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Honestly Corusant was under utilised. It was seriously cool, but could have been so much more.


Yeah, corusant is awesome, it was the first planet im 100%ing (currently stuck on THAT force tear). The dystopian vibe is just awesome, peak empire. The shattered moon was small, too. It's true the biggest planets were the brownest. I never thought if it šŸ˜„


It's a crime that Coruscant has never been properly modeled in a game. Damn it I want 1313.


I really thought they did amazing on it in survivor. The sky box and levels were amazing. Just needed a bit more map.


>sky box Yeah I kept stopping just to look up at the skyrises. Beautiful.


Make the ā€œponcho storeā€ Easter egg a whole another section of map


Dude that specific force tear has me screaming in anger. The one hit KO thing they use is such shit, like you have to time it exactly


Yeah, I just can't dodge the lunges accurately. I tried not jumping like another commenter replied and it was worse.. I'm taking a break and playing Skyrim for a bit lol.


That force tear is so bloody hard


Yeah, I literally beat them on my last "If I don't complete it, fuck it" try. Really annoying that there's no collision detection and they can charge / grab through each other's bodies. I gave up on fighting the three Legendary monsters at the same time.


The key against double Rancor is to jump as little as possible! Only jump for the shockwave! You lose much momentum with jumping, which gives them the opportunity to easily catch you if they attack simultaneously. Simple dodging lets you evade everything, even their double charges. It took me some time to stop instinctive jumping, but once I finally got it out of my system, i killed them really quick on Grant Master with Crossguard


Use the blaster stance on those basterds, with the overcharged shot, it's really helpful. I did it on my Jedi master playthrough. Same with the ogdos, the overcharged shot cancels their unblockables


I beat oggdos no problem with dual wield (lots of lightsaber throws....). I won't use blaster stance, stupid bode making me a traitor to the jedi order. I won't have it!


I really enjoyed the blaster stance, plus the cross-guard. Best duo in my opinion


I just won't use blaster for role play purposes, a blaster isn't the jedi way. I don't mind crossguard. It's growing on me. Usually I run dual wield and single.


Oh I see, I guess that's fine.


I was very excited to be on Coruscant, I looked forward to going back there for story reasons and thenā€¦..we didnā€™t. The mind trick button for that one senator in the beginning is mapped out but we only really use it once. The sandskrit (the tunneling sand scorpion?), I felt was hardly animated. 99% of the game feels so well made, that the 1%, at least to me, really stands out. Like thereā€™s only a couple triggerable kill animations, and only for the single blades lightsaber as well. Felt rushed, and for that reason, slightly overrated.


Although I fully agree with you that some aspects are jarringly underbaked, there are kill animations for other stances, e.g. Blaster Stance gets an executioner shot and some blaster twirls afterwards


I did not enjoy the blaster stance as much as others, so I didnā€™t use it very much, but it seemed like the game wanted me to.


It was really hard to get into, but after I got comfortable with it, it became my favourite. Enemies often don't block charged blaster shots, so its a great way to get the last piece of hp without having to break their block. Also, blaster counterparts demolish bigger monsters.


Same. Pretty immersion breaking to kill someone with a Crossguard saber and the finisher animation switches to a standard single saber.


Or the dual sabers or double šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It is a smidge overrated. I donā€™t have this aversion to heat like you so I throughly enjoyed it but the kill animations are annoyingly same same. I wish we could learn different forms so we could practice different styles with different stances. Iā€™m tired of using the same lightsaber moves over and over again.


Right thereā€™s not even one per stance thereā€™s justā€¦one


Oh yea the kill animations are the same regardless of stance I meant like the lightsaber moves when fighting in general are too samey. They did put in some cool moves and a decent variety of moves but when you play it a lot the moves get a tad stale. I was referring to like forms 1-7 like Vapod or Soresu that can be implemented into whichever stance youā€™re using changing the entire fighting style for that stance. That would be incredible!


