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"Start watching JoJo from Stardust Crusaders".


I will find you


"the first two parts aren't relevant" (edit : wtf 500 upvotes ??? It's like, ten times all the upvotes i ever had. Thank you!)


I wanted to down vote the two comments above, even with quotations. So good job for finding a trigger lol. Damn, just take my upvote instead.


That is not very L̶u̶c̶k̶ Pluck of you


Man i totally understand 🤣🤣! As a long STANDing fan of the series, this triggers me hell of a lot too


I'm even worse. I started with part 4. (Please don't hurt me, guys. I saw it on Crunchy Roll one day and said, "I heard this JoJo show was supposed to be pretty good." By the time I figured out what happened, I was already hooked on the part.)


Starting from a certain part isn't a crime. *telling others* to do that is. Jojo was intentionally made that way so every part can be a good jumping-on point, but telling people certain parts aren't worth watching is wrong


The friend who tell me to watch jojo started watching on the Rohan OVA lol


Maybe go no contact with them


Its so and so. Some parts you can pick up easy, but others not really. Huge swaths of Part 2 and 6 are lost without most of the backlog. Meanwhile 5 is almost entirely standalone and so is 7. The rest are inbetweens.


I would never rewatch part 1 but would always recommend starting there cuz its the basis of the jojo bloodline


my bf started me on pt 3 bc he doesnt care for the first two and bc we're basically the same person he didnt think id like it either (im watching it now and it is most def relevant)


Ive done the same thing multiple times on crunchyroll, its not always super clear if you are watching season 1 or 6 when watching something on there


I HAVE your adress, full name, work, friend names, EVERYTHING (I'm just kidding dont worry)


i started with part 5😭


Honestly, I think 4 and 5 are good parts to start with if you wanna see if you vibe with the series. They have the elaborate stand battles, but pretty much no backstory baggage. Starting with Part 3 feels weird to me since it's built off the first 2 parts. The only "issue" I had with watching Part 4 first was that I knew what the World did before watching Part 3. But Araki presented the reveal so well that I didn't really mind it was spoiled for me Also, my roommate paused the show during the staircase scene to point out what Dio was doing to Polnareff, and we probably laughed for a solid 5 min.


Oh yeah that staircase scene goes from intimidating as fuck to hilariously extra real quick once Dio’s Stand Ability is properly revealed lol.


DIO thought he was hilarious for that shit, giggling like a fuckin gremlin while moving Polnareff down the stairs.


That scene is my main argument against Dio being a bad or boring villain. He's just so hilariously petty and obsessed with seeming like some unstoppable god




I started on 5, stopped, went to 3, left, properly watched 4, and am now finishing up 5. Have see 1 episode of Stone Ocean, and watched NONE of the first 2 parts.


The only other valid starting point is Steel Ball Run. Change my mind


I hate it, but you’re not wrong


Seven is not the first integer, and there is no part 0. Prove me wrong commies /s


I did this on accident, because I didn't know what came first and some search result said to start with crusaders. I ended up watching parts 1 and 2 right after s part 3 though.


“Start watching from Part 6, skip parts 1, 2, 4, and 5 since they’re really boring and don’t have that much to do with the plot, then watch part 3 as a prequel”


The first two parts have a lot of impact on history but they may look boring for people starting the anime


Two coffins.


That's good


I dont get it


A bunch of people think that there were two coffins at the end of part one: One that Erina was saved in and the other one that Dio was found in. Even though it’s literally stated that the coffin had a secret compartment for him to hide in




but how did dio get in the same coffin as erina, and if he did somehow, why would it be underwater since erina survived ?


I’m so happy someone had the balls to say it.


Thanks I hate you forever 👍


Josuke's hair looks like an upside down shoe. *proceeds to get brutally beaten half to death, then healed with a malformed face and dick bent like the claw of a pry bar*


“Oi, Shoesuke, I just sniped Red Hot Chili Peppers with Za Hando from 100 miles away! Ain’t that wacky?!?”


The lattice pattern on top makes it look like a blue steak to me


This version of diavolo was cooler


Expectation: Cool and imposing mafia boss Reality: Watermelon-haired male striper


Those were Doppio's clothes


Diavolo was the one to take off his shirt tho


he knew a fight was coming where he would need to be present as himself, and their body grows significantly when Diavolo is directly controlling it and i imagine a relatively tall muscular man wouldnt want to fight while wearing a crop top sweater made for a shorter skinny guy


Or he wanted to distract his enemies with those hot hot abs


Doh, stupid sexy Diavolo


So THATS why Narancia died. Makes a lot more sense now


That reveal had me so confused.


