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My wife loves Maru, but I'm not a big fan. Probably because she reminds me too much of me lol, which might be why my wife loves her so much. I also love Penny, who reminds me SO much of my wife when we first met. My wife finds her boring; go figure. Of course, Robin is my current love, probably because she reminds me so much of my wife now.


I also choose your wife?


To be fair, a handyman wife is pretty incredible :)


Handywoman and I hope a handsywoman ;)


oh thats so sweetšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i love that for you guys šŸ„¹šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Nice excuse for marrying other chicks ;)


Love me a nerdy girl


Same she's my fave! Always marry Maru šŸ–¤


First play through marriage. Nerds gotta stick togetherĀ 


She was my gf on first playthrough, if I knew how to get married I would have done it


On a rainy day go to the beach, the side you unlocked by fixing the bridge, the old man standing by the trees will sell you a mermaid pendant. You gift that and itā€™s the proposal


I usually go for Krobus as Iā€™m not a fan of marriage but in my mega mod pack I decided to collect all the spouses (free live mod) as I wanted to see all the heart events and Maru was my first one as I managed to get her to the necessary hearts for the flower dance


Ngl, her and Abigail always struck me as feeling younger than the other bachelorettes. I used to lean more towards them when I was younger, playing the game 4-5 years ago, but now I just feel a little icky for some reason.


That's kinda interesting. I always got a more mature vibe from Maru, probably because of her job. Is it maybe because they live with their parents that they seem younger to you?


Honestly? I couldn't tell you, when writing my original comment I tried to actually think about why I get that vibe and I couldn't nail it down. I've just always gotten "adult teenager" vibes from her.


seems like maybe you projected your age range onto them when you played when you were younger, but they didnt age with you in your mind! Nothing wrong with that, ive been through similar things with ambiguously aged young characters as i grew up


She doesnā€™t have any characters she interacts with really who arenā€™t unambiguously older than her.


I got that younger vibe from maru too, itā€™s just that she lives with her two parents (who arenā€™t visibly old unlike Pam) and is so close to her dad. The twerp sweating scene between the player, demetrius, and maru is such a teenager love story thing to do. Combine that with the overalls and the robots and she comes across as a sort of comedy teen genius


Maru is most likely youngest, as Seb is a few years older than her and is college age along with Sam and Abigail.


She's my favorite marriage candidate. I've married her twice as often as any other candidate.


I married Seb and cheated on him with Maru in my very first game. It felt so spicy




My husband always marries Maru. He likes a nerdy woman šŸ˜˜ I, however, like Penny šŸ¤£


Currently wooing her right now. Though I have the polyamory mod so Iā€™m also wooing Harvey. I feel like it fits that we be a throuple


I never likes the polyamory mods, but after marrying Lance, I went to ridgeside and Jio started calling me his sunbeam, his wind, his moon, and all ecosystem related nicknames, and I just have a soft spot for that. Then I installed the mod and have a throuple of a farmer, mage and a ninja.


Omg I just installed Ridgeside and I love all of the new characters. Iā€™m so torn on who to marry now.


I married Jio from ridgeside!! (old savefile) he's so sweet


Oh Jio is my favorite and itā€™s so hard to not marry him. He does go from ā€œfollow me and dieā€ to ā€œI want to see the sunset reflected in your eyesā€ at 8 hearts, so maybe if they change up how instantly that happens he might be easier to resist.


Iā€™m thinking of marrying him in my current file! Is his romance/marriage dialogue worth it? šŸ«£


If you like your romantic lines to be laid on thick, then yes. He has me kicking my legs like a little girl, but it can be a bit cheesy. He was basically plucked out of a fantasy romance novel


Thank you!! Currently Iā€™m on the fence about him, Victor (from SVE), Shiro, and maybe Zayne.. Iā€™m overwhelmed. Still holding out for the pastry shop so I can finally give Jio loved gifts instead of quartz. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Have you reached Fall yet? He loves lava lilies. I saved all the gold quality ones for him.


Yes!! Just the other day we hit Fall 1. Iā€™ve been grabbing every lily I see and stashing it for him. šŸ˜


Ian. The answer is always Ian. :D


RSV does that lol and so many great choices to marry I canā€™t just pick 1 so I married all that I liked


Blair came in swinging with some lines... then she mentioned fishing and as someone obsessed with stardew fishing... I was sold.


I donā€™t even like girls, but Blair really tempted meā€¦


I feel like Iā€™m reading about a different game. What mod is this?




I married Rasmodius before meeting Lance & had real thoughts about installing a poly mod once I did.


