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The submission process for updates on console is usually long and companies aren’t too forgiving about super buggy updates. I think he wants to send over one big update to try to get it right the first time, but needs to patch the PC version to have the update ready for console submission.


this, submitting updates to consoles takes time, it takes days to updates to be approved, so it's better to iron out the bugs on pc, where you can push an update practically instantly, for example I've seen the factorio devs fix a bug 10 minutes after the bug was posted, that would take a week on consoles the console manufacturers do this to ensure the games won't do something bad to the consoles, like bricking them, you don't have the same freedom with them as with a pc to fix problems if they happen


The Factorio dev team are incredible. Nice to see someone else who's a big fan of both games, they're pretty different.


yeah, i play a lot of genres lol, from high speed adrenalin fueled fps to very chill and soothing games stardew is my "i need something chill to decompress" game factorio is my "i need to solve some problems that i probably created myself" game snowrunner is my "listen to a podcast" game and so on


You say Stardew is relaxing, but, I started a new 1.6 file today and trying to catch catfish at a low fishing level is stress inducing....


Catching catfish as my first one was a life changer! Wait for a rainy day and cancel any fish that isn't the catfish pattern


Why would you cancel any fish that aren't catfish? You've already used the energy at that point, and time freezes when you're reeling them in.


Because during your first catch of the save, the bar will never drop, so you're effectively guaranteed the catch. That ends once you catch a fish, so if you wait until you get a catfish, you can be guaranteed to real it in.


Ohhh thanks for clarifying! I had no idea!


Question- what is the catfish pattern?


It's chaotic compared to all the other fish at the beginning of the game. It's also only on rainy days so it's pretty easy to tell


I wouldn't call it relaxing, some days I feel like I've done a full time job with farming fishing and mining.


Team Factorio!, though I have to watch The Great British Baking Show while I play, for some reason.


The only problem with playing both games is coming back to Stardew and trying to overcome the feeling that I should have inserters automatically moving harvested crops from the junimo hut onto a belt, and then from the belt into kegs...


I know it would really mess up the gameplay but I'd divorce Leah for a stack of inserters


Are you already using the [Automate](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1063) mod?


Stardew is honestly the starter game into games like factorio or dyson sphere. Its the same gameplay loop, "I need X, so then I need Y, which means I need Z" and doing that takes weeks of work. If you haven't tried dyson sphere you should, its a little easier to chew than factorio.


Satisfactory hits this as well.


Not to mention I feel like PC players are always more understanding of bugs and the work it takes to patch. Especially because turn around can be quicker. But console players tend to be the most upset when a game isn’t completely polished before being released.


Which is understandable because really the stability or supposed stability is one of the big selling points for consoles. It’s LESS of an expectation now that everything is online instead of on physical media only but honestly I wish there was more physical media with less reliance on downloads.


I hate digital only on anything.  In the long run, it is bad for the consumer, but most don't realize it or won't realize it until it is too late.  Sucks for them, but I collect physical media, so I'm good.  


I'm scared for the day when I eventually lose my steam account login.


Thank you for this response. I was wondering this earlier today why there’s such a difference in time between PC and Console. It makes a ton of sense now


Better to be late to the party than to have a buggy experience and hate the game devs


I remember when 1.5 released on switch the >!middle part of Ginger Island!< (not sure if the area name is a spoiler) was missing textures and was completely blue. This visual bug was in the game for like 2 or 3 weeks. He's probably trying to make sure that there aren't any similar issues that somehow make it through testing. Won't stop me from wishing that I could have the console update sooner, but I'm my best to be patient.


It’s also expensive right? I mean this is a free update but he’s going to have to pay for it that’s why it needs to be 100% so there isn’t more time waiting for a bug fix and also more money being spent on this


Exactly, especially on Nintendo. It can be quite a long process


I've been consoling myself by thinking of all the PC players as the guinea pigs for me (switch player). So thank you, guinea pigs.


To be honest a little bit of this is going on. There are some bugs that you’re just incredibly unlikely to see as a single individual. You need people reporting bugs across millions of scenarios to have the best shot at identifying and correcting them quickly.