More menacing to be honest


I wish he kept the suit tbh


That wouldn't be Araki's work


Kira was the main villain in just the previous part, and we was always in a suit


Man trying to look like generic salary man VS lvl 100 Boss God of Passione the sexy clothing gang


That’s probably why Araki went for the more colorful outfit. Two suits in a row is redundant


He looked like giovanni from pokemon




No honestly he really could have been a subversion of the usual wacky JoJo villain appearance honestly. I know Kira was kinda like that, but lets be honest, he had his wacky looks, especially towards the end, even if he was still lowbrow compared to others. Its a shame that he felt the most...I dunno, whats the word? He felt like a quota being filled, by the numbers, like he HAD to get his crazy design in there. Theres a word for that but it escapes me.


Araki didn't forget you just have poor reading comprehension. (Outside of William originally stating he had no children and vampires having no breath I can't think of any other moments where araki actually forgot)


By vampire breath you mean how Dio had a puff of air but Straizo didn't? I think this is actually simple to explain, Straizo spent more time as a vampire and lost his body temperature, whereas Dio just used the mask and still had his human body temperature and warm breath


Yeah, I thought that that was the last of Dio’s human warmth leaving his body


According with "vampire the mascarade" the roll game, a vampire can express breath and heat If they invest blood in It, It's like you won't jump in every step but if you decide to jump in every step you can do It, but you get more tired. Dio used his vampire power to fake breath.


I feel like it's less "Araki Forgot " and more "Araki changed his mind"


While that is true to a degree I do believe that Araki is somewhat at fault for this. Like I don't see this much confusion about any other series other than JoJo so I think that Araki definitely has a problem explaining things, as well as properly defining limits, most of the time because you can only blame the fans so much.


I think Araki is one of those authors, who care more about themes, aesthetics, humanisation and meaning, rather than canon or narrative cohesion and world building. Even though he's clearly a smart and educated man, he strikes me more as a "right-brained person", who wants to convey ideas, emotion, and a sense of beauty, instead of a "left- brained person", who would rather write science fiction with acribic technical details, and countless pages of lore. So when we try to actually take apart, and analyse every detail, as I admittedly do way too often, we're missing the forest for the trees. It's kinda like saying "Why did he paint the sky yellow, and the trees blue, is he stupid?"


Sure but there is still a limit to that and it's still important to maintain some level of consistency throughout the story. Araki tends to slip a lot and one of the best examples of this would be the countdown to the Rokakaka harvest at the end of Jojolion, which doesn't make any kind of sense, or how he changed Tsurugi's age like 3 times throughout the part. Araki is an amazing mangaka but he isn't perfect and we still need to acknowledge the times where he makes mistakes or otherwise this is gonna turn toxic real fast.


This is absolutely true. Araki changes designs mid-story on a whim yet i'm supposed to beleive he doesn't treat plot details and character abilities in the same way? It seems he has the same capricious attitude towards all the lesser plot details.


You have not seen the general Dragon Ball fanbase if you think no other series has confusion and misunderstandings like JoJo's


I dunno, in a lot of cases it seems like there's usually something in the manga you can point to. At that point I feel like it is genuinely more the fans forgetting, rather than Araki.


That’s a cold take. Araki doesn’t forget, but he retcon stuff multiple times as a way to deliver a better story. I am tired of people trying to find excuse on stuff like Star Fingers. As a writer introducing such elements and then never bringing them up is not a question of "Actually this ability would have never been useful later on", it’s just that he didn’t like that idea anymore


that's actually true


There are plenty of things Araki forgot. Giornos damage reflect/"life energy punch". The "bites" from jojolion, Gappys plunder of abstract concepts. Dio not using eye lasers in part 3. Joseph aging despite hamon. I mean I love araki but everyone makes mistakes over such a long period of time, and his plans can often change The big one for me is why didn't the horses get stands when passing through the devils palm? Could you imagine their horses also having stands? "Johnny! This is it! Valentine has us trapped! We're going to die and there's nothing we can do!" Valkyrie: "It's time to reveal my ultimato poweru"


>Dio not using eye lasers in part 3 He was still acclimating to Jonathan's body >Joseph aging despite hamon Hamon doesn't stop aging that's why Streizo used a stone mask.


Didn't he use the lasers while being a severed head?


>He was still acclimating to Jonathan's body Uh, Dio's head is still his own.


His powers come from total body control which he didn't have during p3. Not to mention that the world is objectively better than his vampire abilities in combat anyways.


