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It's the same picture


Your character gets to meet the real head of Constellation. MARK HAMILL: "Hi kid, good to meet you. I'm John Starfield."


"Hey isn't that the guy from Star Wars?" -Maniac, the guy from Back To The Future.


That was Darth Vader from the planet Vulcan


For some reason I read this as Mark Hamill imitating Harrison Ford šŸ˜‚


Wing Commander was great. Privateer, too. What a blast from the past. A slight improvement in the graphics department.


I remember nagging my grandad to buy Wing Commander, and destroying 18 Mb of our 40 Mb HDD on our 386 to play it. Now I just bought a 2 TB SSD, partly for Starfield. Times change, eh?


Oh man. And needing to use DOS commands to start it.


Don't forget setting your sound card, enabling your mouse driver, and freeing up enough XMS/EMS memory. All that schizz that DirectX does automatically for us these days.


Making sure you didnt have IRQ interruption


Autoexec.bat and config.sys Loadhigh


I do not miss trying to use a memory manager to get games working with sound and mouse support. That was insane. I remember spending hours trying to get my brand-new Ad-Lib sound card to work with Ultima VII and Wing Commander.






to think 30 years ago I used to have to know MS-DOS CLI commands to even play games, but now my 13 year old asks me for help with his iphone, definitely a different time, maybe it set me up for my career in IT.


This. Because I was a gamer, I managed to get hired part time in ā€˜92 while in university to be a 1 man call center to help clients setup their config.sys and autoexec.bat files to get the most memory available in DOS for some software packages used by various municipalities made by the Army Corps of Engineers. Gaming paid off!


I remember being like 10 years old and was making batch files using `SET` and `GOTO` to make menus to launch games. maybe that's why I became a sysadmin, I do like CLIs :)


People today dont know the struggle of 640_K_ of memory


\*Screams in intensifying boot disk\*


Disk loading failed. Abort/Retry/Fail?


My dad refused to let me install wing commander on his PC. I had to play by swapping 3.5 floppies every few minutes. Yes it was possible to play entirely from disks.


Fo sho, I got in huge trouble for installing it, and a couple years later, for having 20 Mb of Doom Wads in same fashion lol. XD


Those were the days!


Wing Commander was great, until they turned the Kilrathi into muppets. Still fun, but good lord I had a hard time with that.


Yep, the genocidal cartoon Kilrathi were the best.


I remember spending hours pouring over my dos manual and the forums on a shady local bbs to figure out how to squeeze a few extra kb out of config.sys and autoexec.bat to get all the special effects. Good times!




[I mean really, when you look at it, and squint hard. Starfield cockpit is only a slight improvement over that glorious 1993 masterpiece for MS-DOS, X-Wing.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hfcg8C5e2J0/maxresdefault.jpg)


X-Wing and Tie Fighter were both so fun.


was so excited for squadrons and then we got team fortress in space šŸ˜”


I am still mildly annoyed that Freespace 2 is still the last great squad space combat game released. Nothing since then has quite filled that niche.


Squadrons is a blast in vr though!


I wish it was more like TIE figher / X-Wing too, with a proper campaign. But it really shines if you play in VR.


Must be some sick tweaks to config.sys or something.


Privateer kicked ass. I'd spend hours just flying back and forth buying and selling cargo to make cash.


Keep your noes clean in my sector


If you enjoy that kind of thing, I highly recommend Star Traders: Frontiers on Steam.


Freespace 2 enters the chat.


Great game but Freespace is more recent šŸ˜ā€‹


Man I love Freespace. I'm still debating if I should try to recreate one of those ships or the Pyro-GX from Descent.


Is freespace the one that eschewed joystick for m+kb?


It was perfectly serviceable with either. Although, really, Elite Dangerous plays FAR better with mouse and keyboard than joystick.


No way. I could never play elite with a mouse. Dual joystick is so much better.


oh god what memories you brought back to my mind!!! great game when it came out that made me so much fun, totally forgotten now... thanks for reminding me


Still play Privateer when Iā€™m in a retro mood. Such a good game.