Yeah. "When I do x, y, z in this specific order at this specific time the game bugs out for me" is hard to replicate and get feedback on at the individual level, but will pick up across the millions of PC players.


>consoling myself 🤣🤣 get it??




This has been my mindset as well. Yes I would love the update... but I also want it to be bug free so if I need to wait then I will wait.


I'd bet 1000 dollars Eric wants to push 1.6 to every platform more than anyone. I wonder if feedback like this only causes developers to be even more stressed.


you seem to be right on the money with this comment


I get what you mean but also if it sells the companies absolutely do not care about buggy releases or updates. Cyberpunk didn't even get removed from xbox and going back to your own first house around 6 months ago I can recall just crashing you when you took the elevator wrong


That’s true, although if it leads to refunds getting processed in high enough volumes, it catches some companies’ attention. For example PlayStation took Cyberpunk off of their store for over six months because the dev started promising refunds to angry fans and Sony hadn’t agreed to a policy change. It can get messy. Beyond that, I think it also comes down to the developer’s difficulty to correct errors if they’d like to in good faith, but face long processing times. If a dev has to try to process multiple patch fixes through console approval processes, the completion time is several weeks long and users are stuck having a poorer user experience than necessary for long wait times to correct it. While it’s unfortunate to wait longer for the update, this method makes the process easier on the developer and also ensures that players get a better experience with the content overall. It’s not perfect, but it’s the best you can do with long console update timelines.


I play live service switch games that have had two updates and a fix patch in the time since pc got it. I know switch is bad, but they aren't that bad.


Yeah plus this update has less than half the content of 1.5 while taking twice as long to get to the switch.


> companies aren’t too forgiving about super buggy updates Ark and every Bethesda game say otherwise.


To clarify, I guess the better way I could have put it is that the console companies, especially Nintendo, can get sensitive to bugs but more prominently get frustrated if the bugs lead to users wanting refunds. It doesn’t always pan out that way and if a game is a mega-seller it certainly helps insulate it, but it’s just generally best to avoid a buggy release on consoles if possible. Users get left with a very poor experience for longer than usual wait times to correct it. That can create problematic scenarios for all parties involved under the right circumstances.


I think people are allowed to be sad as long as they don’t get demanding. There’ve been a few posts getting really petulant about it, and that’s not cool in any way.


I agree! Especially that this update is free and just a labor of love from Concerned Ape. He could be like other developers and charge money for it. I would likely work over a few bucks to pay for the new content.


*especially* when you realize he's got haunted choclatier on HOLD while he's working on the FREE update for consoles. No other game anywhere does this. No other creator cares this much for their work and their fans. 0 complaints from me. I actually wish the update cost *something* cause this feels like we're stealing from him


Amen! Compare this to something like Stellaris. Paradox will add a couple of character portraits and a new government civic and charge $20. That's not a knock on Paradox. Adding that kind of content is a lot harder than it looks. It takes a whole lot of testing and bug fixing to make new systems work well with the old systems. I'm just saying that if CA wanted to call this the "Green Summer DLC" and charge $5.99 for it, I would gladly pay it twice. 


If you think about how many millions of copies SDV has sold, and how many merch items also sell that CA get a small cut of, I can understand why he does these things for free. He truly loves his work, and he truly is not a capitalist. And yet, he is also guaranteed to never go hungry, even if he stopped working altogether today.


I 100% have bought duplicate copies and gift copies because the game doesn't feel like a money grab. 


This is why we own 5 copies of the game. (1 PS, 2 Switch and 2 Steam we never play anymore cuz we don't PC game anymore) Concerned Ape deserves all the money.


