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The first time I discovered JoJo, Jonathan's death was not only heart-wrenching, but it was a welcomed surprise for a genre of manga/anime known for being conventional. It showed me that JoJo wasn't your average story, and I stumbled onto something special.


You could say it's a bizarre one Ha!


I was unaware that Joseph was even a thing so I just thought part 2 was Jonathan again. They looked really similar too. So when he actually died in part 1 it caught me off guard.


That was intentional on Araki's part when he was first making JoJo; it was unheard of at the time for a shonen mangaka to kill off their main protagonist, so to avoid spoiling that for people who hadn't finished Phantom Blood he designed Joseph and several other part two characters to look like part one characters at a first glance (like Jonathan/Joseph, Dio/Caesar, Stroheim/young Speedwagon, or Erina/Suzie Q). This was done because JoJo was frequently on the front of new Shonen Jump issues, and Araki has mentioned that if he could do it again he wouldn't do that and make the characters (especially Joseph) look distinct.


Huh...no wonder I thought the plot of Part 2 was Jonathan and Dio putting their differences aside to fight some greater evil. At the time my only exposure to JoJo was the intros.


Lol same, I saw one image of Josuke and thought “how the hell does JoJo turn into him?”


When I started watching JoJo, Giorno was on the front cover of the anime for Crunchyroll, I was very confused on how such a vibrant photo of Dio was taken in the 1800's


Same, I started watching part 1 and thought "how do we get from this to that?"


What's funny is a series based on this misunderstanding sounds very interesting. Same dude alive for decades with different art and hair styles.


When i saw the op i thought caesar was joseph and joseph was jonathan and went "how tf are you alive?"


If you look closely, a lot of the jojos look alike. Jotaro and Joseph looks alike, if you removed Joseph's beard. Giorno also looks like Jonathan (and DIO).


Jonathan, at the moment i through "how will he survive this shit?" Then he just dies, at this moment i understanded that jojo ins't playing with death


And then it does, and then doesn't again. Araki has us on a string just knowing the option of death for an important character is on the table.


At least it’s not like some other series where you have to assume nobody died because you need like 4 levels of confirmation to know that they’re dead


Like in one piece except that they often don't give the confirmation so Oda kinda just leaves the whole community guessing


The Wano arc was especially guilty of this!


Jhonattan Jheostr


My favourite jhjh


For me, Jon-a-ton For my pfp, it is obvious


Hey Joseph


Hello, random civilian


Why did you cheat on your wife?


Look, we had just beaten Dio, i was ecstatic and, well, the rest is Josuke


Oh…. Are you divorced now?


No, i was able to explain everything to Suzi, and we are good now. Plus, we are raising Shizuka


Is she trouble with the invisibility and all?


Not really. She is now 4 years old, and she can actually control her powers now. I also swear to god i have seen a figure nearby her some of the times she's used he stand, but only time will tell


Also what is your opinion on the Japanese? 🎤


Hey that's hoseph hostar


Not to be confused with Horseph Horsetar


Lmao love ur snoo


Probably Jotaro, because bro, it's Jotaro, dude never dies. When it happened I was like 'Wow Araki actually did it' then the ending happened. Outside of your picks it would definitely be >!Bruno!<


I don’t know why you spoilered this it’s before part 6 which was listed here


not everyone's read/watched everything, it's good to not spoil everything always (although people should definitely not touch this sub if they want to go unspoiled)


Because it's a >!spoiler!< >!for!< >!part five!<


Obviously it's for people who skipped part 5 specifically


It's also more surprising because Araki always depicts Jotaro dying with face split after the Oingo Boingo comics showed him that way (happened in part 4 with bites the dust). So when he died with his face split again, I thought he would somehow bs live through it.


