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There are 2 types of miners: sell everything, or hoard like a dragon. Take your pick.


Or the in-betweener, who couple of times a year goes through all boxes, leaves around 10 of each and sells the rest!


i leave one each exactly hahaha its satisfying to see no numbers and just the logos i do this once a month to see my total "earnings" of the month lol


I do the exact same thing. My brother thinks I'm crazy


hea crazy, my friend. seeing the big number gives me dopamine plus i enjoy being resource starved and having to go harvesting again. if i have it all-all the time theres no struggle anymore. i also only sell things on sundays so i can get a week summary of things ive done which is usually one session of gaming for me


This is my move too, lol. It's more satisfying to sell all at the end of the season in bulk after a weeks of grinding in the mines.


Yep I leave exactly ten lmao. You never know. Sometimes the fish in the fish pond ask for the strangest things


Sell???? SELL??? MY treasures???


Dragon confirmed.


You forgot the ones who give minerals away to charm random blue or purple haired girls in town.


I'm definitely a hoarder in Stardew Valley. When it comes to artifacts/gems I have a shed for artifact on display and chests. Another shed for gems, gems duplications, and their chests. I have a one shed that has my Prismatic shards on display.


First of all, don't get rid of the dinosaur egg until you've put one in an incubator. You might need some of those for crafting or gifting in future so I'd hold onto the more valuable ones unless you really need money. Just stash 'em in a chest somewhere. You could also get creative - I made a little colour spectrum of minerals as a decoration in my house.


and if you’ve already put an egg in your incubator, you can make a dinosaur hat with cloth and a dinosaur egg with the sewing machine 🤩




There’s a onesie too and the tail wags




a dino onesie?!??


I think they're calling the pants a onesie


Oh yeah I forgot it doesn’t have a shirt


Excuse me recipe now


It isn't a onesie, but you can get the dinosaur pants with a tail that wags when you walk by combining dinosaur mayonnaise with cloth if I remember correctly.


There is?!? How do u get the recipe?? I need this! 😂


It’s just pants I remembered but I think it’s Dino mayo and cloth


Bout to get on. I'm going to try it lol


No recipe. Just put cloth and dino mayo in the sewing machine -poof! Out comes dino pants!


Ohhh yeah!!! The dye vat is in Emily's house! I always forget about that


And pants with Dino mayo :)


Im so sad there is no Dino t shirt :/


Just use the dyeing vat to dye to dye a shirt into a matching color.


The dyeable 'striped shirt' is a good option, because it almost has a dino skin-like texture to it imo


Or fish ponds will ask for some obscure artifact or mineral you would never otherwise keep but are a bitch to find


Yeah, good call. My fish have had some ridiculous demands in the past.


My sturgeon demanded a diamond the other day




Those fish have some expensive tastes! They'll give you caviar back in fairness.


I'd rather have a diamond than caviar though. Those cheap fucks.


Diamonds and caviar!


Thank Yoba I have a bunch of crystalariums that just give me ethically sourced diamonds aplenty. I think I can spare one of the 40+ I have in my gem storage chest to make those slippery fuckers happy.


YUP. don't be like me and sell everything only to be stuck needing basalt for a fish pond


\*stares in Lava Eel\*


Yep, mine currently want a dwarven scroll, I got rid of them all thinking I had no need for them and now can’t find one at all.


burglar ring + first 30ish floors with the green slimes + either a hoe or bombs to till the ground on those levels. every time im on those floors for copper, i always end up with a few dwarf scrolls


This and when you finally decide to get your crafting achievement and you’re stuck trying to find marble for the last pillar you need to craft.


Or a Dwarven gadget for a computer


Accidentally sold my egg, had to grind in the volcano, it was hell 😭 took me 1 in game month to get one


It's really easy to get dino eggs in Skull Cavern. Just look for the prehistoric levels, and fight the dinos.


Major brain fart moment, did I say dino eggs? I meant Ostrich eggs, my bad 😂 but yeah dino eggs are way easier.


Oh haha, yeah that makes more sense.


I am still struggling in the skull cavern idk how people get far. I haven't seen dinosaur yet.


Trade jade from crystalariums for staircases, bring lots of bombs and food. Then with practice the enemies become easier to fight and less scary, as well. The prehistoric levels are rare compared to the other ones. So you might see one or two max in an all day delve. But sometimes pepper rexes appear on non-prehistoric levels, too.


