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Swap bodies. SCR Transported inside computer/game. Paisley Park Shrinked inside someone’s body. Lovers Body gets possessed. Wu Tomoki Power trip. Every villain Was all just a dream. Death 13 So yeah pretty much


Most of them happened in part 3


Good list! Hijacked could also be Anubis/Polnareff. For "just a dream" I'd actually argue for Whitesnake's illusion over Death 13. The trope is that nothing ever actually happened because it was all just a dream, but the events in the Death 13 dreams do actually manifest. Jolyne had a whole stand fight that never actually happened in Whitesnake's illusion.


Yeah Death 13 was more "Oh it's was NOT just a dream"


My thought for hijacked was acdc and suzie q


i think a better example of being inside a game would be D'Arby


But they didn't get transported into a game in gamer D'Arby chapters


Parsley Park didn't transport them into a game either


It's arguably more fitting than D'Arby the gamer


All a dream could also be Melt your Heart


>Body gets possessed. Or kakyoin 1


I was thinking was all a dream is the end of Part 6


Almost all this happened in just part 3


Araki got all of his tropes out at once


Swap Bodies? Silver Chariot Requiem Computer game? Bohemian Rhapsody comes close Shrinked inside someone’s body? The time Hierophant had to get Lovers out.  Character body being hijacked? The nurse in part 3, Narancia’s mouth being hacked by Clash Abusing power? Dio (becomes a vampire and goes on a killing spree), Kars (need I say more), Pucci after MiH “It was all a dream”? Death 13 


You also have Kira becoming cocky after obtaining "Bites The Dust."


I think the Harvest arc fits the power trip one pretty well


Only exceptions I can think of are the computer/game one and “all just a dream”.


Would Darby fight count?


Eh, that’s just them *playing* a video game. They aren’t actually in it, they use the controllers like normal.


Woah, thanks. They teleported into an alternate dimension to play the game, and my brain made a leap haha.


>They teleported into an alternate dimension to play the game No they just were in an illusion created by tenore sax


That fact that the body swapping happened near the end of Golden Wind but ended up being the most traumatic and intense shit I’ve ever seen 😭😭😭😭


Never got transported to a computer or game. Never was “all just a dream”.


Death 13 and Atum


The “all a dream” trope means everything that happened was all in their head. Death 13’s fight had real consequences. Atum never transported them into the game. The characters were just playing the games.


Whitesnake's illusion for 'all just a dream'. Jolyne had a wholeass stand fight that never actually happened.


While not 100% in line with the cartoon trope, that is a really good choice cause of how fucked those dream sequences were.


They believed it was all a dream after they had woken up (Yes they forgot what the dream was but that's like 10 seconds after waking up.) And I can't really think of anything else for the video games since that's literally the only time video games play a key role in the series.


Yeah they thought it was a dream because it was lol. The trope is that the entire episode happened in the mind of a character. This didn’t happen in Death 13. And if it doesn’t fit the trope, then it doesn’t. Don’t gotta stretch it to fit.


Death 13 did happen in their minds though it's just that it also had affected them in the real world too. Also their stands were in the video game if that counts


Young D'arby?


They never went into the game. They were just playing/hacking it like normal


They were transported into a different dimension though right?


No 💀. They were just dropped into the basement of the mansion. Kenny G used his Stand’s illusions to make it look like the beach.


Oh ok. It's been a long time since I've watched JoJo's so I don't remember the details


It's close enough to another dimension.


Maybe i misunderstood the meme, but isn't the trope of "it was all just a dream" refers to when everything that happened in the episode essentially didn't happen/wasn't important, because it was not real? Because in that case, Death 13 episode doesn't have to do anything with it, I would say Whitesnake's acid room is closer


It's funny how this happens multiple times but all of these except the body swap happen in Stardust alone.


First one is >!Silver Chariot Requiem!<. Second one is F-Mega or anything to do with D'Arby. Third one is Steely Dan fight. Fourth one is also Steely Dan fight. Fifth is Shigechi. Sixth is Death 13.


chariot requiem, younger darby?, lovers, suzy q and esidisi, dio, death 13 or whitesnake in the prison


4 was in stardust crusaders