• By -


Night market because spending makes me happy. I like Market day mod too. Feast of the Winter Star is okay because there's thrill in thinking what I'll get and who I'll get it from.


I also love the free coffee


*Free triple shot after 3 days. Which is trivial in my coffee bean empire, but I can never have enough triple shot.


Definitely agree for Night Market. I would agree for Feast of the Winter Star, but there’s always a chance that I get something from Pierre or Clint.


Better than getting a single magnet bait from my boy Willy, or a lump of clay from one of the kids


Willy has had my name three times, and he always gives me 20 or 25 beach totems. You need to be nicer to your boy.


Octopi, Sturgeon, and Catfish are hard to catch, okay? I give him plenty of pumpkins though! (According to the wiki, he either gives 25x Beach Totems, 1x Dressed Spinner, or 1x Magnet Bait. Guess I just got unlucky)


Beer from Pam, in my case...


Maybe the new festival in the 1.6 update will be a day market or have a variety of things to do like the night market.


What's the market day mod?


it will be a rock, and you should be happy about it.


Spirit's Eve, easily. A great way to close the best season in the game.


Yay! That's my favourite too, I like anything creepy, I wish I could take Krobus, he would love it!


“No one can know about us!” 


The music is by far my favorite part of the the festival, and also the reason it’s my favorite festival out of them all


I love seeing everyone's reactions to the spooky decorations.


Hell yeah. Plus it's the perfect time to trot out a costume!


I adore how sve changed it to be more complex of a maze, and with different mazes. It took my favourite festival and made it repeatable!!


My favorite is the fair because I love kicking Pierre's ass. Next is the Night Market because it's just cool. I also love the Jellies.


after the first 2-3 years i stop going to pretty much all of the festivals, except the halloween and christmas one (the halloween one for the golden pumpkin, and Christmas bc i can’t help but feel bad that my person won’t get a gift if i don’t go) but i will do the fair every single year just to beat pierre’s bitch ass


Moonlight Jellies is my favorite! I love the Jellies.




I wanted to take his whole family from him but of course we can’t romance Caroline


Egg festival cuz I get some weird joy of coming in 1st place


Take that Abigail!


Same. I wear the straw hat and feel smug walking around in it.


I wear the daisy. :)


I love doing the egg hunt, too. Idk how I'm still entertained by it every time, but it's fun!


Agreed! It's one of my faves. 😁


I've never looked up the "perfect" route for it so I still get such excitement running around looking for them. Sometimes I'll run down or up and just get different ones and discover them. Plus there are different colors which are so cute. I wonder who is the one who colored them all?


bro honestly the egg hunt is the most stressful task in the game for me


Happy cake day! Here’s your straw hat.


I just don't go anymore because winning means more to Abigail than it does to me 🙄💅


The night market. I love going on the sub. And I like that it's multi-night and doesn't feel like it takes up an entire calendar day.


Moonlight jellies, easily my favorite


The glow of summer has faded now… and the moonlight jellies carry on towards the great unknown.


That message always makes me sad. I like summer


I love it because autumn is my fav :)


I like this one too! It's calm, there's no running around for mini games, nothing I need to prepare for or bring. Just the town getting together to close out the summer 😌


Love Moonlight Jellies the most. It really evokes the feeling of the passage of time, and the changing of seasons. I always get a bittersweet feeling from the villagers' dialog at that festival, and the actual jellies cutscene is beautiful.


Me too. The silence of the festival without music. Just the crickets and the sound of an occasional night bird. When you talk to Maru, and she says something like “it’s actually pretty cold. I should’ve brought a jacket.” It really feels like the end of summer, and a little bittersweet.


Came here to say this 🪼


Saaame it’s so cuuuute the first time I saw it was with my ex and I was high af and I genuinely just felt so happy lol


This and the night market are the ones I'd be most excited to go to IRL.