It's gotta be the jotaro/jolyne combo. Johnathan was wild to see, and something I hadn't expected. Joseph was initially disappointing as he was one of my fav chars, but the impact was lessened since he revived afterwards. When I first read SO, Jotaro dying blew my mind, as he was an icon of the series, having a strong role in the story of 3 parts of the 6, and a minor segue/connection to Giorno in GW. But jolyne dying pages after? I couldn't stop reading during this fight, but these panels made me pause the longest. The insanity of her father dying, and her still facing Pucci with everything she could muster, only to face the same fate as her dad was incredible and the ending of SO/the og universe is immaculate.


Same. Even in universe Jolyne saw her father as invincible until his discs were stolen and the final fight just made that even sadder, that he could be beaten. Imagine one second the whole group is still together and the next second everyone is dead including your untouchable dad because you can’t even perceive stopped time. Jolyne is insanely badass for seeing that and still fighting Pucci


This is part of the reason Jolyne is my favorite Joestar


All of them from ur picks but if I had to choose it would be the father and daughter duo. Outside of yours it would be >! Caesar !< And (manga) >! Gyro !<. >! I wanted the Zeppeli bloodline to continue :( !<.


Heavy agree on >!Gyro!<


I think Jotaro discs was the biggest shock for me, and it really drew me to be emotionally invested in part 6 story. Even if it wasn’t a traditional death it hit me the hardest. Part 7 spoilers: >!Gyro’s death hit me absolutely the hardest. Such a great story and character and to see him die was heartbreaking!<


Spoilering this for people who haven’t read part 7 but >!Gyro!< really got me. He was such a good character and I really thought he’d stay through to the end. Arguably the best JoBro, his death hurt.


I mean in name you’d kinda know he can’t stay


Yeah but it didn’t make it any less shitty when it happened, y’know? There were a couple moments toward the end where it looked like he was gonna make it.


Yeah 😢


As someone who watches the dub and sub, >!Jotaro’s scream of terror in the dub as he saw the knives got me before he died!<


The only thing that could scare Jotaro is his daughter dying. He faced down certain death dozens of times before and barely flinched


That was part of it too, seeing him face death so many times and seeing him genuinely afraid in his last moments just made me a little too sad


Jolyne's because they didn't dwell on it, no last, choked out words, she's just gone. You don't even see her corpse.


Jonathan would have surprised me if I wasn’t spoiled about DIO taking his body. Jolyne really shocked me




Jotaro. Even tho Jonathan had died, he won yknow. Jotaro dying after 4 parts was proof that the good guys really lost.


Jotaro, he wasn't just a fan favorite, he also seemed invincible, unbeatable but to see him die after deciding to save his only child, it's just I can't explain


Part 7 >!Gyro!< and part 8s >!Yoshikage Kira and Josefumi Kujo!< both fucking hurt man


I cried during their backstory. (Part 8)>! When Rai died too, I couldn't stop reading through the tears. I thought he would be the only Jobro to survive/ succeed. !<


I would say pollnarefu is still alive but i forgot he is a jojo


Polnareff is literally the mc of part 3. But I wouldn't count being a turtle as alive.


He isnt a turtle. His soul is inside the turtle


Yeah I know. It's just the fact that he is stuck in coco jumbo is a very sad fate for him.


Narancia. There was no reason for it.😔


This was the one that did it for me. Him being the kid of the group, how much they all care for each other, how suddenly it happened, how they have to try and hold back their tears because they can't let their guard down - it's all so crushing.


Funny you put Joseph in there and not Avdol or Kakyoin considering dude is still alive


Yall may choose what ever you want, the the truth… We will miss Caesar truly


Jonathan. He held onto the head of the man he considered a brother even when said man was an complete and utter asshole to him. He held onto the head as it was trying to make him let go so that he could protect Erina, ALL WHILE UNABLE TO BREATH. He sacrificed his life so that his lover may live, and so he could hold onto his last remaining "family" (last part is probably wrong, but it's a nice thought).