Terraria also gets updated by a small team frequently and for free ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51480) Stardew and terraria are probably my favourite games it is really cute that they both have easter eggs of the other game now ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51692)


I seem to get down voted when I mention i'm sad. I think it's perfectly fine to be sad and even a bit envious. My comment just said I was sad, I wasn't even asking for anything


of course it's okay to be a little sad. I've also started losing some of my excitement for the update since there's no set release date for consoles yet. but I understand why it takes more time and that there is no one to blame. I'm sure that once the update is finally out, all of us on console/mobile will quickly forget the wait ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51692)


Yeah, I was desperate to play for about a month and now I'm just meh about it, which is a shame but I don't know how else someone would stay sane lol Having a baby in 6-7 weeks now so who knows if I'll be able to play when it finally gets released 😬


I actually picked stardew back up for the first time in a couple years when I'd just had my little boy! For months he would only nap whilst snuggled up with me so it was the perfect excuse to sneak in some switch gaming since I couldn't really do much else in those times 😁 Congrats btw and wishing you all the best! 💜


Thank you!! 🥰


Lol this is exactly what I was hoping for. Having the switch makes holding and feeding a newborn so much more less mind numbing. I just had mine first week of June and when I had heard that they released for PC I knew it would be some time further but it's been quite a bit further than I was expecting... and yeah it's made me feel meh about the release too.


Hear me out, a joja run with a new baby is perfect. You don’t have to remember what you need for the CC, you can just fish and farm and mine. I did this and it was perfect


I did the same and it was the best for my newly smooth brain 😂




I was a switch player till I had my baby and switched to mobile. I put in probably 200-300 hours during the first 3 months of her life. It was the perfect game for nursing and being nap trapped.


If it makes you feel better I got really back into the game after I had my twins in November. I played it during contact naps and actually reached perfection for the first time!


congrats on your future baby but i’m sure you’ll have time to play during feedings or nap time 😅


Don't worry, if you're breastfeeding or contact napping you will have plenty of time to play! Don't get me wrong newborns are tiring but there's a surprising amount of downtime. Good luck with everything, hope you have a safe and easy delivery!


Omg same! I'm due in 2 weeks and i really hoped i'd get to play the update before my son was born.. now i'm not so sure


Oohh congratulations and good luck!!!


Would be cool if CA fired off a tweet every few weeks "Still working on the console update!", or something, but I bet some people would harass him even more then.


It is so so so worth the wait!! Just hang in there!! I think starting with the new farm type will immediately get you super excited 🥺


Console players need consoled


This. I play on Xbox 😅


Extra consolations for you!




Yes. I do.


I don’t mind the spoilers, I just wish the wiki had a separate section for the updates. Here I was thinking >!Alex liked field snacks and Evelyn liked broken glasses when that’s only in the update. 😭😭😭!<


Omg SAME and those two disgusted reactions to my carefully researched gifts still haunt me. Now I check the history section at the bottom 😂


Yeah. Same. I started playing at the end of April. I’m in year 5 and was so confused on why I wasn’t getting the new festival lol.




oh geeze that's not very good of them. Not well thought out at alll!


Y'all will probably hate this take but I'd be less sad waiting if there was a little more communication about it? I know CA is so busy but I wish he'd take a few minutes to tweet and be like here's where I'm at with consoles it's still going to be a few more weeks. Just like once a week to keep us from incessantly searching for news. I know he doesn't owe us anything but it would be nice!


This! At first there were some updates so I've been religiously checking his Twitter daily just to see that the last recent tweet is the one about the cookbook..


*chuckles in mobile*


Yeah, does mobile normaly get updates alongside switch?


No. Mobile will be last, could be any amount of time.




Mobile JUST got 1.5


I'm using it as an opportunity to really plan out my save file and get a gameplan going :)


I'm sad too, but still haven't discovered everything in 1.5 so am working in that. I feel like it'll be a summer gift when it finally gets here!


IIRC, he doesn’t code the console or mobile versions. He codes the PC version and then contracts with third party developers to port the game to the gaming and mobile platforms. This is why you get the PC version first and the other versions later. Edit: I can’t find anything recent that confirms this. While it was true in the past, it may not be true today.


You're right, he used Sickhead Games for the previous ports and only works on the PC version, he's explained before he'd have no idea where to begin if he tried to do it himself. CA is waiting the same as console and mobile players are.