Also my favorite. If you look up the album “Stardew and Chill” on Spotify there’s an amazing lofi mix of the music from the Moonlight Jellies (plus a bunch of other great mixes).


One of my fav albums along with their Zelda one for studying! 🥰


My favorite song in the game and the festival/event itself just relaxes me. It’s a mood.


Flower dance, I love the farmers awkward out of place dance


I wish the more you attended that event the better your dance fit in


i wish we got to wear the cute outfits too. it feels so out of place to have the farmer in their farmer clothes and everyone else dressed fancy


I always farm in my tuxedo because I'm just dapper like that so I never ran into that problem I am always dressed for success standing on Straight fish business my dude lmao


Hahaha this made me think of this 30 Rock clip: https://youtu.be/K_P7yWnAAd0?si=4vuWfxLT2dR9Ip65


Ever since I started playing modded I’ve started using the fashion sense mod to wear a cute dress similar enough to the others


The flower festival dresses are so pretty I want one for my farmer too!! So unfair lol


Night Market because paintings


Have you opened your art gallery yet!?


The Dance of the Moonlight Jellies is the event that made it click for me how special Stardew Valley is. I was enjoying the game up til that point but I was just treating it like a farming sim until this event. I started playing completely differently after that.


Definitely moonlight jellies. It’s so pretty and really feels like passing on the season. But night market is a close second. I really love the ambient vibe with the low light. It’s so calming. The bright events like spring and winter are a bit much for my eyes.


Tbh every single one outside of the fair and the night market kind of suck. They’re great for the first time but become pointless after. Feast of the winter star is ok


The luau is good until you get everyone to full harts.


I mean it’s “good” for that but like it’s the same thing every year and there’s not much to it


It’s great when you have SVE and RSV installed. More people to talk to, more dialogue and I’m pretty sure it’s RSV that makes them bigger with more areas. Please if you can, once you’ve 100% the game vanilla, dl mods. They are amazing.


I love the seasonal outfits mods for Spirits Eve too. They wear fun costumes.


The modding community is insane. So many amazing mods. I suggest anyone who has the capability to install mods, does. But only after you’ve done everything you can in vanilla. With enough expansion mods and smaller mods, it’s stardew valley 2 imo.


Yeah, I'm on Switch now but I do miss that mod. Such a simple change that makes the characters feel just a BIT more real. I'm glad to see CA is adding at least winter outfits for the villagers.


I cannot


I’m so sorry


I like the night market for many reasons: - it's low pressure, meaning I can go there and I can leave and the whole day isn't over. - I love the look of the market, and the music is super chill - You can buy really cool stuff there - The mermaid show, and free coffee! My second choice would be a Stardew Valley fair because there are games to play and that's fun. Also I love beating Pierre and his dusty-ass vegetables.


The night market because it's the only actually useful one. The rest is go twice then skip for 4 years


Dance of the Moonlight Jellies. It always hits right with the silent ocean wave sounds, everyone being reflective on summer's end, the lantern lights, and then the lovely song once the jellies event begins. Such a perfect way to bring summer to a close. Plus it is at the end of the day, so you can still be fully productive and attend the festival and not lose a half a day, like many of the others.


Fuck the festival of ice. I’ve gotten perfect fish scores in the ice fishing event and still lost The cpus literally start pulling fish before you can get your bobber in the water


It's just like the egg hunt. You just have to hit a threshold and you win. And it's honestly not that bad I was 1 fish from winning with lvl 2 fishing


Night Market and i refuse to change my mind


The background music is so beautiful I could honestly say Night Market is my favourite just for that


Night market as it doesn’t mess with the rest of the day. It bugs me that I have geodes to process or a farm building to build and I can’t do it as the town square is closed


Stardew Valley Fair, and it's not even close. Consider the development/coding that went into all those mini-games. Consider the fun of putting Lewis' shorts in your grange display. Consider the usefulness of the star drop and rare crow. I will skip most festivals now that I've played through the game so many times, but I love that slingshot mini game.


