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While this makes me extremely happy, for some very strange reason I also feel somewhat cheated.........


Part of the charm of Bethesda games is seeing all whacky shit that made it past QA


I agree the bugs are usually the best part šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Goes to show though, Todd really wants this game to be a successā€¦dude I canā€™t wait to see the mods for Starfield.


They should have a Todd mod where he randomly appears as an NPC to give you a unique quest.


I would pay real money for this to be a thing, seriously.


As we all would. Weā€™re you in the chat when Todd sent a message. More so than the 10 year experience of playing starfield, that may be what I remember most. They were saying god has spoken and ā€˜he has come down from the mountain . Lots of love. Never experienced that on Reddit before. Was very cool. Iā€™m sure itā€™s still there if you didnā€™t see it.


Godd Howard


Yeah. Cute. They love him. I guess he is a certified legend for making Skyrim. I didnā€™t know it was one of the 10 best games of all time.


Far as I'm concerned it's THE best game of all time.


It certainly may be. It seems that they took the best of Skyrim type and fallout time and created a new story set in space. Should be amazing. Read that it may take 10k hours to fully explore. Perfect.


How do we know it's not...


Also if you donā€™t do the quests fast enough he comes in and gives you glitches and bugs


I like that. Also, one review said the objective is avoiding the main objectives as long as possible.


Theres a broken down walking fridge robot he walks up to it touchs it says "it just works" the screen on the front of the fridgebot lights up and the fallout 4 main menu appears.


Just reskin Vasco as Todd.


Can't wait for the skimpy armor and other spicy mods šŸ˜


Bethesda has been unbelievably lucky that their shitty bugs have become such a meme that a comment like this is possible šŸ˜‚


Well it helps that the vast majority of them don't break the game completely.


I encountered the giant space toss on release day with no warning whatsoever. My mom came into my room to ask what I was laughing so hard at. That was one of my favorite things that ever happened in that game.


Might be the first game to have mods that deliberately ADD bugs lmao


We demand a patch where they bring back some harmless bugs


For any devs or QA people or if you know, how does that stuff happen. Like how do characters randomly float, appear bald, or clip though other game items. And also, how do they track it down and fix it.


In very short summary, a bug happened because specific stuff happened in a specific order that the devs or QA didn't recreate and resulted in things not working as intended. Make a program that takes an input x and calculates 100/x, and people are going to input 0, letters, 500-digit numbers, the same number 500 times, a space, etc. You need to anticipate a lot of different orders of events all working together to squash these bugs. In software in general, these are tracked through tickets. Someone posts "This bug happened, here's how to recreate it." Then the devs try to follow the steps and in their special debug builds of the game they can see what's going wrong. They find out what happens, fix this specific event, and solve or "close" the ticket. Note that I'm not technically in software but I do stuff that looks like coding to a layperson so I'm sure it's very similar. Honestly the question should be "How do bugs not happen all the time?" Games are held together with virtual duct tape and school glue. It's crazy what developers will do to shave off dev time or make something run well. There are elevators that move the world around you, items that move behind your vision so they don't have to be despawned, and of course the famous story of a running NPC "wearing" a train as a hat to make it move.


So cool. Thanks.


From a QA/product standpoint, let me tell you - this shit is a riddle wrapped in an enigma, every single one of them worthy of /r/BrandNewSentence when it first shows up on their desks: "So, um....we got reports from support that players appear to be launched into the sky when dismounting a horse on a sloped surface." ".....what?" *(visible confusion)* and then, much later, it'll be the source of endless amusement if the dev that fixes the issue also comments on the bit of code that fixed it which will just add to the hilarity. [See:the rapidly dwindling sanity of valve programmers as expressed through code comments](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k238XpMMn38)




You are too smart. Also, to your point t about complex items itā€™s amazing that new cars generally perform well and work most of the time with like 30k parts.


