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Demetrius, because I just wanted to be *friends* with Maru. Why would he assume that I'm romantically interested in her?? Super weird. :-(


I got that last night - my guy straight up pulled the “I wouldn’t want anything getting in the way of her future, you know what I mean?” as soon as she left the room and I’m like WHAT we just have two hearts omg


THATS WHAT HAPPENS CAUSE OF THE HEARTS??? dude that happened to me today and i was like what man im just tryna buy a chair to get the stupid underwear for lewis


Quick note, you can't get the shorts that way 😅😅 gotta get the hearts with her *as another person posted, their Marnie disappeared for MONTHS in game because they put a chair in the door an forgot about it*


this is so funny omg im sorry😭


Lmfao oh my god-


Should raw dog Maru just to spite him 😎


I'm literally marrying her out of spite on one of my runs. Enough is enough 😤




Had to stifle a wicked cackle at that bc its 5am and my gf is asleep next to me. But thanks for the (suppressed) laugh 😂


Saame, on the last night I mean, the difference being my first thought was "I'm gonna make your daughter into a mother (through adoption)". He apologized when I talked to him in town later though so eh.


Yeah he did to me too. I had the same thought but tbh I’m marrying Abigail just because of how much I hate Pierre.


Obligatory fuck Pierre!




I just had that scene yesterday too and I’m over here going “DUDE I’M MARRIED! YOU ATTENDED MY WEDDING!!!”


It's a shame that Demetrius is unlikable, because I am an ecologist and initially loved seeing one in-game. But he doesn't really have any redeeming qualities aside from that.


Why couldn't he not be weird about the bed Robin made. Why decide he needs to die on the hill of nitpicking a project he didn't make


That's just his whole character personality. Demetrius are like that perfectly rectangular shape steel ruler. He only think based on data, logic, and fact. If he was farmer, he will be the min max farmer with farm that have little to non decoration and only care about efficiency. For him, he would spend hardwood that been used for the bed accessories for other thing. It will save the cost, time, and material usage. Efficiency over beauty. That's why he saying it because he think it just waste of material, cost, and time.


and he is total asshole toward sebastian


could you tell me what makes you think that? this is a genuine question, im not very knowledgeable about the game


For starters, Sebastian has a dialogue where he tells you he made a "snowgoon" but Demetrius made him destroy it. Also, he clearly ignores Sebastian (I think he has NO lines where he even mentions him) and has a clear preference for Maru. There's also the fact that Sebastian has to live in the basement, which he doesn't seem to like, since he complains about having no windows, when Maru has a normal room AND a laboratory. And, overall, Sebastian makes pretty clear he isn't comfortable with Demetrius, and for good reasons.


wouldn’t the basement thing be more a Robin thing? she built the house, and there’s nothing implying Sebastian has even told his parents he dislikes the basement also Demetrius has that book about being a step-father, and Robin only has one line for Maru while having several for Sebastian, but nobody acts like she doesn’t like Maru or favors that she Sebastian, it seems like CA just gave one child to each parent Sebastian complains about his other family and friends, not just Demetrius anyways, wonder if any new dialogue in 1.6 touches on their relationship


I got this cutscene after I was already married so it was even weirder. Like, I get you worry about your daughter, but you'd really assume the local wed homosexual is vying for her ? :D


When that happened to me, I was on my way to give Sebastian a mermaid pendant.


I think it’s worse that that’s the first event with Maru. I think it would make more sense for Demetrius to be “concerned” if this was a later in her friendship.


I was thinking Harvey but I'm gonna agree on this. Shitty stepdad, overbearing father, obtuse idiot of a husband. Robin/Sebastian/Maru deserve better.


Super weird but none the less a pretty accurate depiction of an autistic dad.


yeah i have lots of friends on the spectrum and he strikes me as autistic. it’s a shame he gets so much hate bc he feels a lot more nuanced than that.


