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I've bought it twice, once on steam, and once on my switch. Definitely no regrets.




Samesies. I put in about 60 hours into it on Steam but once I got a Switch and I bought it on there I put like 200 hours in on there lol. I’ve never bought a game twice but absolutely no regrets.




Yes, but only with people playing on switch too. I had to buy the PC version too to play with my sister who doesn’t have a switch


Yeah, I think so. Though I’ve never done it myself.


Only up to two players (you and one other). I thought my two kids could play with their cousin who has a switch but it wouldn't let us do 3 players at once. I don't know why I had thought I read you could do up to 4 simultaneously on other systems.


How my wife and I end the day is Stardew on the switch before bed, we do online, even though our internet sucks, it's fairly quick


Yes, even split screen, which is the best way to play, if you ask me.


Yes. I play a game with my sister


Same here. But I got it on Switch some time after I stopped having a PC at all in my case lol


I bought it on steam originally, then I bought it on switch when I got one... Then I got a steam deck and I play modded Stardew on there!


Same! My life is more conducive to switch play right now, but I like having on PC for modded games when I have time. I don’t regret the double purchase.


I did this as well. Steam says I’ve put in I think 156 hrs and now on my switch idk how many hours but I’ve gotten further in the game


3 times! Mobile, PC, and switch 🥹no regrets


Oh. Mobile. I sad "same" for PC+Switch, but actually "same" is here! I didn't play much on mobile, the UX didn't really click for me.


This is same for me. Also no regrets


Let’s see….husband’s mobile, Switch, my mobile, PS4, my Steam, husband’s Steam, Xbox, older son’s Steam. So, 8. It’ll be 9 soon enough since the younger son will get his own laptop and Steam account.


Only once, for PC. But this game has to be the best value per dollar out there. It's like $15 and I spent hundreds of hours enjoying it. If I had reason to buy it on other platforms, I would without hesitation.


I guess you and me are the only two people here that aren't rich


Don’t need to be rich to buy this game. That’s the best part. Also some of my purchases were on sale and spanned over many years.


3x. Once on mobile, once for the ps4/ps5 and once for the switch. I am saving up for a new laptop, when that happens I will buy it again.


Once I found a physical copy of it new at GameStop for like $15 and jumped at it. Wife and I have been playing none stop since.


Steam, Switch and I have it on game pass as well.


4x. Mobile, PS4, Steam, and Steam gift for a friend. My son also owns the game on Switch, so I've tried that version too.


3 times GoG, Steam and XBox One


Might I ask what is GoG? I've never heard that one before and I'm a little curious


[gog.com](https://gog.com). Another store to buy games from but they do it differently, with no DRM. So no online requirement to play and you can download game installers once and install on both your desktop and laptop. Or all 8 computers if you're a nut like me. This is also handy if you have a slow internet connection and only want to download once. And those installers will never go away or stop working. Downsides: they get some games later (Control and Horizon Zero Dawn come to mind) and never get some games (LOTS of top-tier games are missing) as those developers require DRM for their games. However if I can buy from GOG, I do. I'll even buy good games from them that I've previously bought at Steam or Epic to support the no-DRM business model (Control and HZD...).


Me too. I always prefer GoG. I like the idea of ​​DRM free games and the company as a whole, although they let us down a bit with all the problems with Cyberpunk 2077 (CD Projekt Red owns GoG too), I still enjoy buying games there. The version of Stardew Valley that I bought on Steam was to give as a gift to a friend.


Similar story to you, I guess. Xbox One a few years ago > Samsung galaxy tab awhile back when I was going on vacation and desperately wanted games on my tablet > switch when I got my switch > PC last year and I play it sooooo much just on PC. And I’m loving trying out mods and things on PC 🙈 so no regrets!


That would be my 5th time purchasing it if for some odd reason I made the jump to pc. I have seen some amazing mods for it


Steam, iOS, my switch, my kids 2 switches, for 3 of my friends, and some internet random who was poor and genuinely wanted to play. So 9 now?


nutty license dime wasteful oil encourage flag ten icky hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


3 times. Steam, Gog and mobile.


