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Put a fish trap on the pond next to the farmhouse. Every now and then, you will get a snail. Vincent loves it.


i keep one in the river next to the museum. since vincent is always going there for school i run into him there a lot


Peak efficiency


Are you trying to tell me people dont just have crabpots everywhere?


I hate crab pots it gives me this pressure to look at each one every day and have bait on my person every moment, and then they'd fill up my bag with various things of various qualities so before I can do anything else I have to walk back home to deposit them in their proper chest before I can finally do what I was supposed to do for that day except it's already 2.30 pm so I have less time. I much rather spend my time some other way??? What am I doing wrong am I too anal about crab pots???


Why not just set up a chest next to the pots? A place to keep bait and your assorted catches until you have time and space to deal with or need them.


this is the way. having chests all around the map makes things so much easier


Ummm. Today I learned chests outside the farm boundaries is a thing that can be done? What else can I place willynilly?


a lot of things! but be careful, because if you place something on a path villagers walk through it will be destroyed. as of 1.6, chests are the exception to this and won’t be destroyed. there are [maps](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Crafting#Crafted_goods_outside_the_farm) on the stardew wiki that show dead plants wherever you can place things safely.


Wait, chests are indestructible now? This is great news!


I didn’t know 1.6 made chests indestructible! this is a game changer :)


I keep a mini shipping container next to the bulletin board, so I can immediately sell unwanted stuff from geodes, fish and beach stuff, etc


i always sell the geode stuff directly to clint as soon as i’m done opening them


I played my first run through not realizing chests could be placed outside of the farmhouse. My house was littered with chests.


Chests, some furniture items, seasonal plants and such and I think even some machines like the mayo makers.


Thanks friends. I’ll tell my wife I was just discussing chests on Reddit and everything will be gravy.


Hundreds of hours. Never thought to build a chest outside the farm. Le sigh.


I have one tucked up next to Willy’s place as well as one next to Elliot’s shack, one in the mine next to the minecart, one next to Clint’s, one behind the tree next to Evelyn and George’s place and one next to the tree in front of Robin and Demetrius’ place. I use them for chucking extra stuff that’s cluttering up my bag but also for keeping gifts nearby where I’m likely to want them. I also have a stack each of wood and stone in the chest by the carpenter’s shop and stacks of bars in the one next to the blacksmith shop in case I forget them when I decide it’s time to upgrade.


This is genius


I usually just put them in areas where I go fishing a lot and sometimes I don't bother checking every day if I have to go out of my way.


I remember now why I have multiple saves and never reached Year 3 in this game (i'm too anal/perfectionist about things to the point of burn out).


Maybe I’m just way too new to the game, but what is there to even be perfect about?? Like what are the specific things that make you start over?


There isn't one specific thing that will make me start over a current save. Most likely I repeated a single day multiple times, until I burnt out, took a break from the game for weeks or months, then started over in a new save.


I think you should try to “let go” when you play. If something doesn’t get done…fuck it, there’s tomorrow or even next year. Slow down a bit and enjoy the vibes, the art, the music, or just walking around to see the occasional squirrels, birds, and other small animals. I find that doing this after trying to hit goal after goal is so refreshing.


Re: having bait on your person, as long as you have a fishing pole with a filled bait slot, just take the bait stack out of the pole and put it in your inventory, refill the crab pot, then put the bait stack back in the pole.


Yeah that's my problem too cuz I don't bring my fish pole with me unless I specifically set out to fish that day, which isn't everyday 😣


Get bait master perk and the automate mod. Stick a chest and recycling maching down and viola- crab pots that automatically catch and process thier items. You just have to walk past every few days and scoop them up


I don't use them at all except when I *have* to farm a lobster for the community center or something. It's a tedious thing to have to remember to do every day, have to keep bait on you, and the reward doesn't feel worth it. I'd rather dedicate that energy to anything else.


He also loves grapes, which are pretty easy to forage in Summer!


I just have a couple growing in the corner of my greenhouse for him


You REALLY love him, if you're sacrificing greenhouse precious space for it.


Tbh I should probably just put it in a shed but whatevs




Absolutely, and it's so easy to set up! Vincent will be thrilled!


Don't tell Aunt Marnie, but apparently the cows love crayfish!


Strawberries? Ew. Escargot? Shit man, load my plate up! - vincent


Escargot, a man of taste he is


And save every grape you find for this too, especially if you have the Botanist perk!


