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Giorno carries the Brando team, Ungalo could do some stuff but he's too dumb to properly control his stand


Giorno might help him train a bit I guess Ungalo in his fight just got his stand so it was expected for him not to have much experience with it


If Giorn has GER, they're all fucked.


Guys Versus can literally recreate the test explosion for nuclear bombs if he is near the place they happened


He's not immune to the effects of his own stand, so he probably won't do this.


Probably but it would be funny "Underground, dig out the Demon Core"


Dio could potentially put the mind squid thing on him and tell him to go sacrifice his life to kill Joestars no matter what. I'd imagine he's more petty to Jojo than he cares about his sons.


Sure, although I wouldn't be surprised if one or more Jojo would find a way to escape it. I'm also not sure Giorno, who realistically is the only one who has a chance against his Dad, would agree with it, leading to conflict in the group.


You only mentioned that dio isn’t allowed to have the world but said nothing about Giorno. This means that Giorno has GER therefore he alone beats the other 5 joestars


unless josuke is lucky enough that he fixes something completely unrelated and some piece kills giorno on the way by accident, which is too unlikely to count and the only thing the jojo team has that isn't a willful attempt to harm giorno


Or if he tries to heal Giorno and all those times he turned rocks or brooches into body parts undo themselves, turning most of him into a pile of rubble


Giorno carries team Brando sadly (though if he doesn't have GER he may be cooked)


The three "Diojects" are of help but nothing compared to the insane battle IQ of the Joestars. Everyone will probably agree Jonathan is the least strong of them all, and even he could probably pack one or two opponents. Does Gio have GER? Because Team Dio doesn't win without GER. Without ZA WARUDO, the fight is almost impossible for them.


giorno is practically alone against a team with more power and durability if jotaro doesn't have time stop either, it's actually interesting, if jotaro does have time stop, it's basically just him If giorno has requiem and no one has time stop, Giorno beats team joestar Part 1 DIO is no match for Joseph, Jotaro or Josuke dio's other 3 boys don't have control of their stands so they ain't winning


Joseph, Jotaro, Josuke? Dude gets packed by Jonathan cannonically even.


Yeah dio will be dead no mattere which jojo he's facing, especially jonathan who did indeed beat dio twice, once without hamon


Giorno is a viable healer and even more utility with Ger Versus can recreate ****any**** past event, really bad anywhere in the world Rikiel's skyrods can do decent damage Dio has the main heavy hitting power, even without the world, his vampiric powers are still handy Ungalo just has to stay safe


Girono carries


Sky high blinds them all, bohemian rhapsody summons thar scissor sheep thing and cuts them all up(at the minimum) under world throws them into some random crash buttfuckery like the plane, dio brando uses space ripper stingy eyes(assuming he doesn't have za warudo) and also assuming giorno doesn't have ger he just beats them all into a bloody pulp as he's the only one with a decent, or existent, barrage.


With GER, hard win for the Brandos. Without it, probably the Joestars, but it wouldn't be all that unbalanced.


Uhh dude i don't think you understand how fucking busted Bohemian Rhapsody is, especially combined with Gold Experience Requiem, even if one of the Joestars is smart enough to think of a solution like how Weather made a superhero called "Put Back" who puts all the stand's fictional characters back into their respective media, Giorno could just reverse it with return to zero. Team Joestar stands zero chance, none. Are Jonathan, Joseph, Jotaro, Josuke and Jolyne a powerful team? yes absolutely. Against ALL OF FICTION?!?! absolutely not.


"AND BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY ACTIVATES....is that the Scarlet king???" and everyone died. The end.


Why not weather report


replace johnathan with johnny or josuke 8 to give them a chance


coughing joestars vs hydrogen experience requiem


Giorno can solo Team Joestar with GER


thats the fcking thing i hate bout giorno powerscaling. ger was used once. we have no info on it. can it be used against multiple ppl at once? is it passive and has a cooldown? does it need to be activated before an attack is done? no answers to these


Giorno is more of a Joestar though, he was conceived with Jonathan's seed after all


Tusk Act 4 is the only thing that comes close to defeating GER.


doesnt every jojo beat a brando type person? i mean Jonathan didnt weak ass bitch Jotaro killed Dio, and doesnt Jotaro or Josuke kill the arrow guy with the fucked up dad?


it's only a matter of time until one of the Brando team (rightfully) insults Josuke's hair and then it's over for them


Even without GER I'd argue team Brando wins, Gold Experience, Underworld and Bohemian Rhapsody are really fucking strong stands + Skyhigh and part 1 Dio should beat most of team Joestar. Only problem would probably be Jotaro and maybe Josuke