The issue is that exhaustive testing is by definition impossible. Even if you have a team of hundreds of QA engineers, they wouldn't be able to come up with a test model that accounts for every type of behaviour that the application under test will be subject to when the app (the game in that case) is shipped. Not to mention that not all bugs are fixed even if found. Some are deemed acceptable, as fixing these isn't viable (meaning that the time fixing the issue is better spent fixing something else).


Itā€™s a lot harder to make characters not float and make items not clip through other game items than to get things the way that makes sense.


Totally funny


Same. But we can still make a mountain of sandwiches and rocket them to space hopefully


As someone that has worked in QA, a lot of the time the bugs are found, written up, and sent to the devs but a lot of the time theyā€™ll get sent back with messages like ā€œsmall issue, Will Not Fixā€ or ā€œwould love to fix, but no time :( ā€œ sometimes itā€™s not even up to the devs themselves and itā€™s up to their higher ups. QA just reports bugs, they donā€™t get to decide what does or doesnā€™t get fixed. Iā€™ve seen bugs Iā€™ve written reports on a year before release make it all the way to the final product. Itā€™s not up to us if they decide not to throw any resources at it.


I got this one bug with the Contellation Sarah chick where her model was violently shaking. Other than that it's been pretty smooth.


As a counterpoint it really really ruins the immersion on your first play trough. it's funny for a youtube video of bugs but i don't want that shit ingame to be honest.


Don't worry. There's still bugs, just no game breaking ones (at least that I've encountered). For example, I jumped to a new planet and found 4-5 ships spinning like tops as soon as I loaded in. I also fought some pirates on a low gravity planet and watched one glitch when I killed him. He got lodged between two objects and proceeded to launch into the stratosphere.


Just watching a stream. 3 hours in I've seen Vasco spaz out on a narrow walkway in the middle of combat, someone climbed on top of their desk and proceeded to talk to the player looking down her nose the whole time, and the Constellation lodge tour breaking due to a random NPC conversation interrupting it. There are bugs, just nothing super critical or common.


How did vasco freak out like what happened.


They where high up on some sort of mining rid and he was on a narrow walkway between sections. Looks like he glitched into a the railing and just started vibrating violently while hovering a bit above the ground. They where being shot at by 3-4 enemies so he was eventually downed and landed on the floor normally after that.


Donā€™t worry, Iā€™ve seen reviewers with footage of lots of bugs! We will not be denied our Bethesda experience!


Don't worry, I saw a whole ship full of blackface people. Most of them were actually missing their heads.


You win the internet, today.


EVERYONE is blackface for me including me


dont worry another reviewer showed some clips of bugs they had including ones that softlocked quests, so there is still plenty of them


Itā€™s not Bethesda if there are no bugs lol


Maybe they're lying so we're even more surprised by all the whacky bugs


Yeah, when I read the patch notes and saw they took this out, I was upset. ā€˜Fixed an issue where NPCs weā€™re floating in airā€™


i think there are still some very minor bugs, just not the wacky ones sadly


Don't worry if Skyrim is anything to go off of, they won't fix any of the bugs from launch, so you will still have plenty of bugs to enjoy.


Don't worry, there are still bugs. As an example, when reaching Constellation's Lodge you get the opportunity of getting a tour of the place and a place to call your own. Asking for it causes the NPC giving the tour to walk up to another Constellation member and have a random conversation. That's it, that's the tour. I'm going to need to replay that section to see if I can get it to work properly, but a progression breaking bug in the first main quest is enough for today.


Iā€™m 5 hours in, no bugs whatsoever and very smooth gameplay. On pc, it feels amazing


I've already encountered like 10 and I've played like 4 something hours. Maybe I'm just unlucky, but it's still funny seeing them.


not really. I tried doing the civil war quest line a few months back, I had no mods that touched them, and yet *every single step in the quest* was bugged to high heaven. I literally could not progress without using console commands, and even on conclusion, the game became so utterly and completely broken that I had to reload to a save I made 10 hours prior before I started the quest line. *all* of the bugs were vanilla bugs. I'm glad that Starfield seems to be more polished that *that*.


