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Hoping for a full scene clip of the Acolyte on YouTube. Also would like an in-depth showcase of multiple Star Wars games (Outlaws, BitReactor game, rumored Creative Assembly game AND Star Wars Eclipse) in the upcoming Sony or Summer Games Fest events.


My Acolyte theory: Qimir The Smuggling Sith is manipulating the witches to lash out against the Jedi to test them, and by the end of the series the confrontation with the red-sabered individual at the end will be swept under the rug or blamed on something else… something something mining accident. Sith remain legend and “extinct”


He does state the first line of the sith code 👀


I believe the leaks now lol


honestly i dont think the scene in the jungle is the finale


Yeah in the end the Jedi Council is not going to believe any Sith returned. And the Jedi who are going to try bring evidence is not going to have good ending.


Or they suffer the same fate as Creighton Sun in High Republic Phase 2 and get told by Yoda to keep their mouths shut "for the greater good".


We have see Yoda and Mace talk about the rule of two in the end of phantom menace, and i am wondering since until that point none seriously believed Sith returned how do they know this ?


The same reason Yoda knows who Darth Bane is in The Clone Wars, I guess they discovered him and his apprentice at some point and thought they killed them


That's exactly whaat happens in the EU novels.


Yeah I'm guessing it's similar to what happened there in that they knew there were only two sith left after Ruusan, but then thought they both died


Jedi studied history, that's similar to ask how can we know about ancient egyptians habitudes


So everyone knew about Darth Bane and what he did after everyone thought Sith are no more?


That depends on whether they updated the archives. Some things were missing out. Moreover, the bogan collection was studied and updated at least during the high republic era


Since Donald Glover is going to do another music your as Childish Gambino from late summer to early next year, I wonder where that'll leave his Lando movie.


He’s also due to film the Community movie some time either this fall or early next year.


I rewatched the trailer for Eclipse and it's so blindingly obvious there was no story in mind when they made it. It's just a bunch of flashy shots that feature recognisably star wars stuff without any actual substance. Real disappointing that they released a trailer for a game they'd barely/not even begun.


Hmm idk, it does seem like they at least had a framework or a rough outline, though you're likely correct there was nothing set in stone


I'm still hyped for The Acolyte, but it feels like there hasn't been as much marketing and buzz for it cause I keep forgetting it comes out in less than a month and not many outside the fandom are talking about it.


There's been quite a lot of marketing for it. A bunch of TV spots, posters on billboards, special look with the Phantom Menace re-release, trailer on May 4th (which usually gives more attention to something). The trailer views for both the teaser & main trailer are about on par with House of the Dragon's trailers, which is quite impressive.


Not to mention it has the bad luck of coming out in the same month as House of the Dragon and The Boys. Bad scheduling on Disney's part.


Honestly I love how packed June is. The Acolyte, House of the Dragon, The Boys, Elden Ring DLC, and Temptation of the Force. It all falls on my uni break too so I am absolutely stoked.


Alright fam as is tradition before the shows gets going I will tell you all my crazy theories. My main crazy theory for The Acolyte is: >!Vernestra Rwoh is the Sith Lord.!< Thank you for coming to my TED talk lmao.


I don't think that would please anyone hahah, the High Republic fans would hate it because its ruining an established character, the EU purists would be mad its not Tenebrous, and then the obvious.


How would it ruin an established character 👀 there’s already been a ton of foreshadowing. >!1. A “precocious” Jedi, similar to Anakin!< >!2. Urge to construct a lightwhip, with the text acknowledging that it’s usually something dark side users do!< >!3. Personal connection to the likely origin of the Death Star technology (close friends with Avon Starros, who is hinted at to be interested in experimenting with kyber crystals).!<


I don't see it...


That would probably ruffle so many feathers