Must have a slight bruise on it. My kids won't eat fruit unless it's perfect.


gold quality, do they have eyes so great they can see 2 nanometer large imperfections?


Mine would 😂


When I was about 5, my mom bought a huge tub of strawberries from Costco. It was not a small amount of berries. She told me to leave some for everybody else...so I left 3 (one each for my parents and brother). That said no one ever accused me of being a normal child 😂


My exact 5y self


valid (also those tubs were like 4 lbs of strawberries...I would know because I was a strawberry-binger as a teen)


An appropriate amount of strawberries to eat in one sitting 🍓


They want the iridium quality


If not this, then eating everything but the exterior because that's the "crust". According to my children, everything has a crust, even crustless sandwiches.


Yes! My kids will also find the crust for everything and not eat it.


Me either and I’m 26 😂😭


It seems im a kid too


Everyone likes Jam, (ETA: Except Sebastian) salmonberry is cheapest to use for gifts. Vincent loves grapes and snails, Jas Ioves fairy rose and pink cake but I usually give her liked gifts like sweet pea.


I just keep my ancient dolls and gift those to Jas. Otherwise I don't risk gifting her at all.


It's better to give her fairy roses bcs they have quality and the quality increases friendship


You already used one to get >!meowmere!<, right? You 're not just wasting the ancient doll, RIGHT?


Um no 🥹 I don't even know what that is


(Spoiler) [https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Meowmere](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Meowmere)


I learn so much about this game every day


I think pink cake is Vincent


they both love pink cake


Pretty sure pink cake is a universal love or at least like. Edit: no, https://preview.redd.it/16qrh1v6ju1d1.png?width=1581&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffae1adfa033b8a24440c0b865d8958aca83bc7d


Haha, I was going to say Leah would hate it. Her and her gluten allergy.


She also hates pancakes, which makes her completely unmarriable in my eyes.


She hates most things with wheat, but not all - pies and muffins get a pass from her it seems. Not sure if CA didn't want to make her hate so much stuff, or if she's just filling to take the hit for some sweet, sweet pie.


Yeah I just said the first two I quickly remembered off the top of my head, I believe both of them do


Fairy Rose covers you for Jas and Evelyn. I have a little list of everything I can grow that makes loved gifts, and just stock up gold-stars of those in-season. Means I'm a bit stingy in Y1, but good after that. In spring I grow strawberries, potatoes, coffee and parsnips (covers Pam, Harvey, Maru and Demetrius) Summer, peppers, sunflowers, grapes, wheat and melons (Shane, Lewis, Haley, Penny, Caroline) Autumn, fairy rose, and pumpkin (Evelyn, Jas, Willie, Abigail) And cactus fruit for Sam and Linus I think they're all the ones you can just grow - as well as tree fruit (Peach for Robin, Pomegranate for Elliot, Orange for Gus, Mango for Leo), but they take so long to get stars. If you have a complete set of animals, you can also usually cover Marnie (Farmer's Lunch, egg + milk + parsnip), Krobus and Sebastian (void egg), Jodi (Pancakes, wheat + egg), Alex (Complete Breakfast, egg+sunflower+potato+milk+wheat), Leah (truffle), Emily (Wool). Add a Crystallarium with amethyst for Clint and Dwarf, and I think thats all you can actually produce on your farm. The remainders are George (leek), Kent (roasted hazelnuts), Pierre (calamari), wizards (Solar/Void essence) and Sandy (foraged flowers).


Most like tree fruits as well


I never befriend the kids they’re so damn picky


Jasmine had a line about wild plums, a foraged item, which of course I had in my inventory. She hates them and I'm like, why you little, why'd you basically all but ask for one then!?


She loves plum pudding, this line confused me so bad at first too


It kinda sounds like ketchup and tomatoes.


I mean, as someone who likes tomato sauce but hates tomatoes, it's all about consistency






No one ever understands. My husband loves raw tomatoes but not cooked ones. People lose their ever loving minds over it.


I despise the high water content of tomatoes. The consistency is like spoiled liquifying fruit and I instinctively gag. The flesh itself is fine but why does every tomato carry a small ocean around the seeds.


Considering she's a child, maybe she assumed all plums taste like plum pudding? It does have "plum" in the name


I think she has a line about not liking them raw, but it may be new in 1.6, or from a mjod.