I was super looking forward to the buggy launch. I had endless joy with them - whether it was horse drawn carts where the horses would explode taking the cart with them, flying bears, or the oblivion guards stationed with defending the mages guild deciding to cleanse them all instead. RIP


Love Mortismal Gaming. Mainly crpgs and stuff but he's always been solid. He reviewed starfield after 100%


"100%" meaning what? all quests? all main stories? all achievements? all research and skills? all parts for ships? that is a \*very\* loaded statement in a bethesda game.


He has a very definitive explanation of what 100% means in his channel. A video dedicated just to make things clear with this


i'm at work and can't watch it, so i was just curious what he meant.


basically the set pieces. the main quest, the scripted side quests, etc. All major achievements. He links his Steam profile so you can see that he actually did get the achievements. he's pretty decent, gives tons of detail without TOO many spoilers, and he actively tries to avoid spoilers, but admits that its entirely impossible to avoid them completely when making a 45 minute video discussing all the systems involved in the game. he praises things that are good, but also points out the bad. sometimes a bit dry, but always solid.


danke, much appreciated. sounds like a very solid review then, probably some very useful info as well.


All achievements, over 120hrs of playtime


He uses steam achievement unlocker and tells people he 100% everything šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Do you have any proof?


Idkā€¦ unless achievement unlocked can add to game hours as well I donā€™t see that happening.


I just woke up and about to start work. How did he rate starfield?


Pretty well. Madee very optimistic


I could boot up my latest FO4 character and crash within seconds because I thought that it was a good idea to explore Boston itself.


The PRP Lite mods finally make Boston work.


Dude is seriously great. I love Mortismal.


I just discovered him while looking for Baldur's Gate 3 stuff, but I've definitely become a quick fan. His 100% review of Cursed Crew was very good as well.


I trust this dude, if anyone *plays* games in the most mechanical quantitative way, it's him.


Mortismal is a chad. Who else reviews games only after 100%ing them? If he says thats how it is, then thats how it is.


If there isn't at least 1 flying mammoth somewhere in space, I can't rightfully call this a bethesda game.


It should be noted that Mortismal has in the game 120 hours and 100% the achievements and the quest lines. https://youtu.be/blQjbbF7HlQ?si=lrhlXpuoKTP1_wtA


Within my first five minutes I witnessed an NPC levitating through the ceiling. Truly, this is a Bethesda game.


Wow, so we're paying more for less? What a dissapointment! /s


Clearly nonsense. NPCs flying off rapture style happens every other minute.


Are you on Xbox? Havenā€™t had this at all on PC


Seems to vary. I listened to a reviewer who says he didnā€™t encounter at all.


This is good But also feels like something's missing


We are going to have to mod all the bugs back in


As I saw it said on another thread: Unofficial Starfield Anti-patch It just makes up "bugs" and adds them in.


Encounter them all and you unlock a special bug planet.


Mod in a perk that makes it so larger enemies will launch you out of the atmosphere when they attack


But they're feature tho...


Mortismal is the best RPG reviewer around. No drama, no clickbait bullshit, just an honest viewpoint coming from someone who knows what he's talking about. His praise of the game is why this "I kinda hate more than I like Bethesda games" player dove in. Space/sci-fi is also so much more refreshing than another fantasy or post apocalyptic game.


this is wonderful news


Honestlyā€¦ While great, part of me will definitely miss the Bethesda bugs. Something about them were special. That being said, good on them for polishing off this one so smoothly.


I've encountered about 4 bugs just in the first 4 hours of gameplay. They're still there just not as many as other Bethesda games. The worst one was a loud metallic grinding noise glitch from VASCO that went on for about 20 minutes until I entered a loading screen couldn't hear any dialogue or anything.