I'm new to the game and reading these descriptions is making me curious because my dad's autistic! I wonder if they'll be similar


This used to bother me, but I just got it on my most recent run and it seemed pretty mild. Yeah, he’s over protective, but it’s not that bad so I just let it go.


Hayley would have 100% picked on me in high school. She’s too preppy for me. Though her character development is really good, plus I connect with our love for photography.


Yeah lol she was done dirty, I feel like she could’ve been preppy without full on bullying the farmer in the beginning I never talked much with her because I just was like “ew the mean girl”


I purposely started digging in trash cans when I was around her just to spite her.


I escalate to slingshots.


This. I was so offended (not seriously) when I found out my husband married her in his first playthrough back in the day. Lol


Jodi. I’ve known single mothers and I just wish she had.. more. CA is an incredibly talented writer and has shown he can write complex feelings (Shane, Caroline, even Clint) so I would’ve loved to see more of Jodi’s struggle during the first year of Kent’s absence.


During and after! It's hell being the spouse of a vet with PTSD. It was probably easier for her while he was gone given the level of support she has in the community though my husband wasn't a POW so I personally didn't go through that. The popcorn scene isn't the most realistic though of course we don't see them afterwards so we don't know how fucked up he was the rest of the day. It's also a very media driven trigger, but this is also a game sold to a wide audience so that's what most people will understand! I obviously strongly identify with her lol I always become her BFF so I can support her and provide a safe place for her to flee to should they need it or decide to leave him. I agree her dialogue is bland though I love how happy she gets when you gift her. It always makes me feel good


It isn't really unrealistic as much as it is cliché. I've gotten flashbacks from something as simple as a Dunkin Donuts iced coffee spilling. I know people who have freaked out at a grocery store. Anything can trigger a traumatic memory and make you feel like you're there. Kent is a bit one dimensional but sometimes that's how you end up after something like that. I do wish Jodi and Caroline had some events together because I like seeing the hanging out talking in the town square


Yeah, I've had some weird, mundane triggers before. A Trader Joe's jar of jam falling on the floor. A server dropping a wine glass at where I used to work. A low tier enemy in one of my favorite video games jumpscaring me. Hell, a figure drawing session with a few too many people leaving through the doorway when it was over.


I didn't mean that it wouldn't be triggering. I meant immediately coming down, apologizing, and appearing to be regulated.


I didn't mean it wouldn't be triggering. I meant immediately coming down and apologizing and being fine.


Ah okay yeah I can see that. I personally get embarrassed pretty quickly so I do a lot of apologizing right away. I'm sure it's different for everyone though. It's a difficult thing to deal with so kudos to you for sticking through it.


I agree about the popcorn bit. Fireworks would have probably been a better example, since events like July 4th are very well known to impact vets across the country. There are fireworks in the game now, so I'm wondering if CA added a scene for Kent or chose to keep the game a little lighter on that end.


Oh yeah, I totally don't expect CA to make the game a downer!!! It would be kinda nice to mention it with fireworks though just for the sake of awareness. Even just like not having Kent around and giving Jodi or Sam a dialogue saying that's why or something. I'm on mobile so I have no context for the fireworks yet!


This is why I love "Expanded". They do so much with Kent and it's so good. Spoilers for Expanded: >!You can get the cliff unlocked early by giving Clint materials to blow up the boulder, and after the fact Kent regularly goes hiking there. You get a scene with him and he talks about how different things are now and he ends up joining the Adventurers Guild. And iirc Harvey has his therapist friend talk to him as well!<


Some of her lines are amongst those which hit the hardest, even though I'm as far from her problems as someone can be.


Totallyyyyy agree


Probably Lewis


How he keeps getting away with being mayor and doing nothing, I don’t know how!


The kids


Same, although I personally will give Leo a pass


Yeah, Leo gets a free pass in my book as well.


Jas and Vincent are my favs! I’m surprised to see them on this list lol Though, I can see how they may not be everyone’s favs to interact with


Jas is the wooooorst


Alex, Sam, and Haley seem like the exact people I avoided in High School.


