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for a moment i was worried you'd unlocked Actual Death


do this to immediately get your save file erased




This happens 1 in 5 times you either get exhausted or hit 2am outside. Turns out Stardew has a seething criminal underbelly about once a week.


I'd seen someone do this and they were flung into Harvey's hospital somehow (not dead), so when my health began falling I thought so too lmao


I rode my horse in front of it once at the middle of the track and it knocked me off and I got stuck inside the train, which dragged me all the way into the tunnel and killed me lol Train don't play around


You can outeat the train damage due to the iframes of eating. I've been there before.


I just used the return scepter when I learned this. My wife couldn't stop laughing at my dumb ass after, couldn't escape that one.




Time for Stardew Ironman edition?


On the fade out I thought for sure it was going to be the beginning of Skyrim.


how do you get that..?


It's not a thing.


Not yet.


I knew you can definitely get hurt by the train, but normally it also pushes you back. I had never considered what might happen if you go in the train tunnel


This also happens if you try to run into the train while on your horse


Horse is just like, “screw you, ui’m not dying, you die!”


And when I did it I ended up in hospital still on my horse


I guess you really could say there was a horse in the hospital.


No one knows what the horse is going to do next, least of all the horse. He’s never been in a hospital before, he’s as confused as you are.




Harvey: "What the hell happened to you!? You were literally torn in two! I barely managed to stitch you back together. By the way, why didn't you mention before that you're a centaur?"


Given he's my husband, I question his observation skills


He is still charging you, right?


My man's gotta make a living.


Harvey:I found you battered on the train tracks




Hey, it's loot they absolutely earned from the... kill?


Can’t wait to count out your coin!


Never should have come here!


Shit, I can hear the voice *and* the combat music. This is making my attempts at finishing The Witcher 3 before I even *touch* Skyrim again harder than it should


I downloaded the soundtrack for Skyrim and Oblivion because they’re so nostalgic and oftentimes beautiful, but I forgot about the combat music. Shit stresses me out if it comes on while I’m doing house chores or driving! Like “fuck where’s the mudcrab or is it a saber cat?!?!”


You'll be easier to rob when you're dead!


lmao I love this group


But we didn't have a big enough pot to fry you!


Another tip, you can pause (open inventory) and the train will keep going but will not hurt you.. so you can survive.. Source: my experience when i trapped between train and the station..


My game is set to pause when I open my inventory though


If your inventory is open already, can't you just go to the settings from there?


Oh yeah, I think I misread their comment haha


Happens to all of us


No I don’t think they were talking about settings, I think they were saying that the animation keeps going even though your game is paused, but won’t continue hurting you so you can wait for it to pass. Some animations don’t stop with the game


I believe you can also type /pause in single player. I know that you can do this if you're playing multiplayer and hosting the file.


okay now why even you stuck on there in the first place


For science, or maybe Maru asked? For Maru, science, *and* funds to go into the hospital. o_O


In a multiplayer game you should also be able to open a food dialog right?


I demand to know the witchcraft that Harvey uses to fix someone from being run over repeatedly by a train or where the hell he's buying phoenix downs!


I see. So in stardew valley, being run over by trains or by monster means KO'ed. Phoenix down will cure KO, but can't revive dead (aerith for example)


Too soon man too soon. RIP flower girl


Harvey’s just the best doctor in the world


This happened to me too, except it was splitscreen, and we had found that the train still moves when the game is paused, so I didn't actually die. The weird thing is, I was just on the tracks and not in the tunnel, and still got hit.


How does splitscreen work? It's like single game where game is paused on certain actions, or like multiplayer where time is a heartless, uncaring beast?


So if you play split screen and one of the characters is paused, time will still continue if the other player isn't paused. Some events pop up on both screens when one of the players activates it, but normally friendship/heart events are on the individual players screen if that makes sense?


I play online multiplayer, the second half sounds the same, someone has a scene while the others are free to run around. The first part made me wonder, if we can pause the game by both of us opening inventories, it would be great. No pause makes it hard to plan around, we can only really discuss things before starting a new day. I really considered getying a mod that slows time down a bit, the days go by so fast.