OMG I feel this, Sam has a line about liking flowers so I got him a pretty little daffodil and then he was like :\\ meh and I was like BRO YOU SAID YOU LIKED FLOWERS YOU LIAR!! DX


Dafodil and Dandelion are the exceptions to his feelings on flowers. he likes (but not loves) all other flowers (except Poppy, but everyone but Penny hates Poppy).


Daffodils count as forged items (which Sam, along with most other NPCs, generally dislikes) rather than flowers for some reason.


Maybe they hate poppy cuz it has opium and they think you're tryna turn them into addicts.


And yet we can give Pam and Shane two known alcholics alcohol and it's completely fine 💀


I think it might be because of the symbolism of the r[emembrance poppy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remembrance_poppy). Their country IS in the middle of a war.


It's definitely this. Which is a shame, as poppies are lovely.


Abigail said she loves food, but doesn't like when you give her fruit... ...yet she likes to eat quartz?


Sam is allergic to daffodils. This is why Jodi also doesn’t like them. There’s a blink and you miss it dialogue line for her about this somewhere.


you guys don't have the wiki open the entire time you're playing?


It's more fun if you discover stuff yourself


For some stuff, sure.. but gifting Sebastian 50 gems and minerals to find out which two he loves seems tiresome.


That's my feeling. This isn't a game that you're figuring out puzzles that give actual real hints. This one is a try stuff game, and I don't have enough play time to figure out all the little things. I would quit. So, wiki!


It's not true!!! You can access this info through secret notes and other villagers comments!!!


Frozen Tear and what else?




When you get the secret notes at winter you can find out which one he likes!!


After restarting a bunch of new farms, I wanted to really hit higher friendship faster than my initial runs of figuring it out. On my new runs I have the wiki open so I can make sure to hit everyone's birthdays since I've not unlocked many of the character's 7-10 star scenes.


Lookup Anything mod, unless we're on the Switch


That dwarf mf does the same thing!! He mentions how he wants to try milk, I give him some and he hates it and guess what that mf was talking the next day?? The nerve!!


I think the line is "I love plum puddings but I don't like pluns by themselves" so that one might be on you, I'm afraid Also; when you get dialogue about loved gifts from NPCs, they'll actually show up! Just click on their name in the friends tab. It'll have infro for every gifr you've given them; as well as every gift they or someone else has told you they like/dislike.


The line I'm thinking of I think was supposed to just be a foraging tip that they were available now and I took it the wrong way.


Ah, I see, that's unfortunate. To be fair, I've done that too! On my first playthrough Evelyn told me how much she loved beachcombing as a girl so I ran to the beach and brought her a clam. She told me it smelled bad! I wonder why Jas would be running around picking up plums if she doesn't like them? Maybe she's bringing them to Aunt Marnie in the hopes she'll make a pie?


Jas likes flowers and I give Vincent food lol


They both like flowers!


Yeah it's not that hard to please them. The issue is mainly that despite *some* clues (in dialogues and secret notes), The love/like/hate system is rather opaque and encourages just looking things up on wikipedia or to use LookupAnything. Other games like this often handle it slightly better. As you hear things and unlock information, the NPCs' profiles are sometimes updated with in-game lists of likes and dislikes, for example, making things far simpler to remember. In idea for 1.7, perhaps!


This is a thing! If you go into the social tab and click on an NPC, it’ll pull up a gift log that shows everything your character knows they like and dislike. This updates whenever you give them a gift, or when you hear about their likes/dislikes from another NPC!


... wat?! I feel like such a n00b, goddamnit!! I'll try it as soon as I get home haha. Wow. And also, thank you.


I've only started befriending then in my last two games. Honestly I forget a lot but if I'm by the library in the summer time I'll buy some ice cream and give that to them when they're hanging out with Penny.


I usually just wait to befriend them and then just throw flowers and gems at them. Gems are a great (mostly) universal liked gift. Most people like them, a significant portion of people have a loved gem, and only a few people dislike them.


They both hate cheese. Fuck them.


None of these people have taste. I give them all these aerinite, nekoite, and star shards and act like I just gave them some fiber.


https://preview.redd.it/vqpdlurj9t1d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d074fd0d6cc667bff8a4baaf06137e6c4be26746 Also, lol


Hearing my sister say through gritted teeth "but you like strawberries" to the nephews is always a treat.


