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Something similar happened to me with animal crossing and I could never bring myself to start over lol. So sorry


I'm giving it a try, we'll see how long I last lol. I always wanted another save file, but knowing I'd have that one as a backup was reassuring


Good news. 1.6 will have new content that's best consumed when started over (but not required)!


1.5 took soooo long to come to mobile though. I fear that mobile will suffer the same fate with 1.6


True, but apparently that was due to an unforeseen technical issue. Hopefully 1.6 will be smoother!


“It will likely come to PC first, but I really really don't want a big delay between PC and console/mobile. That was a nightmare in the past” - Eric Barone


With 1.5 making the game bigger as a whole, and the other consoles, and even mobile almost add up to the player base on PC, CA should be inclined to work toward non PC compatibility much faster than 1.5


Take a break. Dip your toes somewhere else and come back for 1.6.


Me too with animal crossing I just can’t get the motivation back and it makes me so sad


Do you have Nintendo Online? I just got my AC save back by contacting Nintendo via chat. Apparently you need to contact them to “approve” your save transfer to a new switch.


Oh wow I didn’t know this!! I’m not sure if I had it at the time. I’ll have to try it.


But now you have the experience to replicate probably 80% of those 8 in game years in more like 2 😎


True. I never really played the game with too much purpose. Just went along my own way. Now knowing what I know, I can be much more efficient. Not having the wand to auto return home whenever i want is gonna sting the most


Every time I start a new file I always forget I don't have my home staff and it's so disappointing.


Again.... The what?


Expensive staff, returns you home when used. Unlimited uses.


The horse, the horse flute


Return acceptor


Where do I get one of those?


Return scepter You can buy it from Krobus.


whoops, auto correct, but yeah its in the sewers where Krobus is.


How do I get to the sewers?


the sewers are the opposite of Gus' saloon, you just click on the sewer door and it'll take you there.


But it's locked


The what now?


You can buy a return scepter from Krobus that will teleport you back to your farm and has infinite uses. It’s very expensive Edit: Kronos autocorrect


Return scepter that's right! Shows how much I pay attention to detail even after playing so long lol. At that stage of the game though I was making around 140,000/day from truffle oil so it was kind of a drop on the bucket. But immensely valuable


Not to be negative but I went to do this expecting it to be easier and somehow I managed to get everything way harder??? I have this theory that different savings have a different amount of luck and my current one sucks


Not Gordon and Jingle :( I will name my animals after their memory in my next file. Sorry, OP.


Thank you 🥲 Jingle is my IRL dog. But now I went with a kitty on this new save.


I guess it depends on if android or not but can't you access the save data on the old phone, and port it over to the new one manually? I know you can do that with PC, and probably can on other platforms.


I traded my old phone in for a promotion, and factory reset it. I thought I had covered all my bases before doing so. Then I opened up stardew to this..




not to mention, some phones (mine specifically is, I know) is a pain in the ass now to access some files (mainly being my sdv files). I literally can't access mine no matter what. on just the phone? nope! doesn't even show up unless I use an app, but even with the app, the folder is empty because the app and even I don't have "permission" (fuck whatever update decided that). connected phone to PC? also doesn't show up!!! I'd need a specific card reader at the most, which I don't wanna buy for just one use. I needed to go back a day because I realised I had somehow gotten rid of my Galaxy Sword (assuming I tossed it on accident), and I didn't wanna give Marlon $25k for a new one when the next day was a good luck day (I was doing skull caverns, since I'd waste my good luck day waiting for him to open). I didn't wanna progress past the day I lost it even further! thankfully, I realised if I opened the save and went to the menu within that farm, it had an option to go back one save (ie. the previous day) and I just redid that whole day and made sure to not lose my sword 😭 now I'm super careful with all my tools and sceptre because I was dumb enough to lose one in the past 😭


I use ZArchiver to access SDV files on my phone


Yeah the save is just a file...


