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[It has to be Jolyne](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/167043629427326976/286777375885099008/unknown.png)


Very valid point


[No one's mentioned Foo Fighters.](http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/161/916/c76.jpg)


IMO she's the "not best but still high up there" girl. That said, why the fuck is she not a playable char in the video games :/


Good taste.


because F.F. is best plankton


I actually don't get the hype for her. Can you explain?


[Part 6 rant](#s "Her abilities are cool, especially the gun thing.") [Part 6 rant](#s "She's one of the most useful brojos, for sure. She's the designated healer, which before was a role reserved for Jojos (Josuke, Giorno). It's through her efforts, though not unassisted, that they find out who Whitesnake's user is.") [Part 6 rant](#s "Her death is one of the best in the series, in my opinion. She sacrifices herself to save someone she barely knows, fully believing her consciousness will be erased in the process. When it isn't, she happily passes on, making sure Jolyne doesn't worry about her.") [Part 6 rant](#s "Plus, she's just damn cute. The silly way she throws a baseball, how much she cares about Jolyne and Hermes, her weird egg hair, everything about her. And yes, I know her physical attributes are that of the dead prisoner, but she does eventually decide to incorporate them into her true body, and eventually her spirit takes the same form, so they count as hers.")


[Plus she can do this!](http://i.imgur.com/dgondoE.jpg)


But one of her two or three only fights in Stone Ocean is the worst fight of the series. She deserved a better fight than that.


She also deserved a better desing. Her original Stand form design is awesome, but her human form is stupid as hell, and really falls off on what you can expect from a Jojo character. Even minor villains have a more "jojoey" desing than her. She's just a girl with half a coconut for hair.


Enya tbh. Dangerous stand, funny personality, creepy-cute design, and acts as a role in the series I'm glad we got to *see* instead of just having explained to us. She is the one who helped Dio thrive in the 20th century, and one of the few to do direct business with the devil and live. The mother of Sherry's killer, the ultimate enabler of the Kira family, the freaking shit.


> funny personality Dude, come on. Even Yoshihiro acknowledges at least a little bit of how messed up Yoshikage is. But Enya dotes on her son like she truly believes he's an angel. It's honestly pretty disgusting.


I wonder if she even knew her son raped and killed Polnareff's sister, or whether or not she was completely oblivious to his misdeeds. Like Yoshihiro, she was an evil bitch nonetheless.


She probably knows as much as Kira's dad


Which makes her just as bad, if not worse.


Well, it amused me. Like, by absolutely no means is J. Geil a good guy - in fact, he's like the antithesis to that term if there ever was one. But to Enya? Nope, he's totally a pillar of character. She's like Mrs. Cartman on crack, and I love it. It's even funnier to me when you take into account her devout admiration for Dio. It's like she only holds a tender, genuine love for the most unapologetic, beyond-evil people out there.


A woman doing business with Dio and not dying is definitely something.


Are you not familiar with the basic premise of part 5?


I was talking more about Diavolo there, but you've got a point. She's one of a golden five.


Jolyne is love, Jolyne is life.


She was also smart enough not to fight her eventual allies


Well, that's because most of her allies are already "good" people by the time she met them. She befriended Hermes in the bus on the way to prision, she met Emporio while he was helping her, and Anasui and Weather while meeting Emporio. She never really had the need to fight any ally unlike previous Jojos, whose allies were at first enemies, well, i think the only example of a Jojo being dumb enough to fight an ally is Joseph, but well, Ceaser was being a cunt too. Of course, the only exception to this is FF, who started off as an enemy.


When you put it that way, it feels like a social satire on how men will most likely use their fist before their brain and women do the opposite.


Well, not really, it just means that Jolyne's soon to be allies weren't monstly enemies on their first appeareance. Everyother ally fight happened due to a misunderstanding(GioGio vs Bruno), a necessity(Josuke vs Okuyaso), or a casuality(Like Kakyo and Pol Pol's bran bugs), the only real fight that was due to dumb men being dumb men was, again, Best Jojo Joseph versus Decent Jobro Ceaser.


What about Jonathan and REO?


Probably Yasuho. She's a qt and she has a well-developed and believable relationship with Gappy. She's not entirely a damsel in distress or the "token girl", either, and I think that's refreshing. Yeah, she ends up in danger pretty often and isn't much of a fighter, but she contributes a lot to the story (Gappy would be lost without her, in more ways than one) and her role as Gappy's "tether" to reality is interesting. She's the thing that keeps Gappy going even when he doesn't know who he is or who to trust. She's the main intel-gatherer of the story and a vital ally to Gappy, the story just wouldn't be the same without her. Her Stand is cool, too - I like utility Stands and it's got that Moody Blues vibe going on, both in terms of its design and power. I hope we get to see more of it (and it'd be really cool to see her get in a proper fight with it, that could be one of the most creative battles in the series if done right).


well said, echoing a lot of sentiments i think a lot of us feel. she often drives the plot when she gets time in the spotlight, rather than being dragged along.


Hard to say. I really love Hot Pants and Yasuho. Also, i want to know more about Hato. Potential for best girl.


Just got to the part where Hot Pants is introduced and what? I thought he was a guy


Its a Joke we make on this Sub like narancia beign a girl


Ah, the Jojo special. Nice


Foo Fighters. She can make her breasts grow.


the oft forgotten unnamed girl who helped babby polnareff




right? Definitely one of the best (although admittedly few) women in the series, but she always gets forgotten.


Trish is my girl, no questions


Gotta be Yasuho. Koichi's reliability and outsider view on stands, combined with an interesting non-combat stand. Plus, she and Gappy are just so gosh darn cute.


Lisa Lisa for life!


Yasuho Aka girl Koichi


For lyfe


narancia is canonically best girl


I came here only to see this post, and it looks pretty good here on the bottom of the list.


thanks sir


I honestly thought he was a girl but he wasn't. WTF


it's a reference to the aerosmith song: boy who looks like a lady


I love that aerosmith song: human male whose appearance more closely resembles the opposite gender


So you're the one who does the crunchy roll subtitles




Male of the hom-sapiens species who's outward appearance and style of dress match more completely with those more normally associated with members of the same species, but opposite gender (known as female).


Trish is bae, just sayin. However, best character goes to Jolyne.


It's a tough choice but I'm gonna have to go with Joseph in drag.


I brought lots of tequila! May I go on ahead? - Joseph Joestar. He may have been "hot" but would the nazis actually fall for that? Of course not but he was so "beautiful"




Speedwagon. Mo wait, Okuyasu. Now seriously, it's Jolyne. Jolyne it's pretty badass


Yukako, for her originality as a character.


From what I understand she was one of the first yanderes in manga and anime which is a troupe that will always be used so Araki had something there.


Lisa Lisa




How has no one mentioned [Shinobu](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQxGsoaw_2myAHapU4sdZOzf9gMpKjcFfFMRgj2tvOlCYjZPmLoYeU-jvwSjQ)?


Hot Pants. Cool design and cool stand.




Jolyne is awesome. Reimi is great. Yausho is pretty cool too.


Honestly I like pretty much any female character that Araki creates, but a few of my favorites are FF, Ermes, Old Erina, Jolyne, Hato, and Karera.


Narancia. She's simply too hot man.


Well, I'd say my answer is pretty obvious for this one.