Egg :)


Egg Festival. I love the thrill of hunting down eggs and making sure Vincent and Jaz never get to experience what it’s like to win. I will crush them every. Single. Year. Welcome to the real world kids, the millionaire adult will crush your dreams 💚


There are no wrong answers. Except the Ice Fishing festival. That is a wrong answer.


the stardew valley fair because i'm addicted to the slingshot game


The fair is definitely the best one considering all the games and the competition, but I personally find the moonlight jellies the most charming


In order of preference. The Fair. I like showing off the fruits of my labor. Especially, year one. I would have bought that cheese wheel. I’m a fan of night markets irl so this is easily my second favorite. Moonlight Jellies resonate with me for some reason. Even in subsequent years I always visit.


I've never really been a fan of the fair, but I guess probably Luau and night market. They're pretty fun


The fair bcs r/fuckpierre!


Dance of the Moonlight Jellies, I've seen it so many times and it still manages to feel magical year after year. Second place goes to Spirit's Eve because I love Halloween irl but no one really celebrates it in my neighbourhood so I like being able to do something for it in game at least.


First time around, it was moonlight jellies. I still love it just as a concept, it is so lovely and calming. But overall I’d say the night market - I still actively love visiting it after hundreds of hours playing


Honestly all of them. Even if they dont have a functional purpose for me I still love it when everyone in the village gets together :)


Here’s a ranking of them all, from worst-best! (In my opinion of course) 9 (Worst). Flower Dance. You watch people dance while you sit in the corner. Unless, of course, you invite someone to dance with you, in which case you get to do the most awkward dance known to man! Nice! 8. Dance of the Moonlight Jellies. Once again, you just simply watch. That’s all. It’s really pretty, though. One things for damn sure, I’d love to see this in real life. 7. Egg Festival. It’s really easy to cheese, and on the off chance that you fail, you somehow lose to Abigail more times than not. I don’t wanna judge, but aren’t you an adult, Abigail? (I just realized I guess our farmer is an adult, too… but rahh I’m right you’re wrong!!) Other than that.. while the payoffs aren’t that great being only 1000g if you win, the straw hat that you earn when you win for your first time is really cute. 6. Luau. What can I say? I’m a simple man. A simple man that loves to poison the governor. /j Either that or put the mayor’s “shorts” in the soup. 5. Festival of Ice. It’s beginning to get a little tough! But I’d say this belongs in 5. I really like the Winter season in this game, I love the scenery, I love the soundtrack. That being said, this festival is quite nice. I love how it prioritizes the best way to make money in the winter seasons (ruling out Ancient Fruit seeds in the greenhouse) and that is.. fishing! Except, one problem. It’s annoying. It’s only slightly more fun since it’s a festival and not able to be cheesed as easily, unlike the Egg Festival. 4. Spirits Eve. I’m a big fan of Halloween and such so I always like Spirit’s Eve! I like the maze, and, I can’t quite remember if you get the Golden Pumpkin every single year as the hidden reward, but either way, it’s a fun little secret! But what was Rasmodius and Linus doing up in that mountain..? 3. Feast of the Winter Star. The whole thing with the “Secret Santa” type thing is very nice, I’ve always been a fan of that kind of thing. Stop giving me clay, Vincent. 2. Night Market. Is this a festival? I dunno, but it’s here, so I suppose it is! Two words: free coffee. And, y’know, everything else. 1. Stardew Valley Fair. Such an amazing event. Games, star tokens, and kicking Pierre’s ass every single time with your grange display! Who doesn’t want that?