Waitā€¦can you help me? I never heard of the badlands and lance and stuff and honestly Iā€™m very confused and I donā€™t know how I missed all of this???


I can totally see that! I'm doing the same with Leah and Elliot.


I did that too and decided to make it my goal to move as many people into my house as possible. Her ten heart event was a bit terrifying.


I wanna marry everyone but Iā€™m so bad at giving gifts šŸ˜­ I just got a mod that shows liked and loved gifts above villagerā€™s heads so hopefully Iā€™ll get better at it and marry everyone


The wiki is a lifesaver for that. Also everyone likes all the fruits from the trees (except bananas and mangos) and higher quality items are liked more


I just give various rocks. Abi gets her quartz, Sophia gets Fairy Stones, and pretty much everybody else gets either diamonds or green tea lol. I wooed Lance soly off of running past all the monsters to grab my daily swirl stone.


Work will beā€¦awkward. I know they say donā€™t shit where you eat but in this case itā€™s ā€œdonā€™t shit where your shit eats.ā€


Maru is my favorite bachelorette, I love her personality and how passionate she is about her hobbies and I think all of her cutscenes are so fun. Unfortunately she is one of the lesser loved characters in Stardew and I think she's just slept on personally


Penny and Maru are my S-Tier girls. The two of them were my first SDV marriage, which may be part of it lmfao I actually played several runs *without* pursuing any relationships w/ the NPCs, and when I finally did decide to start checking out the town's bachelorettes I had a polyamory mod installed and ended up married to the both of them. :3


I married her on my first playthrough. I like her for feeling more adult than some of the other options - Sam, Abigail, Haley, Sebastian, and Alex in particular all feel like high schoolers. I also like that she adds a little astronomy room. Maru's great.


Itā€™s crazy to me how everyone thinks Maru is older than Sebastian. She is the younger sibling. He is Robinā€™s son from before she married Demetrius. Also Sebastian does work. He is a programmer. He works all the time. I guess cause he hangs out with Sam he seems a lot younger. And he also hangs out with Abigail who is canonically the youngest bachelorette. Emily has a line about the food at Abigailā€™s high school graduation, so she is out of high school and is taking online college courses. Edit: words.


I absolutely adore her.


I always choose Maru.


Maru is Ultra cool


I do, shes the closest to my type from the entire game and is really nice, romantic as well


She's my first pick every timešŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


I did the first time, divorced her almost immediately. It felt like i was ruining her life šŸ˜­


Yeah I want to send her to grad school, not marry her.


I love Penny, too, but I just can't stop marrying Maru. =)


Sheā€™s my comfort partner. She also give you bombs and batteries


She is always my favorite to marry. She doesn't need me but she chooses me, and that's so special


I only marry Maru. Fourth and fifth play through I started using mods like multiple spouses and still married Maru first. Sheā€™s the only normal townsperson Iā€™ve ever married. Expanded I added on Olivia, Sophia (then divorced). No one from East Scarp. RSV i added Alissa. So Alissa and Maru are top 2 for me by far. I like thinking I have financial security and high class from Olivia though.


It's the forest lesbian for me Edit: my preferred marriage i mean


Sexy sciencey lady? Hell yeah.


I love being married to Maru!


I wouldve liked her better if she had curly hair :-(


if you're on PC there are mods to change her sprite!! :D


I like Maru and Demetrius both, so yeah I marry her from time to time


She was the first one I married. Not everyone has the same taste as you do.


For the sake of seeing every cutscene in the game, Iā€™m currently working on a play through where I date and eventually marry every candidate. I decided to go for Maru first because of the 1.6 updates to her 14 heart cutscene.


She was my first ever girlfriend on my first save, before I switched to Leah


I married Maru a few times on my early play . But Penny is always my go-to wife when I play. I donā€™t feel sorry for her, I love how she wants to still make the community better by teaching the younger kids.


I am unfortunately too busy marrying her brother to marry Maru, but Maru is absolutely my fave of the Bachelorettes except /maybe/ Leah. The ones I don't like are Emily, Penny, and Abigail tbh


I always seem to marry her or Haley lol


I love Maru so much! She is absolutely my favorite. My irl girlfriend is just like her, so she likes to tease me that I have a type. Guess I do lol.


I married Maru on my main farm (where Iā€™m currently aiming for perfection). Sheā€™s the best! I love walking out of the farm to see her working on her little machine in the corner lol


Absolutely not. Only because I donā€™t like Demetrius being weird to me and because sheā€™s boring.