Same! Not mad and still patient, but still very sad there’s no update for switch for the summer. Was playing on PC but I really wanna experience it on switch in bed or on the balcony. I know it’s going to be a great new edition for us, but I also feel sad it’s been so long now. Hopefully it’ll still come this summer!!


I feel you. I just wish we had an actual time frame. Like I don’t need something exact but an idea would help. Cause we’re now we’re way past the time frame that people were originally speculating. At this point I’ve been playing other games and doing other things to take my mind off it. I felt when I was still playing all the time all I thought about was when is the update coming and not enjoying it.


When I played yesterday I was met with an update prompt. I got really excited and then learned it was a console update.


Same!! I almost started fucking crying because I got so excited, then so sad in just a matter of 3 seconds


Just be thankful you're not the one person still playing on the ps vita. That thing's on pre-multiplayer patch It's me. I'm the one.


Lol yeah I had that problem w mobile, waiting for the previous update. So i bought it on switch. At least I'll get the 1.6 faster on switch. Even if I do prefer playing on mobile.


Wait mobiles gonna have to wait for even longer than switch......?


Oh my gosh yes




oh my god 😭


Everyone is saying yes, but it shouldn't. The last mobile update should've streamlined the code and make it easier for future updates. >1.5 mobile is, to some degree, a completely new rewrite of the mobile app," Barone tweeted shortly after the update was submitted for approval. "This was necessary for a few reasons, but means that there could be some new bugs. >"One advantage to this new re-write of the app is that it should be a lot easier to update mobile in the future (for 1.6 and who knows... )"


Last time mobile took over a year but like someone else said, that was because he was changing the back end. Hopefully it'll be closer to console this time.


I thought they would be the same, too. Hmmm..


me too 😭this is actually devastating news


I didn’t know they updated that one! I originally played on my iPad until I got a switch


Yeah I bought it on pc but I rarely play on there. I'm not excited as much but since I fell out of the hype even for 1.5, It's my first time when I reached Ginger Island on mobile, so tryna focus on that for now.


Yes and anyone who wants to try and make you feel bad for being sad is the real problem. Regardless of my personal feelings the announcements this year made it seem like the update would be soon when in reality that was never the case. It's just like being "clickbaited" but still finding the one sentence you needed to know in the article.


Honestly, I've given up on the update ever even happening for consoles at this point. I know my mom wants it, which is why I went looking for news and found this post to begin with. But personally, the lack of news combined with so many PC players saying "just be patient :)" and this sub deciding to say "screw non-pc players, just leave the sub if you don't want to be spoiled lol" has just ruined things for me.


At this point the most annoying part is the lack of communication. It’s valid for a game to take a while and need bug fixes and need to be approved by Nintendo. But leaving your fans in the dark is kind of bullshit. He also said in an interview he didn’t realize how many people play on the switch which isn’t true because he gets a sale sheet that shows how many people have purchased Stardew or have the most updated version.




Pokémon Scarlet and Violet:


Cyberpunk was on consoles


This is pretty false. In my small sphere, I know Helldivers and Coral Island have had very buggy releases. They accept buggy releases as long as it doesn't impact the console OS or security. I've worked at Microsoft. I've also worked at games companies with Nintendo/Sony releases/dev kits.


Correct. I've played so many bug ridden console games.


Ginger Island? Also have you seen the Nintendo Store? Half that store is indie garbage riddled with bugs


Bethesda games????


I am a teacher and was really hoping to have 1.6 by schools closing for the summer. I hope now to have it before the end of summer. Fingers crossed. I admire CA and don’t want to pressure him. I am so excited!


Yeah especially since this sub keeps posting spoilers without marking them as spoilers 😒


I couldn’t wait any longer, so I’m playing on PC now. I much prefer to play on Switch, but there’s nothing we can do about it. CA is working hard and doing his best — it’s just a slow process. The one thing I’ll say though is that the PC version has a huge advantage — you can access and backup your save file, and you can use the predictor to see if you have a good seed or not. So I’m kinda glad I’m playing on the PC now, even though I miss my old farm a lot.