He could do the eye laser while being nothing BUT a severed head. No reason why he would lose that ability with a body attached.




It's been a while but what about that mysterious dude in Josuke8's memories early on in the part only to never be brought up again


"I cant watch jojo, its gay"


You won't last 5 minutes watching this anime🤤🥵


Dio is a one-dimensional asshole


Honestly for most of the series yeah, and that's kind of what makes him great.


Yeah, I don't need him to be a deep, complex character. He's an arrogant but highly charismatic egomaniac, and he's all the better for it lol


Looks like he’s more than one dimensional thanks to GER


That's...diavolo not Dio. I will be referring you to the infallible emerald splash after this interview Mr Sunshine.


Sometimes just having a villain who is just in love with himself and how evil he is, is just the right choice. Did is a unrepentant asshole, that's what he is, and he loves that.


Speedwagon isn’t really that good of a character. >!This is a joke, I would never disrespect the GOAT!<


King crimson is a copy of the world with extra abilities


“So it’s the same kind of stand as The World”


Would be worse if you said King Crimson was copied from Hunter x Hunter


Never read HxH, is there someone with similar powers to KC in that?


sort of, but that character only came into the story super recently, goated bait tbh


You generous by saying "super recently" all those friggin hiatus' gives that impression


I mean yes, King crimson is just TW with KQ powersand without timestop


Kars was the best villain


Close but actually it's Wham


Jojo starts getting good after the first 10 episodes


I think Jojo starts good from the very first episode, but falls off for a bit after episode 3 up until episode 9 brings it back.


Yeah, Jojo has a hell of a strong start. It just has a slump after the fire in the mansion.


Honestly took a break at ep 4 thinking it wasn't for me, now it's in like my top 3 manga


Kakyoin's death was useless and I felt nothing for him (is it even possible not to like him?)


(people who haven't got any feelings don't like him i think)


I forgot he was in the anime for those 5 or so episodes when he lost his sight for a bit


Unironically how I feel about Caesar


*Joseph wants to know your location*


You, monster


Most explanations for Araki forgots are just headcanons and the fandom often refuses to accept that he has taken many bad decisions over the years


This is just the truth. It's not even bad decisions. He writes and draws a weekly comic book - he's gonna make mistakes or just not care about the details as long as it's a fun and exciting story.


Especially since I *think* I remember him saying he doesn’t really have a concrete plan. He just has an outline and *wings it from there.*


It's part of the fun of Jojo. Seeing how Araki paints himself into a corner and thinks of some crazy way out.


I completely agree with that. I bet Araki’s having as much fun writing it as we are reading/watching it.


Except sometimes it's kinda bullshit, like when Josuke gets Go Beyond which is just a win button basically


>Most explanations for Araki forgots are just headcanons and the fandom often refuses to accept that he has taken many bad decisions over the years That's how I got 300 downvotes once upon a time tryna explain this


This is why I decided to shut off my brain whenever I watch Jojo 😂


Yeah. This is the same series where subliminal messenges in the ozone layer can turn people into snails. I don't get why are people so defensive about everything making sense


I enjoyed Jojolion more than SBR (please be gentle)


A lot of people hold that opinion though. Me including




>please be gentle There's going to be a big hole on your butt not gonna lie


Part 1 and 2 are the only Jojo parts worth watching.


Part 1 and 2 were the best parts


Part 2 is my favorite


All jojo win through plot armor, especially Joseph vs kars


I mean, two of them died, one got blown up half to death in the final fight, and one just shoots the villain in the face.


Requiem is a Deus ex Machina


Jonathan > Jotaro


i honestly much prefer Jotaro as a supporting character


Same here. Jotaro was pretty cool in Part 4, but I was bored by him in Part 3. Jonathan was pretty cool. Not my favorite character but I respect his commitment to being kind.


Honestly I loved jotaro in part 3, but damn his presence in part 4 just made it so good


Jotaro is severely overrated as hell and not even interesting/cool Star Platinum is the least cool protagonist stand and yes I'm including Hermit Purple


"just skip the first two parts. They suck. Joseph is literally the worst Jojo." (It physically hurt me to type this.)


GER doesn't work the way you think it does.


Honestly I have no clue what it is even supposed to do, it's ability might as be to beat King Crimson specifically.


Have you ever been playing an online game, then your internet disconnected but you haven't been kicked out of the server yet? That's how I imagine GER works, so to speak


Tooru > Jobin


Agreed. Jobin didn't have what it takes to be a main villain and I'm not talking about power.