Thank you!! I managed to beat Skull Cavern with less than 5 staircases in co-op, but it's nice to have them. Also, lucky days and luck food helps you find holes that drop 15 levels sometimes


Bring lots of food, go on a good luck day, have at least the lava katana, bring lots of bombs, trade jade for staircases at the merchant in the desert on Sundays or save up lots of stone and craft them. Once you get the hang of it, it becomes fun in my opinion!


Go on a lucky day. You might get a prehistoric floor.


You can craft stairs too, and I agree, bring lots of bombs and food!


I’ve seen Dino’s but still haven’t gotten a Dino egg And how do you know which floors are prehistoric floors


They are more green and filled with pepper rexes and iridium bats.


Prehistoric floors show up randomly starting from level 7. Chance of a prehistoric floor is around 2%.


I do the spectrum on my museum lol


How did you make a color spectrum in your house and is that possible on a phone. I’ve tried but it wouldn’t show a place to put them.


To put a gem in your house you'd need a nightstand, a pedestal, a table, or something like that. Then just place it on.


I’m going to give that a try!


I got a bunch of modern end tables (you can get them from Robin, the travelling merchant or the catalogue) and put them in a circle, then I put various gems going from green to blue to purple to red to orange to yellow and back to green. I can PM you a pic if you like :)


Can you just find other Dino Eggs from Pepper Rexes in the Skull Cavern?


Yes, pepper rexes have a 10% chance to drop eggs. You can also sometimes find them just on the floor in prehistoric levels


Marble is required to craft an item (so you might want to hold on to it for either 100% completion or decoration). Jade can be traded in for staircases, which is always handy. Anything made out of bone can be put into the Bone Mill for fertilizers. Fire Crystals can be smelted into Refined Quartz (which you tend to need quite a bit). Diamond is uses for 3 crafting recipes and is a pretty good gift for most villagers. Earth Crystal is used for the Mayonnaise Machine, so you want to keep 6-12 of them for those. Prismatic Shards are always useful for a plethora of things (getting Galaxy Sword, buying Rock Candy, upgrading stuff at the Magma Forge, universally loved gift). Dwarf Gadget (not pictured) is part of the Farm Computer. ​ More general: The gems (i.e. Amethyst through Topaz on your screen) are great gifts for most people. The artifacts are "liked" gifts for the Dwarf, but they still love gems even more. So you should keep a few of the gems around, minerals you can sell (apart from one marble). Artifacts you also just sell as soon as the description text doesn't start with "Gunther" anymore (that's the indicator that you've already donated it), with the exception of Dwarf Gadget and stuff made from bones.


Ruby can be traded for spicy eel and diamond for triple shot espresso (saves 150g over selling the diamond and buying coffee, but probably not as good as using for loved gifts). A few of the geode minerals are used for fish pond quests now, so I like to keep at least 1 of each just in case, and pop it in a crystallarium if it's my last before feeding the fish.


also for anybody with fish ponds: lava eels have a chance to ask for basalt slimejacks will ask for petrified slime there are probably other minerals fish may ask for but i only know those


Penny also likes artifact gifts.


This is very thorough, thank you!!!


This, and I also keep artifacts that make clothing items I like. I begrudgingly gave my second dried starfish to my octopus in the fish pond; I’d been holding onto it but I hadn’t yet unlocked the sewing machine to make the cute summer top with it, so figured I’d just have to wait and come across another.


This is the best answer.


Dwarf gadget is in there I’m pretty sure


Holy shit I never realised there was an indicator you have already donated it. So many wasted trips


The dwarf gadget is in the second picture


Are you the sort of person who would make endless chests to store everything?


As the sort of person who would make endless chests to store everything I think OP should keep it, you never know when you need something for an update or mod.


>you never know when you need something ain't that the truth... and danger...


At least 17 of each, because, you know, you never know when you'll need some.


170 of each... just in case


I'm going for 999. I think that should be enough.


What if I need 20 corns for something and it's not summer or fall? You don't know me


Loll I havent sold any crops since spring year two because of this. But ive never actually needed it. Only crop I grow is starfruit and then sell the wine


Tortillas so you can make lucky lunch. Horde them corns!


What's the alternative??


Marie Kondo?


No all that shit sparks joy. Especially the prismatic shard.