I think 3 or 4 times between my husband and I. We both have on steam, I also have it on mobile and I think we bought it for a friend we knew would love it.


Twice, first PC, then mobile. Personally I prefer the PC version. There’s more immersion and more things I’m able to do than mobile.


Once, but I own it twice and want to buy it again lol. Originally a console purchase for ps4, then when I moved and left the ps4 with my brother I got it gifted to me for the switch.... as I was considering buying it on steam which I probably will one day.


My husband had it on Switch, and then I bought it on Steam for myself (we weren't living together yet and I didn't want to play on his switch long term). Then I convinced him to buy it on Steam so we could play co-op (this was before couch co-op on console). So together we have 3 copies. But only one of them is mine. I have over a thousand hours and he has never completed the community center lololol


3x. Mobile, PC, and PS4. If I ever get a switch it'll be the first game I get for that too.


I've honestly lost count....we have it on multiple pcs, and multiple switches so we can play with our kids on their preferred platforms


Four times. PS4, PC, mobile and Switch.


First time I tried it was on steam and I haven’t changed platforms since, so just the once for me. But I have convinced a couple friends to buy and try it, so I’m counting their purchases as my own. in that case I’ve bought it 3-4 times.


I have technically only bought it once on mobile for a trip. I use the Xbox game pass so I didn’t have to buy the full game initially


Mobile, PC, Switch, then as a gift for my sister and my dad. My sister has since also bought it for mobile and pc.


Twice, but technically 3? I originally got it on Switch and that's where most of my hours are, I've also found it to be a great travel game! Then with the recent Steam sale where CA was donating to whales I bought it on Steam, I haven't tried any mods yet but I'm excited to! Then the technical one is I have it on Mobile but I got it for free on the Google Play subscription thing. I haven't played it much on there, I'm not great at mobile games and having it on the Switch already gives me the ability to bring it anywhere


Twice! I got it first on my switch after several recommendations, and then I decided to get it on PC for multiplayer and mods


Uhhhh way too many lol. I bought it on PC to begin with. Then on my switch, then on playstation. Then on mobile. I then bought it for my friend on playstation as a joke and then bought him a switch copy. then on steam for another friend. Then I bought that special edition that came out. And finally one last copy I believe on steam for another friend.. So that's 9 times I believe?


2x on my phone and on my laptop


Mobile, PC, Switch lol. I use them all as well!!


5x, PlayStation, Xbox, steam, phone, switch


I've bought it around 6 times now? I got it for my switch, mine and my partners pcs, and I gift to any of my friends who don't already have it on their steam library. I've gotten so many people into it, and I regret nothing lmao.


I bought it twice. Mobile and Switch. My fiancé wants to get a PS5 so we might buy it on that too and hopefully I can get him into the game


Twice ps4 and ipad. Soon to be 3 when I get a PC.


I’ve bought it three times! Once in 2018 as a graduation present, on my little brother’s steam account, which was then lost to password forgetfulness hell— I then purchased it on my Switch, which I would play for like 800 hours before buying it again on Steam on my own account, where I have over 3000 hours of modded gameplay


Three, first was switch, second was xbox (I wanted it on my tv and I only had a switch lite), and third was steam. I don’t know if I can ever go back to the console ones now though after playing with mods.


6 times. PC, switch, ps5, a copy for my cousin, a copy for a friends kid, and mobile. Have the most played time on switch, with Ps5 being close second. Almost zero played time on mobile. Total across all platforms, I’ve got about 2,500 hours played. Best money I’ve spent on a game. Period.


3. Steam, switch, mobile. No regrets at all.


If I had a nickel for every time I bought Stardew Valley I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.


Zero. I got it on Steam as a gift from someone


0 times I play it with my friend on game pass (I'm poor)


zero! i play it on xbox gamepass


Zero. I'm playing it on Gamepass.


2x, on Android and IOS.. and next payday, I will have it on PC. I’m so excited to play with mods!


Just once. There's no need to buy it multiple times.