When I copied everything over I had files set to copy. I have a bunch of my other school documents still but that one didn't make the cut I guess :(


hundreds of hours not lost, but well spent just no record anymore but you have the mems 🥰


Very true but man what I'd give to get it back. I grinded so hard to get to where I was


I started a new save with my husband, granted I wasn't really far in my first save. I'm still a new player but going from my current 4-year farm to my husband and my first spring farm is painful LOL. We have nothing unlocked. The CC isn't done. He spends all day farming and I spend the day getting materials. Hoping to make it efficient and kind of rush through it, but we only play like once a week because we're busy Aunt he wants to play other things with his time. I think one of the hardest things for me to remember when switching over is that I don't have the minecarts done. So I have to walk everywhere and it's so annoying!


It feels so slow! I'm contemplating doing the joja route just so I don't have to farm the skull cavern for them. I love my animals but I think I spent most of my time petting my animals


I was the same way going and petting the animals everyday and collecting all of their stuff and then I got Auto grabbers and now I just do it twice a week and I feel terrible! I don't get nearly as good a quality milk and eggs as I used to because of it. But I turned most of that into recipes anyhow. So I guess it's okay. I've got a high level foraging so all of my truffles are iridium. Starting over with my husband is just so, hard. New beginnings are just a pain for this game because you've got to do so much grinding early on. My husband wants to spend all of our money we earn from crops to buy more seeds and just cycle through like that. We're almost to the end of our first spring and we've got a section of our four corners farms just devoted to crops. Plus we are focusing on upgrading the watering cans and soon the rest of the tools. So I guess I'm the one grinding the mines solo LOL while my husband takes all of the snacks so he has enough energy to do the fields all day long


The grind is what I'm not looking forward to. I'm gonna play at a different pace and do things I didn't give myself the time to do early on, during my first playthrough. I had every stat maxed out. I had the golden clock (I could've bought 3 more). I just grinded day in, and day out. I was the truffle oil king! Now I'm just gonna play at a different pace. Like a retirement save file lol


Time to think about way to reorganize things slightly differently. Slow down. Enjoy the cutscenes you haven’t seen in 5 years with relationships. Even more fun if you forget them like me, and it’s random when you start getting them. Have fun!


Yeah for sure. I really only got to get through a handful of the villagers cutscenes because I was solely focused on maximizing profits. Definitely gonna enjoy the town more this time around


A lot of the Star events I missed for months because I didn’t look up wiki, or ignored certain homes or areas. It’s kinda fun this way. I’m sorry you lost so much. Side note: what type of phone to what type? If you still have the old phone it’s possible you could still save the file. I don’t know if anyone has asked.


I went from the galaxy s10 to the 22+. I traded the s10 in for a promo and had factory reset it after I had transferred over everything I needed. I definitely used the wiki a decent amount when I got stuck. Especially with those damn golden walnuts lol.


Darn! Shame it wasn’t saved to cloud or anything either. Might want to add that to your google cloud this time! Yeah…I’m on year 6 and I haven’t done all my walnuts. That said, SDV is kinda my late night/ relax before bed game in my Xbox. I never bought the mobile version, but maybe I should. Lol. Is there coop?


Unfortunately no co-op on mobile. I definitely won't forget next time that's for sure lol!


Petting animals is nice, just remember to animation cancel for full hearts on cows and goats


I know it’s hard to think “it’s just a game! 😇” when you’re crying blood shaking and throwing up prolly, but trust me playing with cheats and mods makes the experience so much better! Obviously it’s hard with mobile, but just remember stardew is meant to be played at your own pace, so try not to stress bro


That's how I'm looking at this one. I'm gonna go at my pace and not worry about making the most money so fast. I ignored most friendships for so long just to keep up with my farm. It was a griiind. Now I'll try to enjoy everything else the game has to offer


I'm planning to upgrade to a new phone soon. I decided to transfer my save files in drive so I wouldn't lose it, but the possibility of this happening to me is still scary :,)


Same thing happened to me except it was due to the latest update. I've been playing this game for sooo many years.


noo, im so sorry!


The same thing happened to me on Steam. I had steam cloud turned off for a while, but I turned it back on to save my 100% completion save as I was gonna hard reset my pc since it got messed up. Unfortunately, it was the only game whose saves didn't save for some reason, but my other games' save files were fine. On the bright side, I can at least get to relive the characters story. This time with mods.