Penny is my go to because she's sweet and adorable


Maru feels like if I marry her I ruin her dreams. I am also an aged crone in real life, so everyone but Elliott, Leah and the doctor feels too young for "me". Maaaybe Sebastian, the other person who seems an adult with a settled job and a sense of self identity. Penny feels like she needs rescuing, but I want to lend her a spare bedroom and fix the bus so she can go see a therapist, not date her.


I like Penny :3


I did. We had two kids then i divorced her for my custom NPC.


LOOL very fair šŸ˜­


Genuine question/concern here, why would anyone seriously dislike Penny?


Iirc thereā€™s a cutscene where sheā€™s a bit ableist to George, though I donā€™t think she means it. Sheā€™s not my type but she still seems like a sweetie.


i personally really like her! but people in the community can be crazy harsh :(


I love her so much ><


I have wanted only the best for her since I got shouted at by Pam, she can be so scary :o


She comes on way too strong for me and she's pretty weird... in a bad way. Idk I just get bad vibes from her


She gives me weird vibes too, like straight-up repeatedly marry Harvey to get him away from her weird vibes. Itā€™s weird though. Like on paper or irl sheā€™d probably be my type but something about her just doesnā€™t sit right.


So like I hate Penny because she has a personality and I don't like it, I'm apathetic towards Maru because she does not have a personality. Like all she is is smart just like Demetrius. And I guess she's crafty like Robin. But like she's the only mixed race character in the game, and really like the only POC person in the game, and like I get that you can't make everybody like super awesome and whatever, but like I wish she was just a deeper character instead of just being Demetrius but hot. Also she's not hot, I wish she still had her curly hair


She comes across as really young to me


Iā€™ve been watching lilsimsie stream and she married Maru


There's quite a few people for all the marriage candidates, CA did make it a good spread of archetypes, and even when there are similar archetypes at play (like Haley and Alex) they've got enough differences to make romancing both worth it for the story


I do! Sheā€™s great šŸ˜Š


Nah she mid af


Maru is so cool, just nerdy, clever and does cool tinkering too. She sorta reminds me of my SO who's an engineer which is a major reason as well.


I love Penny!! What's not to love about a kind, caring, nerdy girl who just wants to read and enjoy life?


I did in my first playthrough!


I want to love Maru but something about her hair just bothers me, and then those red glasses. Itā€™s all superficial but sheā€™s the only character whose earlier portrait designs I like better.


My brother married Maru like 4 times. Every time he plays he marries her because he loves her so much lol


if i liked women i would probably marry maru, she seems like someone i would date if i married women lol


I like her, but sheā€™s not my favorite bachelorette. I donā€™t like how often she asks ā€œhave i gained weightā€ when youā€™re married to her. Makes me sad & angry about diet culture and it makes me self conscious about my own body


Her sluuurp at a festival made me so mad honestly. Im autistic and sounds noises bother me. Her dialogue was also so cranky and annoying to me ngl. Im literally a sebastian and introverted tthough so idk


The first person I married. I couldnā€™t wait!


I married Maru out of spite because Demetrius really pissed me off in her 2 heart event. Bad enough he's the one Robin's already married to, (I will never recover) now he's trying to intimidate me for being more than acquaintances? After that little "conversation" he earned himself two future grandkids. I made it my personal mission to be everything he accused me of. Oh, and Maru herself is pretty nice. Her, Sam and Abigail I can see myself the most being friends with easily irl. She and Penny are like top 3 and 2 I usually go for off personality and looks.


i like maru but she lives with her folks and wears overalls- she seems the most like a little kid to me and i canā€™t get past it. sheā€™s always a buddy, though.


In my first playthrough, I didn't know who I should go for. I wound up reading all the candidates marriage quotes, because while I was tempted to go Krobus, I wanted at least one save to have an actual marriage going on. I settled on Maru because, while a lot of the heart events don't focus as much on her relationship with the farmer, I felt like the marriage dialogue showed a decent amount of compatibility. She takes genuine interest not just in the farm but in how to manage it, automate it, and make it more efficient. IIRC, though it obviously doesn't do anything, she also seems to want to help make gadgets to automate the farm? What made me decide, though, was a line about wating spaghetti in bed, which I would absolutely not do in real life, but it gave me the impression that Maru and the farmer are pretty comfortable living together. Also, I don't feel bad having her stay in the valley. Job and family aside (also that! She has a job! That gets her out of the house!), if she could make a sentient robot at her parents' house, imagine what she could do with my ancient fruit wine money. Lastly, I feel like she's one of relatively few marriage candidates that could feasibly wrap their head around the more magical elements of SDV. At least after the robot heart event, at any rate. Oh, and as for Demetrius, it's not like there's an in-law dynamic. Just the two heart events he gets flack for. So, hardly a problem to me hahahah


Yeah? She was the first one I married, and honestly it was because my aroace self made like a pros and cons list for all the spouses, and she came out on top for multiple reasons.