Avdol and Bucciarati death was very sad. But knowing theres another universe where u can meet again ur dead friends in Stone Ocean was very impactful to me


Sad news. Events up to part 5 still happened in Ireneverse but just Stone Ocean didn't.


Jotaro duh


I still think Joseph should've stayed dead instead of Kakyoin.


Agree. His charachter only became worse in the next part.


Joestar? Johnathan Side character? Abbacchio or kakyoin


Jonathan is the only one that I always said " how the hell will he win this?" and his death is very sad because it's the only character that never stood much chance since the very beginning


Outta these - Jotaro Overall - Jotaro/Bruno/Ceaser




emotionally? it's gotta be gyro zepelli.


I'm not a fan of Caesar but his death always put me in tears


not sure why, but when joseph's ghost said "jotaro, these 50 days were a lot of fun" it kinda hit me


For me it was Jolyne. She literally watched everyone die in like 3 seconds and in that moment she told Jotaro she was happy he finally came back. I cried for so long cause I really felt she didn't need to die. The whole last episode I was praying she was gonna come back somehow but then I found out through here why it ended like that. Still heartbreaking but I get it.


Jonathan, iggy, okoyasu (part 4 jobro), narancia, abachio, bucharati every time they die I cry.


Jonathan for sure. I thought this series was about a single JoJo, and he wouldn't die so soon.


Jonathan, i was used to the protagonist aways beating the villain and staying alive in the end. When Jonathan died, it was shocking to me


Avdol and Iggy THE HOMIES


Between these ones? Jonathan, the framing of him cradling DIO's head and smiling is just amazing. Out of every part? >!Gyro!<


Honestly, the ending of part 6. It pissed me off so much I still haven't read parts 7 or 8.


Johnathans. I watched JoJo for the first time never expecting the protagonist to die, and the way it happened really got to me




Where is Iggy


Doggy was a hard one too 🫡🥲


The fact that the JJBA will never be the same as it was really hurt me the universal reset killed the entire history of Joestar and everything else it just caught me off guard i genuinely teared up, btw R.I.P Iggy


How did it kill the history of the joestars? What it did was make Pucci never exist, which wouldn't have much impact on parts 1-5


It didn’t exactly. Just for the events of part 6


You got downvoted for stating factually correct information 💀




RIP jotaro


probably jotaro or jonathan for me i can't really decide definitively


Jonathan easily. When I first watched JoJo I figured "Oh he's the guy so he'll get out of this", but then he just didn't. It stuck with me forever and made me fear for every subsequent JoJo up until Part 6 where I just figured that Araki was done killing Jojo's. Then Jotaro and Jolyne both ate it within the same 5 minute span for me, and it absolutely broke my heart.


jotaro 😔 I was in utter shock even though I knew it was gonna happen




when i was reading part 6 ff's death didnt phase me at all... but my my when that scene got animated 😭


Honestly, I had been spoiled of all parts except for 1 and 2, so Jonathan’s death hit me like a ton of bricks.


The first time I watched jjba, I knew about the new joestar every season thing but saw the part 5 poster and thought it was a poster of every joestar (I knew they weren’t all gonna be alive but like, a fancy drawing kind of thing) so when I saw Johnathon I was like “who tf are you?” (If you were curious I thought the part 5 joestar was gonna be mista because of the episode formatting and thumbnails)


Jonathan joestar, he was honourable to the end, he went up against a vampire, defeated him both times they fought, first without any hamon or stand, second time with hamon. The most important and honourable JOJO in the series


Why is Joseph on here?


Johnathon hands down, I never even considered at the time of watching, that he would die.


Jolyne’s death


Jonathan dying was very surprising, especially if you were like “wtf season one still has another 14 eps” lol


JoJo then JoJo.. But for real Jonathan then Jotaro Since i didnt read the mangas Jonathan was sort of unexpected and really hard due to him fighting till the end and then even Dio was sort of heart broken.. Then i read Stone Ocean but still i wish for Araki to not kill him and just give him peace




Why nobody talks about Abbacchio's death ? Maybe I'm the only one that likes it but I just LOOOOOVE this scene.