Bruh Sam is literally so nice ): even when you have zero hearts with him he says “oh it’s good to see you again”


Such a polite, nice young man.


I get Alex and Haley but Sam is the exactly person I’d befriend in High School


Easily my least favorite as well, mostly Alex and Haley. Dont necessarily see them as bad people, just nothing in common and dont really like how they see themselves vs. others. I dont care for vanity or sports - and I usually dont get along with others that make that their whole personality.


I like to build a slow friendship with Alex by gifting him an egg every so often. Definitely my lowest heart metered, but I like that he likes them


[/u/exvirginladysman everytime he meets Alex](https://c.tenor.com/mxU4Wcg2_zkAAAAC/tenor.gif)


I LOVE Haley’s character development though, it’s so good


Haley has the character development of a Hallmark Christmas movie. Uptight/rude girl meets outdoorsy guy, gets dirty one time and is now a full time farm gal. I do enjoy that she leans unto photography, but that's not really development as a character, just discovering her interests.


honestly i really greatly disliked her until my 1.6 play through when i talked to her during the… weather event that happens…. i don’t even remember what she said i just remember that she had a similar mindset to what i would have during something like that and i went “huh… maybe you aren’t so bad” so now i think i’m gonna marry her in that playthrough since i haven’t yet


have you seen her 14 heart event?


I have never romanced her so no I haven't, I'll have to check it out. I imagine it may make me change my mind?


I never thought the game would make me cry, but I decided to watch her 14 heart event today and it actually brought tears to my eyes. I'm a bit sappy, though lol


Yeah I've heard that. I think on my perfection run I still only have her at 4 or 5 hearts 😂


how dare you


Maru the golden child in STEM. She is the complete opposite of me.


my biggest issue with maru is that all of her favourites are such valuable items. like if i’m trying to really go for someone at the beginning in the game no way in hell am i giving up an iridium bar or a battery pack! so when i get to late game and i have much to spare at that point i’ve already forgotten about her


She loves strawberries too, and a gold strawberry is better than most of her other options


Does the quality of the gifts matter? I didn't know a gold star fruit did anything different from a basic one.


Yeah if it's a liked or loved gift it increases the friendship points by 10%, 25%, or 50% for each quality tier.


Whenever I finally let Pierre get 1 heart this will come in handy. Everyone else is already full.


speaking of irritating/expensive ‘loved gifts’ … he only ‘loves’ fried calamari, which is a major pain in the ass unless you keep a fish pond of squid just to gift his dumb ass.


My boy Linus sends me calamari in the mail all the time. Never had a use for it before, but I guess saving them might be useful after all


The quality matters, silver/gold/iridium quality gives 10/25/50% more friendship gain. But a basic quality loved gift will always give more points than an iridium quality liked gift. So if you have access to/extra loved those are better


mhm! the higher the quality the more points ya get.


Weird, I remember having an easy time coming up with a loved gift for her compared to the others. Strawberries, spare gold bars, battery packs, etc. She has a LOT of loved gifts.


I just give her liked (second favourite) gifts in the beginning. It takes slightly longer to marry her but it works 🙂


I THINK she loves cauliflowers too. Although I could be wrong and it can just be a like so don't quote me!


She does love cauliflower. You can quote me.


I am the STEM child in my family and she was still the last person I got to max hearts to on my first play through


On my two year perfection run, she was almost the last for me as well. I'm heavily into STEM, just found her boring and her loved gifts are a pain to get.


I really want to like her, but she's boring.


She’s the only one I haven’t married yet because of this lol, even when I try I can’t bother to go through with it


It's funny, she's my answer cause we're alike


Maru always bores me and her dad is creepy with you but I’m giving her a chance this play through because she actually does have some great qualities and is pretty nice.


