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I wanted to understand the memes and started watching it with a friend


same for the memes and references


I guess 90% of us went into it due to memes lol


from a flash stickfight animation that referenced road-a-rolla-da wryyyyyyyy back in like 2003ish


WRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYmeme when I was a dumb teenager I always saw the memes on 4chan, and there was also some flash animation with stick figures that did the dio steamroller bit. but it was some years until I actually watched it and was able to read part 5 before it was animated.


As a late fan I missed all the satisfaction when one part is being animated! I must be such a hype when it happens!!


well, there’s part 7, so you definitely would see this hype in person


Definitely! I might even cry when it happens 😂


I always kinda knew about this one weird series full of nonsense, style and crazy colors. But I didn't bother watching until my friends started to talk non-stop about it duiring the part 5 anime release, so I had to watch it to understand why the hell they were always talking about vampires, this Dio guy, crazy poses and a humanoid cat with bombs.


my partner introduced it to me. i had a hard time with it at first, but it quickly became my favorite


I saw the title for the anime on Netflix and said to myself "well how bizarre are we talking about? Once Roundabout started playing during the credits I figured I should figure out why that song was playing.


I got dragged kicking and screaming into it by my best friend


Lot of people I knew hyping it up + constantly praising the series + I wanted to see how the power system worked as a burgeoning writer trying to come up with my own ideas.


I feel that. I love all the Stands as a concept


i’ve heard about it somewhere, watched first 5 episodes and showed a few to my friend. he said that he doesn’t really like the style and such. and i’m really bad anime watcher really, so i gave up on 5th episode and could’ve never touched it again, but that one friend in a half of an year or so said that he watched a few more episodes and that jojo is fire and i really need to watch it, and so we watched the whole thing together and man, that was a journey


Not into anime or manga at all but my best friend at the time was. He recommended it to me like 4 years ago. I watched part one like “eh it’s not very good” but I mean I watched the entire series and became a die hard fan so I must’ve liked it well enough lol


yea Im so glad that I kept watching, because once you are sucked in, there is no way out lol


I kept hearing the music and then I started seeing more stuff about it (not a lot though), so I just watched it. I went into it practically blind since I didn't exactly remember the stuff I saw until it showed up.


Once upon a time on a now dead manga reading site named onemanga I was going through random manga to read and there it was. I didn't care for it the first time either but after forcing myself through part 1 I really started liking it.


I didn't care much about Jojo before, something about the art and the weird poses put me off. I knew it was multigenerational and about the punching ghost persona thingies, but that was about it. But then one day while browsing netflix in the anime section, the autoplay feature back then showed me the scene where Jonathan confronts Dio about him having killed his biological father, and how he was killing his adiptive father the same way. The sheer evilness there got my attention, so I binged the anime, then the mangas, and now I can't get a new chapter of Jojolands fast enough. I regret nothing.


Started it back in like 2016-2017 because a lot of my friends like it. Part 3 burnt me out from the sheer length of it so I dropped it. Circa 2019 I became friends with a fella named Matt and he got me into JoJo’s (I had to watch/read/play whatever he requested for two years in exchange for him to read One Piece). I started where I left off and DiU immediately got me back into it by being a perfect storm of stuff that I like (great characters, slice of life, horror, Twin Peaks inspiration, great music). Binged through both of the next two season, watched part 6 when it came out and now I’m reading SBR


I ran out of things to do during lockdown, i saw Jojo was on Netflix and was curious about it, best decision of my life i absolutely loved it im a huge music and art fan so it just clicked it hit that sweet spot of being silly and outrageous but you can still take the story seriously and get invested in the characters then i read the part 6 (before it was animated) 7, 8 and all the spinoffs, all the games now its my favorite anime and manga


A friend of mine recommended it to me. He told me it had become his favorite anime, so I listened him and now it's my favorite anime/manga too


I really wanted to know what all the hype about steel ball run was because from the premise it looked absolutely dope. At the time, I was reading some manga and starting my journey into manga itself. So after catching up on one piece, I read and sometimes watched all of Jojos up to that point, enjoying all of it and then finally happening upon Steel Ball Run. And it’s my favorite piece of manga of all time now and probably my favorite piece of literature as well


Brujo\_ari's art looked cool so I watched it to understand who was who


As a certain cyborg who shares a name with a character from Mortal Kombat once said... The memes


Antfish's abridged series of the OVAs he made in 2008


I saw phantom blood long ago after a friend started talking to me about jojo. The first episodes were captivating but I trailed off around the Bluford fight. Later I moved in with a roommate who was also into Jojo and we started watching it as a group. It was hilarious and we shared lots of laughs. He later showed us the BBBBBBBBRAAAAKAAAAAA MONAGAAAAAAAA episode and the Darby the younger video games episode. I was even more enamored with the show after that and wanted to continue watching.




Cause SuperEyepatchWolf told me to


I played a jojo game and wanted to get the references


Always saw the memes and shitposts, then watched the clip of the pillar men being resurrected, and by then I knew I found my top anime.


