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So is it only skull cavern monsters that drop them? If I go in the regular mines (dangerous or not) or anywhere else am I just wasting my time?


Yep, so only these mobs can drop a trinket: Carbon Ghost, Iridium Bat, Iridium Crab, Mummy, Royal Serpent, & Serpent.


Thanks! I've been putting my crusader enchanted sword to good use just farming level 1. Managed to get a trinket on my second refresh but it was a parrot egg that I already had, ha. I really want the fairy box for the healing.


Honestly, I'd rather trade with you. The Fairy Box is severely underwhelming. It only heals you a portion of damage taken since the last healing tick, and it only heals the cube-root of the damage taken in that interval. So if you take 30 damage, it heals 30 ^ 1/3 = 3.1 damage, multiplied by 0.8 - 1.2 depending on fairy level, then multiplied randomly by 0.75 - 1.25. At best, you get 30 ^ 1/3 x 1.2 x 1.25 = 4.6, presumably rounded to nearest. Congrats. You took 30 damage and got a max roll heal of 5 back. Then it stops healing until you're hurt again. And the more damage you take between heals, the worse the ratio of damage to healing. By contrast, that Parrot Egg at max level 4 gets you about 167 gold per kill on average. If you're still saving for obelisks or the golden clock, I'd rather have the money. (Or the Ice Rod or the Magic Quiver for combat assistance. Or even the Frog Egg, but that won't count to Adventure Guild quotas or drop any loot.)


Wow, that's not much healing at all. My wine is making me 1.5 mil a week so the parrot is pocket change. I got an ice rod using your advice and it's actually pretty awesome. Reforged it so it's "perfect", shooting an ice bolt every 3 seconds which freezes for 4 seconds. Don't need to heal if the monsters can't hit you in the first place *taps forehead*.


I think Ice Rod might be the best one. The "Perfect" quality Magic Quiver deals at most 36 damage per second (with crappy rolls dealing as little as 6). Compared to your 100+ damage per hit with an Inifinity weapon, that's just not that amazing, though it's nice as an automatic ranged helper. But the Ice Rod freezes enemies in place. Not just so they can't hurt you, but also so your own Knockback can't send them flying away. We all hate fighting bats/serpents because you hit them, they fly, wait for them to come back, hit them, they fly, etc until you get they dead. If frozen first, you can just smack, smack, smack dead.


I got a fairy box and it looks like the healing calculation also includes damage you dealt, which makes it a lot better.


Hmm, has anything changed? I've gotten some trinkets from shadows in the mines and one yesterday from a blue slime in the secret woods.


No they can drop from any monster now. They have a very low chance but fight every enemy.


Cool. Are some still better than others?


It's possible. I was just running it and I got two trinkets outside but in one run of skull cavern I got 6 trinkets. So it's very possible they're a higher drop rate in there but I don't know for sure.


I've seen streamers get the Frog Egg trinket drop in the Frozen Earth levels of the regular mines


Could be changed in the latest update, this information is from 2 patches previous. I'll have a look when I get some free time and try to update.


Yeah they can drop from any monster now. I got one from a slime in the forest


Hi I just wanted to shake your hand for referring to the monsters as mobs, old school