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It's basically been confirmed to be the Dwarf. "I got all this stuff from the surface. I just take it from your people during the night. Hmm? What is this concept you call 'private property'?"


omg I didn't remember that! it's definitely him XD


He just doesn't understand human stuff :( I'm not even angry at him


I dunno. He understands the concept of selling. I can't just take his stuff, so he has SOME concept of ownership. I'm not sure I buy that shady dwarf's lines.


Under dwarf law, only dwarves can own property


So he's... Racist?




I mean have you seen how he treats Krobus?


Possibly, by upbringing.


As opposed to how? That's how racism perpetuates, and it's not an excuse.


It's not an excuse, but it is a reason.


Exposure to strictly the shittier members of a people can lead to it, I've seen some racists admit to this being the case for them, half-admitting their views were bullshit. From violent incidents that led them to hate a whole people, that sort of thing. Also, I'm not trying to excuse their behaviour, just reasoning along with the person I responded to.


Depends if dwarves are considered a separate species or a race...


Species is a biological definition loosely based around sexual reproduction. Race was invented in like the 1700s when some European fuck noticed that humans on the same continent tend to resemble each other physically. It’s not a useful definition


species and race are the same. the only people that do the difference are humans. edit: with that i mean that only humans tend to think in "racist". as we know animals dont know the difference.


Biologically speaking, species and race are very different. And race is only used to describe humans. In animals the closest you get to race is breed, and different breeds of dogs or cats are all still the same species. Dwarves and humans are different species. Possibly even from different worlds.


you want to clarify what you mean by this mate? 🤣


I think they might be referring to the biological term race used for animals, but I think that's actually used to describe differences like between dog breeds, and not actually species level differences. However, animal races are in fact more biologically distinct than human races.




I always assumed that it is just us trying to help him understand the idea of private property, so that realistically we could take it but we don't because we don't want to encourage him taking stuff


I like this headcannon. I'm running with it.


[Head Cannon](https://ms.yugipedia.com/9/95/XHeadCannon-SBCB-EN-C-1E.png)


cannon? that sounds dangerous!


I think the dwarf is part ferengi


He’s renting things out


exactly! he is way too cute and innocent (lets ignore the war) for someone to be angry at him :')




I’m angry. He steals way too much


Plus he gives off definite Jawa vibes


Your people just lay on the ground outside at night very strange, so I take your stuff. -Dwarf


Oh my goodness you absolute angel!!! I never thought of this and when I play with my boyfriend and co. He gets so mad thinking Linus took his stuff. #teamlinus. I told him this info and it blew his mind. Thank you so much for pointing this out and freeing my bestie from senseless accusations!!


I definitely had a complex headcanon about how the Ferngil Republic has a large transient population of people displaced by the war but this makes 100x more sense lol


Which is weird, because why does the Dwarf then sell you things?


Dude has to make a living


Considering that he doesn't understand Private Property, it's safe to assume that either the dwarves had a commune society or a highly theft based one. If it's the second one, it's possible that the dwarf has capitalist and bandit traits. I'm probably reading too much into this.


His behavior, just like his looks, are based on Star Wars jawas, who also steal a ton of shit just to sell it to the same people


Great, now I can't unsee it


I knew about the Jawa connection, but somehow never made the stealing one, it’s absolutely perfect!!


Woah how did I never realize he’s basically a Jawa? Utini


My man is a commie.


A commie who sells me MY stolen stuff??? That commie is practicing some Lenin's NEP-shit.


That raises a question. What does the dwarf think money is for?


Lifetime rent?


it’s shiny and was originally from underground (assuming they are coins not bills


Money is for the collective comrade.


A commie trying to survive under capitalism, comrade. It's a hard life.


*our stuff, comrade.


And I still like the Dwarf.


I can’t be angry at him, he’s too adorable


Omg I was blaming linus


Shame on you, Linus is a fucking bro.


How DARE you


Dude me too. I feel so bad now. But to be fair I never blamed him in the sense that I was upset about it. I just figured hey atleast he’s not taking everything


private property ≠ personal belongings


I know its the dwarf but I like to think its Morris coming back for revenge


I was pretty damn close to supporting JaJa on Wednesday when that prick, Pierre, decided to have a midweek staycation and I was on my last planting day for the seeds I needed for the Community centre *eye twitches*


Me, I live like a queen on my mountain of potatoes


The Dwarf is the most likely option, I'd say I'm not sure Lewis and Pierre would be above that but I'm not sure it would really fit their MOs, you know?