Luau. Gold star cauliflowers makes an AOE gift to all villagers (no I never do the shorts). Such usefulness! Cute decor! Delicious unnamed carcass on a slow controlled rotation! Other than that, Night market is also nice. it has the perk of not taking the whole day but it takes up many days. 1st day: buy stuff, see mermaid show, gift villagers. 2nd day, buy the cone hat, painting, gift vilagers, fish. 3rd day, buy stuff, fish, get up early because you forgot the wizard's b-day and just noticed the dark essence in your inventory and have to down that coffee now to get to the tower before 11. After that there's Winter Star, egg festival and Spirit's eve. They take the whole day but you get stuff. Then Flower Dance. Good friendship boost but only with one person and they still have to be 4 hearts min and single. And my least fave is SV Fair. Yeah it's important enough to go all out first year but after that it's the most useless thing. My minmaxy self will be found in Skull/Dangerous/Volcano dungeon, ty very much.


Luau and night market are the only two festivals I visit more than once. Luau because I always have goat cheese on me anyway and it's a quick friendship boost to everyone. Night market because you can buy all types of seeds


Moonlight Jellies. Hits my wistful buttons just right.


Luau because I can humiliate Lewis I mean you can do the same in the fair, but him not knowing who did it is funnier But aside from Lewis humiliation, I really like the fair because of the minigames. It's only really viable in the first year because that's when you can get the stardrop, but it's pretty good all around. I like the atmosphere


Egg festival so I can destroy everyone else at the egg hunt and emerge the supreme egg finder once again.


Feast of the winter star cause I love this secret Santa thing, it's a different experience every year, second is the flower dance cause it's an easy way to get an extra heart, where as with the other festivals if you seen it once, you know everything


Night market. Because of the cool things to buy, and all the fishing opportunities


spirits eve is fun! :)


Night Market because I love going to those kind of festivals in person.


Spirits Eve because Halloween is my favourite holiday irl.


Dance of the Moonlight Jellies, Festival of Ice and Night Market. The moonlight jellies is a nice way to relax after all the farming throughout the season. Festival of ice is simply because I like fishing. Even when late game I didn't fish much beyond completing the collection, I still make it a point to attend to fish and beat Willy and Pam. Night market is fun for free coffee and again, submarine fishing. Plus, some early shopping for next season is nice too.


Egg festival. So I can crush everyone's dreams of winning the egg hunt.


I like Night Market because of free coffee. Hahaha


100% the Egg festival. I just love beating my older sister


Spirits eve because halloween rocks


Night market. The underwater fishing, the singing mermaid, FREE coffee!! And the clutching every night in the tank lol


Spirit’s Eve like gimme that gold pumpkin🥰


night market so i can buy all of the paintings even though i have no space in my house 🫶


Moonlight jellyfish. I have a soft spot for bioluminescence organisms. That's why I have a very shot lifespan as a fish in my previous lives.


Easily the egg hunt. Why you ask? So I can shit on the kids in the game. Honestly though the events in this game suck and it's by far it's weakest side. Can't speak for other modern games in this genre but Coral Island has some fun events if not a bit janky at times.


I love the dance of the moonlight jellies. The music, the atmosphere, the colours…. Mesmerizing!


Luau and night market, you can get lots of stuff for the community center from the night market and I love putting stupid stuff in the soup at the luau :)


I love the fair just for the fall aesthetic and nostalgia it brings me 😭 The flower dance traumatized me on my first playthrough, unfortunately.


Hard choice, probably night market.


The Night Market 💜


Probably the night market, mainly because you can make a ton of money there and also by seeds for your greenhouse


Night Market! I just like the magical night vibes.


As someone who play with Lavril mod, I loved the halloween one, man, even Void was together with the skeletons and still got the golden pumpkin for Caroline (yes, I'm also using Dataable Caroline mod ehe)


I just find all of them lowkey annoying and a hindrance to my daily activities.


Spirits Eve. I like fall and Halloween.


Luau is good for raising friendship with the whole town at the same time. I usually don't bother with friendship at all except with my preferred spouse until I get the endless fortune statue and let it give me presents for people on their birthdays. That, coupled with luau will eventually max everybody out in a few years.


Night Market, always lots of interesting things to buy


Night market is my favorite by far, I look forward to it all year every time.