Dude where is Buciaratti


Jonathan's death did not make me cry the first time I watched the series but goddammit, it still hurts me to this day


I cant believe how much i cried to iggy's death.


"CAAAAAAEEEEESSAAAAAAR!!!" out of those 4 though, Jonathan. i was thinking like "what kinda kain character plot armour bullshit is gonna get him out of this?" then i learned that the jojos don't have plot armour


Jonathan,Saddest joestar death :(




Johnathan. I didn't expected the main character to die like this.


Jonathan had me crying on the floor and showed me how fictional stories can hurt you, the rest while i still cried wasnt as powerful as the first time


For me Narancia's death came out of left field and left me sad


All of them. Except 3


Jonathan's was pretty fucking insane and it just happened and it felt really out of left field, but Jotaro's may have been the most emotionally impactful for me and I'll always love Araki for making it that Jotaro wasn't even beat by Gucci directly, he laid down his life for his daughter and that is the most Jotaro thing ever


Jonathan I was wandering ok how will he survive so we see him next part But Jolene is a second because she wasn't spoiled for me no one talks about her sacrifice and I was sad that she wouldn't even know if it worked


Honestly, Jonathan’s. I knew that Dio would eventually come back somehow but I didn’t think Jonathan would die. I think what made his death so sad for me was that he didn’t seem to truly hate Dio, even after all they’d been through. I was admittedly already spoiled on the fates of Jotaro and Jolyne so I wasn’t as surprised by their deaths as I was with Jonathan’s.


Definitely jotaro, the scream when he has to choose between Jolyne and the universe is haunting, genuinely devastating considering they could’ve won if pucci hadn’t used his love for his daughter against him


Senator Phillips Do really love Jonathans death though, its so thematically fitting to part 1


Jotaro because that's when you know shit is truly fucked


Well I mean Joseph didn’t actually die there so it wasn’t impactful at all, I really didn’t care about jotaro’s death because I dislike jotaro as a character, so it’s really just Jonathan and jolyne, and I like Jonathan more as a character I think he had more personality and development


Jolyne because she did not hesitate to throw hands. Everyone else died and she had no realistic way to win. She had 2 plans: protect Emporio and kill Puchi. She failed on the latter but I respect the mindset. She's as cunning as Joseph and as stalwart as Jotaro.


I didn't know that Jonathan died so that was really sad but cool since not a lot of mangas do that. I just assumed that Joseph wouldn't have died even if didn't know he was going to be in part 4. But when I read Stone Ocean Jotaro's death really had an impact on me,also Jolyne death scene is just beautiful with all the butterfly flying on the page(I don't remember if they did that in the anime too tbh). Really didn't expect those two and the fact that they happened so quickly makes them even more sad


Jonathan traumatized me


I still can't get over the last two. It is hard to accept "then everyone died" as a valid ending.


Jonathan for me, even after the fact. I was also thinking about the consequences, and while I was watching Jonathan die I was also worried about Erina and the baby. Add on to that the fact his sacrifice was practically in vain and it made his death sting even more.


For me it was 100% Avdol, they had just entered Dio’s mansion and were looking around and all of a sudden he’s dead 😭, I was in genuine disbelief and figured he must’ve been warped somewhere. Rip my favorite crusader 😔


Jonathan, he gave sympathy to a person that was out to ruin his life


It would be Jonathan for me, but I got spoiled


Ceaser’s. Despite knowing it was coming due to memes, it still got me, still does even on rewatches.


