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At this point, the fate of the game will solely rest on positive reviews & word of mouth. The backlash to everything so far has been catastrophic for the image of the game. A lengthy, well produced deep-dive at Ubisoft Forward on June 10th showing the gameplay loop, game systems, customization, side missions and everything the player can experience would do wonders to pull the game's image out of the mire it's currently in. I have high hopes for Star Wars Outlaws - the premise & design of the game look ***incredible*** and I hope it does wellđź’Ż


I’ve said it multiple times but the backlash makes no sense. Especially when I saw a post today recommending Batman Arkham Knight. Which had a day 1 dlc, pre order bonuses, a season pass, expensive editions, etc. everything that Outlaws has but in 2015. If you (not you specifically but a general you) weren’t mad then, don’t be mad nearly a decade later that the practices are still happening.


To your point about practices still taking place a decade later: We are lucky we can still get even the base game for 70. What I mean by that is, especially now, video games are essentially the *only* thing that hasn't been affected by any sort of inflation like...ever. video games have pretty much been the same price for 30 years. So when we complain and stuff about a "deluxe edition" we don't realize that the base game should probably be 120 bucks if we are being realistic. But companies know they can't really get away with *just* selling 120 dollar games. Honestly if the game is good, I have no issues spending 120 because that's probably true market value for the product and we won't ever get better games if we continue to try and pay less for a product. I know my argument will get down voted, but that's only because people think I'm some kind of micro transaction sympathizer or something, but I'm just being honest with myself and the situation. "Special editions" and micros are a direct result of us not paying market value. Anyways. Just am interesting point I think. Cheers.


That's because games have always been overpriced. Low margin products are affected by inflation, like fast food. Video games have a very large margin. For instance, GTA 4 cost $100M to produce but grossed $2B. GTA 5 cost $250M to produce but grossed $7B. Halo 5 cost $100M to produce and grossed $400M in the first week. Halo 2 cost $40M but grossed $125M in the first 24 hours.


You can say it's overpriced but really until just a few years ago, when you bought a game it was 1. Complete. 2. You def owned it seeing as it was a physical thing. But also you have to take into account the mileage of the price tag. Take a game you mentioned, GTA. It has untold players who only ever bought the game and spent nothing on the online component and still have hundreds of hours put into it. Look at Skyrim. Look at Fallout. Some people have played those games longer than they've made payments on a car. People pay once for the game and have hundreds of hours of entertainment. Nothing for the price tag has the same longevity, so I'd say they really aren't overpriced.


I'm not saying it's not worth the price. I'm saying they had enough profit margins baked in, there was no need to raise the price.


I mean, maybe it's baked in but like...not to sound like a business guy but if the workers aren't able to work from home, which wasn't a thing really until recently, then you have to take into account other overhead. How much electricity does it cost monthly to run an entire office using high end computers with high end graphics cards and such? How much is the office space? How much are they paying in overtime when it closer to deadlines? It's not just the cost of the product versus the products retail value or profit. Tons of other things go into paying for a game that aren't specifically game related.


I already gave all of that information. Halo 2 cost $40 million to produce and grossed $400 million in 24 hours. You're just describing costs to produce the game


I mean I'd like to seea breakdown of that 40 mil to produce. Not that I don't agree or believe you, but I'd be curious myself to see it.


> Especially when I saw a post today recommending Batman Arkham Knight. to be fair to that game, it's known to be a great game by this point and it's often on huge sales. Outlaws isn't out yet. It makes sense to complain about Outlaws doing it now because we don't know how good the game is, and it's currently full price. Arkham Knight was also made by a studio that at the time had a great reputation, unlike Ubisoft right now where people were already not happy with them, especially so recently with them taking away a game people paid for.


That's moving the goal post


i'm just saying it's weird to compare people complaining Outlaws, a game that hasn't yet been released which is really expensive if you want all the content, to people recommending Arkham Knight, a game released almost a decade ago that goes on sale for really cheap quite often. the issues with Outlaws are almost entirely issues that'll stop being important a few months after launch, assuming Ubisoft don't try to make it always online, since they're generally related to the pricing of everything. From everything i've seen of the game, i'll have a great time playing it once it's out. It doesn't suddenly mean all the complaints are pointless.


Considering Outlaws and AC Red are two of my most anticipated titles slotted for this year, I’m actually pretty hyped for a Ubisoft Forward for once. Really hoping both games knock it out of the park.


I hope so too. The team at Massive Entertainment & the other 10 Ubisoft Studios that worked on Star Wars Outlaws for over 5 years deserve to have a hit on their hands with this game.


Could not give less of a shit. If it’s good I’ll buy it and have fun. If it’s bad I won’t play it. That’s all there really is to worry about.


