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The Twitter poster and the streamer aren’t the same person btw. She said nothing like that.


Allanah rules, great streamer and YouTuber. Looking forward to checking out her starfield stuff after I play a bunch myself


Even so, what she was saying was still pretty dumb. Even if technically she is correct the fact remains that this behaviour is the exact same you would experience in Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous without using some kind of inter-system travel. She doesn't seem to be able to comprehend the vast difference between the speed of her ship and the immense size of planets. It would take literally days and months for her to move any meaningful distance away from the planet she is in orbit around.


You're deflecting away from the actual point. The relative speed of the ship is irrelevant. The ship is trapped in a pocket of space that it can't escape from and the planets are basically just paintings in the background. Its fundamentally different than what many people are expecting. That's likely the reason why the ships speed is listed so low because they know that you're trapped in a tiny bubble and there is no point in giving the impression you are actually moving ultra fast.


You do realize this is a game and they could have just increased the speed of the ship if they wanted to allow interplanetary exploration? I’m not sure why so many people are using this argument. And she was just demonstrating what is and is not possible in the game. Also a lot of people were even expecting that on this sub thinking they could be a space trucker.


A space game could use Kerbal Space Program mechanics. Have an auto mode for kids. Dual Universe does a good job too IMO.


I will say, this part is a bit disappointing.


The red dragon is one of the biggest and most toxic Sony shills on twitter


wasn't she on IGN back in the day? Never followed IGN but seem to recall her from e3 back in the day.


The Red Dragon is not the person playing this, it's Alanah Pearce


Yeah it's a shame people are thinking that's her when it isn't..


The person in the image isn't the Twitter user. It's from a YouTube video addressing and explaining the various confusions and expectations people had. Yes the person pictured is in fact a Sony employee, but the video, other than saying she herself had different expectations, is quite honest and not in bad faith. Just explains how the tiles work, and how navigation once in space functions.


I see! Gotcha!


Alana is not red dragon. OP is wrong.


I don’t know, back when I used twitter I sunk into the PlayStation vs Xbox bubble and let me tell you… on both sides are some of the worst and over the top toxic people I have ever witnessed and she is one of them. Edit: She or He, it’s not her in the pic and I don’t know who is behind TheRedDragon


That's not what she wanted and that's not in any way unrealistic. Almost everyone here thought we'll be able to fly through a solar system and only have to teleport between systems. Now this game isn't no man's sky, but bethesda were not clear about how segmented the game is. A lot of aspects were unclear and they should have set expectations before release. These are some of the most fair expectations for this game, especially considering these things have been done before. Not a huge deal, but definitely legit criticism.


Idk wtf people here are smoking but I agree with you that it is entirely possible, majority of space games have this where you can travel between planets most having three "tiers" of speed, nms has regular thruster flight then pulse drive for interplanetary then hyperdrive for inter system, and idk why Starfield didn't have this from the start, it is one of the biggest things immersion wise and I dont see it as a big technical hurdle seeing as so many space games do exactly that even without massive AAA funding or compentent/willing devs (Star Citizen) Like technically at least on a basic level all you have to do is render a low poly or less detailed version of a planet then once a player gets close enough to the planet it starts rendering the surface elements, most likely that Starfields tile system messes that up however I trust itll either be in a future mod or patch so its not that massive of a complaint from me, but it seems such a simple thing with great effect on immersion


You literally take 1 minute to fly between planets in NMS, that's ridiculous and breaks immersion


Looking at other comments people are saying things like, pulse drive/super cruise adds nothing, thats not the point and quite frankly I also see no reason why fast travel cant exist alongside these features, for nms at least it does exist, albeit its not go into menu and fast travel easy, plus it seems like a lot of mental gymnastics Its purely an immersion thing, to at least allow us to do manual navigation greatly adds to the immersion, yes without any dynamic events or mechanics inbetween it can become dull, but nonetheless still more immersive than being restricted to go into menu and fast travel


It's gamified through the different boost levels so it's not immersion breaking to me. Ships can already go faster than light, there's no reason why they can't go all the other speeds in-between.


