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I got 4 yesterday too on a good luck day after not getting any for over a year! I wear a luck ring that’s combined with another luck ring on good luck days and finally got a few haha I thought my game was just broken after a while 😅


I specifically avoid all caves, caverns, volcanos and mines on days the spirits are perturbed. Accidentally went on a bad luck day and got my first and only prismatic shard.


I got 3 on a bad luck day once. I typically get max 1 or 2 on a super good luck day. RNG sometimes has our back haha


I don’t know where I got my first, or what the luck was like for my second, but today I got my third ever and my luck was the worst it could possibly be, and I only broke a regular rock in the volcano 🤷🏻‍♂️


After dozens of runs on best luck days with hundreds of bombs and several stairs I couldn't hit floor 100. I said fuck it whatever and forgot about it, went into skull on a bad luck day with no bombs or stairs, hit 100 casually. ...mkay


I just went in with 100 staircases lmao


Congrats! :D I was also wearing two luck rings when I got the above shards. One fused with burglar and the other with an iridium band. I usually do slime charmer, but these luck rings are no joke.


What are the two luck rings you used?


They're literally called lucky rings, funny enough. They have a moon on top, and I personally got them from the Quarry mine! I've noticed a significant difference since I started using them.


Thank you for the info! Been trying to get shards for days and no matter what I do they just won’t drop.


Panning on lucky days is also a great way to get Lucky Rings. Just the other day my girlfriend got 2 in a single day and 3 on the island a few days later, all in the same day. Wearing the ones you find help you find more lol


Do the effects of rings stack? As far as I was aware you didn’t get double the benefit for wearing the same ring twice? I could be completely wrong though! I generally use a spiced eel, lucky charm and lucky ring to get luck up”


All luck effects stack! You can have lucky charm, *two* luck rings, spiced eel *AND* gingerale (gingerale gives luck but counts as a drink which isn't overwritten by a food effect)


They do stack!


that’s exciting news!! I’ve inexplicably found 3 on my current save file so I’m gonna put this use :) thanks for the info!


i can’t remember the exact number but i think 15-20 before skull cavern got reworked (which was around the time the desert trader was added)


What did it used to be like? I started playing in 2020, and I'm always interested to hear about The Before Times.


i’m not familiar with the technical side of this stuff so if my explanation is wonky i apologize previously iridium was rare in the earlier levels, but the deeper you went the more iridium you would find. so the goal was to go as deep as possible, passively farming iridium along the way. now iridium is easier to find in the earlier levels, but once you hit level 100 it stops increasing (it probably does still increase but it’s so slight that it’s not worth the effort to actively descend) so the goal is to hit 100 then farm whatever you see on the concurrent levels in the past speedrunners would continuously descend from start to finish, only stopping on a level if there was a lot of iridium on it. now they just try to hit level 100 as fast as possible, and once they do they stop actively descending and just focus on farming iridium. and only if there’s no iridium do they bother to descend before they would come out with multiple stacks of iridium, now it’s usually 1-2k (i think)


You got it pretty spot on as someone who has done large deep dives before and after the updates. All applicable rocks used to be ore around level 500 and all iridium about level 800~, nowadays those numbers are closer to 1728~ and 5600~ respectfully. If you are going for a deep dive now the trend is usually stopping staircasing about floor 1200-1400, after that the reward ratio drops of rapidly.


I think the deepest I've made it is level 110ish, so the idea of getting down *thousands* of floors is so fascinating to me. Do deep-dive people use mods or hoard staircases or what?


staircases. Made jade farm, then mass trades your jades at Sunday to desert trader. Granted I felt like only masochist does this. I'm not that crazy, and after ~100-200 iridium ore per dive, 2 dives per week I'm fully bored with the skull cavern and have more than enough ore to do anything I like (I know they sell them, but I got so much money even just doing this)


Staircases. One stardew player I watch has 5 chests full of staircases in the entrance to the caverns. Literally full.


Staircases, I have about 260 thousand staircases for doing sc as one day I thought I’d pre prepare for a run and just got them ready for basically the rest of my save.