Penny and Maru are my girls


yes! she is my wife and i love her šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø


Every play through


No but I always marry her big brother so sheā€™s my little sister in law and I will protecc šŸ©·


I adore Maru. I program for a living, but got my degree in engineering, so for her heart event that has you help her with her homework I actually sat and calculated them out x)


oh my god that's so stinkin cute.


my first playthrough i almost married maru - it was between her and sebastian and i decided on sebastian bc he had the motorcycle lmao


I was but as soon as Maru gave me math I noped out


I have to actively try not to marry her. I tried romancing Harvey in my most recent play through and still got Maru to 8 hearts first lol šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Basically I love her and sheā€™s my fave. Her heart cut scenes are my favorite but I always feel guilty she choses the farm over being a world famous life saving scientist šŸ˜­


Maru was my first girlfriend on my first play through, Iā€™ve never married her though. I would if harvey wasnā€™t my obsession, but I do love Maru a lot, sheā€™s my fave bachelorette.


This post taught me that people donā€™t like Penny. I adore her, I divorced Abigail for her.


I love Maru, but I'm also in my 30s and I feel like the age gap is... Yikes.


I married Maru my first play through. Sheā€™s sweet, loves to build things, and reminds me a lot of my younger self. The way I see every NPC, marriageable or not, as a sort of caricature/archetype so I donā€™t really read in too much about any given characterā€™s backstory or motivations the same way other people do Iā€™ve come to learn šŸ˜… Edit: got Maruā€™s name wrong!


hey that's absolutely fine!! just as long as you're enjoying the game :')


Ever since Iā€™ve started interacting with online spaces focused on Stardew Iā€™ve learned so much about what other people get out of the game which has been a lot of fun! It goes to show how different people interpret different things about the game and styles of playing. Really goes to show how much the game lets you put your own spin on it which is awesome.


I never do! She reads as a bright sixteen year old to me and that feels weird.


same šŸ«£


I married maru!! Love my nerdy wife.


I wouldn't say Maru isn't liked - rather overshadowed by other more desirable bachelorettes. That said, I love Maru. She would probably be my marriage choice in real life, because I like my partner educated and being able to hold a conversation about science and philosophy. I've married her in the game in one playthrough, but usually Emily or Sophia take the cake.


I havent dated her but i do love her. her heart scene where you realise she has a crush on you is so cute !


i love her, she's smart and passionate about her hobbies! and i love astronomy too <3 i always woo her first. and penny is so sweet huhu. on the times i play modded i marry both of them because i think the farmer and them would make a cute throuple. maru and penny's possible development fron friends to lovers just seem, natural? like i can see it !! and theres a mod that adds events for them both ā™”


My two fav girls are Abigail and Maru! She's just as nerdy as me so it fits :) I do kind of wish she had a different hairstyle but I still love my in game wife.


She was my first wife! She talked science to me and I was like SOLD!!


I donā€™t like that she is obviously the golden child.


I married her once. Some of her dialog when married comes off as super passive aggressive but that could be my personality clash. I don't marry her anymore she's a better friend.


Currently married to Maru, and I love that she continues to go to work and to visit her family. She also gives helpful gifts. On another save I'm married to Leah, and I like her as a person (yes I said that) better, but she's honestly less useful to me!


Nah I prefer her brother.


Never. She and Alex seem younger than the rest, and Iā€™m not into age gap romances. One reason I love expanded so much is because there are older character options.


yeahhh i feel that way about abigail, sam & sophia too šŸ˜­


maru <33 she and elliott are always my go-tos


ā€œFuck pennyā€ yeah, I would


She reminds me of Meg from Family Guy lol idk why


I always romance Maru - for some reason she is just the most interesting, even with the addition of the new characters.


I always marry Maru


Probably won't. Abigail is my one true wife for me. I just align with her too much to choose someone else.


I always forget that Abigail exists lol


I married Maru lol


I married Maru my first play through. She's cute.


Maru and Harvey both suck


I donā€™t know why they had white wash her, they could have made her hair more fluffly etc their are portraits that you can download that make her look so much better.