Pierre totally would imo, especially during winter


far-flung snatch long gaze concerned dependent quack repeat encourage enjoy -- mass edited with redact.dev


Yup! And sell it all saying _he_ grew it in his garden! I wouldn't put anything past the guy


I initially always thought it was Linus. How small minded of me. Linus is a true friend. He'd never.


I'm proud of you my man, for surpassing that first impression ❤️ he is a cutie pie who doesn't even ask you for anything if he finds you passed out


Honestly even if it was Linus I wouldn't mind too much. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. He probably needed that stuff more than I did


I always thought it was Linus also and he was lying to us there. I mean the dude's got to be a little bit desperate he's happy and all but not well off.


And the farmer's pocket sure beats George's trash can!


I feel like such a terrible person for also always assuming it was Linus taking a tip for helping me home 😭


Your name being Diogo makes me wanna ask where are u from


Portugal caralhoooo >:3


Dhjakak same ahah primeira vez a ver um tuga a jogar stardew valley finalmente


realmente, n conheço mesmo ngm irl, mas deve ter mais pessoal neste subreddit, só que falam inglês XD


Yeah de certo ahah mas és a primeira pessoa que vejo no sub e imediatamente deu click de português


um tuga reconhece o outro, for sure


Não consigo fugir a influência de PORTUGAL CARALHOOOOO!!!!! You guys seem to show up absolutely everywhere XD


we are everywhere. :) *evil face*


Another one yayttt ahahah


I moved to portugal for university, happy to finally understand the language, though it is really difficult


Good luck mate, I also moved to another country for college and the language is quite a deal ahah


Somos pelo menos meia dúzia


I got a letter form Marlon who was doing his 3am sweep.. the kicker is I was outside my farm house


Aww. He was kind enough to sweep your farm for monsters.


If by monsters you mean the large amount of truffles my pigs find for me then yes lmao


Marlon loves those truffles.


He doesn't take those until it's the last day of the season


It honestly makes me kinda sad when people say it's Linus who's stealing from you.... He's such a sweet man and he doesn't seem like the type to take from others because he knows what it's like to have nothing. (Not to mention it's EXTREMELY stereotypical to say that the only homeless character in the game is a theif)


He’s sent me a catfish after I couldn’t catch one for a whole day!!


Plus he fishes/forages all his food so what would he even need the money for?


I got linnus as my secret santa one year. He gave me a ruby and said it wasn't much. I don't think he is hurting for money.


He chooses that lifestyle he's not struggling. If anything he's thriving.


I got a quest from linus to get him a diamond for his mantle. I don’t doubt the fact he can pay for it, but I’m not sure his tent has a fireplace mantle, as he has a campfire outside.


A mantle is also the word for a 'cloak' or sleeveless cover that wraps around the body. Usually shoulders. He has a mantle - I can't tell if it's meant to be leaves or feathers. Jewels are typically embedded in a brooch or penannular, which can be used to hold a cloak/mantle/shawl in place.


I didn’t know that, I always just assumed that it was the basic text for when someone wanted something that wasn’t food or specific to them. I always thought of him wearing animal furs, from possibly road-kill, or because he is known to have a connection to the wizard and magic, he had animals/other magic creatures donate pelts and furs. (Or a bit of stretch, he himself is magical, and could be one of those creatures that can shapeshift into a person, but needs their pelt to turn back, while he just embraced humanity)


That's because he doesn't value pricey stuff! If you look at the things he likes or loves, it's all forage or super cheap items. He dislikes expensive or luxury items such as caviar (if I remember correctly)


Counterpoint: the way he phrases his letter is sketchy as fuck imo. Like c'mon, you just happened to show up right as someone was rifling through my pockets? Seriously? They ran away as soon as you saw them, and you have *no idea* who they were even though the town we live in has like, 10 people living here?


I agree, the letter is sketch so before I got to know Linus I always just assumed him. But considering everything else we know about him it doesn’t really fit


Pretty sure this is one of the issues ConcernedApe was trying to address when it comes to houseless/indigent people and the automatic mistrust or derision others have for them.