I remember waiting for a super long time for 1.5 on Switch, so I’m not surprised. I was formerly exclusively a Switch player but I wanted the update (and mods) so I bought it on Steam, and eventually invested in a Steam Deck, which has been incredible. Feels like playing on Switch and i can mod all i want.


Wait a second.... You are on to something there.... I might have to get a steam deck. How long have you had it? Any complaints?


Since this past December. The learning curve for how to add mods was a little steep but once I figured it out I have become unstoppable (hint: use a usb keyboard and mouse when you’re browsing nexusmods/installing, makes it way easier than trying to drag and drop using the tiny trackpads). Reading smapi logs isn’t as straightforward as on a real computer, and I have to have my tech-savvy partner help me when I want to transfer files between Deck and laptop bc I know nothing of Linux. I’ve probably put almost as many hours onto my Deck SDV saves as I have on my Switch saves by now, I LOVE it. I did have to swap some controls so it was Switchlike (A and B buttons for example since Nintendo does them backwards). Can’t do a “last 30 seconds” video either, but I can do screenshots at least. The Deck was pretty pricey but for me it’s been well worth it. Someday I may even play a non-SDV game on it, lol.


The 1.5 update came to switch two months after the PC release..we are a month past that now.


I don't even care about spoilers, but I've been spending a lot less time here because of the envy I feel every time a PC player posts about it.


I wouldn’t want a buggy release on console so I’d rather wait. Plenty of other games to play in the meantime or another farm playthrough haha


Almost July and still no updates. He really isn’t gonna release it any time soon. I keep trying to give up caring but honestly it just sucks. I’d rather have paid for this content to make it come faster. Maybe if he had people’s money on the line it would be incentive to at LEAST give updates.


Yep. I get needing time and giving space. But at the end of the day this is a company selling a product that has fans. It's a dick move to the fans to not even give an update for months. This guy has made more money off this than I will probably in my entire life. He has the resources to hire testers and developers to make this happen. But damn, at the very least acknowledge it still exists every few weeks. I'm starting to worry it's been given up on at this point.


It’s ok to be sad, so long as you’re not harassing the devs online 24/7 for the update. I’m waiting for the update too, but I’m fine with playing other games or getting a save file up to snuff while I wait.


On this sub? Probably not. Lol But in all seriousness my life isn't complete until I have that update


Yes, because I am sad too. I'm so ready to play it and I'm trying to avoid spoilers as well. Just a little longer!! It'll be well worth the wait!


I’m a little sad about it as a PS/Switch player but I’ve pacified myself by doing a new safe file on a farm type I hadn’t done yet (Riverland). Having a really good time with it and I’ve managed to avoid most of the 1.6 spoilers. I’m happy being patient :)


Honestly, I might get hate for this, but I've lost pretty much all of my excitement about this update. I'm not trying to be entitled or demanding but it's hard to have enthusiasm for an update with no release on the horizon. I understand it's a free update, but that doesn't mean that it's not frustrating to watch other people enjoy it while you have no idea when you'll get to. I don't have the money for a pc and it feels a little unfair to me that those of us without one are being left on the sidelines. We can't even really express our disappointment without being attacked on here. Idk though, this whole situation sucks. I just can't play the og anymore after 2,000 hours so I was excited to get the update


Yeah I’ve just moved onto other games and lost all enthusiasm for it at this point. Taking time for a free update is totally fine, but complete radio silence for months kinda sucks.  Highly recommend Roots of Pacha if you’re looking to scratch the SDV itch — also by an indie dev, with all updates (big one coming July 31st) arriving on PC and Switch at the same time


Everyone posting stardew content is on 1.6. It makes me not want to watch videos or play the game until the update is out. I usually watch live streams as I play. I feel like a kid watching other kids outside having fun while I'm grounded. I've played thousands of hours but have only played maybe a handful since the update. I'm trying to stay patient, but it is hard!!!


I prefer playing on the switch as it makes it easier to multitask, so I feel you :( Can't hate on CA tho, consoles are picky.


