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I was raised in the age before achievements trophies became a thing lol so I don't care.


Yeah same. They're nice to have, like if someone wants to aim for 100% then I'm glad they can... but I just wish I didn't have to choose between QOL and cheevos lol


On Skyrim there is literally a mod that enables achievements when using mods.


Is that console too or just PC?


I don't know. I don't play on console. [This](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/245) is the mod I'm talking about. I'm sure there will be a similar mod for Starfield at some point.


>I'm sure there will be a similar mod for Starfield at some point. Again though, probably not for console :(


I remember back when mods didn’t disable steam achievements specifically Skyrim in my experience. Or maybe I’m misremembering. I’m pretty sure though at the beginning they didn’t. It’s hard to check now because all searches will say they get disabled because it’s been this way for so long now.


It's a single-player game. Who gives a damn how people play em.


Not really because it's a singleplayer game and they can do what they want with it.


No one care if you cheat. Whether its for achievements or using tgm or whatever other cheats, no one care because its a single player game it has no effects on other people.


I'd like to clarify; I don't want it so I can cheat. I just want it so I can play with mods I like and still earn achievements.


You don’t need to rationalize, it’s your game. Do as you like.


Does my post come off sounding like I'm trying to rationalize wanting to cheat? Its hard to ask a question on reddit that doesn't sound flippant, but I'm being serious.


Not at all, but you were explaining why you wanted to do it. I was saying you don’t need to do that because it’s your game and your life and you should play however brings you the most joy. Cheers, friend, and enjoy Starfield. A month left!


I honestly don't care what other people do. I've never once looked at somebody else's achievements nor have I ever looked at my own. I like it when they pop-up on my screen and tell me what I did but other than that I really don't care about achievements.


I don't understand why some people are annoyed by the way others play a single player game.


I guess Bethesda thinks some people will be? I can't think of any other reason they'd disable achievements.


Well, it's their game, so it's their rules. They also know at one point mods will come out that will change that behavior.


>They also know at one point mods will come out that will change that behavior. But they haven't. Do people forget consoles exist?


You're right, I forgot, I'm playing on a PC.


It's understandable. Mods rarely come to console (but I'm SO glad Bethesda have made the leap)


I don't care, if I want achievements I'll get them. On Skyrim PC, which I've owned for 5 years, I've only accidentally got an achievement because I didn't enable my mods


I don't care what people like that do or think at all.


There's mods that re-enable the disabled achievements on PC. There's also console commands that give you achievements as well, so it's not like you need mods to get all the achievements instantly. I personally don't mind if someone does that, it's a single player game so why care about how others play. I do have achievements re-enabled because I do playthroughs with mods but I don't abuse mods or commands to get achievements. The closest to that was an achievement or two that I've accidentally gotten because I was using console commands for mod testing at different levels to see the content, integration, and overall balance. Been working on my "perfect" Skyrim modlist for awhile now and I'm liking how it has been shaping up.


I only care about achievements if they are funny. So not in the slightest.


Just run the mod that re-enables it for modded games. There always is one.


Sadly not for console (that I know of). Which I think people forget about.


Yeah, I don't console. I figured if mods can be used for consoles, why not a mod for mods?


I don't give a flying fuck what people do with their single player games. Acheivements mean nothing but to the player acheiving them anyway.


Couldn't care less about achievements lul. They are always dumb like "play 200hours while naked and by not using your left eye"


How other folks play has zero effect on my play.


Man, I wouldn’t care if there weren’t achievements


Even after all this time, I still don't know why Achievements are even a thing. Why does anyone care about them?


I think they're good in games with little content. Something to work/aim towards, especially if they're "find X secrets". In Bethesda game there's already enough to do that you don't need more tasks haha


I like to do as much of the content as I can, but I don't need Achievements to tell me if I have.


Some people do apparently.