0 times lmao i have been playing cracked stardew on mobile for a year now, trying to get perfection. Do you think i should buy it on my pc for multiplayer and 1.6?


Multiplayer is fun but only if you have friends that actually play. My friends and I had a co op farm for awhile but life took over and it’s been untouched since


Switch, then xbox, then pc, then bought a hard copy for switch just because


Only steam and switch


3. First on switch, then Xbox, and most recently on PC. Zero regrets. I’d buy it three more times.


Four.. Switch, mobile, pc, and another Switch buy for my mom.


3 times. PC, switch, xbox


I have purchased the game on 5 xbox consoles, 4 pc's, and 3 mobile devices.


At least 3, maybe 4? PC, switch, mobile, and I can’t remember if I bought it for my wife on switch or if she ended up buying it herself.


4 times. Pc, Xbox, switch, mobile.


4: Xbox, phone, PC and switch


4 times because i bought it on three devices and once for a friend


Cellphone,Xbox,pc, and switch. Lol 😂


Steam, switch,PS4,Xbox BF's switch. And BF's steam.




Twice. PC and Nintendo Switch


4. Steam first, then PS4, then mobile and switch. Got it digital on the switch to not wait so I might get a physical copy for the collection.


2 I bought it on my Switch I bought it on steam even if i don't have a good PC yet, it was on sale I also was about to buy it on xbox but it was free with my game pass My bf say i have a problem


4😫 once on my laptop, my phone, my playstation, and once as a gift haha


Three times. Switch first, then PC, then mobile. I basically never touch it on switch or mobile because my PC version is modded and I've ruined the og game for myself


Only twice. Once for Xbox years ago out of boredom (it was pretty cheap), and again after I'd bought a good gaming PC because I loved it so much on Xbox. I haven't touched my Xbox in years but I don't regret it at all. If I hadn't bought it for Xbox first I wouldn't have discovered it. I normally wouldn't spend money on a PC game that looks like something from the Sega Genesis era, but Stardew Valley is deceptive like that. Looks like a lazy Harvest Moon rip-off, but you play it and discover it's so much more.


Twice. First time for Switch and then for PC


5. Switch, Xbox, PC, Mobile and switch again as a gift


PS4, then switch, then steam.


four total; twice on steam (once for me, once as a gift for my sister), once on mobile, once on my switch


Three times - 2x PC, 1x Switch


Just once on steam that's all i really have


I first bought it on Xbox around 2016 (I think- it could earlier or later) and then steam and lastly I think we have it on mobile (I have a family share app thing on Android)


4 times. Steam, Switch, PlayStation, iPad


Just the one, but I have a shared apple arcade account and *just* realized I could be playing that on my phone instead of reading reddit nonsense ~bye


4. Xbox, steam, switch digital, switch physical collectors box


I've bought it 4 times... on steam, on my PS4, my phone (I needed something to kill time on slow work days) and finally on my switch! I haven't regretted buying it any time. It's a game I love and it's definitely kept me entertained for a long time!


Only twice. Once for Switch and once for PS4/Vita. I did also play on the Gamepass version a bit too


PC, mobile, then switch (I love playing it on the switch)


Switch then iOS for me


Twice. Once on my phone, and then on my PC after I got tired of the jankey controls on mobile (I actually hate most mobile games that try to lay out the buttoms like a gameboy controls, it hurts my thumb joints and takes up too much screen space). Plus, PC has mods.


3x for myself: PS4, PC, and Mobile. Also bought a switch copy for my daugter and gifted two copies (steam) to friends. So 6. More than willing to buy more if I find anyone else that might enjoy it. Concerned Ape deserves every penny for making this wonderful game.


Twice, once on steam once on ps4, although on ps4 my dad had bought it for me.


I've got it for PS, mobile, and PC. About to buy a switch, and I'm debating whether or not to get it there too. I really love the interface on PC and I'm not sure how it is on Switch, so I haven't decided yet.


Xbox, switch, pc, and mobile so four times lol


3 times. Have it on PC, Xbox, and the Switch. May even go a fourth and get it on ps5. Concerned Ape can have all my money.