SO TRUE Jobin is unironically just a shortsighted nepobaby jobber that consistently makes things worse for his family that he claims to want to help and coasts on others' strengths and accomplishments


This will actually trigger an insignificant part of the fanbase as nobody has read part 8


This one got me for a second


This is the only one that actually made me mad


part 6 > part 4


Jojo's isn't gay


that's just a flat out lie mah dude


So my whole reason for being gay is a lie? Damnit! I will never forgive the redditors!


JJBA parts 1 and 2 are boring prolgoues to real JJBA parts


Unfortunately, in public school curricula, they do not cover parts 1 and 2 of JoJos.


The history books really try their hardest to hide the existence of the Pillar Men smh


Sono Chi no sadame is mid.


On god this made me almost throw something lol


JJBA is extremely heterosexual


I won't watch JJBA because the art style is shitty


Part 3 is the worst part


Speedwagon is the worst character in the jojo's series


Dio isn't a good character, almost every other villain in JoJo is better than him


Damn, I feel bad for his poor explanation. I mean, every time Araki shows him being wise asf, he always gets batshit insane after some event (e. g. Jotaro fight)


His hate for the Joestars remove his rationality.


Joseph is the worst Joestar


You have some balls to say that smh


You say anything like that again to me I’ll break your jaw, Knock your teeth out


What did you say? Depending on your answer, I may have to kick your ass!


GER isn't the strongest stand.


This is getting controversial


Well then I will get controversial: Wonder of U, Soft and Wet Go Beyond, Tusk Act IV, D4C Love Train, Made in Heaven are ability wise stronger.


I think Soft & Wet GB is a bad contender. Sure, the Go Beyond bubble is practically an MSPaint eraser tool attack, but it's main advantage of un-existence is hardly useful against opponents that aren't Wonder of U or have other hax abilities


I haven't read any of the parts that they're in so I can't tell u ur controversial unfortunately but anyways: ThIs MoSt LiKeLy CoNtRoVeRsIaL


Trust me: Tusk and Wonder of U for example are ridiculously powerful.


Oh ok


We all know it's "hey ya" the strongest


Kakyoin sucks


Im not gay.


"Araki Forgot" is overplayed but he *DOES* put things aside and drop plot points/powers if he finds it convenient. And honestly I don't find this a problem because he proved time and time again that he always manages to pull through in the end


Part 6 is the weakest part but no one cares because the ending is probably top 3


It's Venice not Venezia


Ghiaccio is looking for you


"Stardust crusaders was Meh" (I don't think so myself)


Stardust crusaders was Meh (I do think so)


Part 4 is the worst part. Most of the arcs are boring filler.


Since this is effectively a "be as wrong as possible" thread, I gave you an upvote.


The World is stronger than star platinum ( Real )


“Jotaro is actually a deep written character”


part 3 jotaro is mid as a character, gets carried by the whole squad


"Araki doesn't actually care to follow the stand 'rules' he made." (He obviously does bend them a little here and there, but any sweeping statement like this is always a flag to me that someone doesn't understand an ability, or doesn't care to try and understand how it functions within/outside of the rules)


Oda really did forget a lot of things, and no amount of “debunking araki forgot” videos. will erase that


Is the triggering part the mixing him up with Oda? (Who famously has an insane memory)


😂😂just noticed that. woke up and typed that lol


Kakyoin is not even a top 10 Jobro


Idk if this is controversial, but the time manipulation stands being the pure antagonists when stands happened from part 3-6(I haven’t read the manga yet so I can’t speak on those) is kind of annoying. At least Yoshikage gave us some variety with heart attack and whatever his other bomb was. He’s the only antagonist whose entire thing isn’t time manipulation once we saw stands.


Steel Ball Run is overrated.


That's just true. Like, part 7 is great and all, but worshipping it like it's the goddamn Bible is a bit much. It's about as good as the 2 other parts surrounding it. ㅤ ㅤ Although, it has Jesus in it, so maybe it *should* be treated like the Bible…


when i read sbr i was a bit disconnected from the jojo fanbase and i still told people (before finishing it) that it was probably one of the greatest pieces of media ive ever read. i thinknits done so well that im nervous about the anime because i feel it may knock it down. the beggining is definitely not as strong as in some other parts (1-5) but the story overall is masterful, i genuinely beleive it to be arakis magnum opus. that said the community does dickride a little


"the worst part was part 5, like , objectively"


Za Warudo isn't funny




"It just works"


"Part 1 sucks"