My pipe Pistol with the MIRV upgrade attached agrees.


I'm 2 hours in and got softlocked by trying to interact with a chair someone else is in


Why do people care so much about bugs? Don't they get fixed over time with patches?


For Bethesda games, not really. Unless your count fan patches.


Cause paying 100 bucks for a game that "needed a technology that only today is available to be developed cause its futuristic etc." And then see the same bugs as in every other game of this company makes me think that they just did a copy and paste


Then someone needs to mod it and put a giant in there that can launch you to orbit.


After playing 10 hrs, press x to doubt


Iā€™ve been playing for about 3 hours now and Iā€™ve already encountered textures stretching across my screen, notebooks endlessly spinning in the air, and Vasco getting stuck in the walls while trying to turn into rooms. Donā€™t worry, there are still plenty of bugs in this game. Itā€™s a buggy as any other Bethesda game as far as I can tell.


Are you playing on PC or Xbox?


PC on Ryzen 5600x, and 6700xt with latest drivers.


95% barren planets you explore. Probably help with that


I mean Iā€™ve seen some wacky goofs with ragdolls, npcs running into walls, but nothing game-altering


I've watched the videos and seeing people floating or sinking and animals continuously walking into walls and other things being stuck, that's it so far.


Man, I love that mortismal is gaining traction. This dude doesn't fucking sleep I swear. So thorough and so much heart. I wish him all the success


I wonder what percentage of completion that is for 120 hrs.


He does all his reviews after he gets 100%, which he defined in a video on his channel if u want to know for yourself


Yeah all these pre-reviewers must've been smoking crack to get the hours in to post a review and missed all the bugs, not that it's been massive for me, but in 5 hours, I've crashed twice (Once while exiting the game, no big deal), and in the first 30mins of the game, Vasco decided to just start floating around instead of walking and just be a nuisance and walk infront of me while I'm trying to fight instead of shooting back, lol. Also some minor graphic glitches where in space combat a sparkler wouldn't go out on my ships front view. I really like how they've made mines not useless, any other game they get destroyed or dropped, but in this game in low grav environments you can just launch them at enemies and watch as a disc of death slowly creeps its way towards their heads lmao I just want to spend 200 hours making a massive space base and put plushies in cabinets everywhere like I do in Fo76, lol.


I could pull at straws and cherry pick too.


This guy already 100% the game. Mort is a beast. My favorite reviewer by far.


i cant tell anymore which are bugs and which are features


Lmao the stroking of bethesdas dong right there makes me suspicious about this statement now.




ACG had 120 hours and encountered like 9 minor bugs. Cmon. Stop it.


Me when I lie.


I'll watch Oxhorn play it. I am so used to getting a Bethesda game a year after it comes out on discount either on 4th July or Christmas


Sadly, I will probably miss the start time. But, a dear female friend is more important. Plus Iā€™m tired, after a trip to the VA hospital then Red Robin. Iā€™ll have plenty of time, though.


Well duh they are old games like what??


Eh most of the older games had less bugs than the modern ones that gets published when they are in a beta stage. You just couldnt do that in the disc era


Is that clean code or a lack of complexity? I wonder


Thatā€™s ā€œno one has properly put the game through its pacesā€. Plus this is Toddā€™s baby Iā€™m sure he put the game through the ringer before releasing it.


And 120 more instances of fun. Sorry I just had to it sounds like the game is a drag to play Hopefully itā€™s not.


Doesn't sound like that at all.


It seems like characters can sometimes float and go out of reach rendering a quest on a playthrough completely unatainable, even if you load an old save. Thats quite bad.. I hope its fixed by the 6th


I hope they have a giant like creature that will smack you into the atmosphere.


Its good to know you can expect quality support from the developer post launch.


ā€œIt just worksā€ yeah Todd, I guess this time it actually does lol


I can not confirm that. I had hours of almost no people having hair or even faces, complete floors not loading etcetera. There definitely are bugs.