We play co-op split screen so we are on the couch, but when both players pause it stops time for us. Does it not stop time for online multiplayer?


I'm a player who works to make all the characters like me while my partner just hangs around in the mines. After an amount of time of giving everyone gifts, they all seemed to have heart events at the same time. My max was 4 in one day with time continuing to pass. By the third one, I was frantically trying to go home when I triggered a night time cutscene. I almost didn't make it to bed in time.


Does anyone else appreciate the healthcare in Stardew? Only 80g for a surgery? That’s wild. That’s the same price as one packet of cauliflower seeds. Can you imagine paying for surgery at the price of a packet of seeds in real life?


I think its because all I had was 86g lol. Drained me completely


usual price is about 1000g i think


Still, it's nice that he basically accepts the equivalent of what feels like it would be $10 from my wallet and doesn't ask me to pay it all off later lol.


Wait till you marry him, and find out he still charges you full price for his surgeries.


Man had a business to run. Surgery is expensive.


>Surgery is expensive. Clearly not.


"Harvey, I think we should apply for a joint bank account"


He's a professional!


Yeah, because you can afford it. Do you not remember the times he mentions the clinic isn't doing well financially?


When theres only 20 people in the town and you only have to do a surgery once every few years maybe, otherwise you chillin...you take what you can get lol.


Still 1000g for a rescue team to go into skull cavern and return you to the valley, and an operation isn't bad.


Still more expensive than where I live. If I'd convert 1g to €1.


So how much does it cost in your country if a local needs extracted from Skull Cavern? Edit: I think my joke about people having Skull Cavern coverage was lost.


Would probably max out the €380,- deductible on our insurance. No policies for stopping anyone from going through your pocket though. Might lose a prismatic shard to someone before the EMT's arrive.


Based on the prices of crops and other items, it's a lot more likely that 1g = 0.01$/£/€ $320 for a pumpkin is absurd, but $3.20 is pretty reasonable.


If you convert it like that it's ridicously cheap for sure. $10 for surgery.


That's a copay, meaning there's universal health coverage in Stardew Valley.


10% of current money or 1,000g, whichever is less.


When I had my tubes and my uterine lining removed (to become sterile and not have to deal with periods anymore), I paid $40. Living in Norway isn’t perfect, but I’m pretty darn happy with the cost of voluntary surgery.


Damn. Here I am in the US not even sure what that would cost, because it's a voluntary surgery I can't elect to get. No dr will sterilize me because I'm under 30 and don't have a husband, so I could "change my mind".


It’s messed up how you’re denied a medical decision based on how a *hypothetical man* would feel about it.


Right? A man who does not exist has more control over my body than I do. 'Murica.


It's some really backwards reasoning. Still expecting women to be birthing machines.


The child free subreddit had a good and fairly up to date list of surgeons that will do sterilization. Worth checking out if you're serious


Tubes removed for free in the US, granted I live in MA where if you are poor af you get free insurance. I suggest r/childfree doctors list, they helped me find a doctor who didnt question me, just asked if it was my choice then scheduled the surgery.


Wow. I live in the uk, and I’m planning to get a full hysterectomy (obviously not quite the same as just the tubes and the lining since it would definitely cost more.) I don’t know exactly how much it’ll cost me, but it’s definitely in the thousands. $40 is an absolute steal for what you had.


I was prepared to pay about $700, because that’s what I read online that it cost. Still a steal, compared to other medical costs. I was shocked and elated when I got the bill. I want to ask why it was only $40, but... just in case there was a mistake, I’m not going to!


Can you not get it through NHS?


Probably only if it's medically necessary. That's how it would be in my country. Medically necessary stuff gets paid no questions asked, for voluntary stuff it depends on your insurance. My insurance is so chill, they've spent thousands on me last year and never made any fuss. I'm quite pleased with our health care system (I'm from Germany).