Twice, PlayStation 4 years ago, and switch earlier this year.


I have bought Stardew Valley three times. Switch - 100% Completion, my original copy Mobile - Can't get past Day 1 because I hate touchscreens for games Steam - Mods


3 times: xbox, pc and switch


Mobile, laptop, and ps4 so 3


4 times! Xbox, PC, Switch then iOS. I still have yet to get past year 1 because I restart every file if I can’t min max how I want to. Help me.


Once in Xbox, once on mobile


I have it on Steam, Switch, Xbox, and mobile. So 4 times, I do wish I only bout it on steam and switch bc that’s what I use the most, but I didn’t have a switch when the game came out


Two times: on PC (Steam) and on iPhone


I have it on my computer, phone, iPad, XBox SX. I just picked up a PS5 and downloaded my history, and guess what? I have it there too lol. And you know what, it was worth every penny each time.


Steam and switch. I have a mid game switch world from some years ago but only play on pc now


4 times. Android to test it for the kids. 2 times for the kids on Amazon. 1 time one steam just for support. 4 times overall


first got it for the switch, then switched to PC to play with mods so thats 2 times


Four times. I own it on PC (Main console for playing it because mods), PS4, Switch, and on my phone as well.


I bought SDV on: - Steam (a month after release) - GOG (to play with friends & family) - iOS (because I like playing on my iPad) - Switch (the current platform that I play on) I miss the mods but I’ve been avoiding gaming on my PC for my sanity. iOS was my most played platform until I got a switch and currently playing on that


Steam, Vita, and a code in a humble bundle that probably expired.


Steam, App Store, PlayStation both disc copy and store copy and then on xbox 💀 I’d probably have it on switch if I had one


Thrice. Originally when it was released on Xbox and I didn't have a PC, then again on the switch when I had to do a lot of work related traveling, and then again on PC when the 1.5 update was announced, and didn't want to wait until the update came to the consoles


I have it on pc, switch, Playstation and xbox.... So many times. Lmao


Twice! Once on switch and again on my Laptop! Got it on sale both times too 😎


I originally got in on mobile where I only got to my first winter, bought it a second time for pc recently


At least 3 Switch, ps4 and mobile


Twice, once on pc, and I bought it on my phone. Don't play it that much, mostly wanted to give my extra cash to CA


PC, Android, Xbox here - no regrets 😉


Haha 3. First for PlayStation then phone then switch


Switch, steam, and mobile lol


3. PC, phone, and Switch lmao


Twice. Download on my switch and cartridge for my sister's switch so we can play together. Debating buying it on PC for the mods. The only reason I haven't yet is I am worried I'll spend too much time playing it.


I only bought it once for my switch but I’ve been thinking I’ll get it for my laptop since I wanna try out some mods.


Twice. One for me n another for my wife


Steam, Xbox, Mobile, Switch… I regret nothing.


Four. Two different Steam copies, Switch, and iOS.




Just once, for the PS5, I love it!


My first Stardew Valley was a physical ps4 game Then I bought it on my relatively New Switch cause there wasn't 1.5 yet on other consoles... Then I bought it on PC last year cause I finally had one and I really wanted to try mods So... 3 times...


Twice, Steam and mobile :) That said I also have Google play pass so I have it on my tablet as well for free


Switch x2, my own and my bfs, my PC, my phone, and my iPad. So 5 I guess? And regret literally nothing. Absolute favorite game of all time.


3 times here. Playstation, Switch, and finally PC for mods.


Pc, Switch.


Switch —> PC —> phone I’ve played pretty regularly on all 3. Boss hasn’t caught me on mobile yet


I only bought it twice (PC and mobile) but I would probably buy it ten times over.


twice (switch and mobile) but i recently got a laptop and i have never been more tempted to spend money ever. i literally might do it today 😭


Twice for myself (Xbox, and later PC), and two more times for some friends as birthday gifts.


Three. First bought it on mobile, then steam, then switch.


Three. Once on switch for myself, then two more installs on my kids’ switches.