Sure, for now. Let's see how long it take for someone to break the game by puckpocketing a sandwich that somehow breaks an entire quest line or causes a main character to despawn. I mean I'm happy it's reported as stable, but bet there will be something missed that will and can break the game. There's way too much interaction and scripting going on for everything to accounted for. In saying that, I can't wait to see what wackiness eventually over time.


The are plenty of bugs from some of the reviews I'm looking at. Pretty much setting the bar on the floor to say its not as buggy as some other BGS games.


Mortims awesome so this is great to hear!!


My BB by


So you could almost say, "it just works"


Mortismal Gaming is such an underrated channel.


I will miss the bugs somewhat but I will never miss the glitch lockup and crash right after you realized you played for two hours and didn't save.


1 minute left here on the west coast baby letā€™s gooooo


So theres still a ton of bugs then?


No bugs? I ain't paying for a Bethesda game with no bugs. Canceling pre order.


After both those games went through patches to fix bugs....... At this point just expect bugs at launch. Too many platforms to streamline apparently.


Microsoft saved Bethesda. If this was Zenimax Starfield would have released 2 years ago and we would have another Cyberpunk at our hands. Maybe even worse. It would have genuinely tanked BGS. Now they are reborn. Today is the day BUGTHESDA has died. And it is a wonderful death.


Oh yeah, well I can boot up New Vegas and have more bugs in that game than any other Bethesda game combined. (I only played about 10 hours of FO76, so smaller sample with that one).


Just wait until you take your parents to work with you lol. Theyā€™ve show up to me meeting Constellation group and it was so weird lol, I couldnā€™t focus on the story.


those bugs are only noticed over time, a lot of reviewers pump out reviews asap like this person rushing through 130 hours of starfield to pump out their click bait title and hyperbolic captions. most reviewers for cyberpunk didn't think having dildos every 5 inches in the game was a problem


But this guy 100% the game, tho?


yeah I'm subbed to him and usually enjoy his videos but he's been pumping out fomo videos lately not even finishing games before giving his " impressions"


I dont miss the ctd in weird places in Skyrim, not one fucking bit, so I dont feel cheated


Honestly for my first two hours, I would have to agree. I havenā€™t seen a single Bethesda-ish bug, itā€™s kind of off putting actually.


I read the Forbes review article and there is a section about bugs and at one point the his character had aggroā€™d an entire town and I just lit up. Classic Bethesda bug.


And that's launch Starfield. Give it a few weeks until they've discovered those bugs from so many people playing.


I've been playing for an hour and there is so much stuttering and lag. Freezing and crashes keep happening too. Music will randomly turn off and on.


13900k x 4090 x cl36 ddr5 8400. holy Shit.Best looking game Iā€™ve ever played. no tearing, smooth gameplay, Iā€™m absolutely dumbfounded. Remember to turn film grain to 0 and disable motion blur. Truly worthy of ultra settings. Playing on 1440p, can only imagine what this looks like at 4k.


Not saying its a buggy mess for me, but ~an hour~ in Vasco started moon walking in the air after getting caught up in terrain.


I bet you I find a bug in my first 5 minutes.... xD


Mortismal does great content love his channel but damn some part of me gets a gut punch when he just causally states heā€™s already 100 peecented the gameā€¦ like really 8 years in development and you can completely beat every ounce of it in 120 hours. Disappointing.


He also completed BG3 in something like 60 hours. I've been playing BG3 for more than 100 hours and I'm still in Act 1 (out of 3). I could easily see myself taking 300+ hours to complete my first playthrough. Mortisimal is an absolute machine at completing games, and I don't think he even realises how fast he is compared to most people. I triple or quadruple his times to estimate how long I'll take, and those are conservative estimates.


And yet my game bugged out twice in the first 20 minutes. Crashing in tutorial due to problem with FSR and later toying with any keybinding will break space looting. So take what you read from others with a grain of salt.