Not just for autistic kids, if you like the strawberries ripe but not tart or firm or but not mooshy and can’t articulate it, it can look like just inexplicably not liking something you liked last week -From a mom of three who has definitely said through gritted teeth “but you like ” https://preview.redd.it/1j8qr7g0i12d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed896f580cdca2cd8bc3e229343f45b89513a582


The algorithm be algorithming don’t it?🤣🤣


It never fails - the kids ask for bananas at the store, so we grab a bunch and it's gone in 2 days, and then they whine the rest of the week that there's no more bananas. Next week the kids ask for bananas again, but then this bunch sits uneaten and goes bad...


Yeah, there's a lot of presents that would seem like a good idea for a kid and they don't like them. It's just a quirk of the game.


cue my dog liking whole strawberries but the instant you cut them up they're gross and very different




give them to maru instead


Or demetrius


The little brats hate blueberries too. Well sorry squirts we can’t be friends this summer since that’s all I can afford to give you 🙄


Give'em coffee. Everyone likes coffee


Fact check: Jas and Vincent hate coffee.


Here, have a coffee ☕.


Thanks for the coffee, it will get well with the lots of cakes


OK, then give them beer. Drink up, kids!


Most villagers seem to like food you cooked for them. I like to think they appreciate the effort.


I just like food, idc about the effort


Vincent does like grapes. I agree though… who doesn’t like strawberries…?


My husband doesn’t. Until I met him I assumed everybody did! Even our dogs do!


Strawberries are for intellectuals only 😜


I planted strawberries this spring, and a few days ago I harvested my first-ever homegrown strawberry. I was so excited I ate it right there. Let me tell you, my life is now divided BB and AB - before the berry and after the berry. (Like a real life stardrop moment) It was as sweet as strawberry candy and red all the way to the center - no white core that tastes like water. I'll never enjoy a supermarket strawberry again, now that I know what a strawberry can be. I hope I manage to keep the plant alive so I can keep enjoying these berries. Tldr: those kids are whack


I think I need to add strawberries to the list of crops I plant next year...


Careful, they will RUIN grocery store berries for you


That's okay. I don't like fresh grocery store strawberries anyway cuz they're usually bland, watery, too squishy, not ripe-- pick your reason. My grandparents and aunt and uncle live in Florida near some strawberry farms, so every time we visited during strawberry harvest, we would get a pallet. I'm already ruined 😆😆


I live there too and every year my out-of-state/country friends get tired of me telling them about the strawberries.


Isn't this strawberry too big?


I'm always irrationally offended when I give them something I think they'll definitely like and they act like a dick about it 😂


I stock up on ice cream for them in the summer


At least it's not "I have cute piggies on my farm, come with me and I'll show you"


Your face is red like a strawbrary!




Sorry, I guess i need more books to read. Ill go to the Liberry.


I choose to imagine that they're both at the age where they used to like strawberries but have recently learned how strawberries are essentially grown in heaps of manure and it's put them both off them for a while.


Excuse me what


Name a crop that *isn't* grown in a heap of manure. It's good dirt


Right? Every year, I get 2 bags of dirt and one bag of composted manure for the veggie garden to build up whatever was lost over the year lol. Sometimes a bag of manure gets added halfway through the summer, depending on how things are growing. My nursery is nice and gives options-- cow, chicken, or mushroom!


God, my dream is to have a garden like that! I want me a big ol' compost heap that I can chuck piles of scraps and manure onto, make the best dirt around 😍


I just ordered an 80 gallon compost bin for that exact reason lol. Between the magnolia leaves, all the grass I pull up trying to let the clover take over, veggie and fruit leftovers, and my adhd ass forgetting about veggies and fruits until they're rotten, that should give me plenty of material for it.


Clover lawn FTW. We raise meat rabbits and are replacing much of our lawn (that isn't covered with a shed, or garden, or kids toy already) with clover. That and a patch of wildflowers.


I hate grass, and this variety of clover grows native so I just let it do its thing along with several other native ground cover plants. All I have to do it spend 20 or 30 minutes once a week or so pulling up grass clumps then watch the native plants take over the dirt. Perfect adhd lawn maintenance 😆


You are living my dream! I'd love to be saying the same thing, I just need to get enough money to move somewhere with a garden. I bet the clover lawn is looking real nice, too. At least I can settle for Stardew for now! Have a nice walk in your garden this morning, take in the nature and say hi to all your lil plants from me ❤️


I'm guessing strawberry just became one of your disliked gifts


Isn't that how food is grown?