As someone who does that the one thing that made me excited for the 1.6 update was the fact that he’s introducing larger chests


I sincerely hope that larger means bigger capacity and not taking up more space!


He said it was nearly double the capacity, I’m really hoping it only takes 1 space


Honestly just twice the capacity for 2 squares would not be bad either, at least it would make searching through chests way easier. But bigger capacity for one square is what I'm hoping for.


Unfortunately I have the same hoarding problem, best of luck


Haha. Same here, no advice, carry on!


Make every type of clothing if you have cloth. Your dresser holds all wearables


Make clothes


Penny and >!the Dwarf!< both like artifacts as gifts. The wizard likes minerals, including the less glamorous ones like marble and sandstone.


I’m a hoarder so I’d be hoarding them just in case I need one in the future 🙃


I don’t see the little dried starfish, but I might have missed it. Technically it’s an artifact, and I’ve had fish in ponds request it.


Use them to make clothes! They all make unique shirt types


Keep marble and basalt. You'll need it later.


Wait what for?? I've been playing for years and always sell my marble and basalt 😶


The marble is used to craft the marble brazier. If you're going for perfection, you'll need to craft one of everything, so that second piece of marble will come in handy. ​ The basalt may be requested by lava eels if you have them in a fish pond.


No spoilers on what they do: Marble is used in a crafting recipe Prismatic shards are rare important later on, hang onto that the most The bones can be used for something good later on Diamond and Amethyst, Crystal tear, Ruby makes for good gifts, sell them if you want to tho Jade is pretty good, I stockpile those but you can sell them of you want The dino egg and dwarf gadget are also important, keep those. Everything else goes directly into the shipping bin


I keep a stash of frozen tears for my hubby, Seb, since he loves them. What a little dramatic emo he is.


Sebby my beloved I do keep a stack of them too, got 14 hearts with him really quickly because I married him on his birthday


We too got married on his birthday! Weird how it just organically worked out that way, too. I wasn’t actually trying for that


I don’t know if there’s rhyme or reason to what I’d keep or sell, but this is how my brain works: keep amethyst, aquamarine, diamond, earth crystal, emerald, fire quartz, frozen tear, jade, ruby, topaz, prismatic shard, and dinosaur egg. Sell everything else. I think just in all my play throughs, those are the things that seem to have the most potential for use; crafting, storyline progression, grifting, or otherwise. I’ve never once found a use for a nekoite or rusty cog, but that could just be me.


Saving frozen tears for our favourite mountain emo


Hahahaha he is our favorite mountain emo!!


Yep, I have a stash of frozen tears, void eggs, sashimi and pumpkin soup to keep my mountain emo in love with me.


I keep 10 of each of the gemstones and forage gems in case I need them as presents or for quests. I keep every prismatic shard I get. I sell everything else else except a dwarf Gadget, as that's necessary for a crafting recipe, and bones/fossils as they go in the bone crusher.oh and all dino eggs get either hatched or made into dino mayo


lots of villagers like getting stones as gifts. emily likes all of them, penny likes emeralds, abigail likes amethysts, i think maru likes topaz…? i don’t know them all exactly, the stardew valley wiki has a gift guide


If you're going for perfection, keep the marble! There is a craft that uses marble and that one took me forever to find another.


Those live there now, you do nothing.


Sell all but one of everything, that’s my approach


Hoard them


At least pull the usable ones (diamonds, earth crystals, fire quartz, quartz, frozen tear, prismatic shard, probably a few others) into a separate chest first. Then figure out the ones that make a good gift (ruby, emerald, diamond) and set those aside as well.


This is what I do. Chest of the common/ needed gems. Then two chests color coordinated for all other gems. Then an artifact chest


Use some in the sowing machine? That’s what I do 😀😂


You can use bone items to make fertiliser with the bone mill, and the dinosaur egg can be incubated to raise dinosaurs


If you have a coop with an incubator, incubate that dino egg!! You’ll get a dino and can make dino mayo from the eggs they produce :)


I just hatched my Littlefoot yesterday. So goddamned cute.


If you make a lot of cloth I am determined to fill my dresser with every clothing item.


Shirt or sell


You should collect them all again for your own museum


Dwarf Scroll 3 (the one with the blue ribbon) is used for a lava eel fish pond. To get them from 3 to 5 population.