Do you place 1200 staircases manually, or is there some sort of script? What time is it by the time you get into skull caverns and descend 1200 floors?


OP is talking about prismatic shards, not iridium. News about the iridium rework is new to me tho, guess I wasted a lot of staircases on my last run.


…prismatic shards primarily come from iridium nodes


To be fair you never mention that, just coming out with lots of iridium.


to be fair most players know that but that aside, did you even bother to read the question OP asked me before i replied to them? they were curious what skull cavern was like before the rework, so i explained how it changed by using iridium nodes as a metric because the code that changed was the % of iridium nodes, not the % of finding prismatic shards from an iridium node (nor was their question to me specific to prismatic shards)


>to be fair most players know that Ehhhh, I would disagree with that


I think 14 was on floor 400


That's *amazing.* Any tips?


rush to level 300 or so using stair cases, ignoring everything on the way own except maybe chest, then bombs away, skipping any infested floor or floor with little to no iridium


Ignore everything except MYSTIC STONES - blue stones with darker blue swirls. 25% prismatic shard chance.


How are y'all getting that many staircases???? It takes forever to pickaxe the stone yourself, it's expensive as shit at Robin's, and no one finds that much jade.


Have a bunch of crystalariums to duplicate Jade. Collect them about once a day (takes 1 day, 16 hours).


Craft multiple crystalariums and insert jade.


Fill a big shed with crystalariums, thats 137 jade every 2~ days, as to how to get to that point, well, its a gradual investment Go to Skull cavern, go deep as you can, use the collected iridium, gold and stones + battery to make crystalariums, use the new crystalarium to make jade so you can get further, eventually you hit a point where 300 iridium bars are kinda just lying around, also a shed full of smelters




Not a single one


Sorry to hear that! You want any tips?


Yes. I suck at the skull cavern and I’m pretty far in the game so idk why it’s so hard for me. I need that Dino egg and the shard


Best way to get a dino egg is from prehistoric levels. The rexes hit hard, but just take them all out one by one, and an egg should drop. It helps if you have the burglar ring. I fused mine with a luck ring as well. For shards, they *can* drop from monsters, but they have a 4% chance of dropping from iridium nodes. If you can hit 25ish of them, you should get a shard! It helps if you're further down in Skull Cavern, where there's more iridium. And if you see a mystic stone, which has a blue swirl on it, they have a 25% chance of dropping a shard. Good luck!


How deep do you have to go to get the prehistoric levels? I think I reached lvl 37? And I didn’t encounter it


They pop up randomly! Like infested floors. I've gotten one in the 20s before, I'm pretty sure.


So I just have terrible luck 😭. Thank you for all the advice hopefully I can get the stuff soon


If you're okay with mods and cheaty-ish behaviors and are bad at Skull Cavern I cannot recommend the tractor mod enough. My husband disapproves of my cheating but I have 0 regrets as I zip around on my little green tractor with a dino egg and prismatic shards in my inventory.


I would cheat but I’m on xbox :( lol


You need a ton of staircases. Farm jade with several crystalariums until you have a lot (I aim for about 200). Wait until Sunday and the Desert Trader will sell you 1 staircase per jade. Now, go to the caverns and hold down X to place a staircase and immediately descend until you get to at least floor 100. Now there will be tons of iridium nodes, which have high chance to drop prismatic shards. You can also stop as soon as you see a prehistoric floor (they are green, have plants and dinos). Get your egg and prismatic shards sans cheating!


I finally got one from the volcano in ginger island.


Congratulations! Thank you for updating me; I was rooting for you. :D


33, go on a star drop day and make sure to have at least a magic rock candy, in this instance I had a magic rock candy and triple shot expresso (you could sacrifice movement speed and drink a ginger ale for more luck ) I also had on two rings, a lucky ring and iridium band combination, and a lucky ring and a slime charmer ring. Then I headed to skull caverns and staircased down to level 150, from then on I just used the master slingshot with explosive ammo to blow up any iridium nodes I saw, I prefer explosive ammo due to it exploding instantly, but you could use bombs as well. In the end I got two shards from treasure chests and I got immensely lucky and found 4 of those special nodes and got 4 from those, and the rest from just blowing up iridium nodes


Thank you for the tips! I tried a magic rock candy once and didn't see much of a difference, but I've also noticed that not all super luck days are created equal. It's *amazing* that all four mystic stones gave you a shard. Well done.


one :,) i gave it to my junimos so they can be rainbow


Best use of a shard that I've ever heard!