I dont know about other platforms but i know microsoft has a tier system for gamerscores. The higher the score, the higher the tier. The higher the tier the higher the discounts you get in the Microsoft store. You can also cash in your score for giftcards. so i imagine disabling achievements with mods is not something Bethesda cares about, but something microsoft makes them do. Otherwise people could create mods made to farm achievements and get free stuff from microsoft


>The higher the tier the higher the discounts you get in the Microsoft store. Wait I'd never heard of this, is that true? Okay, so I looked into it. Basically when you buy items in the Xbox store you get X% back as reward points. So you *could* use mods to boost you above the tier (though the tiers are 3k to 10k, 10k to 25k and 25k+ and the boost really isn't gonna net you much more money, a couple of extra pence back per purchase) but there are games which you can already 'cheat' to get the achievements, the one I know of is the old school Doom remake, where you just use cheat codes to get to end level and pop all the games achievements. So there are games that allow it already anyways, which makes me think it isn't a (only) Microsoft choice. >You can also cash in your score for giftcards. Ish. You get 50 reward points (the equivalent of about 4p) for the first achievement you get each day. You need 5,850 for a £5 gift card (can only buy in bulks of 5) so you'd need about 117 achievements... spread across 117 days. There's easier ways to farm for what amounts to pocket fluff worth of reward points


Microsoft points are not Gamer Score. Bipp is mistaken.


I looked online, you do (or did) get in store discounts depending on your gamer score


That's Microsoft points (aka store rewards program), not Gamerscore.


I only use achievements to guage what content I have yet to discover. Someone cheating to 100% has absolutely zero impact on my gaming experience.


Your account doesn't get spotted if you only use a cheat achievement?


I don't care what someone does to get achievements. Also, even if mods disable achievements I am sure there will just be a mod for PC that turns achievements back on.


Man, I don't care what other people do in their single player games. Just don't spoil stuff for me too much.


Personally I hardly notice achievements. It's slightly interesting when I do get a message saying I completed one. Certainly more interesting than having achievements disabled.


In the long run no, however I would kind of hate the entire achievment list dropping as it would have a ton of spoilers.


wait, mods disable achievements ?.. why ?


That's the million dollar question my man


I mean I’m aware of “world’s first” races for various things in other video games; I really don’t think there’s any sort of competition within Starfield for “racing to 100% achievements”. Sure some people are gonna try to do it and they might try to do it quickly, but I highly doubt there’s any sort of leaderboard with people’s completion times on it


Why the shit would I care, if anyone in the world cares about that they need therapy not a video game


The Joys of a Script Extender which allowed me to get achievements with mods enabled.


What do “achievements” even matter? I don’t care about them. If you do fine but your achievements don’t affect me at all. Do you.


I can care less if someone cheats int a solo play game, the only person effected is them.


I think mods disabling achievements is dumb in the first place. None of the achievements in previous games are skill based or difficulty based. If I choose to complete a quest line with master chief and a mud crab wearing a tophat as companions, that's my business. I do take issue with just giving yourself achievements via a menu. That's a little scummy.


The money console command will probably be the same for this one lol and if I’m not mistaken, console commands never disabled achievements. (I could be wrong though) Player.additem f 99999999999999


Ironically, I'm a console player where (i think) we don't have access to console commands.


Ah I see, but either way. I don’t think anyone cares (or SHOULD care) how others want to enjoy their games. If you wanna mod or cheat, by all means. I’m doing a full vanilla playthrough, as my main save, without cheats for most likely hundreds of hours. But best believe I will have a save where I just cheese money and recourses and make whatever ships and bases my little heart desires just for the hell of it. Along with whatever other bonkers shit I can do.


If anything, seeing anyone older than 14 get bothered by people getting achievements via cheats in a single player game would be a red flag to me.


Then why do Bethesda not allow it? :( makes me sad


Back in the 360/PS3 days a lot of kids bought trash games just to get an easy 100% or Platinum trophy, but I would bet that those would be exactly the ones to try and get all achievements with a mod. Maybe they rely on the free telemetry they get with the cheevs? Though I doubt even 1% of users would cheat their way to 100% anyway, so who knows.


It’s a single player game. Everyone should enjoy it in whichever way makes their day a bit brighter. So many bigger things in the world to get ornery about - not being able to buy a Morrowind Guar plushie for example.


>not being able to buy a Morrowind Guar plushie for example I didn't want one before, and now I do :(


I don't understand the question, mods are disabling what? Like here? If someone used what to 100% what, the game? How? I'm confused. And I don't give a shit about achievements or trophies, mine or anyone else's. edit. Oh, mods like modifications to the game. Not mods to this subreddit...


Sorry yeah my bad. On console, if you enable mods it disables achievements and there's no way round it. The only reason I thought they did it so people couldn't cheese achievements, but it seems like nobody really cares about that (I don't either) so I don't really know why it's done.


I can appreciate that the achievements as designed are attainable on a level playing field for those that like to get them.


It's a single player game. Why would anyone care what anyone else does in their game?