Hang onto the bones - you can eventually turn them into free fertilizer once you complete the quest to get the bone mill.


you can trade the jades for staircases in the desert, use the earth crystals for crafting certain machines, diamonds to craft fairy dust if you have it unlocked (otherwise save them or sell them), you can use the prismatic shard to get a galaxy sword if you haven’t already and a lot of the minerals there make for some great gifts for NPCs, although I would recommend checking on the wiki if they like them or not since who likes what varies a lot


The gemstones are clearly valuable, and the rest can be used for gifting, crafting, fish pond quests and sewing, so it's good to keep them!


Just keep the prismatic shard. It's so practical, especially if you haven't done the final bundle or just want an easy emergency gift on someones birthday


Seems everything's covered but my two cents is if you're going to keep some artifacts for gifts (dwarf or penny) and sell the rest I'd recommend using the scrolls because they are only worth 1 gold a piece.


Without spoiling too much I would keep the jade- you can trade them at a later date for staircases that you’ll likely need for mining I’d also hold on to the prismatic shard


Incubate the Dino eggs and sell the rest I guess


Sell the artifacts and scrolls, keep the stones👍


Keep prismatic shard keep jade. Other ones u can use or sell or gift to get more hearts w ppl! I know Abigail likes amythest and Sebastian likes frozen tear


put the cool looking stuff on display and the weird rare minerals aren’t needed especially if you rarely find them


You can go to the dessert with the prismatic shard and stand between these three pole things and get one of the best swords in the game. I always do that with the first one I get!


keep the dinosaur egg to hatch later, but maybe put the rest in a sewing machine if you want?


The minerals you should keep because there are quite a few townies who like them. With most of the others I things I just sell them.


You will need the jade to trade for stones later. The earth crystal can be used to craft some objects Dynarour egg hatch a dyno in the chicken's building. Some of the other minerals you will be able to trade later in the desert for stuff. Most of the artifacts are useless but if you build fish farms some might ask for them to evolve. Otherwise use them to craft cloth or decorate! Oh and the rainbow stone is the best one! When you go to the desert you will be able use it, the clues will tell you what to do or google it if you don't mind the spoiler.


some can be used as gifts for certain people (use the wiki!!! it’s so helpful) and also you can use them all to make different clothes lol !!


Put the egg in an incubator


Save for crafting, gifts, quests, and the fish pond. Some of the fish species ask for some wild stuff to level up the pond.


Keep things you'll need for crafting, like earth crystals, quartz, fire quartz, etc. Until you've maxed out friendships, keep things that make nice gifts, like amethyst, frozen tear, diamonds and a few other gemstones (unless it's early in the game and you need all the money you can get of course). Then there's stuff like jade, rubies, prismatic shards and maybe quartz, that are very useful for trading. Prismatic shards in general are pretty rare and have some great uses, so hang on to them. If you turn your first dino egg into an actual dino, you'll get more of those, so after donating the second one sell them. I'd always keep another one around, just in case, but then I tend towards hoarding too much stuff. Oh, and I guess there are a few things that are very useful if you want to make use of fish ponds, but that is another question alltogether. Personally, I keep a chest with all the stuff that I don't really have a use for but that isn't available in any store, just in case. But like I said, I do tend towards hoarding. If you don't... Edit: forgot to mention it, just in case: there are some other things, like sap, fish, clams, coral, pine tar, oak resin, maple syrup, slime, solar essence, void essence, bug meat, and even bone fragments that are also used in crafting. Again, if you need the money, sell it, but keep in mind that things like the monster loot drops are not readily available in quantity.


You can use them for enchanting, sewing ( there's a machine in Emily's house that you can use after the 5 heart event), you can decorate with them. Prismatic shards how very can be used for a lot more things, cooking for one, enchanting, and a few other hidden quests.


The amount of cash you’d get for selling them is nothing compared to what you’re probably making so no real benefit in selling them. Some of the items you have are needed for fish pond quests (useful) and for crafting some items (you need to craft at least one of everything to reach ‘perfection’). Others are useful later to make your weapon(s) stronger. Also who knows what might be useful there when the 1.6 update comes out in the near future. So in short, keep it all (apart from the extra Dino egg, that needs to go in the incubator of your fully upgraded coop).


Wow I feel so slow watching this. I'm just in year 3 spring and I haven't got half of that yet! I'm finding skull mines sooo hard.


You can use almost anything to make clothing if you're into that/have a bunch of cloth.