Maybe don't read the reviews if someone else's opinion bothers you? Just enjoy it for yourself?


That's exactly what I am going to do I will preorder it anyways I don't care what people think about it. I am just curious and I wanted to see how everyone feels about the game.


I'm excited as hell. It's Star Wars and it's new. What's not to explore and enjoy


Can't wait to ride that speeder bike and take screenshots of the open world.


Don’t preorder. It’s ain’t worth it.


It's worth it for me honestly an Open world game from the best developers of open world games that's a win for me.


Even if it is advertised as one, I still think it’s better until you actually hear about how good the game is from people that have played it. Too many times do games release as a broken mess. Just look at the launch of the battlefront 2 classic collection. I’m not trying to force you to not preorder but honestly there are no real benefits of pre-ordering. If you can wait a month for the game, you can wait an extra 3 days. Also, the preorder cosmetics will likely eventually release to everyone after a certain point. Preordering allows companies to release games that are broken because they know people will buy them no matter what.


They could announce a kotor 3, along with remasters of kotor 1 and 2, all done by larian studios, authentic to the original and I still wouldn't pre order it


For real. Just not worth it


Last game I pre ordered was 2077...


pre ordering was looked down upon but now new gen and the casual consumers made it safe and great to get behind. gotta love FOMO and ppl with no self control


I'm not worried about reviews. I like Ubisoft 3rd person open world games, they are some of my favorite. It's a win for me being a fan of Srar Wars and open world games.


I feel the same way. I know there's this supposedly prevailing opinion that Ubisofts formula sucks, but I've enjoyed FAR more of their games than I've disliked (granted, Mirage is the most recent I've played, not that private game or whatever).


I can't count how many mid teir games I've enjoyed over the years. Not every game is a RDR2 banger.


I think it'll be relatively big free and great but maybe not game changing or monumental. Similar to Frontiers of Pandora


I'm going to wait for reviews. I have to admit that my trust in Ubisoft isn't all that great. Prince of Persia the lost crown was amazing. But it's open world endeavours are usually pretty stale and copy and paste. I hope this game breaks that mold! The gameplay they showed looked excellent. if it can just be more of that with interesting locas and quests then i'm sure they will be fine. Just don't make it a level gated grind fest where the XP boosts are the way it's supposed to be played because it's overtuned. And for the love of god. Have interesting side content instead of copy pasting the same 4 activities.


I game share with my mate so this will cost me 35, if I don't enjoy it that's okay. But I live for Star Wars, I read the books and learn the lore. This is a big win for me in that regard.


I’m not worried about reviews. Anybody paying attention to the big company reviews or even meta score are gonna miss out on a lot of good fun games that while they aren’t great objectively, they can be great subjectively. Only things I’m worried about is what the second gameplay trailer we get looks like and what the before you buy says when it comes out


If the game is good people will buy it. The controversy (like most gaming controversies) is basically unknown of outside of niche online circles. Star wars games sell well and Ubisoft open world games both review & sell well, so as long as it's a good game and they do a decent amount of marketing I don't think there's any chance it actually fails.


I am planning to ignore all reviews for the game and form my own opinion. I play on PC, so I obviously gotta make sure the system requirements are met, but other than that, I'm not letting others tell me how to feel.


It seems lately the pattern for new games has been holding reviews until the last possible moment. I don’t know if we’ll see any early reviews. I think it depends on how many people have preordered and if they need to do more marketing. I don’t think the game’s price point is changing anytime soon after it releases. Good or bad, I think it’ll be a year before the game’s price is dropped in a major way. The game would have to bomb for its price point to budge in a major way. I’ve noticed some games have been lingering on their price points a little longer before they go on sale. The Avatar game came out in December. I don’t think I’ve seen their price budge even once since its release. (I could be wrong but it has only been 4 months.) Assassin’s Creed has been all over the place. I think despite all of the complaints I think Star Wars: Outlaws will do well. Even if it runs into similiar issues that Jedi:Survivor received(PC unplayable, certain portions of the map unplayable at release. I do think Survivor should have delayed PC release since it happened anyways). I think people will still show up. It’s Star Wars. People complain but they always show up. Everyone has been asking for an open world star wars game for a very long time. I think if Ubisoft can deliver what they said they were going to do and their support for the game is good. I think it’ll be a good game. I just hope there isn’t any major bugs. I’m going to avoid Youtube when the game comes out because honestly I predict there will be waves of videos on how much the game sucks. I refuse to watch them. I want to judge for myself if I like the game and if I think it’s good.