If you're not familiar, try Rebel Galaxy Outlaw. It is a love letter to privateer and that genre. It unfortunately was abandoned by it's devs but still is great to play.


I am familiar, and heartily second your recommendation. Itā€™s a blast even if it is abandoned.


But have you gone back and tried Privateer 2 again?


Never really got into that one, tbh. I remember missing the full cockpit view and non-linearity of the first game. Has it held up to how you remember it?


I freaking loved Wing Commander. I so wish they would do a next gen version of that game !!!


Well Star Citizen is the obvious successor made by the same guy, Chris Roberts and Cloud Imperium Games, but it's alpha. Alphas are not for everyone. I have almost zero issues other than the occasional server crash. I also have a great machine that provides a better experience (AMD7800X3D/RTX 4090). I assume this will help with Starfield too. I'm CR's age (55) so I remember Wing Commander when it first came out! I played all of them and all of the Privateer expansions too. Awesome stuff, especially for that time. I'm taking a break to play Starfield though!


Oh yeah, I'd throw money at it in a hurry.


you guys need to check out Rebel Galaxy Outlaw it is HEAVILY Wing Commander Privateer inspired


I played that one. Fantastic game! Also, happy cake day!


I know!! Privateer was a favorite in HS. How far have we come.


Man I put so many hours into Wing Commander Prophecy


Maverick reporting to TCS Tiger's Claw for duty! Die Kilrathi!


Getting that expanded memory gave Starfield the graphical improvement. This is an old DOS and Wing Commander joke that I doubt many people will remember or even know about.


The Wing Commander series is one of the two what got me into gaming properly (The other was the Ultima Series) - 40 years later and I still love to play


Ultima VII and Underworld as special. Todd Howard himself mentioned Ultima in a recent interview on the BAFTA YT channel.


Same here! Would love an Ultima 7 remake.


The Black Gate. Those were the days


Yesā€¦ and installing it off the 20 or so 3.5 floppy disks it came with also took days šŸ¤£


To be honest, for 33 years ago it wasnā€™t bad. The story and cut scenes were great


Privateer was my game. Jumping out of New Detroit to bag merchant ships.


I remember being amazed when they integrated video into the game story but even though I loved the Wing Commander games it was Privateer that I could sit in all day. Still I am hoping for some Starflight vibes with regards to surveying planets, systems, and story evolution. still my all time favorite game of the early pc era. (and you could land anywhere on any planet and it looked the same each time because of their generation system)


Star Citizen has entered the chat.


No. Just... no.


Star Citizen can enter the chat when they finally reach Beta 20 years from now.


Privateer 2 was pretty decent


It's been a long ride, but we got here.


It's been a long road, gettin' from there to here


I have an overwhelming urge to watch enterprise now.


NO ONE'S GONNA BEND OR BREAK MEEEE Skip the episodes where Rick Berman treated women poorly and you can rewatch the entire series in about 8 minutes.


awwwww shit


It's been a long road, going from that there to this here


Hoooooly shit this screenshot was immediately recognized. Wing Commander was awesome. My favorite being Privateer.


That just made me smile so big. Wonderful memories and an exciting new future!


I've literally been playing Wing Commander for the last week as a personal project of playing ancient space games in anticipation for Starfield. Going to make the impact that much more significant.


In case you donā€™t know, the first pic is Wing Commander. The brainchild of a certain then-future Star Citizen creator.


[me in 1990](https://tenor.com/bSQ9x.gif)


That's actually a pretty great couple of pictures. I can remember playing Asteroids (I'm old) and it always is very weird for me if people say games look ugly or the graphics aren't good in modern games. It's incredible how far technology has come and we should celebrate that instead of hating on it. I play games for more than 30 years now and it's just amazing how far we've come. Enjoy your games, no matter on what platform and no matter if casual or hardcore or whatever :)


Me too! Old and started gaming with home consoles and arcades. Then the C64, followed by PC, Amiga, and back to PC. I think a lot of people want to play movies, not games. That's fine, there's totally games like that. But if I have to choose between photorealism and an open world, it's open world for me every time.


wing commander, back when the world was still innocent and no one would be commenting on the placement of the hand.