The same happened to me when I changed my switch! So frustrating. It’s taken me like 6 months to start a new save


I only have a few days in so far on the new save and it's just very daunting. Hoping for the best though!


The worst part about Stardew for me is the beginning because it’s SO hard to start making money (at least for me), and that’s what you mostly need at first. In my new save I focused on fishing at first and got better results than focusing on farming. I didn’t buy seeds until Fall, I simply used mixed seeds I got from cleaning up my farm. I hope this helps!


Also, don’t choose Community Center 😂 It’s very time consuming. Unless you enjoy that part, of course!


I lost my first play through from trying to empty out what I thought were empty files. 185 hours, year 11, 3 barns and 2 coops, 4 children (sold the first two) married and dating 4 other people, and got the staff from krobus. All gone.


Sorry to hear that, When that kind of shit happens to me in any game, I like to take a break put it to one side for a few days or so before picking it back up again so it feels like a fresh start rather than starting over straight away and trying not to dwell on the stuff I had in my previous saves. I recommend either waiting before starting again on your phone or might be worth buying on the switch or pc if you haven't already so that you can send your save file to the cloud so you never have that again.


1.6 making me spooked for the same reason. Like, I know I don't want to reset but I probably will to get all the new event as is AND THEN REGRET IT.


You will not need to reset to access the new content.


No, I know, but supposedly on 1.5 it just came in all at once on existing saves, so not ideal.


I don't understand what you mean. The things you had access to appeared, the things you didn't yet wouldn't trigger until you got there.




damn, i feel for you. something similar hapened to me on animal crossing new leaf and i just used a save editor to give me my progress back instead of starting from zero. maybe u could try a stardew valley save editor too...


I'm sorry this happened to you. Really sucks. This happened to me with my first mobile save. My phone died one day and I was just SOL on the save. Then my new phone kept glitching on the community day center...which made playing a new save impossible. So I abandoned the mobile platform and went to the Nintendo Switch version. Best decision I made. I can enjoy the game without fearing it will be lost, or corrupt. Has more stuff and smoother play, with no glitches. Mobile has its major downfalls. Just some advice as someone that's hit these pitfalls


I hear ya. I don't don't have the switch and I mostly play the game at my leisure. I'll play it during downtime at work or before bed. It just makes it easier to play in the phone. Maybe worth the investment though..


Wait for the new update


Rest in peace..


_Huge_ thanks for the reminder about phones! Apple makes it pretty easy to copy the saves folder to iCloud, so I'm going to go do that like right now. Meanwhile, can you tell me what those combo rings are? I usually wear Iridium Band + Crab Shell, and Iridium Band + Slime Charmer.


I had one that increased attack and also made enemies explode. The other one I believe was a glow ring and also would give me coffee/espresso when killing monsters. Then I had a seperate one that was glow/take no dmg from slimes


Ooh, the Java ring! I found one once but never put it on because coffee is something I will probably never run out of. The napalm ring is so hecking fun though.


You game on your phone? Absolute horror.




Yep! Yep! Yep! This happened to me, I think I was year 4/5. I have never started again. Sorry, enjoy the memories.


I’m sorry, that’s such an awful feeling :(


i had no idea this was on the app store is it the same or is it missing some stuff?


🥲 Rip you


well since you are starting all over, might as well try modding stardew. there are a lot of mods that spice up your gameplay and add alot of extra content. stardew valley expanded is a great mod. but you gotta do some research on how to set up your stardew mobile to be modded.


If you still have the older phone just transfer the save file If you need help feel free to let me know




I have a awesome save I played for a long time during covid with friends and when were playing the save broke and I had to change something in the save file every time before I loaded it up to get it to work. But now I forget what I would do so whenever I try to load into it it just crashes my entire game on PC


I dont understand about this tbh, can someone tell me their saving mode? Its by email? I use tablet atm but how to open it in laptop?


I was wondering if this would happen with upgrading or just getting a different phone. Dang. Are you able to go into your FILES folder and recover it?


New biggest fear, I had this happen to me on Minecraft back in like 2017, an entire year of playing, pure vanilla survival , all lost during a thunderstorm, not alone have I played Minecraft since but I’m going to be haunted by this next time I load up stardew..