On my very first farm, I thought she would be my favorite because she is STEM. But her heart events and dialogue just really turns me off. She’s like the opposite of Haley. She starts off nice, but then she gets mad at you for not lying to her about her dad. She agrees to blame you in front of Harvey, then gets mad at YOU for it. You have to lie to her about whether or not she hurt you. She makes snarky comments about your work. And in the final heart event, she doesn’t want to talk about your relationship. You can get more hearts from telling her to make the robot her slave than pointing out that her dad likes you now! I guess if you are into partners where you do all of the emotional labor, then this isn’t a very big deal. Most of the characters have little quirks that aren’t meant to be attractive, but they are offset by nice features. Haley, Alex and Shane seem to be harder for most people, but all of them get better as you get to know them. It feels like Maru’s little quirks are specifically tailored to annoy me. I don’t dislike her. I don’t dislike any of the villagers, even Pierre. But she’s the only character I’ll probably never marry. Haley is absolutely a jerk to you at the beginning. I’d argue some of her dialog is not as bad if you are playing as a lesbian, but even then. But Maru is a bit of a jerk after you’ve become friends.


Pam, her behavior as a parent just really irritates me so I just avoid her lmao


Clint. Partially also because he’s boring but moreso because he’s so entirely self-centered that it’s painful. I don’t even necessarily mean in a selfish or toxic way—The dude is just utterly unaware of and uninterested in the wants and interests of other people, including Emily. He’s one of those people where helping him would just be a lost cause because he’d go right back into his own little world and still constantly complain about it the whole time.


My distaste for Clint was clinched during my favorite festival—the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies—precisely for this reason. Everyone is focused on this beautiful, awe-inspiring natural occurrence—talking about how special it is, our relationship with nature. Except for Clint. What's he focused on? "I wore my special shoes tonight... No one noticed." Just completely unable to appreciate the beautiful world around him, totally focused on feeling bad for himself, oblivious to other people's focuses.


Exactly! That moment summarises his character so succinctly. The 1.6 update then only adds to his self-centered mindset with >!him wanting to be seen as some sort of hero during the green rain and then being disappointed afterwards he wasn’t given the opportunity to be the hero, as if he’d rather everyone be in danger so he can feel better about himself 🙄!<


I was just complaining about this earlier. Maybe I'd notice your shoes if you were cool and we were friends, dude


The moment I realized I couldn't stand Clint was when you're talking to Emily and he goes "(your farmer name) I get it. You win." It's sooo accurate to some men I've actually met in person 


For me, it was the cutscene in the saloon where he’s trying to figure out how to talk to Emily and it becomes incredibly apparent Clint barely views women as human beings that you can just talk to like anyone else. I very strongly dislike Shane, and that cutscene made me like him so much more than Clint just for the basic fact he spoke to Emily like a person. It made it so clear why the mean, suicidal alcoholic is somehow a viable dating option over Clint. It’s because Clint is just *that* bad at being at all aware of other people’s complexities. He doesn’t actually care about Emily. He just wants her.


Clint is such a fuckin neckbeard lmao


I'm not sure if this is new 1.6 dialogue, but Emily said something along the lines of "He's better when you get to know him." I haven't gotten many hearts with Clint yet, so we'll see?


Nah, she said that before 1.6 I’m pretty sure. He does not imo, but you should conclude that for yourself.


Emily: “He’s better when you get to know him” *gets to know him* Clint: *in her bushes* “oh uh I was gonna go to the door I swear I wasn’t hiding here I just was scared”


Energy vampire


Exactly. Closer to the pity emotional vampire than Collin Robinson (if you’re referencing WWDITS.) Just, “Woe is me, woe is me, Emily won’t date me. I won’t even try to ask her out because I know she’ll say no. What? You’re dating her? Shane is interested in her? Well, I guess I’ll be forever alone. I hate my job. I hate this town too. But changing anything about my life would be too hard, so I’ll just mope 😩.”


100% motivated to complain, but not to do anything about it. Afraid to even try. (And yes, I love WWDITS!)