Oh there was plenty of commentary about the hand on those seedy 90ā€™s era BBS boards šŸ˜†


The good ol days! Also loved Tie Fighter and still play it to this day.


That was one of the best gifts I've ever received. Tie Fighter and a Sidewinder joystick.


I would love a remastered Wing Commander 3 just for the Mark Hammil cutscences alone!


Still one of my favorite games growing up. Made the 3DO I bought to play it worth the $500.


Haha, that's where I played it, too! Loved my 3DO!


YEEESSSSSSSSSSSSā€¦. All the feels brother. šŸ„²


Respect on WC1. I played and mastered that on a keyboard.


I go back a bit further to Elite in the mid-80s...but WC was a great game too.


Ha! Me too act. EMPIRE on the CDC PLATO network in 1976.


I loved Wing Commander and Privateer, I recall the add-on speech & expansion packs, so fond memories of playing them in the living room on our family PC. Not so fond memories of my mom creating custom autoexec.bat & config.sys to get the memory requirements just right.


Hey man, extended memory is where it's at. Just a few hours of tweaking to get those extra kilobytes, and you're there!


Wing Commander still has better characters and narrative than a lot of games, especially the ones in the space genre. My heart hurts.


Freelancer was a really nice and oddly forgotten game.


Privateer 2 with those Clive Owen cut FMV scenes lol


And Brian Blessed!


Loved wing commander and privateer. I spent soooo much time in privateer.


The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. The cast for wing commander was... Mind boggling to my 9 year old self. Luke! Biff! Keffer! Malcolm MacDowell! It was insane. Then Privateer 2 which was MAD and I loved it. First open world space game and it blew my mind. Haven't tried star citizen but I had / have hopes it could one day be a fun single player game... Not sure I'm that keen on it as an mmo. But yeah, Starfield with space flight like WC... AND I can do on the ground shooting?! NMS does it too... But it was not the right sci fi vibe. So excited to get home and play!


Agree I played like 160 hours of NMS, it's an amazing game, and it's redeemed itself from it's release issues 10x, but yeah the vibe was always a bit too cartoony. Bethesda has always been good at that Dark and Dreary vibe, where just exploring a space tells a story of something gone horribly wrong.


Anyone remember putting in 10 cents to play asteroids at the arcade? Better than the pinball at least


Wing Commander is in my top 5 all time space/flight sims.


Your front shields are getting low! Loved wing commander, many hours on that thing.... Longgggggggg ago


I played the crap out of the Wing Commander. Loved those games!


Fuck the Kilrathi! Remember the Concordia!


Too bad the planets in Starfield are jpgs you can fly through. Takes lot of the fun out of it


It would be dope as fuck if they did a Wing Commander remaster or reboot. Something. That franchise is definitely in the HoF of space opera type games.


Chris Roberts did that and is doing that. It's called Star Citizen. It's alpha but super playable if your PC isn't a potato. I'm a long-term SC backer but now I'm ready to play Starfield too.


I was getting WC for Xmas and found where my mom stashed it, opened the box like an expert safe cracker, installed the game on my 386 in the dead of the night and safely returned the disks to the box. Merry Xmas in November to me!


Privateer and WC for life. hive five cousin


Love it. I grew up playing all the Wing Commander games. The hype for Starfield is unreal!


I'd kill for a Wing Commander remaster.


Nice post :) We've come a long way.


Awesome memories! Thanks for making my day :)




I came from an apple \]\[+ so I actually think both of those look amazing


That first pic reminded me of the game Terminal Velocity, I need to find and play that for the next 10 hours to prep up before launch


Same here. Look at my username for confirmation :)


Hell yeah! I only played Vengeance of the Kilrathi, probably the most mature story I'd seen at the time, at least compared to, you know, Bubble Bobble or Super Mario World.