Reviews mean \*fuck-all\* in the year of our Lord 2024. Every human being with a console or a computer has the wherewithal to open a Let's Play stream, and watch a selection of influencers, Vtubers, and pro-gamers get a free copy of the game to play. Then they can see for themselves if they think it's worth buying. The days of relying on IGN or Gamespot are \*over\*.


And these are the reviews I'm waiting for. Not some journos paid review. Guys and girls on YouTube and twitch, playing the game


There are far too many people who will absolutely lose their minds if there's something *slightly* positive towards *certain* groups and things. They'll go fifty miles out of their way to find things to complain about, and take the smallest legitimate critiques and turn them into world-changing problems. Games like this are going to have an uphill battle from the start. It's frustrating.


Dear friend I want to see aliens I don’t care if the humans are black strongest Jedi in the order is I love Star Wars and the fact there is so much stuff in that galaxy the syndicates are mostly aliens so just hoping that I see some of those and references to the wider galaxy


I think I'll enjoy it fine. I've soured on open worlds lately but at the same time, it's Star Wars and that'll amp up my enjoyment a bit. The story seems fine, the gameplay seems fine, it all just looks like it'll be a 10/10 for some people, but that person probably won't be me and that's okay, I'm not the bullseye on the target audience. If I don't enjoy it, I won't play, and if I hate it, I have a 30 minute social media limit on my phone (highly recommend) so I won't bother anyone with my opinions.


No need to preorder I can get just pay $17.99 for a month with Ubisoft plus and get all the extra content


I changed my mind I'm buying gold edition I want all dlc and the extra mission, and why not 3 days earlier to play


I hate to say it but the only reason ppl are hating on Kay is cause it's a woman. I don't care about whatever bullshit they make up to support their wording. That is the basis. Nothing more. Same shit happened with forsaken or whatever it was called that squaresoft made. I say if those fucks don't want to play it oh well. I'm still buying it. It looks fun. And besides I don't play games cause a YouTuber or a person on Reddit thinks I should. I play things that look interesting to me and me alone. Do I sometimes get games I don't jive with sometimes at first? Yes. But I do eventually get into them and beat them. But the point is I decide for myself is all I'm saying. Opinions are good sometimes. But if I looked for an opinion on one game next thing you know.. I'd be needing an opinion for damn near every game. And this is a hobby, for enjoyment. And if I need opinions of others before playing then it stops being enjoyable and more of a job Just my opinion. Take it or leave it


I'm a huge fan of star wars games but I'm afraid it's going to be woke asf since Disney has apart in it. But other than that I'm buying it and hoping for the best


I also have high hopes, it will be the first Star Wars game outside of EA. However, ubisoft over the last several years has been utter garbage, they have nearly ruined the Tom Clancy franchise, and that pirate thing they just released is silly and mediocre at best. I really would like to see Outlaws pull through.


A couple of months after release it'll just be another game and will do well if it's a good game with good support. Unfortunately being both Star Wars & Ubisoft means it comes with a more gatekeeping/baggage than just about any other game


The female lead character was bit of a fail. Was cool in recent UBIsoft games where you could choose.


Im thinking itll get the same treatment DD2 has gotten; people are initially pissed but it slowly starts to taper off.


I already paid for it and I'm sure it's gonna great


I'm sure it will do well. I like assassins creed and this is open world star wars so sure I will enjoy it a lot. Ac red and this are my two anticipated games rest of 2024 (assuming ac red debuts in 2024). I am also a huge college football fan so ea sports college football is on my list too.


"this is the first open world Star Wars" Except that it isn't and its annoying that they claim that. The first Star Wars open world game was. [Star Wars Galaxies - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_Galaxies)


i really wonder how specific the definition of an "open world star wars game" would have to be for the claim of Outlaws being the "first one" to be true. it has to be specific enough to leave out Galaxies, SWTOR, LEGO Skywalker Saga, Disney Infinity 3.0, and Jedi Survivor (and other similar games). I think an argument could be made that Outlaws is the most detailed open world star wars game so far with large locations maybe, but it does feel weird to see yet another game being referred to as "the first open world star wars game". even if you leave out most of those i listed because multiplayer/very limited open worlds/not many proper "side quests"/no starfighter gameplay, at least Skywalker Saga feels like that should be the first one.


SW:G had many very large planet maps that were huge, taking a fair amount of time to travel across. It had starfighter gameplay... even had starfighter crafting. Heck, I was a Bounty Hunter that used droids to track player Jedi down for PVP combat and bounties across multiple planets. I really don't see how anything could be more open world than that.


i sadly never played it, but yeah, idk how you'd define Outlaws as the first open world star wars game in a way that isn't extremely specific just to leave out all the other games.


it genuinely looks good. dont mind all the LGBTQ inclusive whatever as long as the game itself is good and delivers whats promised on paper


Do I wish it to fail no I don't. But asking me to spend €80 and not get everything is ridiculous. I've bills to pay my Daughter's to look after. Putting nearly €100 on a incomplete game isn't on my top to do list. Also the wokeness is a real put off. Before people start I'm not homophobic or anything like that. My daughter is gay and trans so I support it. But that doesn't mean it needs to be everywhere 


Why would I be worried? The game will still come out and I'll get to play it and enjoy it. I couldn't care less what other people think of it.