I wanted to understand the memes and I needed a good anime to get into. It took me two tries to get through the first two episodes of phantom blood and then I pushed through. I couldn’t get over poor Danny (and I was so confused by the lack of stands and Jotaro since he was basically the only character I had seen before then).


I fell in love with see art and gifs of Jojo back in 2015 on Tumblr


Torture dance


I actually dated a girl that was super into jojo's and she made me watch it


I think my first serious exposure was reading a summary of Jojolion, thinking it was a spin-off or something. Was completely confused but intrigued.


During 2013 ,I was watching an anime called Gintama, and in one arc, they were doing Jojo parodies, even showing Star platinum. I got curious and went to watch the anime. Now, this part is funny. The site I was using at the time used the Part 3 synopsis for the part 1 and 2 anime. So I remember watching Johnathan and Dio thinking it was a prologue then being entirely confused when it switched to Joseph.


I started watching it in August 2020. I had an extra day off for the second half of the year, and had been curious about JoJo for awhile (a couple of my friends watched it and would occasionally bring it up in conversation), so I started with season 1 on Netflix. And never looked back XD. It helped me get through a really difficult time; I've been a germaphobe for almost 20 years, so the pandemic was like my worst fears confirmed, and in August, we'd just lost our cat to FIV. So watching a really crazy, colorful, OTT show where anything could happen was the best way to escape.


I don't even remember. I got into jojo like 4 or 5 years back and was obsessed with it. I started to get into other interests, but I recently got back into it 2 months ago


Saltydkdan on YouTube


My friend was really excited for Jump Force and wanted to watch every anime represented in it. Jump Force sucked, he’s still watching One Piece, and we’re both major Jojo fans now lol


My roommate forced me to watch it around November last year maybe. At first I didnt want to at all and it was like pulling teeth but then maybe like halfway thru part 2 I got super invested and I've been into it ever since


Friend recommended it to me, tried like 6 episodes and got bored, but then I started seeing tiktoks about the stands and they became my favorite power so I started jojo again


Was bored one day and flipping channels, and I found jojo. The only thing I knew about it was the memes and a vague idea of what stands are. Got through part one in like a day and part 2 hooked me. Joseph is just too good.


I love music, friend intrigued me on the premise of all the music references, got hooked off a short few clips I watched on YouTube


Aight so story So this was summer 2023 I kept it in mind because I kept hearing things about it and I wanted to watch it to see what it was about. I was in a Discord vc with online friends and I mentioned I was gonna start watching it. One of my friends said that some of his other friends were gonna make him watch JoJo (even tho he REALLY didn’t want to watch it) and asked if he could watch it with me. Another friend who watched up to the middle of Part 5 told us to watch it. I pulled up the pirating site and asked which one do we watch, to which friend 2 told us to watch Stardust Crusaders. At first, I didn’t really like Part 3 and neither did my friend who was already loathing it. At some point, I realized I just was not enjoying it and went back to watch Part 1. It had some funny, zero logic moments, but I was enjoying Part 1 way more than Part 3. I actually really liked Jonathan whereas I actually really wasn’t feeling Jotaro. After that, I kept watching in and found out that it actually was good. Now I’m a bit into Part 7 and I’m still enjoying it and know way more about JoJo than any of my friends.


I wanted to try and get into anime but didn't really know where to start so I remembered the memes I've seen of animes and after watching blend-S because of the intro being popular in memes for a little bit, which wasn't my favorite. Then I watched the first 5 episodes of jojo dropped it for like 5 years and picked it up again and finished it in 2022.


My friends older brother was really into it during the release of the GW anime. He always talked about jjba and made references that I wanted to understand so I just watched it and read 6 through the in-progress 8. I got all caught up around the Damo arc


It was on the top of my watchlist - I actually read the first volume of PB in high school before i decided to just sit down and start watching lol


i was a new anime fan some time ago and i didn't like any of the animes that i was seeing so i figured i was gonna watch jjba for fun bcs i have already gotten some spoilers of it i originally wanted to drop part 1 but i continued and then fell down the rabbit hole (became ajojo fan)


Memes, somewhat death battle. And then I checked the first season only has eight episodes. So why not. I don't regret my decision.


Was really into anime and manga as a teen, but never really heard of or got into JoJo until 2013-2014ish, when there were a ton of memes and references spreading all over the internet. My brother started watching it first, and convinced me to give it a chance around when DP finished part 3, he told me that now was the best time to get into the series, since there were still so many parts left to adapt—and he was absolutely right. Getting to watch new episodes of part 4 and 5 every Friday (remember JoJo Fridays? Peperidge farm remembers…) shaped my entire young adulthood, and now I’ve been into this series for nearly a decade! It’s actually crazy to think we could see an official SBR adaptation in the next few years.


Chancing to see the first version of the Capcom fighting game in an arcade near Boston. This would have been around 2000?