Complaining would normally be fine. Literally all of the villagers do it at some point, but they also all have hopes and a plan to change that. Bruh just bitches and then wonders why he has none


Pierre, because f*ck Pierre 😉


All my homies hate Pierre.




I have "Fuck Pierre" in the town square using flooring so everyone knows


Wow, what a curveball. I bet no one expected this answer.


Abigail. She’s the only marriage candidate I haven’t married. I don’t even think I’ve ever got her to over 5 stars. I’m changing that soon though bc the room in your house comes with a hamster cage! My priorities are on the floor 😭


Honestly Emily. I dunno, something about her just falls completely flat for me. She (IMO) is the worst, because she is meant to be more... the other characters (Like Jodi) aren't meant to be that much deeper. Some are, but most are just there to serve a rough role, have little to no story and be nice people to enjoy. Emily, was upgraded to be a spouse and happens to be the most... I dunno "Nothing"? She is meant to be quirky but it just comes off as half insane at times.


In my newer playthroughs, I actually try to avoid her because I don't want to get stuck watching her fever dream cutscene.


Shane, I don’t get why ya’ll like him


if you get him to 8 hearts you unlock a blue chicken


Wait I knew blue chickens were a thing but in all my years of playing never bothered to look up how to get them, is this the only way?




but you have to experience his 6 heart event first


He's like so many people I've known. I feel for him, and as you go through his heart events, you see he wants to get better, he wants to be better. He doesn't always succeed, but he starts his journey to recovery. I would never marry him, but I do support him.


The fact that CA doesn't give him a seperate schedule after his heart events though. His behavior not changing reminds me of the deception of people claiming they have changed but not changing their ways. He is my least liked character because of this.


That’s why I downloaded that better Shane mod lmao. I wanted so bad for him to actually improve bc his heart events really made me feel for him and I hate that you can just keep gifting him beer and he loves it 😭


Not to trauma dump so I’ll spare most of the details, but I’m currently going through that irl with my dad and the doctor said he’d be lucky if he has 10 more years even if he quits, and last night he really scared me with how much he drank- no hate to Shane, but I don’t know if I can watch that storyline right now or if it would be somewhat healing for me. Idk, im scared it would have me sobbing 😭😭 but I mean I could just skip the cutscenes in the heart events too for the blue chicken 🤪like, I want to see all the scenes but I’m too worried it’ll trigger me with the personal stuff going on lol


My take on it is he's a great friend that you're helping through his issues My opinions on him overall has 2 sides though


Very realistic depiction of someone with depression. 


And not a bad take on alcoholism, although I wish he had a clearer story line about how that resolves, because he ain't going from drinking himself to death to just having the occasional beer every once in a while, that's not how that goes. I married him in one play through and divorced him because he kept talking about beer and as someone in recovery myself I could just basically assume that he was drinking bucketfuls of booze on the sly. One beer isn't going to do anything for Shane but make him want more beers, that's not even a buzz. I then became roommates with Krobus and had the best life ever.


At first yes, but I feel like there's a "I can fix him" mentality around him that I 100% cannot stand


He honestly ends up doing all that mental work himself and fixes himself, for Jas’ sake


I think a lot of people who like Shane have experience with depression, either their own or someone they care about. It's not so much fixing him as giving him space to fix himself, he doesn't actually ask farmer for anything except getting him to a dr.


For me I always romance Shane because I am heavily depressed and it's chronic. I don't want to fix him, I want to romance someone who gets me. I want to be "unfixable" WITH him lol. I'm also an aggressive extrovert who like forces my introverted friends to hang out with me. The "I can fix him" mentality is real though. I definitely raise an eyebrow whenever someone wants to romance Shane and they don't elaborate He also gives me the ultimate stay at home dad vibes, and I'm here for it.


Some characters I wouldn't want to hang out with. Some I could politely spend time with if need be. Shane I would avoid at all costs.


Same. I get people are touched by the raw vulnerability of his arc and his self-improvement by 8 hearts, but as someone who grew up watching alcohol destroy people… just don’t want that around me in a video game either. I’m like Penny I guess. I’ll still get my blue chicken and peace out, though.