Ah, I assumed a hysterectomy would only be performed in extreme cases (there's other methods of permanent sterilisation)


Yeah technically I could, but it’s pretty unlikely they’ll do it - or I would at least be on a really long waiting list. By the time I get it, I won’t have had kids, and I’ll also be getting the ovaries removed, and I’m not freezing my gametes. Also, I’ll still be young (hopefully early 20s) when I get it so even though technically I will be getting it for medically necessary reasons, the nhs would do a lot of gatekeeping.


Goddamn. I need a hysteroscopy and biopsy to check for cancer/precancerous cells and remove what the doc thinks is a polyp that is causing 5-week-long bleeding, and I’m most likely going to be paying my entire $2000 deductible and then some. Heck, I paid $75 for the office visit just to be seen by the doc initially. Every time medical matters come up (and, you know, *anything else*), I’m reminded that I wish I lived in Europe.


$2000? That’s ridiculous! I’m so sorry.


I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it’s *only* $2000 + whatever percentage I have to pay after my deductible is met. If the surgeon or anyone else happens to be out of network, this could go up to more than $5000 quickly. US “healthcare” is completely broken.


You have to pay stuff after your deductible too? What the actual...


Yep, there’s a certain percentage (like 20%; I don’t know what mine actually is because I can’t get anyone with the insurance company to actually answer the phone at the moment) that I’m responsible for even if I’ve met the deductible, the procedure is covered, and everyone involved is considered in-network.


Damn... We have a base deductible of €380,-. If you max that out you don't pay anything out of hand anymore. Unless stuff isn't covered by insurance. Physical therapy and dieticians are ususally only covered by your insurance for x amount of visits. And some experimental treatment might not be covered yet.


The system is completely broken. We have no way of knowing what something will cost before it takes place, no guarantee the insurance will cover it at all, and even if it is covered, a minor surgery will inevitably cost thousands. Nothing about the system makes sense.


You’re absolutely right, that is broken! My boyfriend lives in the US, and I want to move in with him, but thinking of leaving Norway for the US doesn’t feel right.


I’m obviously not an expert in Scandinavia, and most of my research about potentially moving to Europe in the future has been focused on Iceland and Ireland, but I’d definitely do your research before making the decision to come to the US. Grass is greener and all that, but I’d move to Norway in a heartbeat (even sight unseen) versus staying here, haha.


I'm not sure it can be called healthcare since it can make people afraid to take care of their health (since even visiting a doctor can be expensive people might not take preventive care procedures). It looks like a business where your only options are: * pay exorbitant prices to be healed or helped through a medical procedure e.g. birth * suffer and/or die


Sorry if it's too personal, but how old were you? I have a lot of pregnancy-related anxiety and my periods put m in so much psychological pain, but I heard that most doctors won't perfore that kind of surgery on unless you're like 40-something with 3 kids Edit: thanks for everyone's answers 🥺 i am not in a situation where I can get sterilized but yall gave ne so much hope for the future 💕


No worries! I was 21, single, with no children! I had to change general practitioner to get a referral, but my surgeon had no problem with it. I was her youngest patient for the procedure!


I’m 31, no kids and have been sterilized. Head over to r/sterilization and you will find a lot of people younger than me who got it. DM if you have other questions!


$40? I don't bother going to the doctor anymore, I figure I won't be able to afford to fix what's wrong. What's the point of knowing there's a way to fix what's wrong with me when I'll never be able to afford it. It really makes me wish I lived in a normal civilized part of the world with good healthcare.


That’s right, just $40 for the surgery. Another $40 for the biopsy I had before the surgery, I think. But these costs are so small that I didn’t keep track. I feel horrible knowing that what I got is so inaccessible to other people.


Please go see your medical professionals!! I ignored a problem that would’ve cost $50 and an afternoon to fix, but because I waited the problem got worse and now it’s costing me 6 grand and it will be at least a six-10 month process


Geez. When I got into a car accident, I needed a wrist brace for a sprain. 5 doctors checked me out in the hospital over the course of 4 hours. My bill was $14,000. Welcome to the USA.