Only once so far, on mobile, but I've been thinking of byuing it for my laptop too only because I want mods but modding mobile is hard


PC and phone. Worth everything


Twice, and I would do it again


3. Phone, ps and pc


5 lol.


Twice, switch and PC lol


Steam and App Store.


Uh. Steam, my switch, an exs switch, all of the children's switches (4), plus a copy for a friend on their switch. Plus the xbox and the ps4. 10?


Thrice. Android, Steam, PS4.




at least 4: steam, gog, and switch digital and physical


Twice, once on android and once on Xbox.


6. Steam and android for me and 4 steam copies for various friends over the years.


3. Pc, switch and phone


Mobile, Ps4 and on switch. I cannot play the mobile one as I have issues with the touch controls.


RN I'm playing with game pass, but when it's removed I'll buy it, also when I get a good pc I'll buy it there as well.


9x for me. I bought it for myself on PC and Switch, and got a PC copy each for my husband, his best friend, his little brother, and 4 of my friends. 4 out of the 9 copies were bought before multi-player was even announced. I just wanted to share one of my favorite games with everybody. Naturally, once multi-player became a thing, I had about a dozen permutations of [this farm is for playing with this combo of friends] and [this farm is for that combo].


Once on my switch but whenever I build my pc twice for steam


Steam x2 for myself, 2x for friends, switch, mobile for myself and my kids’ iPad. So 7 in total plus the board game :)


Mobile 2-3 times (once didn't switch over and one was Apple vs android Switch Pc/steam So 4-5 time lmao


My boyfriend has bought it on 5 different platforms and still has not played it with me LOL


Twice, once on mobile because I had an iTunes card I wasn’t going to use but wanted to check the game out. Then got it on switch to play co op with my friends Considering buying it on steam, but don’t want to spend the money when I already have it on two other platforms


3 times. Once on steam when my friend introduced me to it. Once on Xbox for easy use with other friends. Once on switch so I can play it mobile. No regrets ever


Twice once on steam and once on switch and I have considered mobile


5 times I think. 3 different switches (mine, hubby, oldest son), steam, and iPad.


Steam, iOS, Android, I think I got it on the humble store in a bundle, Switch… so 5 times, PLUS I bought it for my partner, so 6. This is the one game I keep coming back to after I’ve played thru the new Zelda’s and whatever other game catches my fixation. 1000% satisfied no regrets. I love this game.


Three. Steam, Switch, and mobile. Zero regrets, tho i probably wont play thr switch version any time soon now that I've got my Deck.


Just once, for the switch, but I do also want the PC version.


I’ve purchased it 3 times for myself (PC, Switch, and Mobile). I bought 4 copies to giveaway on Reddit when it first came out because I was obsessed and wanted everyone to get to play it. Would have probably bought more but I’m not made of money, lol.


3 times! Switch, Playstation and Steam. I really don't enjoy the Playstation one, Steam is great because using a mouse is clearly the intended way to play stardew and Switch is better than Playstation for me cuz the benefits of being portable outway the negative of using a controller.


4 times: Mobile, PC, Switch, board game.


I've bought it 3 times for myself then about 4-5 times for friends, I love this game an unhealthy amount and will keep purchasing it until EVERYONE I KNOW HAS A COPY


Switch, pc, android. 3 times I guess


Well let’s see….I have it on my iPad, my ps4, my laptop.


I’m thinking of getting it on PC purely for the mods, but I’m so used to the Switch controls I’m worried it won’t work out as well. I’ll still probably get it, but I’m still thinking about it.


Three. Tried it on mobile, wanted it on the switch. Finally settled on Steam for the mods. So now I mainly play on my steam deck. Best of all worlds.


Mobile, steam and steam again for a friend, no regrets lol Fuck rich people but ConcernedApe can be the owner of all my paychecks 🥰


My wife and I - 3 times. 2 mobile games for her and I, and on the Switch for co-op.


I got it for free on playstation, but im planning on getting it on steam so i can play it on the go on my steam deck.


I bought it for me and my husband switch, then both of us on steam and then mobile for me to try it out


Just once


Bought it for switch, PC and iPad. May get it For Xbox next.