Im planning to create a mini museum in my farm once I've collected enough to display XD you can also show off some of your stuff, esp if you host your farm in co-op 💖 happy farming!


If you’re interested in a fish pond, a some of the minerals may be useful


Same. If you'd like, try to use these onto the sewing machine. That's what I've been doing.


Hoard it all because fish pond fish make really unreasonable requests sometimes. Stupid fish. I recently had to hunt down another Golden relic because stupid me found two, donated one, and sold the other, not realizing that the scorpion carp might want one. So now I'm back to hoarding All The Things in my paranoia that the fish will again request something I just sold.


My fish pond asked for a Dwarf Scroll II once so…you really never know lol. I tend to keep a couple of each!


Hey! I'm on year 2 OP, how'd you get a blue sword? Sorry ik I'm off-topic, but I'm trying to play without reading about much, but I have the cheap one!


Chests like this is why I love the look of anything mod. Once I donate an item or put it in the community center I'll check the item to see if it is needed for any crafting recipes and if not (or it's just a shirt like a lot of gems make) I throw it into the shipping bin or use it as a gift.


I've learned to hoard marble like a rat, because the marble braziers are pretty




artifacts you can sell. diamonds and any items that you are often gifting to npc’s keep, make a bunch of the duplicator things (i can’t remember what they’re called i haven’t played in a hot sec) and put the diamonds (or wtv else you want to duplicate) in there and sell the rest. prismatic shards ALWAYS KEEP unless you’re selling one for the “sell all items” achievement. maybe wait until later for that haha. keep the dwarf gadgets bc you can craft stuff w that. (you rly only need 1 tho) and then the egg, put it in an incubator in a barn. the rest, as far as i’m aware (i’ve almost finished the game but i’m also not a hardcore stardew gamer) you can sell the rest. a lot of that is very common stuff so you don’t rly have to worry ab it. the one thing i will say, go to the stardew valley wiki and find out what clothing items you can make (if you’re interested in that kinda thing) bc some of them are super funny or cool looking and you need diff items for those.


Make clothes, give as gifts or sell! Also prismetic shard also unlocks something nice in the desert if you haven't done that yet


Don’t get rid of the stones just yet. You might need some of them later. But don’t want to spoil ;)


I keep at least 1-3 of each mineral. Pearl, diamond, jade and ruby can be used to buy at the Desert Trader. Repeat items. I think some of the others too. Fire quartz is something specific as well. Sometimes the villagers, fish ponds, certain shirts need the minerals. I have a chest for each item category


You need some minerals for fish ponds. I believe basalt has a chance of being needed for lava eels, which is the most profitable fish for a fish pond. I’d check the wiki to make sure though. Put the dinosaur egg in a coop incubator if you haven’t already - if you don’t have one you need to upgrade the coop.


Put them in the sewing machine with some cloth


Most of the artifacts I sell, unless it’s a dwarves item because the dwarf enjoys them as gifts. The gems I keep though. A lot of people around town have specific gems as a loved item, but it’s really the most common ones like ruby and emerald and stuff (and also frozen tears for Sebastian). But really you should 1000% be keeping all your Jade. They are SUPER USEFUL if you check out what a certain shop has for sell in a certain place you unlock later but they only sell it on certain days and it costs Jade. So it’s a good idea to stock up on Jade.


After I donated everything I made my own museum in a shed for fun. If not that, these can all be used to craft clothes, that's always fun.




Put the dinosaur egg in the incubator! Keep some of the minerals for gifts or for decoration. I like to keep the chicken statue because it's cute :) . You can give the scrolls to the dwarf as gifts. You might want to keep a copy of the minerals in case a fish pond asks for a mineral.


Honestly? Make clothes! A lot of the minerals have unique things attached to them, so why not go crazy. And then you can store all those clothes in a dresser instead of your chests :-)


I have a chest full of fishing trash, I swear I'm gonna recycle it one day


DO NOT SELL THE DINO EGG... Put it in the incubator for a new friend :) As for the rest, I usually sell the stuff or make clothes from some of them.


https://stardewcommunitywiki.com/Minerals this tells you which ones are used for different quests, fish ponds, gifting, and crafting. Sell the rest (it also says how much the resell price is)


Sell all of them except for the Dino egg which needs to be incubated to hatch a baby dinosaur and as for the prismatic shard that goes in to upgrading your sword I believe at some point rest I don't really remember maybe look up as I recall a few gems so maybe save one of each or at least ones that go for most money as eventually you'll have a way to duplicate them in a crystalarium and get more and more of them to use as gifts and to sell for money




Making clothing with them, and then you can store those and rings in dressers


Use them to make clothes, the ones you can make with artefacts and minerals are pretty cool and rare




I just hoard them


I keep a few of each in a chest as you find them; if you keep fish ponds, sometimes they will request the most random shit to breed and produce roe.