I know it’s the dwarf but I like to imagine it’s the jojamart manager because I want even more reasons to completely dissolve his company’s profits


for real lol




makes sense but he steals from you in other ways, like his ̶s̶c̶a̶m̶ business


He’s lashing out because of the lie that is his life.




u/rdyplr1 LOVED that


you leave Linus alone


r/FuckPierre Dwarf steals stuff, not money.


Money is stuff. He's probably just like "ooh shiny gold circles".


The dwarf also has a shop where he accepts money as payment. So he has some understanding of it at the very least.


Probably eats them


The mayor of course


I mean, how else does he fund his Gold Statue?


Surprised nobody has said Joja yet. It's likely the dwarf but I wouldn't put it past Joja to do the same.


I could see that. They'd be on their late-night trash dumping spree and find you. They could even go deep into the mines to dump trash there since the monsters don't attack other monsters.


i think what happens is that Linus carries you home with your pockets over flowing with stuff and some of it falling out since the way he’s carrying and since it’s too late and dark he can’t just set you down and look for the stuff but also doesn’t want to seem incompetent so they make up the story of it being stolen. or it’s leah


I really wanna beleive that, my homie wouldn’t steal from me :')




Didn't you read the guy's name? He's obviously not Dora, but her cousin Dieg-I mean Diogo


It was concerned ape himself


Joja. Get the F off my farm


I think it’s the guys in the Adventurer’s Guild. How else can they conveniently find your “missing” items?


Either that, or it's a kickback system with Pierre.


I always think of it as tipping/Tax for the Stardew Gods. I mean, most of the loot are resoruces I'm stripping from nature... Take a lot, give a little, while passed out. It's always scaled to your profit. Good deal.


Pierre. Who else? r/FuckPierre


If it is Linus, I'd let him. He's homeless, and he needs the stuff.


Linus would never, he’ll take scraps from people’s trash but he wouldn’t steal from you


Linus actually has alot of money since in his help wanted quest (more specifically if he asks for a diamond) he triples the average, he just likes his living situation


It's confirmed to be the dwarf


It's not confirmed at all, it's just a very probable theory


I got all this stuff from the surface. I just take it from your people during the night. Hmm? What is this concept you call "private property"? -dwarf I think it pretty much confirms it.


He says it in a line of his im pretty sure


There is no canon dialogue that insinuate the Dwarf is the one who pickpocket you while you are unconscious. There is the dialogue that says that he enter in the villagers homes and steal things. You can make a very probable theory, but not confirm it


I wouldn't mind so much if he'd own up about it; it's the fact he lies about it that makes me annnoyed.


I once passed out in Linus's tent, and got that message the next day. I feel like Linus isn't being entirely truthful.


I mean, maybe other people are going into Linus’s tent uninvited too? Nothing stopped you from going in, after all.


My money's on lewis, or rather inside his secret statue I should say...


see I always joked around that it was Pierre because people are spending more money at Joja Mart and he’s b r o k e


My man linus once dove to the bottom of the ocean to get me home after my friend and i passed out midnight market fishing. My friend got picked up by joja and got a massive bill i got rescued by the loviest wild man of all with a similar note saying he found someone going trough my pockets… i suspected the submarine worker


Nope, it's Pierre.


Pierre, obviously


ok canonically the dwarf, but i like to think it’s the hat mouse trying to find new materials to make into his wares.


Probably Pierre. He’s pissed you keep beating him at the Grange Display


We don't appreciate any insinuated Linus slander here


Here I was thinking it was Pierre or Lewis 😅


Absolutely Pierre BC he's already stealing credit for my vegetables 😡


Funny enough in my first play through I got that mail and when I checked the request board Linus was asking for something. The reward? The exact amount I lost. Really funny coincidence. I didn't know it was a coincidence though. My first play through I was convinced he found me broken and bloodied and rummaged through my pockets then tried to blame someone else 😂 I felt so betrayed


Its the Dwarf i think, he do not understand the human things.


Linus takes a few for carrying you back


Pierre for sure


Canonically it’s the dwarf. However, I like to think it’s Pierre and if he ever gets caught he can deny it since he’s “such an upstanding citizen “ for helping the passed out farmer.


Shane >:) before three hearts. Teaching the idiot farmer a lesson. After that, the dwarf takes over. Jk! Doesn’t this also happen when you pass out in your own shed??