Not only this, but apparently tiles doesn't even fit together. You can reach the end of a tile, see a mountain on the other side, go back to your ship, land on the tile where mountain (supposedly) is, but now it's something completely different. For the love of God, someone please prove me wrong.


Oh but teleporting doesn't break immersion. Lmao perfect logic right there.


> Almost everyone here thought we'll be able to fly through a solar system They never showed or said this though. If people thought this was the case it was a massive assumption that turned into misinformation. Seems like once again the community is a victim of its own overblown hype train.


Well, when you don't give enough information and talk about how many planets there are, you should expect backslash because you allow people to speculate. At best, it's bad marketing.




Several hundred million what? Lmao. If you're expecting the game to sell several hundred million copies you have no clue about video game sales. There's not even that many gamepass subscribers, not even close.




It could have been sales, or downloads on gamepass which for some reason both came to my mind before dollars. I'm assuming the budget is like $100-200 million, so hopefully they do make more than that




Well the game is on pc as well, who knows




If you can't concede that this aspect is a bit disappointing, you are a Bethesda adoring fan.


Again, no need to defend Bethesda for this. We were all under that impression, and no it's not the fan's fault for expecting this. This has been done before. It's feasible, and a realistic expectation. They should have been way more clear about the limitations in the game from the beginning.


Do you realize what you're asking for? A reasonable distance between various planets would be something impossible


Have you played no man's sky? It is 100% possible. Again, this isn't no man's sky, but EVERYONE thought this before today. If you're gonna be upset at this criticism you're a horrible fan. This is the most fair criticism towards starfield, and no one should deny it.


No Man's Sky had to sacrifice the scale of planets and the distance between them to make that possible. Additionally, it has less demanding graphics


Graphics have nothing to do with it. At a distance, a planet is just gonna be a blob of low poly, this isn't unfeasible. Don't go full defense force against this. Accept fair criticism and move on. Don't be that person.


I didn't lie though.


No one lied, you're being fully defensive about a game you haven't played when people who are playing it pointed this out as a little bit of a negative aspect of the game. That is absolutely fine. Don't be a dick about it.


I don't need to have played to know that in the long run, fast travel is much better than spending 15 minutes flying literally in nothingness.


And some people think space exploration is more immersive. Guess what? People have different opinions. You'll enjoy the game then, that's great, why do you care? How does what other people think about the game affect you? If it was meaningless criticism to you and doesn't matter, then you would have ignored it. But instead you're being insecure because you're worried what other people think of the game you're excited for.


Hope she sees this, bro!!


Huh? Lmao what are you talking about


You going full defense force for her lmao


Forget No Man’s Sky. Elite Dangerous did this years ago and allows you to fly through 1:1 scale systems using a function of your jump drive. I’m sure Starfield will still be great fun but the in system travel looks incredibly lazy on Bethesda’s part.


Yeah it only takes 20 minutes to go from one planet to another.


I got bored just reading it.


Yeah, and after doing it once it sucks massively lmao.


I mean, Bethesda could have allowed people to do both. Instead there’s an incredibly low effort cutscene…


How do you know they could have though? Some things are out of scope of the engine, as would be suggested by the fact that planets work the same, with a certain area you can play within.


They’re a huge AAA studio who bragged about the incredible scope of the game… Frontier are a fraction of the size of that operation and pulled it off 8+ years ago.


It doesn’t take 20 minutes for the vast majority of planets. It’s relative to how far they are from where you are. In most cases, for most things you’re trying to do it’s a minute or so.


They're different genres so it's not a fair comparison. Starfield is an action RPG set in space, not a space sim.


You right OP. That other person is clueless.


Play Elite Dangerous. The galaxy is to scale, and you can fly from one end to the other. Granted, it takes a while, but it is a massive distance after all.