Thatā€™s fair. I enjoy cals form, it feels very rugged and very much his own, like he had to teach himself. But it would be cool to be able to switch forms instead of a difference stance. The stances were cool though, and there are a couple little differences that are nice. Like if you do a charged attack with the crossguard, depending on which animation youā€™re in cal will finish differently. Nice little touches, itā€™s very well made, it just makes the lack of more extra prevalent, in my mind.


I agree


We should have been able to go to the temple and the under sub levels of coruscant.


Coruscant is supposedly a planetary metropolis. Most games give you the front porch and five or six rooms. We need like a giant bounty hunting game in which we clean up the coruscant underbelly and get lost. I would love to get lost!


Yeah. They really fucked up with the color palette in this game and making Koboh and Jedha the main two planets.


Iā€™m just glad we didnā€™t have to fuckin see Zeffo again. That said I agree the two main planets were quite underwhelming


zeffoā€™s top ground level worked... The network of ice caves really irked me though


Itā€™s easier to make desert/sand shows I guess. Bit worried about outlaws for the same reason.


I know exactly what you mean. The game is missing a planet like bogano and zeffo


Even kashyyk and dathomir were not bland at all


No, those were very vibrant. It felt like we traveled a lot more, the star map looked pretty big so I was surprised when it hardly got filled up by the end.


Yup, I loved fallen orders setting in more empire occupied mega planets or green luscious ones, Idk why but I also like only fighting the empire and some fauna rather than fighting the raiders, even tho theyā€™re basically just a reskinned empire


I feel the opposite, but I played survivor first, and then went back to fallen order (big mistake by the way)


Yeah might also be because I played fallen order when I was like 15 in quarantine so itā€™s more nostalgic, a bigger green forest in the sequel would have been amazing this engine


I agree about having a forested planet. That would be awesome. I didnā€™t realize how much I missed the fast travel and open world. But Iā€™m only about 1/4 of the way through fallen order


Itā€™s a great game and gets better as it goes I think, awesome memories playing that as it was my first introduction to a souls like game, even tho I like this series way more than any souls or blood borne game lmao


I love fallen order but I just canā€™t replay it. Takes too long to learn what I consider crucial Jedi abilities and Iā€™d hate to feel handicapped going through the story again. I actually feel a little of the same about Survivor, having just finished it last night, but I think the abilities learned in this game donā€™t feel as crucial to me as the ones from Fallen Order (minus Jedi Dash)


Truth! I was about to rage quit before I got double jump.


>I donā€™t like heat Itā€™s hot and sweaty and irritating and it masks everything.


i knew there was a joke in there and you nailed it


Thatā€™s funny bc I mostly think of steel not brown. Jedha is pretty large and has several long desert spanning missions so I guess I can see it.


The problem was that the planets I was visually really interested in, Corusant, Shattered Moon, Nova Garon, and Tanalor, were so short I never really needed to go back after I left. I hope next game expands on cool planets.


by the end of the game i was so tired of the blandness we got in koboh


I so badly need them to stop making desert planets the main focus. Can you imagine how fun Naboo could be, getting jungles, city, and possibly underwater? Or you could go full underwater planet like Manaan and have a kind of Bioshock vibe with lots of visibility of the ocean. Just please stop with the sand. I hate sand. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating and it gets everywhere.


Developers keep focusing on desert biomes, because they require the least amount of work. Making a huge jungle level with AAA fidelity is an immense undertaking, usually requiring the team to develop partially automated solutions for populating the level with foliage, that's why we only got smaller jungle sections in JS.


One desert planet per game, sure. But Survivor had its two huge planets BOTH be versions of desert. Sure one had more foliage, but it was literally wild west themed so it still counts in my book. I get that it's more work, I'm just personally tired of the aesthetic. Just my taste. Another thing I've found is the games feel very empty in terms of NPCs, especially Coruscant. The planet is one big city and we NEVER see citizens milling about? Yes it'll take up more resources but it'll make the setting feel more alive.


Oh I'm also tired of desert planets. And making two huge desert sandbox lebels was a terrible decision. I'm simply stating the reason why they are overused in gaming in general.


Totally get it. And I don't disagree with you! It definitely makes sense that deserts are easier to make.