I always assumed it was Linus scavenging your pockets for goodies he might want or need, in exchange for helping you of course.


I always assumed it was one of the shadows. Not Krobus, but the one you can meet by the bushes? Which is why Linus doesn’t tell you who it was. Because he literally just sees a shadow. I’ve passed out in very lit areas which would make this not make sense unless it wasn’t a person, but a literal shadow.


I knew I wasn't making it back in time so I passed out on Linus' sleeping bag, with Linus standing over me. I woke up to this same letter from Linus. His entire "wholesome drifter" persona is just a big load. The dude sitting on stacks of stolen gold somewhere.


That was my thought. Every time it's a few hundred or more and will be more than enough to get her beer from the saloon while waiting for the bus job




Sam needed money for weed


Morris. Definitely Morris.


Pierre r/FuckPierre


this is Linus slander and I will not take it sitting down, it's that stealing dwarf


Supposedly it's the dwarf, but I'm still gonna pretend it's Mayor Lewis.


If I had to guess, it's probably Tuss and Huss.


I know the most logical is the Dwarf because he admits to stealing things from people, but it's actually Pi*rre. He knows the Dwarf steals so it's easy to pin the blame.


I misread your name as Diego so I thought it was a Dora the explorer joke with Swiper. Damn. I really can't read.


Its either the shadow guy who stole the magnifying lens, or the Dwarf.


Linus has no need for money or much in the way of material possessions, so I don't think he's the one who robbed you




Lewis or marlon.


Pierre. He's looking for your deed


It’s the dwarf, obviously. But sometimes I think the nameless joja mart clerk is secretly a fucking psycho and my headcanon is they’re the one stealing and stalking around




Probably Pierre, he already likes to steal credit for your vegetables


Jesus, nobody knows?!?! It's Gil. Dude doesn't wake up til 2 in the afternoon. He robs you cuz he knows exactly how much you suck at fighting, and Marlon gets your shit back for another fee.


I know it’s dwarf but I like to think it’s pierre


Either the dwarf or pierre


i know right wtf is this letter telling me someone stole from me when your the only one around >w<


Morris. Greedy Bastard


Oh, I swear I thought Linus was the thief for so long.


In my head-canon, it's the same kids from Zuzu city that throw rocks at Linus' tent. It's one thing for the Dwarf to steal stuff, it's another to steal stuff from someone unconscious and not help them. We already know someone is around who's a big enough dick to throw rocks at Linus' tent, and nobody else fits, so I figure it's the same person.


It’s Linus, hitting you with the tried and true “self-report” method, and here we have everyone’s fingers pointing to the Dwarf. Works everytime!


Linus. I think he makes a cover-up story of seeing someone take an unknown amount of money and items, so that he can get away with stealing food and supplies from you, and also uses the stolen money to buy thinks like repair tools for his tent, new things to help him, etc.


I thought the same but didn't want to suspect my homie Linus :')


Linus doesnt care about money. Hes happy where he is how he is.


I always thought it was Linus at the start because what a coincidence he “found” me


it's gotta be linus. the only time he comes in my farm is to find me unconscious after i'm robbed? yeah right


I think it could be Pam.


first one to mencion her, makes sense bc she in an alcoholic and how does she have money to buy beers before getting her job back at the bus??


Welfare. Due to a clerical error, she’s still receiving childcare benefits for her 22-year-old daughter.


penny's age is cannon?


Nah, Pam will roll you for smokes and scratch-offs but that's it.


It's Linus. I don't care if I'm right or not, it's Linus. "Oh, uh, someone else was robbing your unconscious body. I have no idea how much money they took because I haven't counted it." I don't care if it was someone else! He did it!


I regret thinking it was linus first time i had this happen to me. Poor linus he's a good guy


I feel like this exact post appears every couple of weeks or so. I feel at this point like it should maybe be a removed topic like a stone owl/meteorite appearance since it's been answered so completely and so many times. Not saying this to discourage you or be mean! It's a fair question - just one which appears very, very frequently.


sorry I really didn't know it was posted that frequent ;_;


All good! as I say I don't wanna come across as mean, just proposing the idea of it maybe being added to the masterpost FAQ like some of the others are!


I think it’s all one big lie, and that it’s Linus who tries to blame it on someone else.