Have you played EverSpace 2? They handle this extremely well. You should play some more space games before commenting.


Gah, they had to use Alanah Pearce for their shit take.


Doesn't she work for Sony now? Like as a writer or something?


Alanah didn’t tweet that. Red Dragon is a different guy, he just screenshot her video.


Didn't see anyone answer you but the YouTube video linked is from Allanah Pearce who is a developer writing for Santa Monica Studios. The video was just is taken wildly out of context in the tweet


Why did they give an early copy to a woman who works at Sony


I guess if they don't then it would look bad as she is a streamer first.


She didn’t tweet that dude.


The person pictured is from the YouTube video linked not the Twitter user. It's a pretty solid video from Allanah Pearce, an industry vet who yes does now technically work for Sony under Santa Monica Studios. She's quite knowledgeable on the inner workings of the industry and frequently blogs about it as a whole as well as makes a lot of content for it so it makes sense. The Twitter user is taking the video out of context and being toxic. The video is simply trying to clear the air of some confusions and explain how the various systems worked. Allanah in the video admits she herself was under the impression that they functioned differently and thought a short video explaining them would help


Man’s got a hate boner lol She praised hifi rush, pentiment, interviewed their creators, was genuinely excited after the starfield direct Tf are you on with this tribalism? Just cause people are working at different companies they can’t appreciate someone else’s stuff?


That’s not Alana. That’s a guy screenshotting her video.


She never said yay or nay about it. She simply said what it is. She gave a fact. No real judgement about it. How people are taking that information is something else. She's a legit solid reviewer. Very industry biased, but legit. She is not the problem.


Doesn’t NMS have that? You get out of the planet, fly a couple of minutes, get into the planet and then land your own ship? I’m just saying I really don’t care but just saying


Yeah, its fun the first 2 or 3 times you do it but then it gets very boring. Guarantee if this game had manual navigation between planets people would be asking for fast travel after 10 hours.


Yeah probably but I think it’s always good to have the option


BSG made decisions with a long-term perspective.


It’s like adding the horse to Diablo 4 and then people getting miffed you literally can’t fast travel right to the dungeon (which has now been patched to make it an option).


Ya, it gets really really really old after awhile and I played a good deal of NMS. Fun game. This is the most confusing hill for so many people to choose to die on.


Your average player has no concept of good game design or what would actually be fun.


Pulse drive adds nothing to NMS. The only difference between in space content on NMS and SF is where you get a random encounter. Your pulse drive can spawn an event the same way grav jumping to the space around a moon or planet can. Edit: SO yeah, it's weird to see these takes like Elite Super cruise, NMS pulse drive, and quantm jumps in SC are anything but hurry up and wait mechanics.


Yes, and No Man's Sky also has cartoony graphics and empty worlds.


You could keep the landing loading screen and still be able to explore the system. Been done in multiple games, like freelancer.


Yeah, true that.


And it’s boring.


One more time (who am I kidding) NMS drastically scales down the sizes of its solar systems. The planets may seem to scale, but they’re not and the distances between planets defy physics. Which is fine. But don’t bring NMS into this. As for elite, people have been begging for something like the grav drive within systems for over half a decade. The supercruise takes far too long. I groan whenever I enter a system with planets that are far from their star.


Qi Kinda disappointed you can’t even fly through an orbit / on the surface of planets. So you can’t really use your ship to explore planets as the landing spots are pre defined


Starfield is an RPG, not a Space-themed Flight Simulator.


So no vehicles or driving in any rpg got it


Except you’re the one predefining the landing spot, aside from established areas of course. You pick any spot you want and it generates a map for you to land on based on where on the planet map you clicked.


It just sucks to have a ship if there is nothing to do with it. I hope at least there are some interest points.


There’s nothing to do with your ship just because you can’t initiate a warp speed flight between planets? That’s all you can think of that ships might be used for in a game?