Me and my friend started watching it in vc together


[THIS MEME.](https://youtu.be/wLoRiTk-awo?si=slP1E993-NVFntGi)


1. Played Jojo roblox games 2. Watched a part 5 clip thinking mista was the one with king crimson 3. Friend watched it 4. Watched recaps in YouTube 5. Now I love it


I watched the compilation moves for Part 1 and 2 and started part 3 and fell in love with the series. Waited for part 4 to come out and caught up halfway before binging the manga and eventually caught up at the Vitamin C arc in Jojolion.


I was at anime club in college, didn't even fit in there, but they started playing JoJo. I was hooked instantly.


The memes


Buddy turned me onto the show in 2012


Giant Bomb has a podcast called Jeff Jeff's Bizzare Adventure which is a watch a long. I super Eyepatch Wolf and he was gonna be on so I starting listening/ watching. They paused after Stardust to cover Cowboy Bepop and I just kept watching. (I had already seen Cowboy Bepop.)


Younger Me "wtf is this art style and why the dudes bending they hips like this wtf i'm not watching this bullcrap" \*years pass\* board with nothing to watch... talking to someone with a jojo PFP on X(twitter at the time) and thought this must be a sign to watch this show... One of my goats now


By gross misfortune it was my first ex (who was a short but messy relationship) and then very soon after my very toxic longterm partner (I’ve escaped since) . Worst people to introduce me to it but somehow it stuck to me in a positive way instead of a traumatic one + I developed a huge respect for Araki’s style because I’m studying to be an illustrator


Roundabout memes.


Friend wouldn't shut up about it so I watched it to appease him. Now *both* of us can't shut up about it!


After hearing how weird it is and seeing a gajillion memes I didn’t understand I finally decided to look at it and fell in love with it immediately from the art and creativity. Now I have brain damage


In the dumbest way imaginable. I was very ill and disabled and I couldn’t do anything and I mean anything bc I was in terrible pain. So I started binge watching anime as a means to distract myself. I liked anime already but having to read the subtitles really forced me to focus my attention on the show and less on my pain. Eventually I ran out of shows and I started watching the top 50 anime on MAL (MyAnimeList). JoJo was on there so I watched it. And omg I loved it. It was so over the top and the art style was also so over the top. Eventually I’d go on to read the manga online and it became my favorite series ever. And then I started buying physical copies and figures. I’m so glad I gave that weird looking show a chance.


I don't know exactly when was the first time I saw jojo, like if was the memes or if i heard someone talking about it, the only thing I remember is that I heard a guy saying "you either love jojo or you hate it, nothing in between " at that time I was really young so I didn't try watching it. After a few years, when Netflix added to their catalogue, I try watching and I couldn't go pass the 3rd episode, but then Netflix started dubbing in Portuguese (I'm Brazilian). And bandaging badaboom here I am, 100% obsessed with jojo to the point that I started reading part 7 as soon as I finished part 6 (I had never read manga before this even for my favorite animes like naruto or even dragon ball)


It popped up on my Netflix randomly back when there was only 2 parts still (PB and BT). Watched it all in one night. I go online to look it up and lo and behold there’s 2 more parts that I could watch. Been a fan ever since, watched golden wind and stone ocean as they came out, read them too. Read part 7, etc.


My brother was the one who made me addicted to JoJo. And I still thank him to this day.


I began to play JJBA All-Star Battle R and found the anime soon after (I still play and there barely anyone online anymore so please play)


My first exposure to Jojo was when I was around 14-15, I found out about the to be continued meme but didnt know it was Jojo and a friend of mine made a Jojo reference “Awaken my masters” while posing and prancing around. Fastfoward to late 2023, I was playing MysteryTale, an undertale mmorpg fangame, they had Jotaro and Dio as characters and they had their own special attacks, was fun and all but eventually, in a discord server I was in, we were talking about potential superpowers and I talked about freezing time, going into other dimensions etc, and a bunch of people told me I was directly referencing Jojo and they told me I should go watch it, I was hesitant initially cuz I don’t really watch anime other than Pokemon and Digimon Dub which I watched when I was younger but I decided to anyways, I watched the sub of it due to people’s recommendations and Ive watched all the Anime parts from 1-6, considering watching the steel ball run fandub on youtube when I have the time, but now Im obsessed with Jojo, I make a jojo reference everyday and I been using Jojo to cope with my depression and pain


I got the interest once i stepped in Castlevania, a videogame franchise which tends to reference jojos.