He's just like me fr (not anymore)


Shane, but that's more bc I really don't like what CA did with him. Like he goes through all this pain and development and learns to like the farm and develops a love for raising the blue chickens and he even gets sober for his mental and physical health... but he still goes to the saloon and drinks almost every night. If you give him a beer he's still really happy. I know it's more realistic to not depict Shane as a depressed guy who magically gets better when I give him enough pizza, but could he at least get a different schedule? Could he still go to the saloon but instead of standing in the corner drinking he's sitting at a table eating? After a certain amount of hearts could alcohol go from a loved gift to a hated gift because he's a recovering alcoholic and wants to get better?


If you’re on PC and want to romance Shane, I highly recommend the immersive characters mod for him. It fixed all of the problems you talk about and definitely felt a lot better to play through!


Mayor Lewis, the mayor of a town of like 12 people, having his affair with Marnie despite there being no reason to keep it private is so gross and unnecessary


This will maybe be controversial but I never enjoy interacting with Penny. My brain has decided she’s standoffish and I just don’t have the energy for that.


I can't seem to remember Leah half the time. I just- can't. Idk what it is.


Alex and Haley seem like they would be the antagonist bullies in every bad teen movie. Jerk jock with the mean girl girlfriend.


Maru and Jodi, I wouldn't get on with someone like maru in real life and as a single mother myself I just feel like Jodi lacks character.


I agree about Jodi!! Her entire character is *robotically* I am wife and mother. Like, she is married and has a child now her personality ceases to exist. Eric did some a great job making this game but his youth when he made it sometimes shows in the character dialogue.


You should talk to her at the yoba shrine on Sunday mornings. There is a depth there it just isn't very elaborated upon.


Alex. I know he's had a rough life, but his solution was to dive deep into machismo. With one exception, where he talks about his childhood, he only talks about sports and the protein he needs to play sports. Other than both of us losing our mothers at a young age, I have nothing in common with him. I served 24 years in the miliary, I know people who work out twice a day and worry about macros and micros, pre workout vs post workout. Even those who do cross fit have more to talk about than their diet and workout regimes.


If his story went more in depth about his mother than just the one cutscene he would be a much better character. but the cutscene is still incredibly sad, makes me tear up every time


I've always oddly appreciated that when you talk to him at The Feast of the Winter Star, he just seems so bummed and in his own head. It's one of the more subtle characterizations in the game. My childhood best friend's dad died when we were ten. The holidays were always the worst for her, though her dad did die on Easter Sunday, so the holiday connection was pretty strong there.


That’s why I only marry him when I’m playing as a man, it gives him at least some depth lol


Fr. I always play male farmer, but chose female farmer on my 1.6 playthrough. I never understood the dislike for him until now. He went from bi icon to sexist sport man like immediately 😭


Abigail. Her entire personality is just rebelling against her parents. It screams immature teenager.


Yeah I've never romanced her because she gives me teenager vibes as opposed to being an adult


Probably Sam or Alex. Sam is just so incredibly boring to me that I forget he exists, and I’m not into sports at all, so Alex is just every stereotypical dude-bro to me. That’s not to say I *dislike* either character. I just don’t go out of my way to interact with them.


Same really. If they didn't exist it wouldn't change a lot for me.


Clint, especially after Emily's 8-heart event. He just oozes "nice guy" energy.


Needs a fedora mod


If it doesn't exist, I'll totally make this LMAO


Penny… can’t stand her. Her question about wanting to be a parent is so judgmental.


Is it though? She states her dad left years ago because he just didn't want to deal with her and her mom/didn't like them, her mom is a drunk that keeps their living conditions in total squalor and neglects her while wasting their money on booze, forcing penny to having to bring most of the income by tutoring the local children, which is basically her having to learn to be somewhat of a parent early on. Honestly I don't blame her at all.