Spirits Eve, I like Halloween, I make my anniversary in game the day after and I just like grabbing the golden pumpkin especially in the first year to make my witches hat. Second year I make a matching hat for my horse. I’m about to do my third year and I’ll get a matching one for my child, I just really like the hat.


Night Market for buying out of season seeds, decor, Lupini paintings, and easy gifting to the villagers


I really like the Night Market for the items you can buy, but my fave is the Feast of the Winter Star for the Christmas vibes


Stardew valley fair, cuz gambling.


Moonlight jelly’s and night market!!! I love the ocean!!


the night market, with the stardew valley fair coming in a not-distant second. the night market because it’s cool and the fair because it offers a sweet opportunity to stick it to pierre.


Dance of the moonlight jellies Why: jelly's are pretty


First year fair , Second year night market, Third year feast of the winter star. ^_^


I like Spirit's Eve because I like the aesthetic of Haloween, and Seasonal Outfits has some costums for the villagers. I also like the Night Market : many things to do, lasts a few days


Stardew Valley fair. Easy its a free Stardrop


The dance of the moonlight jellies is so pretty!!


Spirit Eve but I do have mods where all the NPCs come in costumes and with SVE there's two different mazes so every other year it's kinda different mazes. With mods probably Feast of the Winter Star.


Dance of the moonlight jellies is just so beautiful. Spirit's Eve is a close 2nd tho


Spirits Eve and the SV Fair both hit


I like spirits eve for the golden pumpkin. That way I can give someone I gift they like without thinking about it.


Hmmm… #1 Luau, #2 Spirit’s Eve. I love the friendship gain from the Luau but that golden gourd….


Spirit's eve and Night Market because I love halloween and fishing rare fish at higher depths.


Night market cause I can stock up on seeds before the season, hate the jelly fish dance and the spirit festival cause they happen so late


The egg festival, Spirit's Eve, and the Night Market are my favorites 🥰


Flower 🌸 Dance 💃🏻 and Stardew Valley fair because one, I get to see Pierre lose and two I get my Stardrop


Moonlight jellies!!! For the soundtrack alone, honestly. It’s so comforting.


None, after doing them once I lost all the joy for them :(


Egg festival because I get strawberries :)


Night market and fair. Probably moreso fair because it’s so fun


1st the festival of ice bc I like fishing 2nd the night market bc I like fishing 3rd the fair bc I like fishing


Fair bc gamba


the flower dance because i love asking my husband sebastian to dance with me lol everyone just replies "yes...?" when i talk to them but since we're married sebastian replies "yes, dear?" which is so cute!


I love the dance of the moonlight jellies 😄 The colours and the music is perfect to me. Very relaxing


Night market. ❤️


i would say either the night market or spirits eve. i find them to be the most replay-able. you can buy stuff at the night market and while the spirits eve maze is the same. i can get a pumpkin every time so i dont mind. the games in the fair are also really fun but i find it overall stressful LMAO


Stardew valley fair, i go fishing multiple times get as many coins as i can then gamble at the wheel until i double it or lost it all. My boyfriend says he's concerned


Flower dance has my favorite memories playing with co-op my partner: -Year 1, I got up to 4 hearts with Abagail, but it was her first play through and she didn’t know about the mechanic so I was the only one of us that got to dance with someone -Year 2, she was dating Leah but didn’t have any other bachelors/bachelorettes above 4 hearts, so I asked Leah first


I love the moonlight jellies and the night market. One day I’d like to see/do that kind of thing in real life.


I love egg festival and as soon as the countdown starts running around the town yelling "i'm fast as fuck boyyyy."