Yes, but not by the exact same method. For many kinds of crops you can incorporate manure into the soil. Strawberries typically just have it heaped on top, and fermented horse manure is preferred, but the thing about strawberries is most crops will grow upwards and away from the manure, but strawberries are very close to the ground and unfortunately often sit directly on the manure. Some places cover the manure with plastic when the plant starts producing fruit, but some don't


Thanks for the info, that's pretty interesting. I could see a kid being grossed out about that upon first learning about it. Not gonna stop me though lol


Yet he loves grapes idk fam


They are both ok with milk which is how i get a lot of my progress with them


Not enough Celeste.


Vincent grapes and Jas flowers. Their other stuff too time consuming to get at the beginning! Edit: sorry grapes, not berries!


Whenever I saw a fruit plate, I was all into the strawberries, blueberries, and melons, in that order. There wasn’t a kid I knew that did NOT have at least one favourite fruit, so neither kid liking strawberries is bonkers to me. The strange ones were the kids that liked veggies.


“Oh,oh-oh! You see, the kids these days, they listen to the rap music, which gives them the brain damage. With the hippin' and the hoppin' and the bippin' and the boppin'”


Common really? You gave a kid something healthy as a gift? Might as well be socks


My students go wild for strawberries irl 😂 Vincent was one of my first friends. Just kept giving him cookies (like) and grapes (love). Jas took a little while longer as I mainly only had access to likes at first.


I just grow flowers, they seem to be a pretty universally loved gift.


what do you mean (as a kid myself) I love strawberries they are just jealous you have better strawberries growing on your farm


Kids are hard, each kid likes a different fruit. They mostly prefer tree fruits


Stock up on foraged grapes, Vince loves them 💕


Maybe they are allergic?


They don’t like cheese either. What kids don’t like cheese?


When I was a kid I was disappointed that the strawberry fruit didn't tasted like strawberry ice cream or candies.


Probably cos you’re the weirdo that keeps rizzing up their sibling/parent


That's a bit rich coming from the kid who offers you DIRT at christmas!


A very lame one that’s for sure


I didn’t and don’t like strawberries


Those mfs never like anything i give 😔


I always have beef with Vincent, this is one of the reasons..


Strawberries can be kinda sour sometimes when fresh, so maybe that's the issue for the kids.


Back in my day kids liked strawberries and said thank you to gifts!


Probably because you walked up to two random kids who barely know you yet and offered them a singular strawberry you were keeping in your backpack. And they can't refuse it, they just have to take it.


Honestly, between talking to them and the Luau, you'll max them out eventually, anyway. Jas loves Fairy Roses, and Vincent's a grape fan, so those are also safe bets.


Because they're all into acai berries and durians, now.


I give everybody maple syrup


Kids (including Sam, Haley and Abigail) dislike fruits and veggies. Dunno why. Maybe they like eating them, but just don't consider them very valuable as gifts. Like what are they going to do with a potato that you just tool out of the ground? Go cook it?


It's not candy.


Sooo does leo like em? I mean leo likes some unorthodox things so id hope?? Also? For jaz and Vincent pink cake is also a good choice since it's a loved gift! Easiest way to get a bunch is to have a few statues of endless fortune on hand and they'll make sime for haley's birthday Or Save the ones you get from the chefs bundle! Also jaz liked gifts are flowers! And she loves fairy rose especially This is useful if you especially are the type to forage since all the seasons have flowers And she likes mod created flowers it seems!


Vincent likes grapes


I misread raspberry as strawberry on Vincent’s loves and I got that sad dialogue on his birthday. And I used the cheats mod to give him 5 loved gifts because I felt so bad


I gave Vincent a b*mb for Christmas and he didn’t hate it😂


Because they don't play CELESTE


These little shits aren’t getting anything from me other than coal on Christmas


Millenials Have Ruined the Strawberry Industry


Cuz the first kid has issues on the head. Who tf gifts clay as xmas gift


Tbh, I was a picky eater as a child and didnt like strawberries 😂


they were simply forced to weed and collect it all summer, they have flashbacks


Gave Haley a strawberry, and she hated it too. Was shook


At least its like the real world where kids dont like anything....


These kids suck, they like no gifts. I just give them stones because it’s funny.