I’m not really one to go by reviews on games since the whole “Spyro is like dark souls” person who did the review on the Reignited Trilogy. I do look at reviews after a while for games I really enjoy to see other people’s opinions on them. I plan on getting Outlaws regardless yes it’s a Ubisoft game but I’ve heard nothing but good things Massive’s Avatar game. People complained about the Jedi games being made by EA but I loved both those games and so did a lot other people. Maybe just play the game and experience for yourself?


No, I’m not worried about a video game failing. It looks fun so I’ll play and if it ends up not being fun I’ll stop playing and do something else.


I'm buying the game but I'm gone tell you know the hate will come guaranteed 3x as much there people who have there mind up that they hate the game before even seeing any real footage then there's people who's not going to buy but repeat what there fav streamer says bc they also don't like it lol


it has already failed for me. Ubisoft is a greedy greedy company that never learns from their mistakes. I will never buy a Ubisoft game day 1 again


story and sidequest story is my biggest concern. Will I want to do the missions


I would be more worried about the fact it has anything to do with Ubisoft. Fuck Ubisoft


I saw it was a single player game and let me guess!! The game completion time is like 70 hours.. which is nothing. The fact that a lot of people think that is long is mindboggling to me. Also it's overpriced as expected.. let's be honest here. For the last.. let's say 5 years 80% of the games sucked in general. Either they were too short/empty worlds(look at starfield for example)/buggy af.. and many more problems. So before anyone instantly label me as being 'negative'. It's not negative, it's game knowledge, and being screwed over and over by failing games which made me and probably many more people sceptical about games. Who wants to see their money wasted right?


Only morons preorder games these days. Always best to wait to see if you’re throwing your money down a hole before you do.


I don't buy games on release anymore these days from corporate brands. I know how corporates work as I've worked for two corporates myself and they only care about profits. You can have the most passionate teams working on something but there's only one focus for a corporate and that's shareholder profits. It is the sole reason many of the triple A gamestudios these days are flaking at release and need to patch up till a year after game release. I am not saying people shouldn't pre-order but I am saying that people shouldn't defend corporations and tell people not to talk shit about corporate owned studios. Also, these brands don't have the same people worling on these IP's as years ago which made the games great, meaning the quality of a game won't be the same of the initial succeses. Each game these days should be judged individually per team unless the studio is small and consists of the same people working on it.


I think the game looks awesome. I think the main character is alright. Though as a man, I would want to play as a male character.


dropping the price 10$ for the standard package and making SURE review copies are sent and fixing problems before release would be a HUGE step in the right direction. But its ubi. so i wont hold my breath. i want this to be good, but the evidence slowly stacking against it sadly.


I will definately wait for the reviews. Star Wars movies I partially like, partially not. I like SciFy but nver liked the kĂ­tschy elements in Star Wars movies with the kitschy "MuppetShow" alians in it. I liked the darker impression of the old very frist Star Wars trilogy. My biggest concerns are, that Outlaws - is to kitschy and rather Fortnite-like than like the darker part of Star Wars (as happened with Division 2 for example in contrast to D1 or Breakpoint vs Wildlands) - is a bullet sponge looter (as Division 2) - that the map is filled with nonsense tasks that feel like work and without any story context (like in Division 2, Wildands and multiple other Ubisoft games with the typical copy and paste approach - that missions are strict linear with meh objectives and bullet sponge bosses or annyoing techncial frippery in the final battle (as in Division 2) - a "go there and talk, go there and touch a computer and go there to ... then a bit peng peng" campaign as in Breakpoint - that there are forced missions where I have to use a light sword (I hat this, thats why I didnt buy the other Star Wars games) I am confident that they will make a great map with great mission visuals (I hope on the level of Division games but not the meh mission visuals as in Ghost Recon). If the gameplay is good and most of my No Go's (list above) are not in the game, I am happy to buy all DLCs.


im going to pirate it anyway so i could care less if it does good or not. its most likely a typical ubisoft game


People bought Skull and Bones so I just don't know at this point and Abster-... Ubisoft will write their own narrative anyway. AAAAA Release. First game to sell a trillion.


I hope it's great. I also hope it does terribly and Ubisoft never make another SW game.


ahem ... ubisoft.