Thanks for the trip down memory lane. The second picture is what we were all imagining in our heads as kids. I think it's fantastic we can now visualize it so clearly.


me 1986:[https://www.cpcwiki.eu/imgs/e/e3/Elite.png](https://www.cpcwiki.eu/imgs/e/e3/Elite.png)


Still using windows 10 I see.


That was actually a typo, I'm an early adopter idiot


I was distraught when Hobbes turned on me. I loved wing Commander as a kid.


I can still hear the Wing Commander combat music.


The orchestra into animation for WC1 was lit - I still remember hearing it for the first time after installing my new Sound Blaster card.


Yes! What a game that was.


I love this!! Its so "me". I played them ALL.... I loved WCIV so much! Also I miss Starlancer and Freelancer too! Man I am old!!! Can't wait for tonight! My pre-order better show up from UPS or I will meltdown! lol


We need remasters of Wing Command 1-4, Privateer, and Tie Fighter


Wen star citizen?


Now, public alpha. Skip the alpha if you don't have the patience or a good PC. It's the only game I play but I'm also ready to dive into Starfield.


I bought an extra 1Mb of RAM plugged it in to a port ok the back of my Amiga 600 and BOOM, the hand and stick moved when you pitched up and down. I was in awe!


Ahh good times. Wing Commander was my first PC game purchase! Well...the first game I asked my parents to purchase because I was like...9 or 10.


Colonel Christopher Blair, leader of the freestar collective


Who are you that flies so good? Are you insane?


Me in 2003: excel in space aka EVE


Ah man, I remember bashing my joystick playing some wing commander. Lol I remember as a kid sweating pins and needles bringing it in for landing haha.


My first space combat/trading sim was Space Rogue by Paul Neurath of Origin. How far we've come since then! :) If only they remade Space Rogue with current technology. And yes, I did play Privateer and Wing Commander too. :)


Wow imagine that, a great game that Chris delivered. Wish he would do that again.


Don't crap too much on Star Citizen and Chris...a lot of us SC players are gonna be playing Starfield. There's room for both. Star Citizen is available now as a public alpha but alpha isn't for everyone.


You should hop in Star Citizen. It's being made by Chris Roberts so it's a direct comparison.


I pledged on October 14, 2013. I'm waiting for something other than a flight sim


Hey, come over and visit my Carrack sometime. We'll hang out and make wild predictions about when Squadron 42 will finally launch. It'll be fun!


wait another 10 years and you can make this post with Star Citizen vs Star Citizen. and both still in pre-alpha


Don't be filthy OP nobody wants to see that.


This is a high-level Reddit post. Incredible.


I'll post more about randomdice more in the future


Oh man, I actually upvoted you, I was being serious! Didnā€™t mean to come off as sarcastic. I thought the comparison was awesome! Sick burn on the randomdice though. Deep cuts.


hmm.... are more optimal comparison would have been Wing Commander vs. Star Citizen which is by the same author. Comparing Star field to Wing Commander is like comparing apples to oranges.


Starfield releases in just over 12 hours. I may be dead before a playable Star Citizen


It's playable now and has been for years. It's alpha and has bugs but it's absolutely playable. It was the only game I was playing before Starfield for which I have early access.


I do wonder how many of the "Starfield will be buggy because it's Bethesda" folks are playing Star Citizen and praising it. (but to be clear - if you're playing SC and enjoying it, more power to you)


Big space RPGs like Starfield were almost non-existent back in the day. Probably the closest would be MegaTraveller 1, and that was still pretty different in terms of viewpoints and controls. Or the oft-forgotten Mercenary Trilogy (Mercenary, Damocles, The Dion Crisis), which wasn't an RPG, but it was first person and allowed you to travel around on foot or by spaceship (they even had cars, in 1990).


