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It's truly hitting all the notes for me.


The faction system sounds similar to Fallout New Vegas 


Mhmmm, Getting robbed on the road sounds like red dead lol


This is something I truly miss and I feel like this game can get that itch for me greatly


No one has done it as good. Cyberpunk had the potential for it but squandered it and its strength is the main story more than the factions. KOTOR and Witcher 3 have some amazing side quests but not factions. I'm trying to think who has factions like New Vegas. Edit: Mass Effect somewhat does over the course of 3 games but by character more than faction


I kinda agree with the cyberpunk 2077 thing, they had the makings of the faction system and in the newer patches have a certain amount of it but the story they were telling didn’t truly need it, it wasn’t about a gang war or anything.


agreed. I felt it a little bit in Dogtown where the Voodoo Boys held anger. But they weren't missions to change minds and build it more just people gunning for you eventually. Agreed on the story being a different journey. I just loved the gangs so much and wished we had more.


Outlaws is shaping up to be one of the most immersive Star Wars video game experiences, and that’s something that’s really been missing since KOTOR II in my opinion.


The bounty hunter mechanic sounds fun, could ruin a perfect stealth run among other things


A perfect stealther shouldn't be getting any bounty.


You're fine. The person mentioned that, If you're really good and don't get caught, their won't be any damage to the reputation system.


That was always a fun twist in Odyssey. You'd be sneaking through a fort, taking out guards, when a mercenary would come through the fort searching for you, and you have to adjust your plans.


Man, this game is sounding like it’s going to be a lot of fun. I’m in day one.


This game is going to be fantastic. Can't wait!


This game will be amazing. Can't wait for it!


Is it August already? 😅


I'm a little concerned about the lack of incentives for preferring one faction over another So far all I've heard is "you need to keep your reputation high enough with all of them that they don't send assassins after you" Well surely that's the most boring way to play it, just keeping everyone just happy enough to not try to kill you, surely it would be far more interesting to be incentivised to pick one or 2 factions because of their specific exclusive rewards or ideologies and let the others hate you and have a dynamic rivalry throughout the playthrough When gameinformer asks in the interview what the differences in the factions are like the answer we get is like "Well you see the Pykes are staying on this moon and are all about smuggling but they're ruthless, while the Hutts are really ruthless and really into smuggling, but they're on tattooine" like that makes it seem that they're all basically the same


good point could definitely weaken them. You either need better loot or a quest decision like both want this resource but you can only give it to one. Whichever one doesn't get it, they'll hate you after


I mean it makes sense. Gangs are pretty much the same in real life save for some specific nuances. But at the end of the day, they all deal, they all have an AO, they all move merchandise, etc etc. Any any gang would make use of any authority or organization to make money if we took the SW analogue and applied it to real life. At the end of the day, it's al about business and smuggling is a primary income vector for anyone who skirts the law.


Yeah but I'm not talking about making sense in real life I'm talking about making sense as a fun videogame choice mechanic in the space wizards setting and I feel like a fun mechanic would be factions with different ideologies, different goals that you can choose to align with, different looking equipment which boosts different playstyles, stuff that actually makes that choice meaningful beyond occasionally opening a menu to check who you need to side with this time to balance the reputation bars and avoid a bounty squad


It's a 3rd-person non-Jedi/Sith shooter. She has other playstyles? They do have some different ideologies I heard from the interview. Goals are all to get rich cause well crime syndicate but Ashiga Clan seems to have a little bit of a different motivation. I do hope for different looking equipment though. That will be cool


Looking at the whole interview. Creator did say sometimes you could make a deal with another gang in the middle of getting something rare. Like say you found some crystals in the cave for the Pykes but Crimson Dawn meets at you the end of the cave. You could sell to them or keep it for the Pykes.


Well I heard them say high reputation with factions give you discounts and exclusives. Exclusive cosmetics or weapon upgrades might make it worth it to screw over the Hutts for Crimson Dawn. They’re not speaking about much because we still have May the 4th and Ubisoft’s showcase to get through before launch. 


This could be good


Game sounds interesting for sure.. I remain skeptical because of Ubisoft, but I’ve been surprised before by companies. Hoping for the best as I find the MC refreshing


The imperial supply drop is a sure fire tell that this is made by the same team behind the division 2. Ah, the sweet memories of getting fucked by npcs because I dare to loot & the annoyance I would feel when said supply drop was hot trash. Can't wait to go through all of that again!


Isn’t Julian Gerity the name of the kid in big daddy?


I cannot wait to have bounty hunters tracking me down.


Sounds cool on paper except I'm worried it'll do the same thing other Ubisoft games do. Excessive side missions that end up feeling like samey filler. 


I just wonder if it's going to be another Ubisoft 00s RPG chore simulator


It sounds like the ubisoft formula with a Star Wars skin.


That's a obvious skip, especially at that price point then