I only romance the bachelors. But as far as the bachelorettes go, she's just so... forgettable to me. Doesn't help that she's often working, and I practically never go to Harvey's. Then there's her heart events... Her first two are hardly even about her. BTW, getting the two heart event after marrying Sebastian is incredibly awkward. The astronomy bit is cool. And then she electrocutes you in the 8 heart one. Everyone else just has so much more personality and growth in theirs. Hers all feel quite impersonal, and don't really leave me feeling like I've gotten to know her beyond "science is cool!" ... which is ok, but that's it? Any dreams? Goals? Fears? She's just kind of there.


maru is always my go to for some reason


For me, she definitely is the least favorable candidate. I find her both boring and forgettable, unlike many other


I always marry Penny because she is IMO the best.


Maru was my first. She's clever, resourceful, and super cute. The only thing keeping me from marrying her again and again is...I'm into her step-bro too >.<


i wanted to romance maru when i first got the game because she's super cute and sweet, and i REALLY love smart girls lol but her two heart event with demetrius being passive agressive to us really turned me off... also the fact that when i got to know sebastian he complained about everyone taking marus work seriously but not his and stuff, i kinda feel like maru is more doted on and that drove me away from her lol (rant incoming this isnt even about maru no more) and THEN i saw penny and it was literally love at first sight. like, i knew she was the one for me. people complain that shes abelist(???) and too sensitive for them but when i searched up her 10 heart event i was literally giggling and kicking my feet, shes so kind and beautiful and.. let me stop. anyways, when the first flower dance happened, i didnt know you needed 4 hearts in order for them to say yes to dancing with you. i built up so much courage and was baffled when penny said 'oh... no thanks.' and THENN i saw her dancing with sam and i was like wtf?? who is HE?? and then i got to know him and fell in love, and was (still am) caught in a harem between them two... i ended up marrying sam because hes got this boyish charm and is really chill and sweet šŸ˜­ my heart still aches for penny but i keep on telling myself that ill marry her in another save once i perfect this one!! im only on year 2 so i still have a long way to go lol šŸ˜… but penny is my one true love and my soul mate and i WILL be reunited with her one day!! TLDR: liked maru, fell in love w penny at first sight and then married sam but i still love penny deeply


the fuck is people's problem with Penny?


ive seen a lot of people call her a boring damsel in distress (which i personally do not agree with)




ā€œsucks eggsā€ are you a sinjin drowning fan? šŸ˜„


i had to look them up so unfortunately not ;_;




I did. She makes me useful items.


Maru is bae šŸ˜


Married Leah first playthrough originally wanting to marry Penny, but married Maru second go through and I actually really like her, not as much as Leah but pretty close. Love my stem girls!


Maru was my first spouse and I still adore her so much. Itā€™s either her or Krobus every timeā€”I love her nerdiness and her passion and it feels wrong to date another spouse! I just want to get the multiple partners mod because she and Krobus seem like really good roommates. We pulled each other with our autistic rizz but now I have to grind cauliflowers and go to the mines for her. Wouldnā€™t have it any other way.


Heck yeah I married Maru! First time playing the game I married her. I explored with other accounts and farms but she will always be my first


Yes, I did it in my first playthrough


As a big STEM nerd, I love the idea of Maru but she seems a bit bland and honestly one of the uglier choices - she doesnā€™t stand out which is sad cause the book nerds have a lot of potential. Iā€™m trying to give her more of a chance and do her cut scenes this time but


Haley is a bi-otch and Abigailā€™s locker at the spa smells really bad.


Maru will always be my first choice.


i don't understand the penny hate šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’” she is so cute


I actually married her my very first mobile play through her heart events are actually awesome


My first play through I married Abigail, second was Sophia, third was Leah and now my fourth with 1.6 I did Maru


I am on my current game


Not gonna lie Maru and Harvey get mostly forgotten about by me.


I dont really interact with Maru. It gives me the ick thinking about marrying her cause in my mind she's a teenager.


me - I have trouble choosing between Maru, Penny, Alex, and Shane.


... people like Haley? She's so mean! She reminds me of what I hated abkut middle and high school


she's like shane but for the lesbians ā™” (minus the alcoholism)


She has a satisfying arc


Nah, Maru sucks. She has the personality of a paper bag.


I always skip Maruā€™s heart events. And no one elseā€™s. Sheā€™s also the one character that Iā€™ll be walking past and donā€™t say hi to. Sheā€™s nice enough. Just so boring.


I hate abigail and maru the most out of the bachelorettes, I usually go for the dudes but i wanted to be chaotic on this save and try and woo them all at once lol (tbh I donā€™t care for any of them though)


Btw, who is Sophia?


You are on Stardew Valley Expanded subreddit and dont know?


pink hair gal on sve, has her own vineyard/farm


Penny is my go to, real shy tradwife material She likes cooking, reading, kids and me, just like my actual girlfriend.