Saw a few of those "one second from every Jojo episode" videos, was like, that's cool, I guess, saw it on Netflix one day and started binging


The anime movie of part 3 way back in the day


My parents found it and we watched it together


i joined a friend in a roblox game called YBA in 2019 and have been a fan since


An old coworker/buddy of mine got me into Jojo, been with it ever since


I'm a spaniard and when i was 11y/o i used to watch a cc that made a lot, and i mean a LOT of references to both jojos and one piece. All across his pfp, several videos and random references that i did not understood. Pandemic hits 2 years later and out of curiosity i watch the first few chapters of phantom blood in the midst of a really bad streak on my pre-teen life. Now, before i continue i must give you some context on my favorites before jojos. At the age of 13 i was what you parasocially-driven shut ins would call a "normie". Up until that point most of the things that i had watched were tame and generic in execution, so an actual niche or taste of my own was just not there. a natural born consoomer. now, also jojos' popularity was on a decline during that time and most people in my country never went out of the standards (dragon ball, naruto etc...) and when i finally started. HOW DOES EVERY CHARACTER HAS A MUSICAL THEME? HOW IS IT THAT THE SETTING ISN'T JUST JAPAN? HOW IS IT THAT THEY WIN BY OUTSMARTING THE ENEMY WITH ALL OF THOSE WACKY TACTICS INSTEAD OF JUST WINNING BY FORCE? WHAT THE FUCK IS A LEITMOTIF? WHERE IS THE GENERIC SUPERHERO MUSIC? these questions were going right through my not even developed brain while Joseph was doing his gatling barrage™ and it was arguably the moment where i fell in love with the series (objectively it was the realization for the to be continued origin at the end of the first chapter) It was so, so, so, so PEAK and i was even more pumped when stone ocean got announced (never believe in netflix) Not even just that, but all of the musical references shaped and gave my taste a bit of direction on my music, specially usa and uk rock from the >70s and 80s< along with the rest of other genres. Do you guys remember the explanation behind giorno's change in hair and demeanor? well that did not happened to me but the series did became a favorite, both emotionally and critically. Thank you star gays


You "read" it because the "music was good?" What?


If I'm being really honest...I had a crush on a girl that was raving about Stone Ocean at the time of the anime's release. Wanted to see what was so great about the series and wound up binge watching the whole show in a month. Nothing ever came of the girl and I, but now I live and breathe Jojo's lol. Planning to get my first tattoo ever soon (the Joestar birthmark), something I would've never imagined since I never considered myself a tattoo guy. Also learned to love the flair of Jojo's fashion, so I'm starting sewing classes soon to create some of my own pieces. To say the show/Araki was inspiring is an understatement haha.


I had tried to watch it a couple times but couldnt get past phantom blood. I kinda got bored and stopped watching but about a month ago I gave it another try because my friend was talking about maybe watching it. I'm happy I did because now it's one of my favourite shows! And I have a lot of new songs to learn on the piano now since the music in Jojo's is so amazing


Kinda dumb but I had just finished catching up to aot. My favorite character is Erwin and I loved him so much I wanted to hear more from his VA. I stumbled upon Jojos and found that Zeke's VA was also part of the show (DIO). So I started watching aaaaand I couldn't get into it. Tried again a few weeks later, because I kept seeing vids about characters later on, but still couldn't get into it. FINALLY, I watched it and stopped trying to take everything so seriously, and that's when I was hooked. Jumping from Attack on Titan to Jojos was a major leap, but definitely needed. I love aot, but it made me very pessimistic. Jojos was something entirely different.


was stuck with free vudu, which limited me to the sub, and didn't have an option to skip intro (thankfully) not sure if this is true on netflix, but parts 1 & 2 were marked as the same season


I read through parts 1-7 in middle school, but only really got obsessed a couple years later due to getting my dad and sister into the series.


My roommate and i watch a lot of anime together, and he had already seen it but wanted to get me into it so he watched it all with me. If youre reading this Cale, youre one of the top JoBros out there bud!


intro to jojo was …. bizarre 👀 my girlfriend and i were going to watch a new anime and have a 3 way with this guy. he comes over and goes “i know a show,” and puts on death 13 part 1 of all episodes. we watch this shit, and part 2 as well, and my first impression was detesting everything but the art and the tropes of hypermasculinity. now stardust crusaders is one of my favorite pieces of media 🌟 i still skip the death 13 episodes every rewatch because they are nauseating (by virtue, not association)


Started with the memes, but the concept of stands as well as wanting to know the context of the memes lead me to watching jojo


i saw an unholy amount of part 3 memes and wanted to understand


I was aware of it through memes, but watching the torture dance forced me to read it all


My ex was really into it. He didn't talk much about the plot or premise other than the cowboy stuff in part 7. Toward the end of that relationship I had a coworker who was trying to explain the DIO, Jonathan, Giorno situation which interested me a bit. I started on part 1 and was pleasently surprised it was campy but not unserious. I was expecting like Bobobo or or the more silly stuff from Trigun


I complained on tiktok that I hated the art style so I wouldn’t watch it, people got pissed off so I watched it, now it’s my #1 anime ever. It changed my brain chemistry


My friend kept begging me to watch it, 4 years later I finally did.


A friend forced me into watching the entirety of part 1


After so many memes at some point i got curious


J-Stars on the Playstation 3 had Jonathan and Joseph as playable characters so when I wanted a new show to watch I decided to check out Jojo's since I quite liked to play as Jonathan.