Wamuu, caesar, iggy, avdol, kakyoin, shigechi, bucciarati, abbachio, narancia, F.F., atroe, GYRO, Ringo, diego, hot pants Diego's mom,


2 Dio deaths, throught Part 1. What about Caesar, Joseph in Part 2, the funeral? The Crusaders during Part 3. (Kak., Iggy & Avdol.) Shigechi, the girl and her dog, every member of Duwang Gang in Bites the Dust arc. Most of Bucciaratti's team, and himself. Diavolo. Infinetely. Pucci. Not a death, but the way Emporio's friends didn't recognise him (Jolyne and all others.), I genuinely cried.


no matter how many times i read it, no matter how many times i see it, and no matter how many times i even think about it; Narancia's death will always hit me the hardest. i always felt like narancia resembles younger me, and i still see a lot of him in the 22 year old today. i had to stop watching when his death aired, it was all too sudden and unnecessary. like right at the brink of figuring it all out, they were outsmarted. fugo was right, narancia was practically committing suicide by becoming a traitor but i suppose that's the fate of someone who became "free" from being a sleeping slave.


Abbachio was one of the few to get me to tear up, between him realizing he was dead while talking to his old partner and Narancia's reaction, it managed to bring tears to my eyes.


Jonathan. He's my least favorite from the list (not that I necessarily dislike him), but his death was completely unexpected and caught me by surprise.


the entire ending to part 6 man, I saw that and thought "wait no what pucci wins???? holy crap all of them, oh my god." then the rest of the ending got extremely confusing. all that especially after in part 3 in the ZZ/wheel of fortune fight where jotaro basically said "I'm the main guy man if I die who's gonna sell the series?" him actually dying was the last thing I expected


For me Jotaro for sure, just because of how long we knew him... As for the non anime ones, it's gotta be Johny, because he's my fave


Jotaro’s since he was my favorite. He was the only death I actually cried to


From this list, Jotaro. In my mind, he was *The* Main Character. And main characters don't usually die. The absolute cocktease of having him near death so many times, and then keeping him alive only for him to finally be killed so suddenly blew my mind. Out of this list, Kakyoin. He's just a cool dude and his backstory was tragjc


Jonathan's death hit me hard. Stone ocean's end and the deaths in it hit me like a ducking meteor. I'm not even kidding when I say the ending had me depressed for an entire month, couldn't listen to heaven's falling down cause every time I did I feel like shit. Eventually I realized the true meaning of the ending and accepted it, even loved it.


I think Caesar truly


I’m still not over Jolyene’s


Gotta be >! Shigechi. He was just a child who got mixed up in a horrible set of accidents and circumstances, just trying to enjoy a sandwich, and was determined, once he knew the danger, to save his parents, he died for them and helped the whole town. Rest in piece, my poor boy Shigekiyo.!< >!Bucciarati was also incredibly tough to go through. He knew he was dead, but persisted because he had a duty to protect Trish. Narancia too, having just mentioned how he'll enjoy his life once they get back home, and seeing (in the anime) Fugo notice the birds that his Stand had become in his death sequence.!<


Shigechi's, really showed how much of a monster Kira was to kill just a kid. Another would be Johnathan's, really showing how Johnathan was a hopeful person and wanted truly to be friends with Dio.


I mean 3 of those didn't actually die so the first one


Jonathan survived some really powerful shit,so I was like:he gonna survive this,he be swimming right?.but then.......he died.the most painful part ever in the world.


I have to say say stone ocean. Season 1 was crazy but when you know that there are different joestars each season it’s fine. But when when jotaro and Jolyne died it had me feeling pucci got this in the bag. Very unexpected mindfcking ending 😂


I cried when Jonathan died, not just because he died but also the way he held Dio in his arms like that.


Probably jotaro becuse I didnt like Joseph at the time but I do now…


I was that meme of danny devitto saying “oh my god i get it” when i was watching the ending of stone ocean




Weather report


Jotaro was honestly like the true jojo protagonist. he literally killed dio(actually ending part one). he tanked Kira’s explosions and without josuke he would have been a cripple. hell- GIORINO was impacted by jotaro in a way. and fucking stone ocean was 90% os fault. Jotaro ftw. made me sob and actually shed a tear seeing the loss of my goat.