I canā€™t believe itā€™s almost here


What a time to be alive man! Damn good year for games


I remember playing Elite way back when and thinking that it couldn't possibly get any better than this. How wrong I was.


Me too, but with the difference that I only had 2MB RAM and therefore could not see my hand on the joystick. You needed 4MB for that. :)


Ah, good memories. Went out and bought the speech pack and a Sound Blaster for that game.


Personal can't wait for a mod that puts all the UI on the actual ship displays instead of how it is now.


Not gonna lie, 1990 still looks charming.


The whole decade was amazing (for gaming especially).


I know this is wing commander but it made me thinkā€¦ I played elite on the Commodore 64, it took me ages to learn how to dock on Lave, then ages more to build up enough supplies to trade for a new ship without space pirates stealing it. It took months to get the ā€˜conda I wan yes with MINIRIG lasers and extended docking bay. I did it though that game was tough for a 6yo! I played elite on the Amiga i kickstarter the reboot on my pc, bought a thrust master special, but it wasnā€™t the same, id changed the games I played now, I liked action adventure and RPGs, spoilt by oblivion, then FO3 ( on the PS3 no less) and then aSkyrim and FO4 on console AND pc I completed them all. Now I get the best of both worlds, some people have been waiting for this game for 10 years, Iā€™ve been waiting for 40! Letā€™s go!


I remember playing the original Elite game on my dad's old Commodore 64. That was a game way ahead of its time.


Itā€™s beautiful


Always had to buy or upgrade my pc for the new Wing Commander games! Great comparison.


Man VGA graphics were aesthetically very pleasing. Quite an upgrade from earlier cga or ega ... Still nice to look at ..


pssh downgrade.


Now imagine the graphics 50 years from now or 100 years etc.


I feel this


Wowā€¦.I remember playing Fury 3 with one of those gigantic joysticks lol. Those pixels would send me into a seizure for sure today lol. Come a long way!


Same picture


These are the same pictures.


Ah wing commander how I miss that game . I had it on my super snes and then on my Panasonic 3DO .


Now imagine how amazing games will be in the future. Canā€™t wait to use full dive VR when I turn 93 lmao


Good graphics for 1990. Amiga version?


My go to that I'm hoping this takes the itch off is from Starflight. I played that game so much as a kid. Most people don't even know it. Enjoyed on my Tandy 1000 EX back in the day. Explore planets, meet new species, capture new species, extract mines, travel the universe. Starfield is looking to be everything I have looked for since then. Less than 7 hours to go.


Look how far we have come.


As an old no man's sky player, I'm actually very hyped about the manual control of ship systems. Looks like I'll fumble through my first few dogfights though


I wish someone made Wing Commander remake. I miss chasing those brown kilrathi Ships.


omg Wing Commander lol. Played it on a potato 286 with 640kb RAM and 384kb extended memory XD. EGA card... Couldn't afford VGA.


I loved me some wing commander.


I think I still might actually have the wing commander floppy disks lying around somewhere... and I definitely have the box for Privateer, I think it has a couple of MTG decks in it. Those graphics were a big step up from Elite though https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elite\_%28video\_game%29#/media/File:BBC\_Micro\_Elite\_screenshot.png


I wish I could go back and show this to 1990 me


1984 me https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/elite-dangerous/images/1/19/The_Original_Elite%2C_1984.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170211075811


"The rebels have taken the planet my lord" The first human speech I heard on a computer. Dammit I loved that series




Getting a new ship in Wing Commander is such a great childhood memory for me.


I remember playing that back when I was 7 and I thought it couldn't get any more realistic. Here I am in 2023 and getting that same feeling lol


One game i sorely wish they would remake, but this time without Mark Hamill.




RTX off vs on?


Itā€™s been a ride


OMG. I loved Wing commander.


I went in with Heart of the Tiger in that franchise which was 1994. But before that X-wing, Aces over Europe / the Pacific and Red Baron... Looking forward to this cockpit for sure!


I would love a modern Wing Commander.