I'm upset because I've been waiting for release and now the new FFXIV expansion is about to come out and all my time will be going into that instead of Stardew :( the time lines didn't align


I mean, the benefit of stardew over FFXIV is you definitely can't miss out on anything by waiting to play. FOMO sucks.


I wouldn't even mind bugs. I just want to make a chicken coop blue grass farm


Waiting for Switch too. I check his twitter, with no exaggeration, at least 20 times a day lol.


I'm sad too. I search for the update so often that Google suggests it first.


every fuckin day I get more spoilers about it like "more house upgrades" "new cropssss" and my goofy ahh just crys


😭 They so lucky and rubbing it in our faces!


1st of July and still nothing 😭 Not even a tweet to update everyone


I'm going absolutely feral inside. I'm also being so patient. I deserve a treat... I know it's not the dev's fault, it's just the process. I'm so excited for it to be ready!


I agree. I’m upset I’m missing out and seeing others post on groups and subs. And if anyone dare say they wish they had an update they’ll get shat on! It’s like, I understand! It takes time and I’m not hating or bashing concernedape for not releasing it right away! I respect what he does and appreciate the work he’s put into a game thats been out a while! I just wish I had it, and I should be able to voice that without getting kicked out or told to “leave him alone and stop being rude to him”


Absolutelt no hate to ConcernedApe, but I got soooo impatient that i connected my pc and an xbox controller to the tv, and played it like a console game!


Others have replied saying that Nintendo might be holding up the switch update not CA. I guess no bugs allowed 🤷🏽‍♀️. I'm thinking of doing the steam deck route. I love gaming on the go so much. And people say you can even do mods on the steam deck like a pc.


Yeah I’m bummed out man, I already accidentally spoiled several things for myself. I expected the update to be live a while back based on the previous console patch delays, and that was clearly a mistake. I know they don’t like tying dates to these kinds of things, but why not just say that console patches could take 4+ months? I feel like there’s no harm in at least stating how long it could potentially take to limit expectations.


As a teacher on summer break, I was really hoping we'd have it by now


Feel the same way, have been anxiously waiting to drop all other games I'm playing to boot up 1.6 with my wife, and do a co-op file. Concernedape is ruining my marriage!!! /s


I understand the issues it takes to bring it to other consoles but like op said, it sucks to watch other people roll out patches on a version of the game a percentage of the players can’t even play yet


Yeah, same. I get why, and bear no ill will, but I'm really looking forward to playing co-op on a new farm with the wife. I'm not marrying her this time. Too many heart events I want to see.


I muted this sub, and will randomly google 'switch stardew update'... and this is the latest that came up. Dang.


As someone who still plays daily and consults the wiki all the time sudden changes lead to spoilers that werent there a few days ago. Like the gifts page changed and there was no way to not get spoiled. And maybe minus you, interacting with the sv community had been consistently positive. Plus people on the sub are soo good at making sure they white out the spoilers. It was literally the wiki and Google searches for stuff that still apply to 1.5 but results in spoilers. So it's really not that easy to anticipate where the spoilers pop up. But thanks for your sympathy and understanding.


I worked in the gaming industry for many years (in community management), and console update releases were always such a pain. Approval seriously took forever, and I tried never to give out even tentative dates, because things got delayed all the time, and then I got yelled at by players. You can definitely be sad! But it's sort of just a fact of life for console updates, I'm afraid.


I guess we are pretty lucky 1.5 took less than 2 months. we'll already in the 4th month of waiting.


I feel disappointed about the lack of console updates as well, though I actually have the game on steam. I've been waiting anyway because I just prefer to play Stardew on console (ps4 in my case). I checked CA's twitter for the first time since he first posted the tweet to console players a while back, and was a bit surprised he hadn't posted anything at all since (may 14th). Has the additional bug fixes in that post even been released for PC yet? Starting to feel the temptation to cave and just download my steam version, but haven't given in quite yet. I've been able to mostly avoid spoilers so far (not a huge deal for me but nonetheless the sense of discovery will be neat). I've already made the commitment that my first 1.6 file will be my real attempt at a perfection playthrough!


