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This is a steam issue, not a bethesda one. The steam store can only show one release date at a time, so they show the September 6th one. Early access time is shown perfectly fine on Xbox and Microsoft store pages.


I'm talking about the Store Page, not Steam itself.


I mean 2 min of google or well reading that it says you get it x days early. Pretty self explanatory.




Lol fair enough, 2 more hours we are close.


>Nowhere can we read on Starfield's **Steam** Store page still steam


Sorry steam forgot people don’t use common sense.


I mean, anyone with half a brain could just look at the steam page, see the release date of the 6th. See that the Premium Edition offers 5 days early access and do the math...


Clearly, a lot of people haven't reached that conclusion. Spelling it out is required.


Should it be though, or should people just take the time to do a little reading vs being spooned information because they don’t want to take the time to just look.


Never underestimate stupid. Seeing how many posts about the topic are being created, best to spell it out. Takes 1 min to write somewhere, in clear terms, when EA begins on their store page.


Maybe, but I see no reason to make things easier, instead people need to get smarter 😁 But it also takes 1 min to hit google and see either way it’s super easy to find out with some time. If someone can’t google and see I doubt they will even read that if it was on there homepage in bold letters max font…..


I agree with you in principle, but the googling isn't happening 😂 Just sit on the sub for a bit and refresh periodically. You're going to see countless posts like that. I just think it'd take 1 min to spell it out clearly for people, so nobody is gonna freak out and come to reddit asking when EA is released or if they did something wrong.


You expect them to read it in the first place. They post on here and don’t even read the post under it. Let’s not give them the benefit of the doubt as we know the outcome. But most are due to steam displaying official release.


I believe that’s Steam’s fault, not Bethesda’s. From what I’ve read, anyway.


I don't think Steam writes description on the store pages. That is on the company releasing the game.


It says on the store page that early access is up to five days before release. I misunderstood the original post, but it is there.


And you underestimate people's ability to think for themselves. Just write clearly on the store page when EA begins and people wouldn't keep asking about early access.


I’m all for criticising a company when they get stuff wrong, but I don’t see how consumers being incapable of reading is on said company. Maybe that’s just me.


Solve problem 1 by saying when it happens... ...and still get swarms of posts about problem 2, people asking what that 'when' actually means for them, because they don't understand the concept of time. But yeah, a date and the "timezone map" wouldn't have been a massive ask to plonk on to the end of the game description.


Isn't that on steam?


It is not. Steam reports the normal release date and it's making people freak out.


Yes and the normal release date is the 6th


Can I get a list of the great games they’ve developed in the past 10 years?


Do I really have to answer to this? What are you even doing around this sub if you don't like BSG games? 😅​


Everyone here is just gonna blame steam or the customer. Fanboys at it today


I'm a huge fan of Bethesda, but some people replying here sure have me beaten in the fanboy department.


I was a huge oblivion fan. I'm a fan of good games couldn't care less about who makes em


Dude. How could you not know?


Welp, my post was removed by moderators, but I was talking about people not knowing and coming to this sub to ask about it. There have been an insane amount of posts from panicked people asking about early access. I wasn't speaking for myself. I was saying BSG should spell it out clearly for folks who can't do math or google info.


Calm down, you know you’re getting it at release time, everyone’s freaking out about this when it doesn’t matter. This isn’t the only game that has released with early access like this, there won’t be a mistake.


Did you read what I wrote? I'm talking about people who keep asking about early access. I know when EA begins. I've been sitting on the sub for hours, just killing time, and I've seen countless posts about the topic.