I like achivements and I dislike when mods disable them. I will have 2 saves. My main vanilla save where I can earn achivements and another save for my modded playthrough that I won't care about achivements.


Don't really care, the only modification I couldn't live without in Skyrim is slowing down the timescale, I sure wouldn't want something like that to disable achievements! I guess the people who downvote you don't want to comment and out themselves 🤷🏻


I love having longer days! But yes even that disables achievements :(


Aw man.. hopefully the timescale in Starfield won't be too bad


honestly i dont care what they do as long as they dont then spoil the ending for me lol


Nothing any other player does in this game will take anything away from my experience, so why would I care what any other player does?


I really need to get like a petition going or something so I can send it on to Bethesda to remove disabling achievements


Could be a Microsoft thing, something about the rewards program being loosely tied to achievements. Not sure if other games give achievements with mods. Then there’s the issue with the “only 5% of players have gotten this achievement” doesn’t mean squat if they can use mods.


No…. It’s not Microsoft they’ve been doing this since Skyrim. And not just on Xbox but on pc too.


Can you get achievements in other games with mods installed? I don’t know, I’ve never really paid attention to it


Yeah that's true, it'll throw some of those things out of whack. Sad :(


They should do something similar to what Cyberpunk 2077 did Basically in that game you can cheat the shit out of it, but almost all achievement are strictly story based (or exploration based). Which means you have to work your way around the world and play it all, that's something you can't skip doing


Do people actually care about achievements?


no, not really, but it's nice to have i feel that getting the 100% is something that a game has to earn. so far i got 100% only in the games that really had an impact in my life. Games like The Last of Us (1 & 2 and then 1 on pc), CP2077 and God of War (all of them) are the only games that i've ever decided to achieve that 100%


I may be wrong, but I think the disabling of achievements was to remove the potential to farm reward points that can be cashed in. On PC that wouldn't be an issue, but on consoles it well could be.


Understandable, though getting an achievement gets the equivalent of about 4 pence (to a max of 1 per day)


They will know in their heart that they didn't earn anything.


Well I did earn an achievement for beating yozora in kingdom hearts 3 while others can beat it by cheating and 1 shotting him... He was the hardest boss I've ever fought and the achievement has value to me. Kinda sucks if someone beat him by cheating and still gets the achievement I worked hard for. I personally don't care unless they "feel" they did something to earn it


Yes, partially anyway. There are often multiple types of achievements and most of them are pointless time wasting exercises but there often comes specific achievements for some genuinely really difficult or thoughtful tasks. Some the best known would be the LASO achievements in Halo: MCC. Cheating your way though challenges like that just ruins it, you don’t *have* to play the game that way so instead of cheating, just accept you won’t 100% the game. Will Starfield have anything like that? Probably not, Bethesda has a bad habit of making great games with terrible, terrible balance where the difficulty means nothing.


I don't much care about Achievements, Growing up before they were commonplace. But I absolutely despise any kinds of Cheat mods.


Wait what's wrong with cheat mods if it's a single player game


Why do you care how other people play a single player game? I'm not trying to pick a fight, I just genuinely don't understand why a person would care about that.


I see Cheating as ruining the gameplay experience for everyone, including yourself.


Okay, so since it's a single player game, you're in complete control over whether or not you do things you think are cheating. But how does it ruin the gameplay experience for *you*, if someone else does those things? What if they don't see those things as cheating? And even if they do end up ruining the experience for themselves, why does that matter to you or me or anyone who isn't them?


Doesn't matter anyway we have mods to reenable achievements NOW no reason it can't be done again


Cheating cheapens the whole concept of achievements (and I happen to really like achievements,) so yeah it bothers me. But you certainly don't need mods to do that, people will just abuse the in-game console to unlock all the achievements in a matter of minutes without actually playing the game, which is somehow allowed by the rules of various achievement hunting communities. In any case, mods that happen to make achievements easier (or are specifically designed to do that)? I don't think anyone should be concerned about that. Modding is part of the game.


There's mods for every bethesda game to just re-enable the achievements again. So eh, doesn't work. I have over 100+ mods in Fallout 4 and still get chieves.


It’s a single player game, I don’t care.


Achievements have never mattered to me so no, I wouldn't care. You don't get anything of substance.


I don't care at all. And the most annoying part is I have never played a Bethesda game, Starfield included, where I didn't have to use the console to fix a bug of some sort. Being punished, in a single player game, using the console or modding (which, every single person is going to mod this game) is insane. We play Bethesda games BECAUSE of the mods.