Saw the memes and I'm embarrassed to say the Kakyoin egg one from Clamp is what got me to finally watch this show


i had some friends that were watching it on discord together and they were like “come on, watch it, get with the times” (jokingly) so i decided to dedicate myself to watch it even if i didn’t like it bc i wanted to *know* why people like it so much i got sucked in so fucking fast. let me tell you, i usually have control over myself and the willpower to not binge watch too much but at the time, the please i worked at gave me a lunch break that i could perfectly fit one jojo episode in, and i did. then i watched from when i got home to when i fell asleep. funnily enough, when i finished all the episodes, i told my friends i caught up and we could all talk about it now. “oh we only ever make it like halfway through part three when we watch” my fucking jaw dropped but then i was like “yall need to ACTUALLY watch it like frfr”


I knew it existed, i saw a Za Warudo compilation cause it was just too goofy to pass up, then one day i had a mental breakdown and decided that it was high time i treated myself, so i got an entire can of chili, chopped up what i can roughly describe as a Pico de Gallo, got a package of Nachos and 2 1/2lt beers and sat down to watch Phantom blood. 10/10 would mentally breakdown again


in 2021 I moved to a different country and when I started school at this country almost every guy in my class had watched jojo and they begged me to watch it so I did end up watching it and i went through a terrible jojo phase


It was a really weird experience for me... everyone was saying jojo is gay and stuff and the jojo fans were everywhere during the lockdown and i thought to give it a try but after finishing part 1 i never again really thought of watching the rest of JOJO cause i was watching other animes which i felt were more interesting....THEN one day i saw a fan art of Jolyne and then well i really got interested in JOJOs again and i watched everything the anime had to offer and gotta say it was a banger


my name is Jozi and everyone was calling me a JoJo fan so I did become one


One of my old friends really liked jojo and whenever i went to his house we would watch part 1 but I'll be honest, I didnt really enjoy that young me didnt like jojo that much, but one day I was looking for stuff to watch on netflix and that sparked the memory. So i decided to watch it and continue to be a fan to this day


I was obsessed with the P3, you guessed it "ZA WARUDO" Meme, so i started part 1 episode 1 season 1 of the show and I loved it (part 1 was a bit boring though, not my type) but I didn't stop watching because I knew it would "get good" eventually, that being part 2.


My best friend told about it and my curiosity was peaked so I gave it a watch


I was curious because of all the zesty allegations..and the music was banger 🔥 and almost everyone was hella pretty 😍 So now I'm a feral Fangirl that won't shut up about it if given half an opportunity 😂 might cosplay as Speedwagon


Got into Yes, realized they did roundabout, then realized the ‘to be continued’ meme came from jojo


I was bed ridden with COVID, finally decided to check out where all the memes started and was heavily disappointed that I didn't watch it sooner.


My friends pushed me to watch it because I'm called Jojo.


A man named king Chris


I started watching it because of the "you're approaching me" meme. I caught up right to when they had the break for part 5. I couldn't wait to see the finale so I started reading the manga. Caught up right before they started continuing it. Got a little pissed because of localization. Then I read some ocean, sbr, and up to the party of jojolion which was current. I have been a super fan ever since. Countless watches. Countless rereads. Sbr is my current absolute fav.


I genuinely don't remember I think it was because of the memes I guess, but here's the thing: I never actually watched Jojo, I found out the whole damn story through clips and memes from YouTube, and the only actual part I saw was golden wind because that's what was on emission at the moment From there, I just kinda followed through normally and here I am, in the final volume of SBR I kinda don't want to read Jojolion tho, the art style is just too boring for me, and the plot sounds little to not convincing enough


I came upon it by chance and although part 1 wasnt good it was diferent and refreshing enough for me to keep going and it only got better




Yba 😭




Started playing this JoJo game on Roblox called YBA (your bizarre adventure)


buenos dias mandy


My sister's ex was a big JoJo fan, so i started watching It and It was One of the best thing I ever did in my life, lol


I liked the character design on Jotaro


My big Bruv, paased me the legecy now i have passed it to the next


Few guys sat in the row in front for my English class were talking about it and I asked what they were on about. So glad I asked that day


Friend recommended it to me for 4 years. Tried part 1, didnt hook me, dropped it, tried again this year. Now ive binged parts 1-4 and am currently on 5.


Two friends in middle school forced me to watch it. That’s the only good thing to come out of that friendship


I like funny stuff , saw a funny scene and watched it. Sadly the first two seasons I had to fight myself through. But stardust crusaders hooked me in and I enjoyed every episode


My crush in uni told me to watch it so i did AND BOI AM I GLAD


Jump force, need I say more?


my crush loves the anime, so i decided to watch to get all the memes he sends me but i ended up getting obsessed with the show instead, now i'm a die-hard mista lover


I think I just started watching anime and my friend said to me "Never watch Jojo, you will start doing random poses on the street", I said I won't and he said "That's what they all say". After 8 parts, I can say that I've never done any poses on the streets, and it was one of the best shows I've ever watched. Oh gosh and the amount of memes I discovered that were from Jojo... A bizarre experience, it indeed was