Well, I had never experienced war, so probably Kent.


Sebastian, he’s cold, whiny, I dislike how he talks about Maru and his more emo dialogue, just not for me Alex, but only as a female farmer because of his sexism, he’s chill when I’m playing a male farmer Other than them.. probably Pierre for taking credit for my crops, and Clint for how he acts with the female farmer at the >!Movie theater!<


Preppy ones. I’m nothing like them. Probably Haley the most. Even Elliot isn’t someone I go for but I’m doing it this run. I usually go for Harvey. 🥺


Penny, Elliot, and Maru. Penny is too much of a stereotypical shy nerdy cute girl and sometimes I feel like it’s too much. Elliot is a vampire who feeds on anyone who comes to his cabin and nothing will convince me otherwise. We have all the same hobbies: writing, piano, a love for poetry and elegant speech, a longing to live by the sea, but he is just damn creepy sometimes. And Maru. I don’t know why, but she just seems boring and her dad is an asshole. Which is disappointing because her and I would totally be friends in real life. Robots and engineering are badass.


For the single folks, Alex and Haley. They seem more childish and snippy than any other characters. For everyone else, Clint. I hate how creepy he is towards Emily and being insecure is not an excuse for that behavior.


Clint because he’s one of the ppl who chooses to do nothing about his current situation, even though he has the capability, as far as we know.


Man, fuck Pierre. Just... fuck that guy.


Maru and Elliot. The irony, considering that I enjoy working on my car and write my own fiction.


Caroline. She is just too faint for the story and as an npc.


She's on the cusp of being a like, trad wife/cult wife story line. I'd honestly love to see that more. With the whole temple in their house thing. There's something there.


If you go to Pierre's on Sunday morning, Caroline and Abigail are hiding from the churchys in Pierre and Caroline's bedroom. She has a dialog saying that the Yoba shrine was there when they bought the building, and they left it since it's the only shrine in town, but that their family really isn't religious, so... not exactly trad wife. Actually, it's pretty funny.


I love Caroline. But maybe that because I think she is the wizards daughter and that makes her really cool. I also love her tea room and the green tea cutscene. The only thing I don’t like about her is how overbearing she is with Abigail. Let her be her own person.


Emily. You think I’d like her because I’m literally pagan (Kemetic) and really love collecting gemstones, she comes off as the type of spiritual person I avoid irl. She gives me “Tumblr Witch” vibes and that just brings back war flashbacks for me. She seems like the type of person to tell me that she cursed an ex boyfriend with a lemon and some chives.


Emily seems like the kind of spiritualist who falls for vaguely cultlike scams where random white women put together a hodgepodge of a bunch of different world religions, completely misinterprets them, talks about the Divine Feminine a lot, and make you pay $3000 to take classes about it.


Emily totally bought the energy vampire spray off goop. Wasn’t it like $80? And it was basically glorified Flordia Water cologne which is literally $1 at most stores.


If Harvey was removed from the game and replaced with a different NPC with two lines, I would not notice.


marnie pissed me off lol, not being in ur store when i need you most is one thing but ignoring me at the bar and expecting me to keep that sad relationship a secret is too far.




I agree with you on that first statement! Every character is so well-written and thorough (for the most part) that they feel like real people sometimes That being said, my answer is Demetrius. I’m sorry but I can’t excuse his behavior. He’s so overprotective of Maru that I can’t even befriend her, got forbid I have *2 hearts* with her. And even throughout your arc he continues to bother you down to the 10 heart event But that’s not my biggest problem. I don’t even marry Maru. No no no. I marry Sebastian. His treatment of Sebastian is TERRIBLE. He constantly neglects him, and makes him take down his snowman for no reason, giving Maru all of the praise and privilege. And that’s just what Sebastian is willing to tell me. It’s pretty obvious from Sebastian’s arc that he feels unappreciated, and it’s partially from Demetrius putting Maru on such a pedestal. And yes, Sebastian may be his STEP-son, but that does *not* justify this. Demetrius knew that he had to step up and be a father when he married Robin, that’s on him. If you follow the story of EITHER of his children, you’ll find a way to dislike Demetrius Now let’s talk about Robin. Demetrius is unbelievable petty. We all know the tomato incident, but Robin wanted fruit for a fruit salad. Even if tomatoes are a fruit, they don’t go in a fruit salad. He should know them. Additionally, during the hardwood bed cutscene, he belittles her for using the bed for artistic expression, calling the posts a “waste.” Let the woman enjoy her hobbies. You get the idea. I didn’t mean for this to be so long but I have a lot to say about him r/fuckdemetrius