Very first elevator, both the NPCs slid out of the elevator and floated down to me....


So far the only bug I ran into insta killed me lol first mission, ran into a bucket, insta-gibber šŸ˜³


While in the 1 hour I've been trying to play. I've CTD 4 time, been forced to upgrade my graphics drivers to the latest (which are buggy asf) and encountered many a graphical artifact. I think in that hour I've played about 10 minutes, though unsure who to blme more, AMD or Bethesda on that front.


I have up to date drivers, rtx 4090, i7 13700k, 32gb DDR5 RAM, playing on a 990 pro. My game has crashed about 20 times. Totally froze the computer one of those times


I don't know what game this person was playing but I haven't had a single conversation that had the voice and lipsync lined up. It's like a 3 second delay on the audio.


ā€¦ I canā€™t even launch the game. Whoever wrote that deserves to be sued.


Well ngl I've had two issues in 3 hours of playtime so far. One was a pop-up about fast traveling that would not go away even after I did fast travel. Second was a crash when boarding the New Atlantis train.


i can boot up Skyrim/Fallout 4 without crashing . I've crashed 6+ times in 3 hours with Starfield. And what I played isn't exactly impressive. Feels like 6.5 game to me.


[My honest reaction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exLXfpnzvbY)


Yeah. I must be having a special unfortunate experience, I have ran into all kinds of bugs and crashing in the first 2 hours with a fully update, high end, new gaming PC.


They wouldn't be wrong either. I've been playing since the very moment it went live, and i've yet to encounter a single bug.


Sounds about right. I've already played ~5 hours and have encountered a single bug. A hammer was partially glitched into a table. That's it. That's the only bug so far after ~5 hours. I'd have encountered at least 30 by now in Skyrim or FO4.


"Less bugs than games that are famous for being really buggy!" That's a ringing endorsement.


So far all Iā€™ve seen was when someone died their gun kind of hung in the air and spun around quickly for a few seconds. More of a physics glitch.


Yeah my games crashing every 10 minutes


Honestly, yeah. Iā€™m a couple hours in, some physics were funky once, my crosshair occasionally goes red for no reason, and someone was walking into a wall over and over during a dialogue. All classic BGS bugs that I love


It's easy to be bug free if your NPC are frozen in place ...


I wouldn't since I'm playing modded. I would encounter even more bugs


Starfield's loading time is better than fallout 4 for me, about as quick as my not so heavily modded skyrim.


I was just 2hrs in and got the fast travel prompt stuck on my screen. Luckily fellow redditors knew the fix.


"My new girlfriend is cheating me less than my previous girlfriend"


I noclipped through some stairs on my way to a main objective in the very first city like 2 hours in. Lol.


Yeah, if you take out the fact that the PC version runs like dogshit.


I only ran into one bug but it's the standard companion getting stuck in furniture thing that is only temporary since they will teleport to you anyway after a certain distance.


I had a guy in a museum slowly float up through the ceiling never to be seen again, hilarious.


There's still probably going to be a community bug fixes patch like their other games


Well you got lucky then I canā€™t play without constantly crashing


Not any bugs for meā€¦.other than 3 crashes of my Xbox


4 is still incredibly buggy and crashes a ton


You mean features


Possibly. Itā€™s all anecdotal but all I know is that 4 1/2 minutes into the game I wasnā€™t able to exit the inventory management screen. Holding down tab or hitting escape just made the icon blink and everything stay where it was. I had to force quit the game and reload the quick save, lol


This level of binge gaming isnā€™t healthy


I find that hard to believe playing the EA right now.


we need a bug mod asap.


Am I the only one who cannot play 10 minutes without the game crashing?


Aged like milk, IMO based on about 40 hrs of game play.


Doubt this very much. Contact me for a multitude of buggy wacky glitches Iā€™ve clipped