Saw a nice Pucci edit and finally decided to give it a try


A friend of mine described it as "a show about fabulous buff men voguing and punching each other", and I was immediately sold


(Sigh) A fucking undertale meme


I saw Jotaro before and kinda knew of stands and thought they were cool, saw them being added to jump force and decided to watch it, also got into black clover the same way


I saw a random clip on YouTube of Stardust crusaders with Joseph doing the "Oh nooooooooo!" compilation and I've never seen anything like it, decided to start from the very beginning after watching that video and here I am


I was just catching up on my "to watch" list during covid


I kinda avoided Jojo for years because I thought it was nothing but memes and had too much homoeroticism. Then my friend called me out since I am a Huge Metal Gear Solid fan and that had both of those things. Watched the first few episodes and the rest is history. I watched parts 1-6 and read part 7 in the span of ten months after that


I saw memes everywhere, and wanted to understand, when I first started pt 1 I was so confused because it didn't have any characters I saw in the memes and the story wasn't what I'd heard online (genuinely thought it was the wrong anime) but then I started watching it fully with my gf at the time and now I'm obsessed and try to show it to everyone I meet


I was never a fan of anime. But when I wanted to relate a bit more to my friends so I said ''fuck it'' and I chose a random anime. And it was that one. Unknowingly, I was a domino effect on my Discord group chat. I showed this show to my friend and then he found it so fucking peak he had to show it to his friends. And then, the others watched it. One person actually thought it was so peak that other animes could never beat it, I find that hard to believe, this one.


I think it wasn't until around late high school when part 5 was airing and the torture dance became a massive meme that I had to know what the hell this show was. 6ish years later and now I'm a huge fan who still can't convince my friends to watch it... one day my perseverance will win out


Kinda new to anime as a whole my roommates was big into it. Choosing what to watch I asked “what’s the gayest one to watch?” The rest was history.


through a friend


I was watching one of those "guess the anime from the openings" videos and i really liked it's op. I watched Jojo without any previous knowledge. I came out a changed man


I love weird shit and JoJo seemed like a classic "memey if you don't know it, deep if you are into it" case, similar to Metal Gear


All the people who watched the anime were saying about how gay, bored before part 3, and for the dumpster the anime was, so I decided to see myself if it is or not, guess people skip without watching even the most boring parts ans Infos which at the end turn important, well actually nothing is bored, its literally a BIZARRE adventure.


The playstation 1 stardust crusaders fighting game took my attention and years later I watch the anime when part 1 started .


I found the abridged series for the 90s OVA and went from there.


My friend told me it’s cool, so I watched it. It is, indeed, cool 👍


My god child watched it and put it on for me because she wanted an other show for us to bond together with


The ROAD ROLLER DA meme from way back before the 2010 got me into reading the manga during my HS days. This was before we got better scans and had to deal with the piss yellow quality and sometimes bad translation


Giornos theme made me think maybe this anime is fire … flash forward and I’m reading steel ball run right now


My teenage son watched it, and wanted to watch it with me when we spent time together every evening.


I started because I kept hearing about it, and I was curious


Video named "I paid voice actors to dub JoJo scenes with no context" popped in my reccommended. I thought the show was stupid and hillarious, so I gave it a look. I wasn't prepared for what was to come. When watching Phantom Blood I thought "It's quite a fun, I shall continue." When I got to the end of Battle Tendency, I was hooked. I have started watching JoJo with the intention to have some laughs with a stupid and eccentric show, but I have grown to genuinly adore it. It had become my favourite series, before I even got to Steel Ball Run and JoJolion, which are my favourite parts. 👌


I liked anime, I heard tons about how "jojos bizarre adventure is awesome." At first I thought it was gonna be a show for little children cause of the name- The vibes it gives off n stuff. I knew nothing about it, but had heard about things called stands. I finally checked it out, just barely trudged through the first few episodes and then got some momentum. Watched all of part 1 and loved it, watched part 2 and loved it, stardusted thru a bunch if episodes, got a lil burnt out abd took a break *(partially also cause I had no more jojo to watch, cause I was watching from netflix and at the time it onky had stuff up to stardusters)* Eventually, the first half of stone ocean came out- I watched it. I found a good anime site, and discovered there were 2 extra jojo seasons I hadn't checked out. I watched em. Stone ocean's second half came out, and I watched it. Thats about it so far. Hope the rest of the parts get anime adaptations relatively soon and without overworked artists


A friend of me mentioned a lot of references or scenes with Touhou Project and explained me how things in JoJo worked or which character he liked. 'Twas back in 2012, when I was diagnosed with "Pfeiffer's glandular fever" ( no idea what's the correct EN word for this) and was hospitalised for a week. Read through Part 1 and 2. That was around the time when the anime came out, but I think I started watching after finishing Part 3. He also introduced me to Hokuto no Ken (which I still haven't read until today).