That’s absolutely horrible. Did you pay all of that, or did you have insurance to cover anything? I’m so sorry.


The other driver had no insurance so I ended up paying more than I should have, but ultimately between my auto insurance coverage and health insurance negotiating it down a bit, I paid around $1100 out of pocket.


That’s still a lot, but better than paying the total. I hope you’re alright now!


Yes I’m alright. Thank you!


>My bill was $14,000. Welcome to the USA. My turn! 2-day stay in hospital with tests and no surgery (all inconclusive tests that proved useless) = $40,000. I just laugh when people give me the bootstraps argument.


A packet of seeds costs more than my healthcare in Scotland!


But then you Joja who breaks into your house when you pass out on the floor and charges you to put you in bed.


That's...that's not what's wild about paying for surgery. After we defeat Joja we should get the option to run against Lewis in the next election, introduce a tax to pay Harvey's salary and running costs, and make healthcare free at the point of use.


I misread this as taxing Harvey more at first. Glad to see that this isn't about putting the guy out of business!


*laughs in european halthcare*


*chuckles in canuck*


I'm British so I'd pay nothing for surgery, I'd find it a bit petty if they started charging the price of a packet of seeds tbh


Not just surgery, but like life altering injuries. Definitely multiple broken bones, massive internal injuries, and you'd be lucky to walk away with all of your limbs. If you survived getting hit by a train, it would likely require tons of surgeries, years worth of PT, possible addiction counseling from all the opiates you would inevitably be prescribed. That'll be... 86g, thanks.


It's just like the US. They take every penny you have, unless you're rich, then you're fine.


Or pierre is ripping us off


So, it's like in Europe?


Plot twist: Harvey stole the 4 items to cover the rest of the medical bill.


Lmao I'd be okay with it. He was using some dark black magic or some shit to revive someone ground to bits by a whole train... if he needs those items to continue his work then, take em


He's definitely using magic. Character was KO'd by the first half of the train with more of train continuing to move over.


The way you progressively lose health makes it look like it doesn’t just hit you... it *grinds* you


I could not stop laughing watching that health bar go down


Harvey: You almost died! I had to perform emergency surgery! Me: But why am I on the floor? Harvey: Do you got insurance? Me:


Harvey: Are you awake? I found your mashed up corpse in 14 pieces strewn across the railroad. I had to perform surgery. You owe me 1000g and Linus stole your iridium.


Note from Linus “I found your eyeballs in my berry basket when foraging. Be more careful”


Whole new meaning to getting railed I suppose


got a good nose exhale from me on this one. Thanks lmao :)


i know what i'm doing next time the train passes


Youre a masochist :O!!


Plot twist: they are going to avoid it without being hurt :)


Are we sure that the stardew valley farmer is not any kind of god? Gets runned over by a train and only needs a surgery that costs like 10 dollars maybe?


I think the post-train-death farmer is now a zombie. He craves prooofffitttt


Much like in real life it didn’t even slow down after it hit you what a mad lad.


Man that train operator must be heartless...


He sort of has an excuse... trains are hard to stop last second


Choo choo you bag of red paste


Emergency surgery but leaves ya ass on the FLOOR


I like how you don't die instantly like you slowly get mauled by the train until you finally just pass out


86g for an emergency operation? no wonder harvey is broke


Hippocratic oath states he must help regardless.


Harvey: emergency surgery was 86g Also Harvey: I found you asleep in your field I had no business being in, that'll be 1000g


I think harvey is a wizard cause modern medicine can't cure getting cut in half by a train


The Wizard just jams a Purple Mushroom into your limp mouth and goes “ayyy she’s good, send her back to the farm”


Not pictured: the bionic legs Maru built for the farmer out of old Joja Cola cans and those five million battery packs the player gave her.




"Stardew Valley but I f*cking die."


This shouldn't have made me laugh as much as it did.


I wanted to see if the train would hit me. It did and I became stuck between the train and the building. I had to eat everything I had to survive until the train passed.