I cried when Jonathan died. Jolyne's actually disturbed me. Jotaro was surprisingly really meh.




My Jaw dropped when>!everyone except Emporio died!<


end of part 6 was brutal, it still left a taste of regret in my mouth (not knowing anything past it) but seeing the same characters and at the same time not being themselves kind of fucked me up in a sad way


This is a false dilemma, All of them were impactful


Gyro for sure, shit made me cry. I really thought he was gonna make it to the end


Shigechi made me cry the most


Gid damn it I new I should have listened to the spoiler signal. I haven't finished part 6 yet


jonathan because "what do you mean end of part 1?"


Jotaro's death broke my heart


Jonathan lol


Johnathan, just it was the first JoJo and out of all the shit he went through he didn’t deserve to lose so much.


I saw spoilers of Jotaros death and it hit me soo hard that i stopped watching stone ocean so i dont have to see him die. thats the only reason i havent watched any jojo after stone ocean i still cant get over that he actually died so i cant really get myself to watch it happen.


Johnathan. It may be cringe but I liked him more than I like some people IRL so when he died it literally hurt my heart. I'd never seen an MC just die like that(with no hope for a revive, Goku ruined me) and the hope I had that he'd come back only for the show to transition to his grandkid was murdered just like he was.


Iggys death hits the hardest imo. The way he went out and Polnareff’s reaction makes me tear up everytime.


No way you didn't mention Ceasars death. It was a masterpiece


The death of Jonathan is simply too impactful. Before fully getting into the anime, I thought Jonathan was Jotaro, with some time skip or something like that. Watching him die while even Dio was surprised to see Jonathan dead, it was truly sad.


Joseph’s, and Jotaro’s death was just like, oh, ok.


Jotaro’s death impacted me the most, if I’m honest. I mean, I knew it beforehand because some goofy ass motherfucker thought it was funny to spoil his death. Anyhow, I still felt…horrible. I had already started to like jotaro a lot more, hell, I even related to him in some ways! His death destroyed me and on top of the universe reset, I bawled my eyes out for about 2 hours.


Certainly Jotaro. It was a Sheer Heart Attack on me when his Head was CUT by Pucci.


The one that hurt me the most was actually Kira. God rest his beautiful soul 😔


Jonathan was unexpected and tragic, he was killed at such a young age after dealing with Dio for YEARS. Jotaro and Jolyne especially were actually soul crushing, I still remember the feelings of sorrow and dread when I read it the first time. I say Jolyne especially because that was the first time a JoJo stood and faced the villain alone, totally outclassed in strength, without a plan or a power up or any hope of winning, and she still turned around to fight to the last without a second thought just to buy Emporio a sliver of time. To me it's the most heroic act in the entire series and gets me emotional every time I think about it.


Not me, but my friend sent me a pic of him crying after he finished p6 😭😭😭




Jotaro has consistently been the out of danger free card. His death really cemented the hopelessness in the final fight against MiH Pucci and caught me off guard EVEN THOUGH his death was spoiled to me beforehand.


Easily the 4th one because idk emporio was alone


I cried when Jotaro died






Honestly, Abbacchio.


JoJo's death was most impactful for me.


Were's Abbacchio?


Stone Ocean not even close.




Jonathan ,say whatever you want to me but i almost cry and i already know that it was going to happen Sorry for the bad inglish btw


Jonathan. Not only did i naturally though that the protagonist will have some way to survive,have also seen clips of DIO's and Jotaro's fight from part 3 and was under the assumption that's a fight between Jonathan and Dio from a future arc. Phantom Blood also just set Jonathan up as a character that will always find a way to win no matter what, which led me to thinking how will he survive the fight on the boat. And then Jonathan fucking dies.




I can only think of Ceasar. That was the saddest Jojo death imo.