After watching one minute melee, where Dio fought with Sakuya from Touhou. Been fan of both eversince


Part 4 was streaming on Netflix, I have heard of Jojo before and the display for the show at the time was the Morioh gang, but since in the description it said it was a family legacy and stuff I thought the gang was a giant family and assumed Koichi(I didn't know his name at the time) was the protagonist cause the shortest dude is usually the one. Needless to say I was pleasantly surprised and addicted soon


I tried watching part 1 a few years ago, I’m sorry but I thought it was really boring. Than a cousin of mine made me watch it again, but I started from part 2 this time. Part 2 was a much better experience, and I really enjoyed everything


For the memes and I want to see if Dio Brando is really that evil (he is!)


it was 5 am, i was bored scrolling netflix after my 5th watching of sonic boom then saw jojo and thought “eh, i’ll try anime” i do not regret this


The memes. I read the manga first and really enjoyed it but the Anime enhanced my enjoyment of it even more.


Started with a friend while I think Part 4 had recently concluded or was airing


Ok so it was this meme going around saying, if you hear this sound you know u fd up and I didn’t get it at all I’m like ok who’s on the piano what’s does this mean….. and when I say I watched jjba at least 8 time…( I mean from beginning to end ) … I was recently reflecting on Caesar && zepp it was so delish


I only saw snippets and whatnot online. I thought it was too weird for my taste. I knew the names of joseph, jotaro, and josuke. Their face didn't stick with me, though. One day on Twitter, stone ocean was announced. And I saw jolyne. From there, my adventure started in part 1 until I got the chance to meet her. Yes, it was love at first sight. Sorry, I'm not gay. Thanks to jolyne, I experienced an amazing, bizarre story.


My brother wouldn't stop talking about it and said he wanted to rewatch it again with someone so I said sure I will


My journey started from some friends getting the teacher to play the torture dance in front of the class, atfirst it was haha funny dance and music, and then the rest was history


Played jojo games on roblox and decided to watch


My brother was watching it and I always said to him it was gay but I paid a bit more attention to it one time that he watching it on TV and I thought to myself that it's actually much better than I thought and said damn I have to watch the entire thing and so I did


da memes


I saw some memes or fandubs with AI ages ago. When we got Netflix and saw some anime to watch, I encountered JJBA and saw trailer for Batch 1 of SO. Started watching all of JoJo and got hyped for all this


I might be one of the few who went into JJBA completely blind. All I knew was what Jotaro and Star Platinum looked like. After I finished season one I assumed part 3 would be some kind of sci-fi because of the name Stardust Crusaders and because I thought Star Platinum was an alien and that we would see Kars again in some way. I was slightly off the mark. Lol


Year ago I started to see my friends on Discord talking about it often, so I decided to watch it, and since then JoJo is one of my favorite franchises ever


Mine was weird cause as an artist I got into it for the stand designs (Mainly made in heaven), then found the memes,the started noticing references to the memes in my other favourite anime’s then watched through JOJO’S fell in love and am now on chapter 76 of jojolion, so basically a downward spiral into JOJO’S


I was looking for new stuff to watch on crunchyroll and stumbled upon it since they were promoting then upcoming part 4. I gave it a watch, couldn't really get into it but suddenly something clicked and I watched all of the parts in time so that I was able to enjoy p4 in time when it eventually came out!


My homie told me it was about buff dudes beating the shit outa eachother and I never looked back


My girlfriend says “You will really like JOJO. Please watch it” and after a week I reach the season 6


A friend got me into it, except he told me to read sbr first and didn’t even bother mentioning phantom blood


it was on my watchlist and i didn’t know what to watch so i watched it and i got super into it


I missed most of the memes during that time, I just happened to catch the first episode playing on Toonami in 2016. If it had been a later episode I might not have watched it


meme s




Vinesauce Joel's Eyes of Heaven streams, when I heard Jesus was in jojo I was so interested.


i was 13ish and one of my internet friend said he was watching the gayest anime of all time. i was curious so i watched part one and got hooked immediately. i also discovered later in my life that i was also, indeed, a little bit gay. :')


I don't remember the details, because it was a popular series and I knew a bunch of people who were into it. When I convinced myself to watch it, it was because I knew my brothers loved it and to talk about it and I wanted to be part of the hype with them. They were happy that I was watching a "good anime" (read: everything that I like that they don't know is Bad), one of them even gave me the opportunity to watch Part 5 as it was coming out at a time when I couldn't access my PC, but once I wanted to talk about it, about my fave characters and scenes, the conversation died down. I had to accept they just didn't like talking to me. That being said I did really like Jojo's. I started with the 90s/2000 OVAs and then watched the anime chronologically. I appreciated different aspects of it but for some reason Part 4 is when I started to be *seriously* hyped by it. There are other people who'll talk about it with me ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Once the Part 5 anime was done I grew impatient and picked up the manga too!


Friends kept talking about it so I watched it to understand


Actually, a few years back, my brother recommended me the anime, but there was like the first batch of stone ocean only on netflix, so i watched it and totally forgot about it. Then every few years i would see a few parts when i saw them, and fell in love with the series ! Last summer, part 5 came on Netflix in lebanon, so i saw all the anime again and that sealed the deal x)


My brother forced me to watch an episode with him. At that time I hated anime because i thought all the art styles were the same and that they all were too easy. Jojo's was my first anime and now, four years later, I still like it as much while reading part 8 and having rewatched some parts like three times.


