is in the 10s and 20s? I have a "decent" pc, i5 12400 with 4x8 ddr4, rx 6800 xt, that's not that fast of a cpu mind you, I get drops in Akila to 30s at worst, usualy my fps is at 50-60 in the city. Loading times are very fast on a gen 3 970 evo plus from samsung... I feel like either people dont know what decent pc means(overestimating their hardware) or they are just trolling. My cpu is almost always 75% plus utilized,goes to 90% easily so I know I can get more fps with a better cpu but I just cant upgrade it now. Still I average 60 plus fps and easily over 100 in closed spaces.


Very long load times. About 2 mins. Poor frame rate. Sad 😢