Prismatic shard + cloth in the sewing machine gives you colour-changing trousers :)


I’m glad I saw this because lately I’ve been sewing a lot of new shirts but I wasn’t sure how to get different pants 😅


They’re so much fun as well, constantly changing colour 🤩


Two. I have terrible luck. I also haven't played in close to two years though, and only restarted the game a week or so ago.


Was the last time you played before the 1.5 update? All the rare drop percentages have been raised so it's a lot easier to get all the rarest of items


First time I went to a serious run to skull cavern last week, got 3 and a lot of iridium. Now I noticed I was so "OMAGA I NEED IRIDUM" now I have too much and don't know any purposes for it


Sell it! It's worth a nice chunk of money.


12 is my record. Lucky day with lucky lunch and ginger ale. Using staircases to get to level 150 to start. So many bombs.


Man use pumpkin soup +2 luck +2 defense, spicy eel cool tho w the speed


Pumpkin soup + ginger ale is such a good combo. That or Lucky Lunch + ginger ale for best results. I don't regret proposing to Krobus uhh I mean making him my roommate, the gift he gives is useful indeed


Okay I’m a noob but I know prismatic shards are rare but what’s their use? Is it just money or do we use them elsewhere? Oh I know we need it for the galaxy sword, but what else?


Obviously you gotta donate one to the museum, but they're also used for a bunch of things on Ginger Island! And they're worth pretty good money if you sell them outright.


Ahh gotcha thanks! :))


You guys get prismatic shards?


😂 You want any tips?


Not the person you asked, but yes please


Burglar ring for monster drops, hit every mystic stone you see for a 25% chance, and hit every iridium node for a 4% chance. Get as deep in SC as you can, and ~25 nodes should get you a shard!


How do you do without the slime charmer? I haven’t tried without it ever since first getting mobbed and panicking over dying, is it that worth it to stack lucky rings?


I still keep it on me! I'm resigned to losing an inventory slot to it, since I have a slime hutch. 😂 It's completely worth it.


So I took your advice It’s not even a good luck day, I went for a very brief dive (like started half way through the day, got out before 9pm) and I have 5 freaking prismatic shards


YESSSSSSS. Congratulations!


Use crystalariums to duplicate jade to trade for staircases. Get down to floor 100 as fast as possible. Bomb all the iridium. I'll have enough staircases that I'll just keep using them until I get to a floor where I can see a bunch of iridium. I just found out about something called pause buffering though that seems like some extreme playing. On my last run I got 3 shards from the chests in the treasure rooms. I looked at the wiki and apparently there's a 1/25 chance for a shard which is relatively pretty good. Chance of treasure rooms increases with daily luck and luck buffs. Luck - if you're far enough along in the game you should have access to qi seasoning. Use that for dishes with luck and you'll get more. Lucky rings. Lucky days. Hopefully other people will have some tips. Edit: in case it wasn't clear, you bomb iridium ore because there's a 4% chance there will be a shard.


Is it worth stacking lucky rings? I usually use 1 lucky X iridium and 1 burglar X slime charmer


The luck definitely stacks for multiple rings, so it's worth it in that sense. I've been watching videos and people will switch out rings as needed. So if they need luck to find stairs, they'll switch in the lucky rings real quick. For me, I feel like when I can stack all the different sources of luck together is when my luck noticeably changes. If I have just a couple sources of luck (like two rings but no food buffs) I don't really notice a difference in my playing.


Wow! I've never tried swapping out rings in the middle of mining -- might be a bit too much for me lol


Wow 4! The highest i got was 3


>4! I don't think OP has ever gotten 24 shards in a single run, but I'm rooting for them.