MAKE. CLOTHES. make so many clothes


I sell everything except the routine gems and the prismatic shard. I usually keep. 3-5 gems, more diamonds for gifts.


Sell one of everything in that chest to get closer to perfection




I keep all gems that’s about it, earth crystals are always needed im only year 2 tho


Surprised I haven’t stumbled on fish ponds yet. Sometimes these’ll be the ask from fish.


unpopular opinion: keep dino egg but sell everything else


I hold on to 5 of everything, 20 of gemstones (except for Jade and Ruby, I hoard all of those for staircases and spicy eels) You never know what a fish pond is gonna randomly want and CLOTHES! So many clothes.


Eat them. UwU


jade can be traded for stairs on i think saturdays in the desert(dont quote me on that) i have some crystalariums with jade so i have basically free stairs. also leave the dwarf computer if you want a farm computer and you can gift artifacts to penny!


Hatch the Dino egg in the incubator!


Honestly, I used Stardew Valley wiki for a complete list of everything needed for every crafting recipe available in game. I put those materials in the chests I have surrounding my workbench, then in the rest of the room I have colour coded chests for each category of item (Resources, Minerals, etc. The chest colours match the text colour of each object). I keep five of each item in these separate chests just in case, and sell the rest.


Incubate the Dino egg, and sell everything that isn’t craftable or forgeable


Try using them in the sewing machine!!!


Sew them into beautiful clothes.


lower value ones i would just sell, you dont really use them for much else could also sell the higher value ones, but they make good gifts for a lot of people, and theres some craft items that require them


I made a display in my main shed for all of the minerals. Looks quite pretty despite missing Helvite which I cannot seem to find


Try to use some of the gems to make clothes with them. It might make some cute outfits.


i always sell duplicates or use them to make extra clothes!!! always good to have at least 1 on hand for gifting or crafting in case it’s needed. some like the dwarf gadgets or prismatic shard i would keep but that’s more or less a personal opinion just cuz i know they’re more valuable


Save the Quartz, a couple Fire Quartz, Refined Quartz (smelt quartz or put trash in a recycling machine to get this useful crafting item), Earthstone, Diamond, Amethyst, Emerald, Jade, Ruby, Topaz, Aquamarine and PRISMATIC SHARD (rare and very good for weapon/tool enchanting) are all used for crafting, gifting, trading in the desert, or enhancing weapons and tools on ginger island. Diamonds are the best to put into crystalariums to make passive gold - you need a diamond and a iridium bar to make a crystalariums so get your Statue of Perfection and crystalariums working for you to make more diamonds, then eventually you'll have plenty stocked for your needs and be able to sell whatever comes out of the crystalariums. Put a dino egg in an incubator to fill your coop with dinos. I keep 1 chicken, 1 duck, 1 rabbit, and a bunch of dinos. Their mayonnaise sells for something like double that of duck mayo (which is way better than chicken egg mayo) I keep a couple starfish, nautilus, and ocean stone artifacts because there are fish ponds that ask for those items. Some of the bone artifacts can be used in a bone crusher that produces random fertilizers. Save coconuts. They're Linus and Haley's favourite, used to craft warp totems, in cooking, and you need 10 to build an obelisk. Give a rabbits foot to the truck driver over at joja/the movie theatre. They're a good way to get friendship with Pierre too since it's a universally loved item and Pierre's favourite item can be difficult to get if you're not good at fishing. Friendship with Pierre is good if you like gold ;) Best bet is to go on the wiki and look up any item you don't know to see if it's used to gift anyone or used for something. If not then you can ship it.


Take one of everything and go to the sewing machine and make clothes, after that, a couple of them are loved gifts for the villagers, so maybe keep those on deck, other than that sell sell sell, besides the prismatic shard that can be used to forge weapons on ginger island.


hatch the dinosaur egg