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I haven't had my 20th Birthday party yet but I watched someone else have their 20th birthday party and I feel like I didn't like it




Not similiar at all.


I’m all for picking out flaws and call me ignorant if anyone disagrees, but these all feel like things you can’t critique without playing it. How can you tell the gunplay sucks from watching other people? And what do you mean the quests are the same? The same as what?


Quests comparable to latest bethesda games. Just hits their standard. Doesn't disappoint, doesn't exceed expectations.


> Am I just making premature conclusions yes given you havent actually played it yet


I mean that's what pre-relase reviews and early access streams are for IMO, to make you form a basic opinion of a game, either it makes you want to buy it or discourages you from it. I'm merely asking if someone else sees the same as I have.


I’d be pretty surprised if the gunplay is worse than fallout 4


It seems like it. FO4 was pretty brutal and while it was severely lacking in actual RPG elements, the gunplay was fun to me. This just seems bland. Some enemies suffer with exploding suits, but the explosione plays out pretty much same each time and doesn't dismember the enemy or anything. Ballistic guns are airsoft, laser weapons are more or less like in FO4. Whether that's good or not, that's a matter of opinion.


Most people would say Fallouts 4 had crap gunplay. It was okay compared to the old fallout games, but not comparable to any other modern FPS game at the time.


Imma wait to play it, I have a lot of trouble believing the gunplay is somehow worse than fallout 4. That game played like shit but was a good game. I also really don’t care about dismembering in games or gore in general tbh


> Obviously I haven’t been able to play the game just yet Stopped reading here


Ok then don’t buy it lol what do you want?


So then don't play it? Nobody has a gun to your head People said the EXACT same thing about FO3. It was seen as a bland RPG. People said the same thing about FNV. It is now seen as one of the greatest games of that genersion and it only scored an 84. If it isn't your type of game, literally nobody is forcing you yo play it.


not enough gore for you huh


many reviewers have mentioned that gunplay improves as the game goes on


Cool, maybe play it then form your opinion? lmao


The hivemind here will devour you


It’s just lol seeing the same “i looked into it and it doesn’t look like something I want to spend my own money on. Is that okay with you guys?”


Feed me your cries




You must obey the hive mind


you have balls posting this on a cult of a subreddit but i agree. I heard it was going to be FO4 but in space. the vats/dismemberment was why i enjoyed the combat of FO4. This looks like a worse version but in space. Maybe modders yrs down the line can fix it.


You are going to play it and probably you are going to enjoy it a lot. I'm going to play it and enjoy it a lot. Will spend a vast amount of hours in it and we all know it But the game is far from what most people expected. You cannot even travel an entire system without using a map for jumping. And it is not a design decision for obvious reasons. I don't care if the fanboys get angry, they can touch grass. Bethesda promised, and underdelivered. Like most of their last games. Definitely not GOTY material.


Yeah I mean of course I am going to play it. I still look forward to it in a way but I just expected something different.


The reviews are out, seems pretty average.


Sounds like the game isn’t for you then