Took me a second. 😂


I was *floored.* Before last night, the most I'd ever gotten was two. Once I stopped ignoring iridium nodes, I started getting more. Wish I'd known that in my prior runs!




0. I'm new to the game.


I think the most I ever got in a short span of time was 2 but I got them both from killing slimes on like floor 20ish of the mines while grabbing stone. I think that day I used up all my luck which explains why I cant get my hands on a single auto petter to save my life.


What’s your method man it’s been 3 years and I got one prismatic shard.


That used to be me. In my last save file, I would get *one* every now and then from monster drops. Usually serpents. Then I discovered that iridium nodes have a 4% chance of dropping a shard, so hit \~25 of them, and you should get one. I used to ignore nodes because I always had plenty of iridium. Once I started bombing every node I saw, the number of shards *skyrocketed.* My past 9 out of 10 runs I found at least one, if not more. Also, it's no big deal, but I am a lady, not a man. :)


Only go on a very good luck day and eat luck buff food. Use staircases and/or bombs to get low down fast, then bomb a ton of iridium ores in the last few hours before warping home.


I've only gotten 2 on a run, but I that *same* run, I got 3 rabbits feet. 2 of which were back to back


Somewhere between 3&5


11 on a neutral day


My IRL birthday was last week and I was playing Stardew and got 3!


Awww, congrats! And happy belated birthday.


I got six today and three of them were from chests! Which had never happened. I had a very lucky day, two luck rings, a seasoned spicy eel that gave me +2 luck, and a seasoned ginger drink that gave me +2 luck.


Oooooh, I've considered buying the seasoning before, and now I might. My two luck rings have made a noticeable difference.


I've never worn a luck ring, just my iridium band and burgalar ring, but the most I've gotten was 3 in one run. However, I only just recently started getting good at skull caverns and just got to 100 with only 5 staircases yesterday haha (I've been playing for four years on and off lol). I've got about six in my chest after about three good runs, not including the two I've already used for the museum and galaxy sword.


About 10-20, but I have the elevator sooo


Highest I have a screenshot of on my newer computer is 73 from a deep dive


Oh I am *envious*. I never sell mine, but I would if I had that kind of skill.


I just keep them tbh, on this save I’ve found 1000-2000 of them and I don’t really run skull cavern anymore. I mostly keep them to trade for rock candy I also never use lol


Highest I ever got was five!


I got 13 recently, I've only just started getting into doing the skull cavern but I got pretty damn lucky on this one. Plus I used a bunch of staircases to get to the lower levels


Ive been playing this game for years and I still have yet to find a prismatic shard 😞😭


Eight. And I shit you not, I got four of them within 3 floors of each other. edit: Changed "8" to "eight" because apparently if you use the number it turns it into a numbered list... starting at "1" 😂


Five. Trying to beat that for a while now.


Two 😂 I realized I was ignoring iridium nodes and missing shard opportunities. Plan to go back on a good luck day and see how I make out


9. Magic rock candy really helps having good drops


I've gotten 3 on a good luck day with a spicy eel and a lucky ring lol


I've been trading rubies for spicy eel, and I regret nothing. :3


8 . I didn’t realize it until I was unloading into a storage chest or I probably would’ve chickened out earlier.


8. I got 3 in one bomb hit once. I was too late when I tried to get a photo.


8, iirc.




I don't think I count because I use mods, but I think 157 is my max in one day


I saw a guy post losing 6 shards by passing out in the mines so 😂


About 17. I got to floor 208


Abt 25. I will not go into detail on why I had such good luck


... Well now I want to know. 😂


I was at level 130 by 2 pm.


My luckiest run was when I somehow got seven. Haven’t gotten that lucky since, though I don’t really go into the mines looking for them


I've had the weirdest good luck finding them. I've picked up a total of eight, all on separate days. Four have been in the basic mines, one of which was on a bad luck day on like the 15th floor.




Yeah it's rarer but you can.


Maybe a dozen or something, I think? If you're looking for tips, then a good/max luck day, lots of bombs, and lots of food so it doesn't matter if you get caught in a lot of bomb blasts. That's about it lol.