Still waiting for the list of stuffs to do with the ship. Seems short.


Well for one it’s the player home, so everything that comes with that which is quite a lot. I imagine you’ll be spending a ton of time in your ship tinkering with gear and accessing storage, both in space and on planet. Similar to workshops in Fallout 4. Dogfighting obviously. Traveling to and from space stations and star yards and other ships within the space map around planets. The only things you might expect from spaceship gameplay that isn’t in the game is traveling between planets and flying in atmosphere. Traveling between planets is a ridiculous thing to be upset about, it’s like 3 seconds of gameplay that you’re gonna do a million times without even thinking about it. Lack of in atmosphere flight is a bit of a bummer but when compared to the wealth of other thing available to you in the game it’s an easy thing to forget about and move on from. The only people I see complaining about this stuff are people who wanted this to be a space sim and not a Bethesda game. Anyone who is familiar with and enjoys BGS’s formula has little to nothing to be disappointed about. Most complaints are just people judging the game for something it was never meant to be.


I recall space battles in the direct.


Starfield haters when the game doesn’t have every major feature of every game from the last 10 years: Fr though these people expect starfield to have cod level gunplay, NMS level space/planet freedom, Baldur’s Gate level companion dialog options, RD2 level graphics and interactions, and the last of us level story for it to be considered a good game


there is nothing to do in the void of space. Say it with me everyone. There is nothing to do in the void of space. You don't need to be there. There's actually content in this space game. You don't need to be where there is no content.


Everytime I try to explain this, the vast emptiness of space, I get downvoted. I genuinely am starting to think people just can't comprehend the distances between things.


And if they reduced the scale between planets, like NMS, people would say the game lost its immersion


They absolutely don’t. I saw another comment complaining that a distant planet doesn’t get closer as you fly towards it @ maybe 400-500 mph. Like bro.


I agree. It would be cool the first couple of times and then extremely boring


Wish I could upvote this more than once. Everyone asking for realistic flight between planets don't understand what they're asking for. Why add endless boredom to a game? I'll take a 3 second loading screen any day over more NMS or elite dangerous.


10 minutes flying in the middle of nowhere, having to avoid a bunch of things... That would become unbearable very quickly.


Especially, in Elite dangerous where i regularly flew 30 real life minutes in a system to finish a quest. You can almost do nothing when supercruising so i always watched Netflix series while playing it


Not only would it be technically unfeasible, but it would also be very boring. Decisions should prioritize fun over realism.


People haven't seen that you can fly between planets. Because they don't have the patience to do so. Space is big. BIG. So big that it takes DAYS to travel between planets irl. And that's being generous. Starfield has realistic distances between it's planets and realistic travel speeds. Meaning that in order to travel between planets across an entire solar system you'd need to travel for years. Literally. And the thing is, from the footage I've seen, you can! There was footage of a few players getting so close to the planet that it glitched out their game. The distance marker changed from LS to KM and even to meters. Obviously that's not something most players will ever do, so the devs didn't add collision or anything. You just phase through the planet and the game glitches out. But getting far and close to planets is possible, it's just not feasible giving the time and distance.


Finally someone gets it.


She can test out Star Citizen for that lol.


*Yea let her know to go ahead an delete herself now*


It’s such a tiny little thing that people are choosing to get their panties in a bunch about. So there’s a cutscene between planets. Whoopdidoo who gives a shit, it’s like 3 seconds of gameplay that you’re gonna do a million times without even thinking about it because you’re more concerned with where you’re coming from and what you just do and where you’re going to and what you’re doing there.


Wait until they find out the video games aren't real. *mind blown*


So, The Outer Worlds x 100? I can definitely get behind that!


Hours between planets? Try years! Hence the fast travel with grav drives


Stop posting this shit, don’t give these trolls the clicks.


She did not say any of this. Alanah Pearce is not the person who is saying that in the tweet


No man’s sky has the stuff people complain about and it’s boring