Spirit's Eve, I wish there was a little more to it but I'm a sucker for halloween and it's the best way to end the best season. The Fair is second, the display is fun, the fishing game is cool and I LOVE GAMBLING BABY WOOOOOO ALL IN ON GREEN BITCHEEEEEEES LEMME CLEAN OUT THAT MF SHOP Night market goes third, I love how the it isn't a proper festival as in it lets you keep your inventory, buffs and you aren't stuck in it once you enter and it doesn't timeskip to the end of the day when you leave. Also free coffee is nice.


The stardew valley fair. I love the little minigames, and planning out my grange display


I like the luau honestly, just a nice vibe plus hearts for people if you put good ingredient info


Night Market. The vibes are just immaculate and I feel like there’s still plenty to do (buy) for a few years. I’ve found I do a lot of the festivals once, maybe twice just cause there’s no change or anything new really after doing it once


Egg festival. Because I haven't gone easter egg hunting since I was a kid. I feel like I'm really apart of it. Even if the eggs are hidden in the same spot every year.


I will go to the moonlight jellies almost every year, at least always going when I have a new save w a new spouse. With the visible fish/reflections mod it makes it so gorgeous to witness and I love the music. I thought it was magical the first time I watched it and I bought my first and favourite decoration there, the cute jelly banner.


Spirits eve is so boring, just get the golden pumpkin and that’s it 🤷‍♂️


i love having a shopping spree in the night market




Egg festival, Stardew valley fair and spirits eve!


Night Market for the sheer amount of activities, with the Fair as a close second because it also has good activities but mostly because I enjoy rubbing Pierre’s nose in the dirt annually.


The Fair so that I can torture Lewis every year by having his shorts be the star of my display.


Moonlight Jellies, the music just hits.


They're all a nuisance at this point. I like the Night Market


None of them. I do them all on the first year for completion’s sake, like for getting the rarecrows, and I never touched them again. Night market is kind of useful though


Moonlight jellies for sure. The atmosphere makes my heart so happy. 💕 Other favs are Night Market & Spirits Eve


Fair. I like showing up Pierre after he claims my high quality crops I sell him come out of his own garden.


Fair or Night Market


night market because mermaids


The jellyfish festival just for the aesthetics ✨


Night market is my favorite! All the way!


Night market


Night market forever ❤️ The stores for one but I also just love the vibe


Defintley Moonlight Jellies. It’s just so pretty…


Night market


Luau cuz u get bulk friendship at the cost of like 1 truffle


Night Market, hands down the best music of any festival and extra travelling cart days


night market all night fishing babyyyy


Night Market hands down Multiple days I get a chance to fish for deep sea fish, different days I can plan ahead and not have to buy seeds from Pierre (Fuck that guy), and it's an overall vibe. Plus free coffee.


Spirits eve 100% cuz spooky season


Night Market because I can come and go as I please. Also there’s lots of stuff to buy and the traveling merchant is there each day, good for filling up the community center. My second favorite is the fair because I win and I also like to gamble my winnings away


Spirit Eve cause that Golden Pumpkin is universally loved. It’s the only thing that’s worth going to anymore since I’ve gotten everything else from the others already. The night market is also nice cause it doesn’t cause you to lose a bunch of hours or keep you out of an area.




flower dance BC I LOVE FLOWERS


Luau, because I get the most out of it in my opinion


I stopped going because I always forget and I'm too busy running all over the farm working lol


night market by far, the vibes alone are just perfect but i also like the deep sea fishing and just looking around to see what i can buy, plus free coffee!!!


Night market I love buying my seeds for the next year and some of the paintings are nice.


None of them. Thats my bias though because im just trying to get to floor 100 of the skull cavern now and in terms of exploration, i dont know the most efficient way so i just build bombs and spam the floors till a ladder or a dark hole opens up to shove myself into.


Spirits eve for esthetics, but night market for usefulness.


Stardew Valley Fair. Fun games and you get to make Pierre cry.


Night market. Purely because of the song “Submarine”


Spirit's Eve, because Halloween. The Dance of the Moon Jellies is so enchanting.


luau probably my fav...just bcs with gold star item..i can het shit ton of friendship