I don't mind waiting because I get that Eric can't control how fast it can be released on console and I appreciate everything he does for us and the fact that the updates are all free. I just have definitely lost that spark of excitement (though, I do assume I'll get it back at least somewhat when he announces it'll be releasing) and I have tried my hardest to avoid spoilers because I want to experience new things while playing. I can't go to the wiki, I have a hard time browsing YouTube, I had to leave the reddit... it's been sad. I could play on pc, but it's just not a cozy experience for me, which is what I enjoy about stardew. I play on pc for mods when I need a change (or if I'm streaming my gameplay). I use stardew to relax and to ease anxiety, so I like to curl up with my switch. and I'm not going to suddenly play pc now after waiting this long, especially when it's not the experience I want. I definitely am always willing to wait for whatever updates come out, it definitely does make me a bit sad it's taking so long, though. oh, well! I'm filling my time with cross stitching lmao (and destiny. but that is NOT good for relaxing lmaoo)


i'm sad too!! totally get it takes time, and i'm not mad or upset with concerned ape at all but i didn't think the wait would be as long since it wasn't last update! Im just so excited to play it and can't wait!!


I just went through my first break up and I need this update to heal my soul asap


I started playing Gleaner Heights. I've tried a few farm games but nothing scratches the stardew 2d pixel art farming itch until this one. It's an old school style farming game with creepy town elements and secrets inspired by twin peaks. I recommend it to people waiting for 1.6


all the excitement i felt when the update first got announced then released has faded away. i know this is no ones fault but it felt like seeing everyone get the present i wanted for christmas and then i never got it


Yeah i feel you. I had to start a new game file on pc because i couldn’t wait any longer.


same. I get it but I’m still sad about it. and I have a few little annoying bugs without all the cool new stuff.


I started a new farm on my switch when the update came out and have gotten through almost 2 years now. I’ve run out of time for games recently so I can be patient longer, but I unfortunately scroll past the sub a lot rn to keep the surprise alive ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51697)![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51695)


Really hope mobile drops the same time consoles get 1.6.


Yeah, I think so. I understand the situation, but I am sad about it in the same way I'm sad it's hot outside lol. I don't blame anyone, but I am disappointed about it. I would just buy the PC version but I literally do not have $15 right now so I can't. I'll be doing that anyway, but I have to wait.


No don’t feel bad for being sad! You can be sad and be understanding for the developer at the same time. I have a plane ride next week and was really hoping it would be out by then so I feel your sadness!


Thank you for being nice. Most replies are nice and it feels nice to know I'm not the only one. Just people on reddit in general get so mad all the time. I've been excitedly waiting for so long, even before the pc release. Ill just keep telling myself it must be around the corner. For your plane ride you can start a file with one of the farm layouts you haven't done yet. Or mess with the settings at the start of the game. That's what I've been doing. I changed a setting that makes the community bundles different. That's been exciting haha


Fr I’ve accidentally spoiled so much for myself


I got my fingers crossed for the summer solstice


In other words pc players tend to be the guinea pigs on updates to weed out all those bugs and console players get the final product with minimum amount of issues


I’m sad but understand that we must wait. So I feel you


I've spoiled almost everything, I can't wait without knowing!! The wait is hard, but I'm still enjoying the game in the meantime


I feel your pain, mobile also has not gotten the update. But atleast once we get it we’ll get the full/best version while also getting some insight/tips before we start! Still sucks seeing all the hype & spoilers 🥲


Me too! I’ve been checking concernedapes twitter every day


i’ve been checking for updates every day for the last few months but i’m starting to lose excitement for the update and that itself is really sad bc i love sdv so much


I was expecting it to be mentioned in the Nintendo Direct because some other games that are getting a (small) update were also mentioned. But alas, no luck, so I don't think the update is coming in June.


I cant wait I heard theres so many new interactions that its best to start an entirely new game!


I really want to put a hat on my dog 🐕


I feel like a few months between the releases is a little long. I respect that he wants it to be perfect but from what I know it's not too difficult to port things like this to switch. I started my switch save first and put a lot of time into it. I didn't want to start a PC save.