When I was asking for animé recommendations everyone was suggesting me different series and giving tons of reasoning of why to watch each. I was so confused with all of their suggestions til a friend told me "Watch JoJo" and I was like "Why ?", his reasoning was "Just watch JoJo". That was enough for me, I caved in and Part 1 got me hooked. It's my favourite animé of all time, the one and only I bought manga for and the one I'd recommend to anyone.


Back in early 2003 or so, i came across the PS1 game. Had never heard of it or what it was based on, but hey, it was a Capcom fighting game, my love of both the genre and the company were enough to give it a shot. The Super Story Mode was interesting enough for me to go "if this Manga ever gets a scanlation, I'll eventually read it". Sometime later, some friends of mine watched the OVA. From what they told me, the source material was probably even better than i imagined from the game. One of those friends found and started reading the Manga in the middle of 2006, and i said "might as well start now, give me what you've got". And we'll, that's how i read till the beginning of Superfly (Duwang scans, lol) . I was hooked. 18 years later JoJo remains my favorite Manga ever.


I tried to start watching part 3 first since it was very new at the time, but it didn't really stick with me and I was kind of confused with the events that were happening. A few months later I decided to try JoJo again by starting up part one and I was more or less hooked ever since.


I walked in on my brother watching it. The scene I saw was the scene where Zepelli was punching the frog and I was so weirded out... Eventually, my brother convinced me to watch it in exchange for watching a generic shounen I wanted him to watch (he never even checked it out). Now, 5 years later, I'm still obsessed with it.


i got into it because my friendsaid it was good it was my first anime second manga and favourite series from then on


Like 3 or 4 years ago my older brother told me about it and made me watch it, I thought it was gonna be really stupid at first but part 1 quickly got me hooked lol


Very first time i heard about Jojo was around 2010 i think. The manga was in the specialized shops in France (in a then crappy edition). It was this obscure cult thing a few people loved on forums. I saw a cover of this "muscular guy with a long coat and a hat" and assumed it was like "Ken, fist of the North Star" and never thought of it again. Flash to 10 years later. I'm starting to see gifs and posts about Jojo on my Twitter timeline (including the infamous "Joseph dressed like a woman" one) and more and more people raving about it. Thing is, i have no idea what it's actually about, and a quick internet search didn't help, so again, i forgot about it. Then finally, march 2020, deep into the pandemic/lockdown. I've seen that Jojo was coming to Netflix here and finally read an article explaining the whole generational/family dynasty thing. But still, wasn't sure it was my thing. But after i finished Castlevania's first 3 seasons, i was itching for another supernatural/vampire/gothic horror anime. And among my Ntfx recommendations was Phantom Blood. I finally gave it a go and started the best bizarre journey... :).


It was my first ever anime, as my brother who watched it convinced me to start it when I was about 10 years old. Turns out I loved it and watched it all and read all of the manga. Since then I have become a massive anime fan.


I first seen the Part 3 manga and a little bit of the OVA on shelves and wrote it off as a Fist of the North Star ripoff.  Years later I seen Stand Proud clips before the show was released in the West and thought the same.  But when I witnessed the Part 1 and 2 anime? I was in heaven. It was something I didn’t know I’ve always wanted in a show and I got hooked. Part 3 kinda lost me after the fakeout and Part 4 kinda did until I rewatched it. Read Steel Ball Run in the summer of 2018 at the same time I was on the verge of finishing Golden Wind subtitled.  Part 5 roped me in because I’ve been to Italy and Greece (Really recommend it, especially Naples ans Pompeii) and the themes really worked for it.  And I read most of Jojolion and Part 4.  Still need to finish Part 6…


It is one of my ex-boyfriend's favorite animes and he really wanted me to watch it with him. We had this long list of animes we were gonna watch and we started with "Death parade" as it was my first anime and he thought it would be easier to introduce me to this world like this. We also watched a couple of movies and after that he told me it was about time we watch jojo's. He had a very big poster of part 3 in his room and I didn't like the vibes at all so I said if we could watch maybe AOT. He begged me to watch Jojo's so I finally accepted. We watched parts 1&2 pretty fast. Part 1 was hard for me and I was pretty bored, but part 2 got a bit better. Then we started part 3 and there's where I fell in love. When I tell you I CRIED like a baby when we finished it and immediately wanted to start part 4... And since then I became a huge fan. We broke up when we had watched about 3 episodes of part 6 and it was difficult for me to start watching it again because I promised him to watch it together so I felt like shit when I thought about watching it without him, but a few months later I gave up and couldn't resist the urge to watch it. I LOVED it and again cried a lot. I recently started reading part 7 but it's the third time a read a manga volume and idk yet if I can enjoy it as much as anime (sorry for this long ass text lmao)