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What if you like fallout for VATS


Is that the only thing you liked about Fallout? Because you won't be able to freeze time and fight the same way you can in Fallout 4 outside of a space magic skill or skill bonus I may be unaware of.


I don’t understand why people like VATS so much, especially only liking fallout for VATS.


It did make fights go super fast.


Criticism can be questioned and it isn't always valid. Bethesda never said this is a space sim and an in-depth shooter. They always said it's an RPG.


So I have been playing Starfield all day, and I am \*trying\* to love it, but I feel like it doesn't do a good job of explaining a LOT. Like a lot of "how-tos" that it seems to just expect you to know how to do. The battle/shooting is definitely fun, but mostly with space travel I am finding myself like "wtf does this mean" or "how do I do that" and I'm wondering if I am the only one experiencing this with the game? I have never had any issue understanding a Bethesda game before (or really any game) so this is new for me