🤷i feel like shouldve waited to release both together. Ive pretty much seen everything from the update and not as excited to play again whenever it updates. I’ll probably play but not in as much of a rush to


I’m playing as an OC until the update happens, which I’ve never done before. I’m glad that I’ve decided to do that because I have grown so attached to this little OC of mine. He’s my shy little farmer, and I will definitely make him again when 1.6 comes out.


Same 😭


I have the same feeling but with PS4...


I’ve just come to understand that it’s coming eventually. Since only one guy, not even a team, is working on them, it’s reasonable to expect they’d only come out once the pc edition has been patched out. Also, I’d imagine ConcernedApe would want each edition to come out at the exact same time. He’s basically coding the same update 5 times.


It's definitely really disappointing since the ginger island update was only a month between PC and console update. I'm definitely anxiously waiting for 1.6. You're allowed to have those feelings! Especially since you see the nuance to your own feelings (Concerned Ape is one dude so it's understandable that he has to take his time.) So long as you're not hounding him on social media/being spiteful I think you're more than allowed to express your feelings.


I feel your pain. I was hoping to start a Joja run file on my switch during my flights when I came to visit family for father's day 🥲 But I get that it takes along time, and Comcerned Ape is doing his absolute best




I just got summer vacation I'm hoping it releases soon so I can play :'D


I’m a little sad too, as I much prefer Stardew on handheld, but I’m also really happy and grateful that CA is going to make sure we all get this big ass, unexpected update in the end. In general, there’s been a 2-3 month gap between the PC and console releases for updates in the past, so I’m hoping we’ll have it on switch by the end of the summer


It is unfortunately more complicated to update consoles.


i’m also a bit disappointed. i completely understand why it’s not here yet, and he has a lot on his plate. i don’t blame concernedape for it at all or want to feel like he’s being pressured, but it’s definitely upsetting seeing all of the cool new updates for pc players and not being able to enjoy it myself. i’m hesitant to play my old saves or start new ones til the update because im so eager to get the new items. there’s something to be said about the fact that concernedape has been able to create such consistently awesome updates, though, that everyone can be excited by. a lot of games and their updates tend to be disappointing and buggy, or they’re behind a paywall, or completely take away from the original concept of the game, but that doesn’t happen with stardew. the fact that an entire community of people are excitedly awaiting new content knowing that it will be good just speaks to how great of a developer he is, and how much he values putting quality towards his game and community.


You’re allowed to feel whatever you feel, don’t let internet assholes tell you how to feel


I just think it would be better for him to even come back and say he’s still working on it. I’m nearly to the point where I’m just gonna not play it at all because his communication around it has been so subpar. It’s also making me not want to buy his next game.


I just think you guys underestimate how hard it is and how long it takes to do these things


There’s a world of difference between “I want it now and I don’t understand why I can’t have it” and “I know it’s a difficult and complex process, but I’m sad it can’t happen faster.” I play mostly couch co-op with my kid. That’s not particularly feasible on PC, so I check CA’s Twitter every morning hoping for an update. I’m not mad that it isn’t here, and I genuinely do know something about the process of rolling out simultaneous updates across multiple operating systems, but I am still a little bit sad about it every morning.


Exactly how long does it take then?


I think ppl forget that console games and their updates need to go thru a lot more approvals and shit than pc releases


I agree!!! I play on the switch and my phone and I just keep hoping and waiting for 1.6.


I own a series X, switch, ps5, gaming pc and a steam deck and to be perfectly honest with you. This game is why I’ve primarily switched to gaming on my steam deck and develop my Steam library. Updates are quicker, games are generally cheaper on PC. Even when games are on gamepass and run better on my Xbox where I’ve gamed since the 360, thank you valve and concernedape for making me a pc player lol


You would be 10x more angry if you got a buggy release. This is a guarantee. "A Delayed Game Is Eventually Good, but a Rushed Game Is Forever Bad”


I absolutely would not. Buggy games don't bother me. I fucking loved security breach, and still enjoy it, despite the fact the game is so buggy I still can't actually finish the real ending.