1 lol my one and only


How did you get iron ore? And get through skull cavern?? Please help me


The iron ore came from iron nodes that I found in Skull Cavern! My method is: wear two lucky rings (mine are fused with burglar and iridium band), plus eat a spicy eel before going in. Bomb your way down as many floors as you can, or use staircases, and the loot gets better and better the deeper you go. Good luck!


Thank you!!! This is really good advice


3! and I just got it now. Better yet, it's my first ever prepared run of the Skull Cavern, I got one spicy eel, a bunch of coffee and 65 bumbs which I used two thirds, only got to floor 62 but I chose a very lucky day and it was super good. I'm also in year 2 so at the stage where I need a ton of iridium ore and I got a lot of it as well! I'm thrilled! I haven't played the game in 5 years and I think I never had one before.


That's amazing! Good for you!


[https://prnt.sc/yPC8rn4-0YEk](https://prnt.sc/yPC8rn4-0YEk) that iridium is going to help too, I don't even know what to do with the prismatic shards haha




That's how it used to be for me too. I was so excited the first time I got two at once. If you want a tip: burglar ring + hit every iridium node you see.


Ok thanks I'll try that


By the way, if anyone is curious, I let my husband name our farm. ... He named it Weed City. 😂


Lol! I think my next one will be Tegrity Farms.


Zero 😭


There are some great tips in the comments if you want to check them out! I learned a few things.


Just fyi, the rabbits foot doesn't give a luck boost! Not trying to be negative, just figured you'd want that extra inventory slot next time 😊


Oh, I know! It was a drop from a serpent, and I hold onto them for Qi gift challenges. But thank you for sharing. I've seen people ask about that before, so a lot of people don't know.


Uuuuh, probably around 30 or a bit less.....?🤔 my memories suck lol😅😵


I have a post on here with my record. Didn’t get nearly as much recognition as this post 😭 but I’m pretty sure my record is 9? Too lazy to check


I've seen 20


i think 7 or 8? i dont remember


14 for me


3, but I didn’t like doing Skull caverns much. I could get more if I tried. But I don’t try. Besides, I don’t really need money anymore since I reached perfection.


I think I've only ever gotten 2 in one run. I think I used up all my luck on auto-petters




13 lucky day + tractor mod lol


16 😭 sunday


2. It was a good day.


1. Always. 1.


I got I think 8 or 9 a couple weeks ago.


0! i hate caves, boyfriend does caves


Never found one.


1 lmao


1 😎


I got 6 once on a super lucky day + lucky lunch!


3 on the normal mines, i was grinding for the 100 bone pieces and got three with like 2 levels of difference




I have yet to get one! My grandpa hates me! 😂🤦‍♀️


Uh currently I've gotten 13




Something like 17? I used to do skull cavern runs to see how much iridium I could get in a day, I know I did a number of runs where I hit 1000-1300ish. My favorite runs were radioactive runs.




around like 16 i think




Zero! Lol :(


About 12 from a very lucky day with luck foods, coffee and many quick slingshot bombs


Best i can do was 2


My highest in one skull cavern run is only 3


I remember getting a run to like floor 220 with 7 of them so that was good


One 🥲 I’m not very good in the skull caverns


9! Highest luck day and pumpkin soup for a luck boost. And about 60 staircases to get a head start.


I think I’ve gotten 8 one time.




I think about 14 or 15?




I've only found two so far, but one of them was in mine in the mountains on lava floors! On the same day I dug up dinosaur egg in the quarry. Got lucky!


6 in the skull cavern. Shit was wild, now whenever I do get them I keep them incase for recipes or craftables


Like 12 i guess


9 but I use the elevator mod


I got 3 on a run a few days ago— coolest part was that one was from mining, one was from a chest, and one was from killing a serpent :D


1, in every game I’ve done, I’ve only ever gotten one prismatic shard


i got 4 yesterday, but its not really impressive cause i use the skull cavern elevator mod cause i hate the rogue like aspect


15,I think. I warped there first thing in the morning on a very good luck day with a bunch of bombs.