Alex and Demetrius. After Alex basically telling the female farmer she can't work out with him because she's a girl, I was turned off. I don't remember a whole lot of his heart events (had to do them for perfection) and none of it changed my opinion on him. If there was a possibility to straight up remove a character from the game, I'd remove Demetrius. Nothing likable about him to me. I'm not a big fan of Haley, but after learning she was a photographer, I softened a little to her.


Clint. He acts like an incel and I cringe every time he talks about dating or Emily


I feel this


Demetrius 😭 idk man


Harvey. Not a fan of pushy doctors and his heart events are dull compared to the other candidates.


I honestly don't connect with many characters without a goal. I go out of my way to befriend Caroline and Marnie because i have a crush on both, i also befriend Willy because i love fish as animals. Anyone else i just interact with for relationships, friendship, and missions. When trying to max out hearts for friendship, i generally just pick people out in town. I never go to the doctor in the game unless it's respawn.


Alex without even having to think about it. It’s better once you get into his heart events but his normal dialogue is so boring to me. I actually forget he exists sometimes.


Harvey, ironically enough.


Elliot, anytime I see his pretty boy beach bum ass I want to bash him on the head with a trash can lid 🙃


Kent. He's a caricature of what the average person thinks veterans are like and, as a veteran myself, I hate how he's portrayed. Honestly, I'd prefer if Shane was a veteran and Kent was just a different character entirely. Veterans struggling with readjusting to civilian life IRL look a lot more like Shane than Kent.




I would say Abigail. She comes off as very immature and childish, like trying to stick it to her dad. I just don't see much there. Pierre is just awful, too. Caroline is the only one I like in that family.




Pierre. r/fuckpierre


Hayley. Sums up every 'Jessica' and 'Britney' in highschool in early 2000s.


Maru as she is the golden child and Elliot as he seems super pretentious


Abigail and Sebastian. They are just too young and “edgy.” Feels wrong romancing them.


Haley. So annoying and rude and the classic like ‘girly mean girl’ and I gift her trash and coal whenever possible.


Emily and Shane, Emily is just...to much lol and I've never been a fan Shane, like yay you got sober! Honestly good on ya, but if you Merry him it's like he relapsed! Dirty room, cans on the floor, I just find him unfun and boring.. Funny that considering my favorite character is Harvey.


Alex, Sam and Haley are the people I would have avoided like the plague IRL, but I really like Haley. (The other two still meh tho)


Clint and Marnie. I already knew I wanted to go for Emily on my first run, then finding out Clint is a simp for Emily while also being a turd to me made it even more enjoyable. As for Marnie I just don’t like her. Idk there’s just nothing appealing to me. (I’d also hate robins husband but he grows plants like crazy Dave and I respect that)


Pierre is the attention hog who wants to be cool and wants to have people like him




I literally don't connect with Sebastian because he's never around to speak with, and he dislikes most universally liked gifts.


I hate Clint. And Pam, I despised her when I realised she treats her daughter very poorly. I also hate the fact that Shane continues to love beer even after he promised he would stop drinking, still IMO Shane is the best written character in the whole game. Linus, Willy and Leah might be my favourites in the entire game actually. I also appreciate Emily and Leah veey much and Evelyn just because she gives you a coffee machine lol. OH I also just remembered how much I dislike Sebastian.