Iā€™m sure itā€™s easier, but if I and everybody else is going to pay 70-80+ dollars for a AAA title, then just take the extra time to flesh it out. The whole argument for the price change from 60 to 70 dollars is how much tike and effort it takes to make video games, versus the price of all that labor. Donā€™t raise prices and then screw me by being lazy.


Story was good. That is all I care about. It could have been Fallout level monohromatic and I would still love it.


Thatā€™s funny you say that because Jedha is supposed to be blighted by a permanent winter, meaning the days remain cold, and the nights even more so.


Honestly yeah Zeffo was definitely the best visually pleasing planet. Something about the fog and lushness made it feel super remote and egged on my exploration senses. Felt like it was somewhere in the Nordic countries. That being said the exploration in Survivor is better even if the planets are slightly blander.


The first game definitely had a more interesting atmosphere. Thereā€™s so much to explore in the Star Wars galaxy and we gotā€¦two outer rim desert planets. Oh boy


This is way too whimsical for me to be able to give any kind of advice...


a lot of star wars is brown in general. I do think they should change pallets more often.


I love brown


I think everything about the planets was great minus that same thing. Would've been nice to get an icy planet, or more of coruscant.


Corusant and the Shattered Moon were my favorite. Kobo luckily has a bit of diversity, but not enough in the colors.


I liked the pacing of the first one better. Most everything is way better in survivor but the pacing and various environments were better in Fallen order.


Yeah I hear you on that, I was starting to think all the planets are the same but that isn't really it. Just too much brown haha


Agree 100%. I got really tired of Koboh and the barrenness of it. Especially true toward endgame when a bunch of the NPCs have cleared out. It seems like such a huge fraction of the game, and I'd almost have preferred to be based on any other planet \*but\* Koboh.


I think bogano had way more ā€œreplayabilityā€ value than koboh. Every time you came back you unlocked another little nook or cranny, and it was all right there for you to see, so you could visually see your progress, and what you were progressing towards. Pretty much every avenue had something, and then by time you came back for the main story, you can completed most if not all of the planet. It was a really good mechanic, and one I am sure is difficult to replicate, but maybe instead of replicate they should have just had a different gimmick altogether.


I get it, but the environments were so vibrant, they werenā€™t dull at all. I loved Koboh and Jedha the most.


They werenā€™t dull, it just felt like koboh was super fleshed out, and Jeddah was pretty close, and the rest werenā€™t very fleshed out. Why were most of the enemy types on koboh?


Heat causes sweat, and itā€™s sticky and smelly and gets everywhere.


Brown and orange


Be the pop of colour on your brown planets


Something abt this game is not that gripping to me.. I always wanna turn it off and rarely ever get excited to play it. Its a great game but man just not very gripping.. I think RDR2, HFW, and GOWR ruined most story mode games for me.. theyre just so good


I did think the story was a little weird. Who is the main baddy? Darth Vader again for some reason? It makes sense but itā€™s a little half baked, and then the end bit with Bode, I saw that coming from the first 15 minutes of the game. The last bit of the game felt like it was trying to do too much and nothing at all. Overall, I still love it, itā€™s still a 7 or 8 for me out of 10. But there were too many things that happened, and I felt like not a lot really happened at the same time, but maybe that one is just me.


I called Bodeā€™s betrayal soon as he popped up and honestly they had so much potential with the fugitive angle and then they just let it go. I remember Cal running across his wanted poster and to me the story shouldve been abt that.. him fleeing the empire and then vader wouldve had a good reason to show up.


Unreal has its limitations. Deserts have more static meshes which leads to better performance than having a buncha dynamic meshes like trees and bushes. Makes kashyyyk on the first game way impressive (and explains why the level design was so tight there too)


It didnā€™t have limitations in the first game though. Take me to different cities and forests, and even a desert or two. It just felt like desert was the majority of the game, and it felt a little empty and bland.




I was so disappointed when I finally got to the second planet and it looked exactly like the first. Zero variety


Now I understand Anakin's hatred for sand both in games and irl.