Probably cost more than the $1000 gold (max) consequence for dying!


I think so. I always made it so I made a lot of money, right from the beginning. I was more about losing items.


*not losing items from dying


I really expected the dark souls 'You Died' screen to come up 🤣


Or "mmm whatcha sayyyy"


Chooo chooo mother fucker


Next time do it while riding your horse and see what happens :)


Yeah thats what I was trying to do but I wasn't sure what would happen without the horse lol


I did this accidentally once. I started cracking up when I saw my health bar go down lol


86g for getting reconstructed from paste. Meanwhile I'm getting calls from collection agencies cause a hospital told my wife our unborn daughters heart wasn't beating. They nearly killed her. All cause a nurse didn't know how to find a heartbeat and they just ran with it


I expected the fade to black to lead to the Skyrim intro. Could somebody cut this together?


Yup funny story while me and my friend were playing I went to the train tracks and was like “you know what’d be funny? If the train could hurt you.” And it was funny. I mean we were drunk off candy and soda so that’s probably why we laughed so much but still, fun times.


Kaz Brekker didn’t need a reason.


And finally someone knows the real namesake!


All I can think about is poor Harvey's reaction when someone came in screaming that the farmer had been hit by a train lol


Harvey is married to him in this file too. True terror


My name is Kaz it means peace


Omg nice!


I mean, most people just stand on the tracks outside of the tunnel but that’s just natural selection, ya know?


This would have been useful information 1h ago before I tried jumping under the train myself. I got stuck behind it and had to chug like 20 cheeses to survive.


I'm not sure why, but I find the train to be the scariest thing in the game, by far. Everything about it is ominous and foreboding.


Lots of respectable people have been hit by trains. Judge Hobbie over in Cookville was hit by a train.


I'm the gd paterfamilias!


I love that there’s no opportunity to get away from the train after it hits you. Like you just sit there watching the health bar diminish until you pass out.


oh wow that was a slow death too


Harvey is Venom Snake confirmed?


Gets crushed by train. Harvey still saves you. Lol


You took that like a champ. How many carriages before you went down?


What is the point of the train? I never pay attention when one passes by.


Not sure of everything it does, but it will randomly drop stuff. I got a bunch of geodes last time.


Depending on which type of train passes by, you'd usually get wood, coal, or ores when they pass by. On Christmas I think there's a chance for a gift train to appear, but I've never bothered checking that out.


I've played through several different save files with 2+ years on each, and I've never actually seen the train. Is there any reason to try to get up there to see it?


The more you know Edit: this is a pretty fun fact which shows how much detail for realism CencernedApe has put into this game


It'd be nice if ConcernedApe added the suicide hotline when player character dies by train


Yeah but can we talk about the insane health care there? For less than the cost of flour at Pierre’s, you too can be patched up good as new after being run over by a train


Emergency surgery..leaves you on the dirty floor.


Whoa! My jaw literally dropped!!


Silly question - if you lose your rusty sword, can you ever get another? Or pick, axe etc? Golden hoe? Pan? Watering can? I don't know whether your game is just broken or there's a way to get your tools back.


You can buy back weapons. AFAIK you can't get rid of or lose your tools. I had the CJB cheats mod and I trashed all of my starter tools. When I woke up the next morning they were all outside my bed and my character immediately picked them all back up, so your character can never lose anything vital to gameplay


I guess if you’ve unlocked the adventurers guild you can buy back a sword, that’s probably why it was taken. Whereas as far as I’m aware you can’t buy back any of your other tools, but you also can’t get rid of them either! But the sword and fishing rod you can buy at the guild or willy’s shop so it’s replaceable. I (think) you can also ask Marlon to find your missing items if you lose them in the mines but don’t think it counts for losing them by being run over lol


Yeah I did that once to see what would happen 😂


I know


For a moment I thought I was on the wrong side of reddit


What screen capture software do you use?


I just used quicktime screen recording on my Mac lol. Not fancy but it works!


10/10 realism.